idlestxrs · 3 months
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ᴄᴏᴍᴇʙᴀᴄᴋ: ᴀʀɪᴀᴀɴ ɢʀᴀɴᴅᴇ
eternal sunshine
reblog if you save
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idlestxrs · 4 months
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Pov; Mark as your bf~~~
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idlestxrs · 6 months
i'm still writing fics i promise! <3
to everyone who supported my geto fic, thank you. you're so <3 :3 for that. i'm working on choso and nanami one-shots right now. althought the choso one-shot could for sure be turned into a mini-series based on my ideas so farrrrrrrrr :)))))
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idlestxrs · 8 months
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idlestxrs · 9 months
Alone in winter | Geto Suguru x gn!reader
Summary: After Geto's spiral into madness, Gojo began to grow more cold towards you every passing hour. Your once happy trio is beginning to feel more and more like...just yourself. That is until one snowy evening, a familiar face lights a fire in your heart you never realized you had before. Genre: friends to lovers, angst to mild fluff Notes: Inspired by (G)I-DLE's song "Hann (Alone in winter)"
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"Satoru?" You looked up at him as he stared off into the night, sitting on the balcony of the apartment you both shared. He simply turned to look at you, not making a sound. "I'm glad you're still here with me." You spoke softly to him. The only sounds that could be heard were that of the cold wind of the winter blowing softly in the night. He nodded his head at your comment and went back to spacing out. Ever since Suguru had gone off the deep end, nothing had been the same. Especially not with Satoru Gojo. He mentally blamed you for not being able to save Geto from himself, however deep inside Gojo knew you he was more guilty than you ever would be. He had been the one to lash out at Geto after getting frustrated with him. You'd always pull Geto aside to comfort him when his mind became troubled and actually listened to him, as opposed to Gojo's one track mind of trying to get him back on track to becoming the strongest sorcerers in history. Gojo wanted to say you enabled Geto's thoughts by consoling him when they'd get bad, but in reality Gojo was just bitter he hadn't been as good of a friend to him before he eventually spiraled the same way you had. Now he was pushing you away too. He'd rather forget about Geto all together and carry on, and you were a constant reminder of the missing piece of what used to be a perfect trio. Three best friends, all broken in one way or another by a world that failed them all. The colder Gojo got, the closer you felt like wanting to run away too in hopes of finding Geto. If you did find him, would he kill you? You really didn't care. Everything around you felt like it was crumbling into into pieces. Gojo was going to lose you too if he didn't get his act together, but you never had the nerve to say anything to him. His coldness only made it harder to speak with him, someone you use to be able to tell anything. "I mean it Satoru. I'm really happy we still have each other." You repeated yourself hoping for more of a response, but he still continued to ignore you. You got up from your seat next to him and went inside. You stormed into your room and grabbed your phone before grabbing some shoes and a jacket to go outside. Sure it was late at night, and cold, but you didn't really care anymore. Staring at the stars while walking, you noticed how some twinkled brighter than others. It reminded you of yourself. You used to be one of those brighter stars, but you knew your light was beginning to fade. The cold metal bench Gojo, Geto and yourself used to sit on seemed to taunt you as you sat down on it, reminding you even more of why you were hurting so much. The bone chilling feeling didn't only come from the temperature, but from the memories that were flooding back so rapidly. Good and bad. A doleful feeling washed over you and you thought back to the day you remembered all too well. The day you witnessed Geto break. You brought your knees up to your chest and wrapped your arms around your legs, resting your head on them as you sat on the bench and cried. The wind whistled as snow began to fall from the ground. You didn't care if it was cold outside. You were used to it. Closing your eyes, you pictured a time when you were happier in your head as the chilling wind blew your hair around. Suddenly, footsteps began to approach the bench and you felt that someone had sat down next to you. As you opened your eyes, you almost couldn't believe them. Did you just fall too far into a daydream or what?
