icyberriies · 3 years
I love this
Shower in your love
pairing:: Tom Holland x Reader
summary:: Tom comes home while your having some alone time.
warnings:: 18+ ONLY, smut, shower sex, improper use of a shower head, masturbation, name calling.
a/n:: this is the first time posting something like this. Please be nice!
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icyberriies · 3 years
My Forever
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Summary: Tom overheard you talking about your feelings for him during a girls night and doubts it’s true.
Word Count: 477
Warnings: angst. fluff
A/N: This is a repost from an all account. This one is so short but I like it so here you go
You had a massive crush on a certain British boy. I know what you’re thinking. The blonde with eyes like the sea, right? But you’re wrong. You liked the brunette with eyes like your safe place.
The only problem was that you thought he didn’t know. Except he did.
He had overheard you talking to Zendaya and Laura, on one of your weekly girls nights. He was heading to the bathroom, but instead he heard you talking about him. He stopped and listened. He heard you talk about your feelings for him. He couldn’t lie, that made him over the moon. 
He’d had a crush on you since he met you. 4 years ago. No matter what he did he couldn’t get over you. He went on dates, had one night stands and even let Jacob set up blind dates. Nothing worked. 
So he started avoiding you. He couldn’t be near you and not want to kiss you, want to hold you, want to be with you. 
That was until you’d had enough of his behaviour. 
You’d gone to his room after you had heard him get out of the shower. He hadn’t looked at you since you’d walked into his room. 
“Tom. Will you look at me?” He didn’t say anything, looking at the ground. “Please.” You pleaded. 
“Because we’re having a conversation and it’s manners.” He begrudgingly looked up at you, his cheeks a faint pink. “Why are you ignoring me?”
“I heard you.”
“What?” Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
“I heard you talking to Zendaya and Laura. I heard you say you liked me.”
“What! No, no. YOU DIDN’T FEEL LIKE TELLING ME? YOU THOUGHT YOU’D USE IT AGAINST ME?” You shook your head and went to walk out. 
“Y/n. Love stop.”
“Why’d you do it?” You sighed. 
“Because you don’t like me.” You went to protest, “Please let me finish. You don’t like me. You like what I want the world to see. You don’t like who I actually am.”
“That’s where you're wrong Tom. I do like you.” You placed your hand over his heart. “I like who you are now.”
"Darling, you wouldn't look at me twice now if you knew the real me." He sighed, eyes filling with tears. 
"I think it's the other way around Tom." You had a soft smile playing on your lips that brought one onto Tom’s. 
"What do you mean?" 
"I could still like you then, even if it's not you now." 
"Stop it doll, I might cry." He sniffed. 
“I love you Tom.”
“I love you too doll.” You stood on your tip toes and you still couldn’t reach so you moved your hand in his to the back of his neck to press your lips to his. You felt him smile into the kiss. 
Yeah, you definitely liked who he was.
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icyberriies · 3 years
I’ve started so many fics I don’t know what one to work on so I’ve resorted to using a random number generator
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icyberriies · 3 years
Midnight Feels
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Summary: After a night of drinking, you share a bed with Tom and a conversation about certain feelings occurs.
Word Count: 876
Warnings: Language, a little bit of body image issues, fluff
A/N: This is a repost from an old account. Hope you guys like this!!
It wasn’t a secret that you struggled with your appearance and a low self-esteem, but you’d feel comfortable enough before seeing Tom and Olivia talking, while wearing a stunning cocktail dress. 
It wasn’t a secret that Tom thought little of himself. Having only ever been with girls who have ended up cheating on him. 
It also wasn’t a secret that you have a crush on Tom, well everyone knew except him. 
It also wasn’t a secret that Tom has a crush on you, well everyone knew except you.
You see, you both thought that your feelings were unreciprocated and that the other would never want to date someone like you in a million years. But that wasn’t the case.
“Y/n,” Bella whined, three drinks too many ahead of you and Olivia. Tonight was meant to be a girls night as Bella had had a big fight with Peter causing her to mope around. You and 
decided that a girls night would cheer her up. It backfired as she hadn’t stopped refilling her cup. “When are you going to tell Tom your feelings for him?” She slurred. 
