idklol69the2nd · 5 days
Castoria is closer to rin actually
Castoria is a Saber who is also a Sakura while Morgan is a Sakura who is also a Saber. Hope it helps.
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idklol69the2nd · 9 days
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idklol69the2nd · 24 days
i mean sure but there are a Lot of petit girls in chaldea, I like tall flat melt more
fgo melt makes me mad
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idklol69the2nd · 25 days
Fgo melts better, ccc melt was too loli
fgo melt makes me mad
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idklol69the2nd · 28 days
On one hand, this is kinda funny, on the other hand people who don't know this character don't know that this character is the one that takes the hate and blame of everyone, though I think angry mango would just laugh this off
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idklol69the2nd · 1 month
All the Ladies are sitting
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idklol69the2nd · 1 month
Yeah your posts are not anyone's time
You have literally not read lb7
Yeah and I havent tasted shit but I get the feeling it still wouldnt taste great
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idklol69the2nd · 1 month
"many" its just one (2 if you count ushi ig) and yes Emiya alter is undoubtedly impossibly problematic, there just isn't anything to do about it though, I mean if you want to you can just complain directly to Lasangle or Aniplex, Emiya Alter is literally the only character that was censored between versions and so they have done what they can/ want to, i would like a emiya alter redesign but thats not happening, ever. This discussion has been had, died and resurrected more times then I can count.
I don't get posts like this, I mean what is the point? I am genuinely curious
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idklol69the2nd · 2 months
I mean I do get that but imo thats a fundamental misunderstanding of the themes of fgo and fate in general, while historical characters do exist, fate isn't historical fiction, its mythological fiction, i mean we have had gods in fgo since the very beginning and a lot of characters are based in fiction, most Lostbelts are about mythology only Lb1 & Lb3 are kind of alternate histories every other lb is some myth gone wrong,
Lb7 just happens to focus on the type moon mythos, Notes is an incredibly important work and the basis of all weird type moon lore, while there are issues with LB7 (namely nasu shifting the mayan Lostbelt to Brazil because 20 years ago he threw Ort there instead of just going "yeah in the timeline ort just landed in Mexico" but then people might have been completly bamboozled by ort as if you remember, the moment we got the map with all the LBs, everyone instantly started talking about Ort)
I think only the singularities were without a doubt, definite alternate histories, Lostbelts have been firmly in the realm of Mythology.
also idk if you do but if you like tiamat then I don't think you can call ort bad (u can still hate it tho i guess)
yeah ort being something that purely only exists in type moon works is somewhat eh for some people but idk fgo is a piece of fiction so i think its kinda silly to say fgo shouldn't have fiction in it
edit: as for the meta-narrative i don't think orts presence ruins that either Imo , Notes is a piece of fiction about humans struggling to survive in a completely hostile world, While yes pure fiction its still a type of myth and adding to it in fgo is something thats imo Good and I am happy for the fans who followed type moon for 20+ years. also stuff like the blue book and the alien mythos is very much still a Myth, I wouldn't say that its a bad thing to explore that aswell
Why do you hate ORT
Bro you can't drop this ask in my inbox the night before I have a presentation due.
It would be shorter to list what I dont hate about that thing and what it narrative represents.
But to narrow it down to the biggest reason, it's this:
FGO for all of part 1 and the first half of part 2 was a story about human history and how it's intertwined - how everything that has happened is a part of our history and all of it matters and has shaped the world as we know it today. This is like 95% of why characters like Solomon, Moriarty, and Ivan are such fantastic antagonists. ...so to say that the story's themes and motifs are annihilated from orbit by making it about the author's evangelion fanfic space aliens is a massive understatement
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idklol69the2nd · 2 months
I think This opinion is bad and doesn't understand what LB7 is about, LB7 isn't about Ort, its still very much about the humans of the Lostbelt, Ort is the sudden Ice age of LB 1, It is the broken Ragnarok of Lb 2 etc. Ort isn't a character, its a disaster. its the Lostbelt itself.
The story itself is about the humans of the Lostbelt, its about the Dienos, about the Kingdom of Khan/Caan and Camazotz, abouta boy that wishes to save humanity from becoming the Villains of the universe even if it means there Annihilation, and of course about the heart of Ort that even as the heart of an Outer God that came to earth for the specific purpose of destroying it came to love Humanity none the less.
also we can argue that ort parallels guda, this abandoned carcass of an god that none the less does everything in its power to Live, going to every desperate measure possible to defeat the master of chaldea and Live On, no higher ideology, simply an animal thats fighting for survival.
Why do you hate ORT
Bro you can't drop this ask in my inbox the night before I have a presentation due.
It would be shorter to list what I dont hate about that thing and what it narrative represents.
But to narrow it down to the biggest reason, it's this:
FGO for all of part 1 and the first half of part 2 was a story about human history and how it's intertwined - how everything that has happened is a part of our history and all of it matters and has shaped the world as we know it today. This is like 95% of why characters like Solomon, Moriarty, and Ivan are such fantastic antagonists. ...so to say that the story's themes and motifs are annihilated from orbit by making it about the author's evangelion fanfic space aliens is a massive understatement
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idklol69the2nd · 2 months
the fuck are u on about Guda is supposed to be from a Upper-Middle Class family, The house sure seems expensive but it could be an old house that the family is living in for a long time, there is a difference between Goredolf who is a literal billionaire and Fujimaru whose family is probably only a little above average.
I Highly doubt Fujimaru can afford anything Goredolf can, Lets just assume that Fuji's dad is well a Doctor, that explains everything
also Like honestly speaking, I think doctors definitely deserve there wealth
>finds out Guda grew up rich
Maybe they deserved all that suffering...
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idklol69the2nd · 2 months
Hi fgo fandom, I have come in peace with a request, DON'T SPOIL OC2 other then the servants, while other fgo chapters spoilers can be kinda hype OC2's spoilers (other then the new servants which were kinda obvious) are like a Punch in the Gut so don't spoil OC2 Please
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idklol69the2nd · 3 months
The demonization of sexual content in the west is honestly disgusting, yall are just puritans in different flavours
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idklol69the2nd · 3 months
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idklol69the2nd · 3 months
its.... because these CEs are fanfiction fuel, thats also why these ces are the only ones that are voiced, they are for yumejoshis that like stuff like this
men don't care about that shit so female ces are more focused on sex appeal only with Cuteness here and there
basically male ces entice people to write fanfics and female ces are for doujins
also the whole "it shouldn't offend straight men" sentiment is crazy cu alter is half naked and wears high heals, karna walks around in a thong, david wears an almost skirt, most male servants are shirtless
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idklol69the2nd · 3 months
How is wanting to Fuck a City basic in any universe, Its a Fucking City
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idklol69the2nd · 3 years
so. so. sososo tired of people insisting ophelia was a lesbian bc ophemash… and that her love for kirsch was comphet…. this bitch really did have an entire arc centered around being able to acknowledge and accept her own genuine feelings and ur insisting that it was all comphet for the sake of your ship? thats bi erasure lmaoooo
it’s okay to be upset that your ship didn’t get enough content… but somehow people are making it into a moral issue . it is not homophobia for a character to express attraction to two separate genders sis it’s not that one of them is comphet maybe they’re just. bi!! bi people exist too ya know !! genuinely had it up to here with the casual biphobia that ophelia has to deal with, there is a Difference between comphet and bisexuality, etc etc 
ophelia canon bisexual basically thank you and goodbye 
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