"Long time no see, Y/N." The man spoke. His voice was a bit raspy from the cold, but his dark eyes and long black hair were unmistakable. "Is it really you?" A desperate tone echoed through your words. "Would I be sitting next to you so closely if it wasn't?" Geto chuckled. His voice sounded like pure honey. You stood up off the bench and he did the same. He pulled you into a hug. "What are you doing out here all alone?" He lowered his voice. He was still on the run after all and he would never risk getting you put in harms way. Ever since he left Jujutsu society a year ago and became who he was now, he never showed up much. There were times you swore you saw him in public, but this was the first time actually seeing him. You cried into his arms. Everything had been so hard without him. You hated him for what he'd done, but it was merely a hate for his actions. You could never hate him. As you both pulled away from the hug, Geto sat back down on the bench and gave you a warm, inviting smile. You laid down on the bench so that your head was in his lap. He looked down at you and you looked up at him, both smiling at each other. After talking to each other for hours about life on the bench, catching up with one another, he noticed the feint light of the sun. "Want me to walk you home?" He offered. He knew the dangers that would follow if he was spotted, but he didn't care. He'd die for you if he had to. Overtime he realized the feelings he had for you too, yet neither of you had mentioned them yet. "No." You spoke with a smile on your face. "You can take me anywhere, just not home." Your words threw him for a loop. "What exactly do you mean, Y/N?" He thought he knew what you meant, but he had to make sure he wasn't assuming things. "I want to go with you." You said bluntly. Selfishly he wanted to tell you to come along, but he knew for your safety it wasn't a good idea. "As much as I'd love that, you can't. The higher-ups will start hunting you down if they catch wind you ran off with me. I can't let you put yourself in harms way for me." He hugged you tightly and a tear fell down his cheek. He didn't want to let you go, but he had to. "I don't care. I can protect myself, and you. Just like I know you can protect yourself, and me." He heard the determination in your voice. It sounded to him like you had already made this decision a long time ago. You were just waiting to find him again. "But what about Satoru?" He posed another question he thought would challenge you. Instead, it pushed a button he had no idea was there. "I don't care about him anymore. I tried to be there for him but he ignored me. He doesn't care about me either. Trust me. I did my best, but it wasn't enough for him. Ever." You snapped. Geto looked shocked, but ultimately, tried to be understanding. "Well. There's no talking you out of this, huh?" He chuckled. "Then come on. Let's get going before the sun comes up." He placed a kiss on your cheek and gave you another quick hug before leading the way. He was looking forward to living with you.
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idlestxrs · 11 months
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idlestxrs · 1 year
Western Nights (Part 1) | Spike Spiegel x Reader
Genre : Angst, Romance, Runaway
Warning(s) : Swearing, Violence, Stalking, Blood, Kidnapping.
Summary : You’re on the run from your small town. Freeing yourself of your religious cult, or so you thought as you caught news they were hunting after you. As you’re on your escape, you run into Spike Spiegel, and once push led to shove you knew you’d never be the same.
Note : This is somewhat inspired by Ethel Cain’s album, Preacher’s Daughter. However it won’t follow that story, just the religious aspects of it. I suggest giving it a listen! It’s a masterpiece.
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You had been on the run for what seemed like forever. Long enough to have made it from Nebraska to Texas. Gas stations were your best friend. Only the ones with showers for travelers. You had been saving up money for over a year now to make this bold move, and paying for a stay in a hotel would’ve zapped it all in 3 days.
You found a train station that had tickets straight to California. That’s where you always wanted to go, but the ticket would cost half of your money. Being left with $100 to survive on after getting there didn’t sound very…appealing or manageable. Then again after phoning your friend Nathanial and finding out that people from that cult were hunting you down and planned on hanging you upon bringing you back there, sounded a lot less appealing.
You bit the bullet. “One ticket to California please.” You asked the lady in the booth. You coughed up the money. “The next train won’t be here until 10:30 tonight toots.” The lady spoke, her voice was raspy probably due to all the cigarettes she smoked.
You looked up at the clock…it was only 12:00 in the afternoon. You groaned as you sat down in the lobby with the few belongings you brought with you. You sat back on the wooden bench seating, staring at the grey, cracked ceiling. The place had dim florescent lighting, in reality the sun beaming through the windows did more than the lights themselves.
You couldn’t help but find a strange sense of serenity in it, and sighed. The feeling of being alone was scary yet satisfying at the same time. Nobody to tell you who you should be, but nobody to tell you everything is going to be ok either. Except yourself. You learned a lot about yourself on this journey so far. After everything you’d been through, finally felt content with yourself despite being totally alone. Sure there were people hunting you down, but they always thought you wanted to go to Florida. If anything they’d just lead themselves on the complete opposite end of the country and give up. You realized you could be a lot smarter than what you gave yourself credit for.
Your thoughts eventually blurred together leading you to feel drowsy, passing out on your bag next to you. You weren’t sure how much time went by before getting woken up by a poke on the shoulder. A man with messy black, green tinted hair stood in front of you. As you looked around, you noticed the place had suddenly filled up. Your eyes got a glimpse of the clock…2:00, dammit. You sat up and grabbed your bag, yawning. “Good nap?” The man asked with a slight smile on his face. “Decent.” You responded through another yawn. The man chuckled and spoke once again. “Mind if I take this seat next to you?” You sat your bag on the floor beside you, allowing him to sit. “Not like you had any other options.” You replied, giggling a bit yourself. He shrugged and sat down next to you. “There were some other options, but you seemed like the most pleasant person to sit next to.” He smiled and looked over at you. “So where are you headed?” He inquired. “Somewhere.” You responded dully. You weren’t sure why he’d come be so friendly with you, but your paranoia spiked in this moment. You didn’t want to risk anything at all.