“Urmmm. I’m not?” You said, more like asked. 
“Why? What’s the worst that could happen?” Olivia butted in. 
“I could die. Or worse. He could fucking hear me.” You visibly shivered at the thought of the rejection that was so very clearly going to come with telling him your feelings. He didn’t like you. Why would he. Your soft round the middle. With a little extra weight on your cheeks and thighs it wasn’t a problem and you felt comfortable in yourself until you stood next to Olivia. 
“Girl. You need to sort out your priorities.” Olivia said, clicking her fingers sarcastically. “It will be fine. Plus, Harrison told me the other night that he feels the same way.”
“Oh my god. Your pillow talk is about me.” You gasped, over-dramatically. 
“Oh, piss off. But seriously, tell him how you feel.” 
“Nope.” You shook your head defiantly before getting up and announcing that it was getting late and was time for you to head to bed. 
When you were out of ear shot, Olivia turned to Bella. 
“We need to get those too together.” She whispered. 
“I agree. I’m sick and tired of seeing them pine over each other. It makes me want to throw up.” Wanda replied. 
“I’ll talk to Steve about it tonight and I’ll let you know our plan tomorrow.” Wanda made a small noise in agreement before Nat disappeared to her room, plans already forming in her head. 
The next morning you were woken by Friday informing you that you were needed in the briefing room. Pulling on sweatpants and an oversized shirt and groaning, you headed to the front room. 
“Y/n. Welcome to the land of the living.” Harrison joked, adding to your headache. 
“Haha funny.” You retorted.
“By the way, My mum and dad are staying over tonight and I told them that you offered your room to them so you’ll have to bunk with Tom.” You missed the way Tom’s eyes widened.
“What.” Your eyes widened, comically which made Olivia chuckle. You wouldn’t be able to be that close Tom without revealing your feelings. 
“No arguments.” Harrison spoke up before you had a chance to argue.
By the time everyone settled down that night, it was pretty late. You dragged your feet to Tom’s room and sighed. 
“I’ll sleep on the floor.” He said quietly. 
“You don’t have to do that. We’re both adults. There’s no problem.” You regretted as soon as the words left your lips. There was a problem. That problem was that you were so fucking in love with him. “Yes there is.” You mumbled under your breath.
“What was that?” 
“You said something.”
“Oh nothing.” You hid your red cheeks by turning around. “Do you want to use the bathroom first?”
“No it’s fine. Go ahead.”
Showering in record time, you changed and brushed through your hair before opening the door, letting Tom walk past you.
You got into bed trying to fall asleep before he came out and joined you. Your wish went unanswered, as Tom walked out. You heard the dull thump of the towel on the floor before you felt the bed dip from his weight. You laid still not wanting to get near him. 
After a while you looked over at the clock. You sighed when you saw it was 12:35. Guess you’re not getting to sleep anytime soon. Especially not if you're sleeping next to Tom all night. To your surprise he wasn’t asleep either,
“Y/n. Are you still awake?” Your heart beat slightly faster at his sleepy voice. 
“Yeah, Tom.”
“Can’t sleep?”
“Not exactly.”
“What’s up, Tom? Anything I can help with?”
“Yeah. Kiss me.”
“Never mind.” You could hear him quietly cursing himself, so you rolled onto your side and pressed your lips to his. 
“What was that?”
“Me kissing you.”
“I- Fuck it. I like you. As in I like you like you.”
“I like you like you too.”
“Mhm.” He pressed his lips to yours again. 
The girls were definitely going to hear about this when you got home. 
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icyberriies · 3 years
Light in the darkness
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Summary: You struggle with depression and Tom becomes your light (I need to become better at this)
Word Count: 1.6K
Warnings: Language (maybe), angst. fluff, unedited, depression, dislike of body image (I didn’t know how to put that)
A/N: This is a repost from an all account. This one’s a little depressing but it kinda captures how I’m feeling at the moment.
It’s no secret to your friends you had been through some shit.
It’s no secret to your friends that you blame yourself.
