idv-tricksterisopu · 2 years
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[𝙼𝚊𝚍𝚎 𝚒𝚗 𝙾𝚌𝚝𝚘𝚋𝚎𝚛 7 2022]
Been about a 6 months hiatus from this blog and I stopped drawing Isopu completely. It took an hour for me to be able to draw that damn hair again- Overall this is a major improvement and decided to give him some minor changes again cuz I can never settle on a design I can agree with; but I have a feeling I'll stick to this one longer. Imma give an excuse for the constant changes saying that his a growing man.
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𝕎𝕚𝕥𝕙𝕠𝕦𝕥 𝕤𝕙𝕒𝕕𝕠𝕨 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕓𝕝𝕠𝕠𝕕
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ℕ𝕖𝕨 𝕖𝕪𝕖 𝕕𝕖𝕤𝕚𝕘𝕟; 𝕫𝕠𝕠𝕞𝕖𝕕 𝕚𝕟
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𝗢𝗹𝗱 𝗱𝗲𝘀𝗶𝗴𝗻𝘀 ↓
[𝙼𝚊𝚍𝚎 𝚒𝚗 𝙹𝚞𝚗𝚎 21 2021]
This was so old, I remember how it was a fresh 10 am in the morning— and to procastinate in my work, I made this as I was in online class during pandemic. Yeup thats where it all begin, the day before this blog started I was messing with Pin's old @/idv-vale-bois's Victor by pretending to be the nice Aesop anon and attempted murder all in the short span of 30 mins at 1 am
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[𝙼𝚊𝚍𝚎 𝚒𝚗 𝙽𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚖𝚋𝚎𝚛 23 2021]
Same year but I've improved and slowly gotten used to drawing Aesop's hair and I gave him a different style that differs from canon cuz theres no way I'm drawing such a detailed costume on a daily basis. Still not quite right but atleast it was better than nothing. I have not idea why I drew Brooke looking like that though-
The background also looks pretty off.
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idv-tricksterisopu · 2 years
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Ya see that? Thats the copyright symbol.
Im the f i r s t and OG trickster around here.
Yall other trickster blogs are inferior-jkjk
Another trickster spawns in my radius i wont sue yall. Ill start a full blown W A R.
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idv-tricksterisopu · 2 years
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H O W ? W H Y ?
Do yall not check when was the last time someone posted smthg in 5 months ago or more???
Welp i guess i got work to do.
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idv-tricksterisopu · 2 years
A letter from your dearest Trickster mun~
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Yes. i'm back after like what half a year at this point.
I technically didn't leave tumblr just the blog due to some issues-
Mainly cuz i stopped drawing ever since i got pulled back into my gaming addiction like Valorant or CSGO n also started hanging out with friends more just cuz its mandatory for a soon-to-be-adult child. I'm also attending a Valorant tournament from my friend's school so im no life-ing this- as well as a volleyball, badminton and archery tournament coming around this month til october but those are the least of my worries.
The one thing im more worried about is my inability to draw-
I pretty much lost all knowledge of art and had to build up about a week worth of motivation in order to try and regain back the skill i lost all while dealing with personal problems. Besides that i fell into the genshin and writing side of tumblr, which lemme be honest- it's a trainwreck. Hey at least my writing has improved by 10%
I've been meaning to bring this blog back early like around May or June but as u can tell that n e v e r  h a p p e n e d. Thanks unmotivation-
Fun fact, i had a whole list of aesop birthday cake designs for each and almost every aesop in this community but guess what? I lost it. I apparently kept it safe inside a file with no backup and i think i accidentally yeetus deletus when spring cleaning my computer. I tried to restore it back but it seems all of it went down the permanently delete drain along wif all the workload of my old school i want to see burn in hell. Ironically i was spring cleaning my computer to make space for Phasmophobia and Left for Dead2. I had one job.
Then we have school but honestly its predictable so there's not much to say.
Other than that, things are manageable (except art block) and ill try my best to be as active as i can cuz im not abt to give up like half a yrs worth of plans i hav for this blog.
Now looking at this blog- i gotta do some cleaning up. Ill bring up isopu again and answer all of my asks once im done spring cleaning and making this blog a bit more presentable and organized. 
That and i gotta catch up wif all the friends here i abandoned. So sorry i left yall in the dust.
And sorry to all of the rps and interaction abandonment, i hope we can still continue if you are willing too. 
Thank you all for sticking around and for whatever reason sending in more asks to build up for the old ones now i got sum work to do.
Enjoy your last remaining peaceful days. Im coming for yall-
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idv-tricksterisopu · 2 years
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“Would that count as a home run or a par?”
For you Ms. Dorval *hands her a pipebomb* Now go
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"Think fast, chucklenuts!"
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idv-tricksterisopu · 2 years
Lobotomy Corporation Au Doodles
I took a break and played LC.
LC is basically Korean SCP but it has good story, ridiculous abnormaly names, cute npc characs you will get attatched too, and it tests your sanity and patience.
Every choice you make is gonna bite you in the ass later. Its fun tho
So i did some LC doodles but Im only gonna share the ones I drew of the blog
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Break over, time to do work
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idv-tricksterisopu · 2 years
Rue: H-Happy Valentines Day..... I need to slaughter Meep for making me saying that.....
*the gift was a mini chocolate cake with vanilla ice cream on top*
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“Won’t you stay for awhile?”
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idv-tricksterisopu · 2 years
I fell for u *winks*
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idv-tricksterisopu · 2 years
what was it like being a cat
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idv-tricksterisopu · 2 years
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Thank you Nakki qwq
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idv-tricksterisopu · 2 years
Mun yid. I would like to say happy valentines day and I hope you are well. Please take care of yourself and keep up your good work!💝
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idv-tricksterisopu · 2 years
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I don’t usually celebrate Valentines but Im in a good mood, so-
Happy Valentines day everyone. May all of us stay single(jkjk)
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idv-tricksterisopu · 2 years
Uhm- Trickster sir- I uh...(*shutters and shys away*)
(*runs away)
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idv-tricksterisopu · 2 years
I have a confession to make...
May I have ur hand in marriage yid? ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
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idv-tricksterisopu · 2 years
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And we’re back~
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idv-tricksterisopu · 2 years
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If it's not too late for sleepover ask's: Do you guys play any games tonight? Like Dare or Truth? 👀
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4/5 answered questions, 1 more to go!
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idv-tricksterisopu · 2 years
“…….” (Starts dragging bed away while staring) “…… sucks to be a cat, huh?” [Ya know who ^^]
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He needs to charge his phone
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