He raised an eyebrow at your response. “Well…I’m headed to California. On my journey to the west! My name’s Spike, by the way. Spike Spiegel.” He shot you a big smile. You smiled back at him. “Y/N. I’m headed to California too.” You weren’t sure why you told him that. Your paranoid mind told you no, but something in your gut spoke for you. He seemed trustworthy. He’d find out you were going to the same place when you boarded the train anyway, so it really didn’t matter if you’d told him or not. Might as well be friendly.
“You know…our train doesn’t get here for another 7 hours.” He said with the hint of an idea in his voice. You hadn’t even realized you both had been talking for an hour straight. “Why don’t we go to the café downtown? It’s only about a 10 minute walk there.” Spike suggested. “Why not. It’s better than sitting and staring at the wall.” You sighed and stood up. As you both walked for the door, Spike sped up and opened it for you. “After you.” He said with cheesy grin on his face. “What a gentleman.” You weren’t as amused as he was, and all he did was laugh. “So, what set your sights on California?” Spike asked you as you both were walking down the brick sidewalk of the small down. Small business to window shop in littered the path to the Cafe, and it was times like these you wish you had more money. “To get away from my small town back in Nebraska.” Spike raised his eyebrow at your response. “Too small of a town for your liking or what?” He inquired. “To get away from the religion I was brought up in. It was cultish and there really wasn’t any other way out then to get shunned out of town, or get murdered before you got shunned. I’d been planning this for years.” You take a deep breath before letting out a deep sigh. “I don’t even know why I’m telling you all of this. I just met you.” You stared at the ground, a feeling of guilt washing over you for suddenly dumping all this on the stranger who was starting to feel like less of one. A look of concern washed over Spike’s face. “Don’t apologize, really! If everyone in your town is like that I doubt you’ve really had the chance to get any of this off your chest to anyone without the fear of it coming back to bite you in the ass later.” He paused for a second, then suddenly his concern turned into shock. “Okay so wait. You ran all the way here to Texas from Nebraska?” All you did was nod, gesturing towards your backpack. “Wow...you’re a really strong willed person. I admire that.” He grinned. For the first time in your life, you felt like someone actually meant what they said about you. For you, and not some fake persona you put up to survive. “I really appreciate that.” Your voice seeped of a deep feeling of gratitude. You smiled back at him, and right after that you were walking up a small set of steps. You had made it to the Cafe. “After you.” Spike held the door open for you again. “Thanks.” You smiled at him again as you walked in. “Spike! It’s great to see you again!” The girl standing in front of the cash register shouted. It made you feel a lot more at ease about Spike considering people in the community liked him. Normally that would be a bad thing. Preacher’s usually were held to high esteem back in your town but were the most evil people in the town, but Spike was obviously a free spirited person. Free spirits that are well-liked are typically amazing people, or whatever that book you read back at home said. “Tabitha!” Spike called out. “Always a pleasure to see you too.” He smiled. “I’ll just get my usual. And whatever my new friend here wants.” He motioned to you and pointed at the menu. “I’ll just get the plain black coffee. It’s cheaper.” You spoke to the bubbly girl taking your order. “Don’t worry about the price, it’s on me.” Spike spoke up. “No. I appreciate it but I’ll pay for my own.” You attempted to convince him, but it really wasn’t any use. “You worked so hard to get here. At the very least you deserve whatever coffee you want. I’ve got plenty of money right now. I insist” He wasn’t going to give this up. “Fine I’ll get the cinnamon latte.” You quietly spoke. “Now that’s more like it.” He gave his signature cheesy grin and a thumbs up. You’d known him for what...4 hours now? Yet you already were familiar with one of his expressions. You’ve always loved cinnamon. It was a flavor that brought a strange sense of comfort to you, and you really needed comfort more than ever. As you both sat down at a table to wait on your coffee, your paranoia was rising for some reason at this moment, and it was written all over your face. “Everything okay?” Spike questioned. He read you like a book. “One thing I didn’t mention is I got word that people from my town were looking for me. I’m just nervous they’ll somehow follow my trail and find me. Apparently they want me dead.” You whispered. He nodded in understanding, and nothing could’ve prepared you for his next words. “Even if they do find you, I won’t let them take you. Trust me.” He looked serious about this. “I might not know you that well yet, but I’ll be damned if I miss the chance to get to know you better. Not only that, but I won’t allow you to go back there to die when you’ve only just started living.” You felt a weird sense of relief somewhat wash over you. You were still on alert, but his words made you feel safe. “I...wow. Thank you, if you really do mean that I’ll make sure I pay you back for this someday.” He chuckled at your response. “You wanna know how you can pay me back, yeah? Live and enjoy your life once you’re free from all this. That’s the only payment I need.”  