You’d struggled with body confidence, and feeling at home, whether it be in your skin or in your house. They knew that and they did everything they could to help you feel at home. Zendaya would help you with makeup and outfits whenever you asked. Harrison would give you a home workout if you asked. This hadn’t prevented your depression, although it had helped.
Tom was a big help during your depressive episodes. He’d sit on your bed, when you didn’t want to get out of bed, and tell you about his day. He’d tell you what he did and stupid things he saw or things that had reminded him of you. He wouldn’t leave until you were laughing again and walking. He’d cancel all plans to be with you.
If only you knew that his affection ran a lot deeper than that. 
“Hey Tom.” You forced a smile, walking into the kitchen. You’d initially come down to grab a drink and hoped that no one was still up. Luck was not on your side.
“Hey Y/n.” He replied, giving you a small smile. 
“Why are you up?” You asked, grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge. 
“Couldn’t sleep.” He shrugged. “The usual. What are you up?”
“Needed a drink.” You walked towards the door, trying to escape before he called you back. 
“You sure?” He spoke, causing you to stop in your tracks.
“No you’re not. What’s wrong?” He asked, tilting his head slightly.
“Nothing’s wrong.” You sighed, feeling your resolve breaking.
“Come on Y/n. You know you can tell me anything.”
“I don’t deserve to be here.” You said simply.
“What do you mean?”
You spent the next 3 hours curled up on the sofa next to Tom, telling him about anything and everything that was on your mind. He was really supportive through it all. He comforted you when a lump grew in your throat, placing a hand over yours when your eyes brimmed with tears. He was all over an amazing friend. If only he knew you wanted more than that.
After a while, your eyes began drooping and you started yawning more often. Tom let you lay down with your head on his lap and played with your hair as you continued telling him about yourself. After you’d yawned through the whole story, Tom had suggested that he tell you about him while you take a break from talking. 
You’d fallen asleep with your head on his lap during one of his stories, and he’d only ran his fingers through your hair and kissed you on the forehead.
You woke up the next morning to a camera going off and hushed whispers. 
“Turn your sound off, dipshit.” You heard Zendaya whisper angrily.
“I’m sorry.” Harrison whispered back.
You opened one eye to see them by the door frame, holding their phones up.
“What are you doing?” You grumbled, lighting your head up slightly in order to see them properly.
“Just taking some souvenirs.” Zendaya teased, walking out of the room with Harrison on her tail.
“What were they doing?” Tom asked, clearing his throat.
“Taking photos of us.” You replied, pushing yourself up to sit next to him.
“Right.” He sighed.
“Thank you for last night.”
“No problem. Please come to me if you feel like that again.”
“I will.” you promised. “Right. Well i’m going to take a shower.” 
Tom nodded and watched you walk out, before he rolled his eyes at a smug Harrison standing where you had just left. 
“Shut up.” He mumbled, throwing a couch cushion at Harrison.
From that night on you went to Tom whenever you felt yourself slipping. He’d comfort you even if you didn’t tell him what was wrong. He knew exactly what to say to have you laughing again in no time. 
“He didn’t.” You laughed. 
“I promise you, doll. He did.” He confirmed. “The dickhead thought he could eat three hot dogs then get on a rollercoaster. Then got off and threw up everywhere.” You covered your mouth, not believing that Harrison could be so stupid.
“Why didn’t you tell him that would happen?” You said, between gasps of laughter.
“I did. That’s the thing. The little shit wouldn’t believe me. Then he had the right to have a go at me when he threw up.” Tom threw his hands in the air and slouched into his chair.
“Oh my god.” You cried. “I’m so going to tell him that I know this now”
“You can’t.” He shouted, making you jump.
“Why not?” You whined.
“Because I said so.”
“Well, I'm not going to listen to that, am I.” You shrugged.
“Please.” He begged.
“Tell me why then.”
“He told me not to tell anyone.”
“Wow. Tom Holland is not doing something because someone told him not too.” You joked, causing Tom to mumble a ‘shut up’. “Fine. I won't tell him you told me but I’ll tell him I know.”