As Tabitha brought your coffee and you sipped on it, the mixture of the taste of cinnamon and Spike’s words made your eyes sting with tears. Your parents always warned you about strangers, claiming anyone not in the religion was trouble. If Spike was trouble, then trouble you’d get yourself into. The bell ringing from the door of the cafe interrupted your thoughts. A woman in all white, wearing a golden cross necklace walked in. Standing next to a man in a white suit, wearing the same necklace. You felt yourself get nauseous. You stared into Spike’s eyes with panic. “What’s u-” You cut him off by shushing him. “They’re looking for me. I know them.” You whispered in a panic. Luckily where you were both sat, you weren’t immediately visible upon walking in. “What do we do?” You were clearly shaken up, not really able to think. “Do you trust me?“ Spike whispered. You didn’t totally trust him yet, but it was either trust him or risk using your own thinking, which wasn’t really rational right now. “Yes.” You responded, and he nodded. He stood up, throwing his coat over him and motioning you to stand in next to him. He untied a string and it dropped the rest of the jacket. Was this guy a spy or something? It covered your legs, and he pulled you in close to him. You were hidden by just a piece of fabric in a dream. You prayed this would go well, but quickly realized how ironic that thought was. “Hey Tabitha! I’m ready for my shift. Where should I hang my coat up?“ You saw Spike wink, and Tabitha got the hint. “Just take it in the back!” She responded, as she then greeted the two people you desperately were trying to avoid. Spike walked into the back and left you back there as he put an apron on, making sure he blended into the role until they left. He gave you a brief hug and whispered, “It’ll be okay,” before walking back up into the front. You awkwardly sat in the back as you eavesdropped. “Have either of you seen this person on the side of this milk carton? This is my cousin.” The posh lady spoke up. You knew she was talking about you. “I haven’t. I’m so sorry.” Tabitha spoke up. “Well, someone saw them come in here today...” The posh man spoke up. “We asked someone, and they swore up and down...” He was gritting his teeth. “Well I hate to break it to you, but even if this person was here today, they’re gone by now.” Spike had a stern tone in his voice. “And you won’t speak to us like that.” You heard the two looking for you gasp. “Who are you to speak to us in such a fashion?” The woman spoke. “The same person who’s kicking you out of this cafe for talking to us the same way. Scram.” Spike demanded. You heard Tabitha gasp. You hated not being able to see what was going on up there. “You’ll learn not to speak to us like that again boy.” The man spat. “Go ahead and pull the trigger. We’ll see what God thinks of that.” Spike retorted. You felt sick to your stomach hearing a gun got pulled. “Let’s see who meets him first.” You peeked and saw Spike holding a gun to the man now. It was a stand off. “What’s the sour face for?” Spike taunted. “Do it. I fucking dare you.” Right before the man fired his gun, Spike ducked and popped back up, putting a bullet between the man’s eyes. The woman with him screamed. Luckily for them, nobody else was in the cafe. She bolted out of the cafe and a car screeched down the road. “The coast is clear.” Spike called out to you. Tabitha was locking up the cafe doors. “We’ll need to clean this up somehow.” Her breathing was all over the place. It was as intriguing to you as it was odd that Spike was calm. Blood was all over the floor. After what felt like hours of cleaning, there was no sight blood had even been here. Tabitha said she “knew a guy” who could take care of the body for them, and so you and Spike made your way back to the train station. “How were you so calm during all of that?” You blurted out. “Inside I was a nervous wreck, I just know how to not show it.” Spike sighed. “In reality I’m still shaken up too, but hey. Better him than you, right?” He patted you on the back. One hour was left until the train would be arriving. You had fallen asleep again, Spike allowing you to use his shoulder as a pillow. The nap was short-lived however, Spike was waking you up. “Hey, it’s time to board the train. Sit next to me, yeah?” He smiled. You weren’t going to leave his side now. He just killed for you. It would be downright cruel to tell him no. He let you sit on the inside next to the window. It was dark out, but you still stared out of the window at all the dimly lit sights. “Hey...I’ve got a question for you.” Spike broke the silence. “What is it?” You turned around and looked at him. “Wanna go see the west with me?” He smiled at you as he asked. “I’m not exactly sure what you mean.” You responded awkwardly. “What I mean is why not come travel with me? Stick by each other’s side, you know? After everything that happened today, something doesn’t feel right making this train ride the last time we see each other.” He looked down at the floor for a minute before looking back up at you, staring into your eyes. Your shaken up mind was screaming no, but your heart and gut were telling you to accept his offer. After