Tom went on to tell you more about the stupidity that Harrison used to get up too. However, you zoned out. You were watching the way he accentuated his words with his hands and how much passion he put into the storys. Then your mind began to wander. You thought about the way he helps you. The way he always knew what to say. The way he had almost become your sunshine, your light in the darkness.
You were snapped back to reality when Tom called your name.
“Y/n. Are you listening?” You shook your head, with a guilty look on your face. “I asked if you want to go to dinner with me?”
“Of course.”
“Are you free this saturday?” He asked, and you agreed. “How about I pick you up at 7?”
“That sounds great, Tom?”
“ZENDAYA! WHERE ARE YOU?” You called running through her hallways looking for her.
You skidded to a halt in front of her and grabbed her hands, 
“Tom asked me out.” You sighed, dreamily. “Well i think so anyway.”
“Oh my god.” She squealed. “What happened. Tell me everything.”
“Well. He was telling me about when he went places with Harrison and I zoned out. When I came back he asked me if I was listening and when I said no, he asked if I wanted to go with him. I said yes. And next thing I knew I was running through the halls trying to find you.” You chuckled. “I don’t even know if this is a date or not.”
“Do you want it to be?”
“Fuck. Of course I want it to be a date.” You sighed.
“Let’s get you date ready then.”
Saturday afternoon, you took a nap and set an alarm so you would have time to have a shower and get ready. You were ready a half hour before Tom said he was going to pick you up, which actually worked in your favour because Tom turned up at your door 20 minutes before he said he’d pick you up.
“I’m sorry I’m early, love.” He said when you’d opened the door.
“Don’t worry about it.” You replied.
“I couldn’t wait any longer so I decided to come early.” He admitted, a sheepish smile on your face.
“I said don’t worry about it.” You said, a soft smile playing on your lips. “I’m ready so it doesn’t matter.”
“Great.” He beamed. “So you want to leave now or do you want to wait?”
“We can go now if you want.”
“Sure.” He waited for you to grab your bag and shut your door before walking next to you, heading towards the elevator.
The journey there was filled with mindless chatter. Talking about anything and everything that came to mind. Once you got to the restaurant, you got ordered drinks.
“You know, I’ve never come here before.” You said, looking around at the decorations.
“Really?” Tom’s eyebrows shot up at your admission.
“Then why did you agree so quickly to come with me.”
“You’ve always spoken so highly of this place that I wanted to see what it was like.”
“Well I’m glad you chose me to go with.”
“I wouldn’t want to choose anyone else.” You bit your lip, hoping you didn’t say too much.
“What do you mean?”
“I- Er- I have a question.” You said, deciding to ask him whether or not this was a date to him.
“What’s up?” He placed a hand over your shaking one.
“Was this a date to you?” You blurted. “Like when you asked me if i wanted to come with you did you mean it as a date?”
“No.” You felt your eyes brimming with tears and you silently nodded. “Unless you want it to be, that is.”
“What?” You snapped your head back up to him.
“I like you. I asked if you wanted to come here with me, expecting you to say no. When you said yes I freaked out, Harrison had to stop me from cancelling cause I was so damn scared.” His hands shook with each word he spoke.
“I was so excited when you asked me. Then I started to panic because I thought you asked me just to be nice.”
“I- Let me ask you in a way that’s clear to us both. Will you like to finish our dinner together as a date.”
“I would love to.” With that, Tom brought the hand that was already in his up to his lips to press a light kiss to it. 
Yeah, he’s your light in the darkness.
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icyberriies · 3 years
I put a spell on you
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Summary: You’re in love with Tom and you’d do anything so see what it’d feel like to be loved by him
Word Count: 1.4K
Warnings: Language (maybe), angst. fluff, unedited
A/N: This is a repost from an all account. Here’s a Hogwarts au no one asked for. Anywho enjoy!!
You, Zendaya and Laura were huddled over the steaming cauldron, while moaning Myrtle wailed in the background. 
“Are you sure this is a good idea, Y/n?” Zendaya asked.
“It’s a love potion. What could possibly go wrong?” You replied.
“I want to do it. I want to know what it would be like to have Harrison love me. I know you wanna know what it’d be like to be loved by Jack.” Laura stated, watching Zendaya cover her face with her hair.
“I mean… Yeah but i don’t want to do it this way.” 
“Then we’ll do it.” You said, pouring equal amounts into two goblets. 
“No, I want to be involved.” You chuckled and poured a third. 
“Once they drink it, they’ll be in love with you for 24 hours.” Handing a glass to each of the girls you picked up an identical glass, which held pumpkin juice, and left the bathroom. You walked down the corridors trying to find the one and only Thomas Stanley Holland.
Let’s get this straight you've had a crush on Tom since you joined the school, 6 years and the feelings haven’t gone, they only got stronger. He was one of the popular boys but he was so sweet, even though you were in different houses, you being in Gryffindor and him hufflepuff, you were the best of friends. If anyone teased you, he stuck up for you. A lot of people teased him after he stuck up for you, saying he liked you, he only brushed them off with a blush that you never noticed. A blush, that if you had noticed, would tell you he did like you. 
You were brought out of your thoughts by walking into something, or rather someone,
“Are you alright darlin’?” Tom!
“Just the wizard I was looking for.” You exclaimed.
“What’s up?” He asked.
“I grabbed you a pumpkin juice from the great hall. I know how much you love them.” You shoved the goblet into his hands and took a sip from your own. 
“Thank you, doll. I’ll see you around.” He titled his head slightly, walked away. You took a deep breath in and shook your head. Now you wait.
Tom couldn’t wipe the dopey smile of his face, even if he tried. No. Just the fact that you had remembered how much he liked the pumpkin juice made his heart beat faster and his palms a little sweaty. You always noticed the little things. He took a sip of the juice, pulled a face at the taste and shrugged. It didn’t taste right, but it’ll be fine. He finished the glass and placed it on the table, before walking towards his dorm.
You ran into the bathroom to meet the girls. They were already there, sitting on the sinks and talking.
“I did it.” You cried. “Oh my god I did it. Why did I do that? Why did you let me do that?”
“It was your idea.” Laura replied, walking towards where you were pacing. 
“It was a mistake. It’s not going to work. I hate this. I might cry. Nope. I’m definitely going to cry.” You stopped pacing, ready for the tears that were welling in your eyes. “Mistakes were made.” You sobbed before covering your mouth.
“It’ll work, Y/n. I promise.” Zendaya said.
“Promise, promise?” You asked, giving the girls puppy dog eyes.
“Promise.” Laura replied, giving you a hug. 
“Y/n.” You heard Tom call from the hallway outside the empty classroom you were in. 
“In here, Tom.” You watch him stick his head in the class, before walking in and slamming the door behind him. He walked towards you and stood across the desk you were sitting at, and stood there staring at you. “What’s up, Tom?”
“I love you.” He said.
“I love you. I know I shouldn’t, being in different houses and all. But I love you. We can make this work.”
“Urm, I have to go.” You ran out of the class, trying to find Zendaya and Laura. 
You found them in the common room, going over Professor Snape’s homework. 
“This doesn’t make any sense. We haven’t even studied werewolves yet.” Laura whined. 
“It’ll be okay.” You heard Zendaya say. “Just waffle. That’s what I’m doing. Hey Y/n.” 
You could’ve guessed what you looked like. Sharp breathing, windswept hair, red eyes. 
“Are you okay?” Zendaya asked. 
“It worked. It bloody worked.” You exclaimed. “Now what do I do?” 
“Hold up. Are you talking about the love potion?” You nodded. “Lucky. Ours didn’t.”
“That’s not helping right now, Laura.” You sighed. 
“Y/n. Tom’s outside. He’s saying he wants to talk to you.” One of the 5th years informed you, standing by the common room entrance. 
“Tell him to give me a sec, please.” He nodded and disappeared through the entrance. 
“What do I do now? I thought this was going to be a good idea. But god, my heart can’t take this. I know he isn’t going to feel like this when the potion wears off, that’s what hurts.”
“Y/n/n. Breathe. It’ll be okay. Just talk to him.” Laura soothed. 