a life of listening to your mind, it was time to start listening to your gut and your heart. Those were the things that gave you the nerve to run away in the first place. If you listened to your mind, you’d still be in Nebraska. You nodded as you spoke, not breaking eye contact with the man who had proven himself to you as someone you could trust. I mean, come on. He did just kill someone for you. “I agree. I can’t imagine this just being some one off moment with a stranger after everything that just...happened.” He smiled, not one of his cheesy ones, but a soft one. “I’m glad to hear that. I’m looking forward to getting to know you even more.” You both stared into each other’s eyes for a few seconds longer before chuckling awkwardly, turning to look back out of the window. You felt yourself getting sleepy, and as your head fell back to your seat, Spike caught you with his arm, gently moving you to lean against his shoulder instead. Eventually he let out a yawn, his head resting on top of yours as you both fell asleep on the train ride to California. After two days of travel, Spike was once again waking you up. You’d finally arrived in California. You sprung awake in excitement and held onto Spike’s arm. You didn’t really seem to realize you’d been doing it, and he didn’t really seem to mind, so you both walked off the train like this. “We’re actually here I can’t believe it!” You squealed. Spike led you both to a place to rent a car, then soon after pulled up to a hotel. After checking in, you both went up to your room. Two queen sized beds and finally some good air conditioning. You hadn’t slept on a bed in weeks, but you were too excited to sleep right now. “Can we go and explore?” You asked him. He happily nodded and you both ran out into the town, admiring all the city lights. However the part of you that explored back home kicked in and managed to find a quiet spot on a trail. You sat down, and Spike sat next to you. Staring up at the stars. “Look at those starts, it’s like they make a rose.” You were in awe at how pretty the sky was here too, just like back at home. “That one looks like a lion.” Spike chuckled. You both sat and admired the stars for hours, talking about whatever came to mind. Neither of you knew when it happened, but Spike’s arm was around you and you were leaning into him. “I finally feel like I’m living.” You sighed out in a relived and content way. “That’s what I like to hear.” He pulled you into him a little closer and you both kept soaking in the beautiful night sky above you.
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idlestxrs · 1 year
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❤️ ~“I love you….~ ❤️
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❤️ ~till Kingdom Come.”~ ❤️
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idlestxrs · 1 year
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Love you more,
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idlestxrs · 1 year
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❤️ ~“I love you….~ ❤️
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❤️ ~till Kingdom Come.”~ ❤️
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idlestxrs · 1 year
the whole album is no skips like usual for gidle but one track REALLY stood out. Lucid is so incredible i ascend every single timeeeeeeee!
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idlestxrs · 1 year
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idlestxrs · 2 years
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markiepoo. 💛
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idlestxrs · 2 years
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SYNOPSIS. There are many things Mark Lee wants to do with you. He wants to walk you home. He wants to dive into the deep blue sea with you. He wants to go on a drive with you at his side. But mostly, this crazy, head over heels in love boy just wants to make it with you.
PAIRING. mark lee x fem!reader
GENRE. college!au, friends-to-lovers!au, tooth-rotting fluff, humor WARNINGS. beach setting, profanity, mentions of food
DISCLAIMER. This is work of fiction. I do not own the people/characters or concepts I have written about. You cannot translate or copy my work. © sehunniepotwrites, 2022
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Three weeks before your summer break ended, you drove Mark’s car to your university’s athletic complex on an early Saturday morning.  As you made the turn onto the campus’ main road, the dashboard’s screen lit up with a familiar name. A simple button press allowed you to answer the call while your eyes remained on the empty street. It was a warm summer morning after all. No one else would even bother coming to campus unless they had work or summer school. “Hello?”
“Hey, Sunshine! You on your way to campus yet?” Mark’s bright voice filled your ears. You wanted to laugh. If anyone were pure sunshine, it would be Mark Lee and not you. If only the boy realized it himself. 
Keep reading
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idlestxrs · 2 years
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idlestxrs · 2 years
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san · guerrilla jacket making
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idlestxrs · 2 years
Michael afton in the mall
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