You nodded and walked towards the entrance, you looked back at the girls who held their thumbs up and you continued walking. 
“Hey, Tom. What’s up?”
“I’m sorry.” He said. 
“What are you sorry for.”
“Telling you I love you. And this.” You went to ask what he’s talking about before he stepped forwards and pressed his lips against yours. You froze, which prompted him to pull away. “Stupid. Stupid. She doesn’t want you. Why would she.” He muttered under his breath. “I’m sorry.” He turned on his heel and ran away. 
“Oh my god. Oh my god.” You turned and went back to the girls. “He kissed me. He apologised, kissed me, apologised again and ran away.”
“He apologised for telling me he loved me and then he kissed me then he apologised again and ran away.”
“Go after him.” You nodded and ran in the direction Tom went. 
Unbeknownst to you, Tom knew about the potion. 
In his Charms lesson, they were learning how to remove the effects of a potion from someone. They drank an unharmful potion, and their partner tried to remove the effects. His partner had succeeded, he removed the potion effects whilst simultaneously removing the love potion. 
He felt the change in his behaviour, thoughts and feelings and realised the love potion. 
He hadn’t eaten or drank anything given to him by anyone. Well except you. So he immediately thought that it was your potion. So he went to your common room. You came out and he had kissed you. When you didn’t kiss back he mentally slapped himself.
Why would you want him? He was a hufflepuff. You could have any of the Gryffindor’s, like Sam. Bucky knew Sam had a thing for you. He couldn’t blame him. Tom couldn’t see why you were single, but at the same time celebrated because he still had a chance with you. 
Until he kissed you and you froze. You were clearly uncomfortable. 
That’s when he started to think that the potion was a Halloween prank. Something to entertain you. That thought left a bitter taste in his mouth, a crack in his heart and anger swirling in his gut.
He was snapped back to reality by a soft voice. Your voice. 
“Anyone sitting here?” He wanted to say yes. Except he could never turn you away. 
“No. Go ahead.” He waved his hand, gesturing to the chair. 
“Thanks. Tom I need to talk to you.” You reached out placing your hand on top of his. 
“What are you trying to tell me that this was all a Halloween prank? Are my feelings a joke to you?”
“What are you talking about?”
“The love potion. It was some sort of sick joke wasn’t it? Wanted a great old time.” His voice got louder with each word. 
“What no-“
“Tom. I would never. I wanted to see what it’d be like to have you love me.” You watched the tears run down his cheeks. 
“I’ve always loved you.” He cried. 
“I love you, Bucky.”
“Yeah. How’d you know about the potion.”
“Charms. We were working on the charm to remove the effect of potions.” He explained. 
“I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay. We’re okay.”
“What’s up.”
“Will you be my girlfriend?”
“Yeah.” You both stood up and met each other halfway round the table. You stood on your top toes and pressed your lips to his. He pulled away and placed his hands on your cheeks, looking into your eyes. 
“I finally have you. I finally get to call you mine.” He sighed.
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icyberriies · 3 years
hii!! may i know what’s the name of your old @?😅
My old @ was @tomhcney however I disabled that account at the end of last year as I wanted a fresh start in a new account.
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icyberriies · 3 years
Forbidden Love
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Summary: Tom’s in love with you, the only problem is you’re dating his best friend.
Word Count: 1.6K
Warnings: Language, unedited
A/N: This is a repost from an all account.
“I swear to fucking god, I can’t get her out of my head.” Tom swore, shooting at the clay pigeons being launched into the sky. 
“What do you mean?” his brother, Harry, asked. 
“I mean. I go to bed, she’s on my mind. I wake up, she’s on my mind. I’m beating information out of a dickhead, guess fucking what, she’s on my fucking mind. It’s driving me insane.” He sighed, chucking his gun onto the table.
“If you need to, take some time. Travel somewhere. Cross something off your bucket list.” Harry said, earning an eye roll and a huff from his brother.
“I don’t have a bucket list and I don’t want to go anywhere.” Tom snapped. “I want to stop thinking about her.”
“I get that Tom, I really-“
“No you don’t.” Tom interrupted. “You don’t get it. You don't get what’s it’s like to be in love with your best mate’s girlfriend.”
“Shit!” Harry exclaimed. “I didn’t know you were in love with her.”
“Well, I am. Fuck! What do I do?” He shouted.
“Take a break. You’re never going to get over her if you’re constantly around her.”
“But I don’t want to not see her. I want to see her everyday, preferably in my bed in the mornings. If this is all I can get then I’ll take it.” 
“This isn’t going to be good for you, Tom.”
“I don’t care. I’m not going anywhere.”
“If you think that’s best.” 
You arched your back, the muscles stretching in the right way. You rolled over, curling back into Harrison’s side.
“Morning, love.’ He spoke. You only mumbled in response. ‘I forgot you weren’t a morning person.” He chuckled before gently rolling you back over so he could get up. 
“I’ve got to go to work. Will you be okay?” 
“Yeah.’ You sighed. ‘Tom will be here right?” He hummed in agreement. ‘Then I’ll be fine, baby.”
“Ok. Let me know if Tom gets on your nerves.” He teased. 
“I will.” You giggled, pulling the duvet over your head.
Three hours passed when a piercing ring echoed around the room. You pressed the answer button and brought the phone up to your ear, without looking at the ID.
“Hello?” Your voice came out a lot more croaky than you expected so you cleared your throat.
“We need you in your office as soon as possible.” The voice crackled through.
“Why? It’s saturday.” You whined.
“Because we have someone who may know something about the Smith double homicide and robbery.” He answered.
“Oh shit! I’m on my way.” You hung up and got out of bed, throwing on a pair of leggings and one of Harrison’s hoodies. You grabbed a snack from the kitchen and left the house. 
When you got to the office, you were given a run down from the head of the security and ushered into the room.
A half hour later you were annoyed beyond belief. 
“For fucks sake,” you cried, “Just tell me where it is.”
“Never.” The guy spat. 
“Dude.” You sighed. “You’re tied to a chair and you have blood dripping down your face and you think you have the upper hand in this situation. Are you insane?”
“Probably but you still need to try a lot harder than this to get me to talk.” 
“What is it that will get you to talk? Everyone has that weak spot, the thing that gets them to crack. What’s yours?” You asked, running the blade over his thigh, not hard enough to cut.
“You’ll never know.” He hissed.
“Hmmmmm. I wouldn’t be too sure. Take him to the cells.” You instructed the men standing by the door.
“You're too pussy to do anything, huh?”
“No.” You stepped closer to him. “I want you to go crazy from the anticipation. Get him out of my sight.”
You watched the security team drag him out the room, as you wipe your hands clean. Satisfied that no one was nearby, you threw your knife at the wall, the blade getting stuck in the wall.
“Fuck sake.” 
“You might want to be careful, darling.” You knew that voice anywhere.
“Hi Tommy,’ You missed the way his breath hitched at the nickname, ‘Could you grab that for me?” You asked, gesturing to the knife in the wall. You took a second to really look at him, noticing the way his shoulders were slightly hunched and he had a far away look in his warm brown eyes.
He blinked slowly at you, reminding you of an owl, “Pardon?”
“The knife? Could you get it for me please?” He nodded and pulled it out of the wall, handing it back to you. You looked up, noticing the close proximity between the two of you. 
“Thank you.” You mumbled.
“No problem, darling.” Fuck. Why did your heart speed up at that and why were you suddenly nervous.
“I’ve got to go.” You said, wanting to escape the situation.
“Of course,” He stepped back and rubbed the back of his neck. Why did you find that adorable? You got to the door before he spoke up again. ‘Hold up! Will I see you at the party tonight?”
“Of course, Tommy. Harrison’s going so I will too.” Right. Harrison. Your boyfriend.
“Oh right. I’ll see you later.” He sighed.
“Of course.” You left quickly after that. 
Later at the party, Harrison had left you by the bar to talk to someone or other, you kinda zoned out when he told you. You were standing at the bar, ordering a new drink when Tom walked up. 
“How are you? Where’s Harrison?” He asked, leaning over the bar to order a drink. 
“I’m bored, Tom.’ You whined. ‘And he went somewhere to talk to someone.”
“You saying he left you alone?” He asked, tilting his head in the cutest way. **No. You have a boyfriend and you love him.**
“Yup.” You said, popping the p. Tom smiled, finding it adorable. **No. You have a boyfriend and you love him. But I love you.** He was brought out of his thoughts by you. 
“I’m going to he-‘ you started before being interrupted by the DJ. 
“Ok. So. I don’t usually do this but Harrison here,’ he placed his hand on Harrison's shoulder, ‘has a little question he would like to ask his girlfriend. Y/n, can you step forward please?” You start walking towards Harrison. When you reached him the rest of the party guests had formed a circle around the two of you. 
“I’ve been meaning to ask you this for a while now. I've been wanting to do this for ages.’ He knelt down and you covered your mouth, your eyes flicking up to Tom. ‘I had a full speech prepared for this and now I’m here my minds gone blank,’ that prompted a soft chuckle from all of your audience, all except Tom. ‘Y/n. I love you. I’m not going to make this too sappy because I know how much you hate that. I’ve known you were the one for not that long to be honest. I never thought I’d find the one. It was when we were laying in bed and you were doing the crossword in the newspaper, you noticed a spelling mistake. I’d never realised how in love with you I am before that.’ Tom couldn’t take it. He couldn’t stand here listening to his best mate pour his heart out to you, knowing you’ll return the words. “I’ve never felt like this before. So I’m going to bite the bullet and ask you this. Y/n, will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me.” The crowd ‘awed’ and you looked up at Tom, who wasn’t where he was last. 
“I- I’m sorry. I can’t.” You heard a collective gasp from the surrounding audience before you turned on your heel and ran out of the hall. 
You pushed open the outside doors to the hall and called a cab, not noticing Tom behind you. By the time you got home, Tom was sitting on the couch with his head in his hands. 
“Hey.” You murmured. 
“Hi.’ He sighed, deciding to get it over and done with. He spoke up, feeling his heart shatter. ‘Let’s see the ring then.”
“I didn’t say yes, Tom.” He looked up at you, with his eyebrows furrowed, confusion painting his face.
“I thought you loved him.”
“I thought so to Tom.” You stepped closer, bringing a hand up to his cheek.
“Then why did you say no?” He held your wrist and nuzzled his face into your palm. 
“Because as much as I love Harrison. I’m in love with someone else.” You felt Tom’s breath hitch against your palm. 
**Please know it’s you.** you begged in your head. 
“W-who is it?” **Please be me.** Tom begged in his head, closing his eyes. 
“It’s you. It’s always been you.” His eyes shot open. Neither of you are sure who started leaning in first but the next thing you knew was Toms lips were pressed against yours so perfectly. His lips were surprisingly soft, he tasted like mint and something was so distinctively Tom.
“I love you, Tom.” You wrapped your arms around his neck. 
“I love you too.” He replied, pulling you closer to him. 
“What about Harrison?” He asked, against your lips. 
“I’ll talk to him tomorrow. It’s getting late.” You reassured him. 
“I feel bad though.”
“You want me to talk to him now?” You asked, pulling away from his lips. 
“God no. Come to bed.” He started pulling you in the direction of his room. 
He pushed open his bedroom door with his foot and looked back at you.
“This isn’t a joke between you and Harrison, is it?” He asked,
“God no. Why would you think that?”
“I’ve been in love with you for so long that I can’t help thinking you knew and you're taking the piss.” He replied. 
“I’m not. This is forever, Tom.”
“And always?” He ducked slightly, placing his forehead on yours.
“Forever and always.” You nodded, pressing your lips to his.
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icyberriies · 3 years
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• Forbidden Love READ HERE [☆] [☼] [ ☾ ]
• I Put A Spell On You READ HERE  [☆] [☼] [ ☾ ]
• Light In The Darkness READ HERE  [☆] [☼]
• Midnight Feels READ HERE  [☼] [☆]
• My Forever READ HERE  [☼] [☆]
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