The way you write the boys is so sweet!
Four Against One, Chapter 3
I got a little distracted with other things, but I finally managed to finish chapter 3. As usual, this is an M rated fic, so read at your own discretion.
Four Against One: Chapter 3
Tags: @thelaundrybitch @turtle-babe83 @red-phoenixxx @leosgirl82 @dilucsflame33 @happymoonangel @fluffytriceratops @thepinkpanther83 @yorshie @yamanekomono @androidships007
@igotlostinthesewers @silversunskyless
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Quick question. Is anyone out there interested in reading a Splinter x reader fic if I write it?
Like. Nothing smutty or anything just something fluffy and sweet? I don't know if thats actually a thing people would like lol.
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Oh hell yes! Thanks for tagging me!
Four Against One: Part 2
So as expected, this story wasn't as popular as some others. BUT the people who were into it were very vocal about it and actually wrote words to me. And that will get you more updates.
Since we are now getting into M-Rated territory, I'm only linking to the chapter on AO3.
Four Against One: Chapter Two
@thelaundrybitch @turtle-babe83 @red-phoenixxx @leosgirl82 @dilucsflame33 @happymoonangel @fluffytriceratops @thepinkpanther83 @yorshie @yamanekomono @igotlostinthesewers @sezgo81 @silversunskyless
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Some Type of Drug
Chapter Three: You came? You called.
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Pairing: Leonardo x Reader
Reader Type: Gender Neutral
Song: In my time of dying- Led Zepplin
Warnings: Fighting. Blood. Cursing.
An: I hope this is good lol. Let me know what yall think!
Word Count: 3273
"I'm not to far gone to be healed, am I? I'm not too gone am I?"
-Alice Notley, from In The Pines: Poems; "In The Pines,"
You see him more often than you thought you would after that day. Catching glimpses of Leonardo on building tops. Curling around corners and blending into the shadows. Always watching over you when he was given a chance. Ever since that night Foot soldiers were far more frequently spotted and he wanted to ensure it was not because of you.
Leonardo always gives you a head up when he follows you. Something as simple as a pitched whistle. That weird grumble not growl he'd make sometimes. But always he would watch over you as you made your walk back home. Making the nightime routine a part of his patrol. And ever since that night you made sure to carry both mace and a taser. 
After work Leonardo makes time to talk to you.  Sometimes he would in the morning. Slink in before the morning sun has truly risen. But it was easier at night. Far less of a chance of him being spotted.
The two of you weren't quite friends yet. Both your hearts to calloused, to walled, to really allow you to open up. But the kinship the two of you held was greater than just acquaintances.  You allowed the guy to raid your fridge when you were not there for goodness sakes. 
Leonardo left you little things to find when you would come home. Sometimes it was change to pay for what he took. Other times it was small charms he thought you might like. Once it was a plate of cookies from his brother Mikey.
He had yet to let you meet his family in the month the two of you had gotten to know each other. You were certain that the reason why he stuck around for so long was to keep an eye on you. To both ensure his secret, and his family, were safe. But also to keep the Foot from finding you.
That changed with the last gift though. Some shift in the air when you came back home to see a goldstone bracelet sitting on your kitchen counter. It was all sparkling and blue when you had picked it up. It was then you realized just how observant he really was. 
You had made nothing more than an off hand mention about how your last one broke. The small beads never to be found again when they slide under the oven. You had told Leo about it when you were making dinner. Filling in the silence of your apartment. 
It had been such an insignificant thing to you.
But he had remembered. And it left you wondering just what you  were to each other.
Leonardo learned about your home town as you grew more comfortable with his presence. Telling him about your family, your childhood friend. You told him of your long trip here. How you drove because you were scared to ride in a plane. And you told him how lucas had been your only support. The only one who had encouraged you to go. And how he was the only one who would still talk to you.
What you did not tell him was about the heartbreak. The screaming and yelling. The begging. The very things that left you so guarded.
In the same way Leo told you about his family. The shenanigans that Mikey would pull. His ever loving heart. Donatello's bad late night habits but also of his brilliance. Sometimes he would complain about Raphael's bullheadedness but in the very same breath praise his bravery. His heart.
He spoke of his father. His sensei. His teacher in most things. But he spoke little else of Splinter. And you did not push the subject.
In a way you began to think you became a place he did not have before. A place to be. To vent. A place to lay down his worries without having a person with prior knowledge to judge him. You were a place to listen as he was for you.
"You would not believe the audacity this guy had!" Were the first words out of your mouth. Leonardo had barely pulled himself from your window when you spoke.
"Long day?" He asked. He bent to give Zeki a soft pet on his grey head before turning back to you.
"Blue, You don't even know the half of it." You have him a look while shedding your jacket. Tossing the rain soaked thing into a basket near you door.
"You want to tell me so I know all of it?" He laughed out.
"Abso-fuckin-lutley" Off came your shoes. Briefly you stepped into your room to change.
When you stepped back out Leo was sitting on one of your stools. Smelling at one of your perfume oils that you left there this morning. That particular one seemed to be a favorite of his and you've contemplated buying one for him.
Do. Do mutated turtles wear perfume? Cologne?
"So, you know Karens right?" Leo looked up. Capping the little vial.
"Those are the ones who are entitled. Right? The me-me?" Clearly one of his brothers needed to brush him up on his memes. Leo pulled at your small sketchnook. Looking over small doodles that you had made that mornings.
"Meme's. But ya. I don't know what the male version of that is." You began taking your rings off at the counter. "Probably Kevin."
You reacount just how much of the jerk the guy had been as you made dinner. Seasoning steaks and peeling potatoes.
"I tried so many god damned times to make his coffee right. It was either to hot or two cold or not enough nutmeg. By the time I was ready to call it quits and kick the guy out, Miss. Helen came up. She grabbed the coffee I had just made and tossed it in the mans face before telling him to get out in such away it would make Lucifer himself blush." Leo laughed as you tossed your hands up in the air.
"This Miss. Helen sounds like quite the woman." Standing Leo went to your cabinets. Pulling out cups and plates to place on the counter as you finished up cooking.
You were quick to plate the food. Rare steaks, garlicy and buttery mashed potatoes, and green beans with bacon. You were filling up your cups when you caught Leo's eye. He was watching you intently. He did that a lot. Observing the little things you to. Catching small quirks you didn't know you had. But this time. It felt different. A little more intimate.
"What?" You ask. Wiping away at you cheek incase you had gotten something on it. 
Leo pulls in a breath of air. As if he just now realized that he indeed needed to breathe."Nothing I." He pauses. Swallows. "Sorry."
"Don't be. Eat." You motined to his plate. "Did Michelangelo ever get that move down?" At this leo's eyes softened. Pride at his younger brother pulling him upwards.
Dishes were done together. You washing and Leo drying. Something about it was so. Domestic. It was comforting at times. You having missed this since. Well since your family fell apart. But at times it left your mind to wander. At what kind of friendship you and Leo had.  
When you insisted on doing it yourself, to stubborn to let others help. Leo had somehow fangled his way into at least drying. Everything in him just as stubborn to not let you do all the work yourself.
Leo was drying the last dish when his phone chimed. You watched as the large terrapin wove around you. His arm brushing against yours in the small space as he flicked he screen on.
"Sorry. I have to go." You could feel the small fall in your heart when he said this. You were always a little sad to see him go. Leo filled up an empty space you weren't aware you had until he was gone. It often left you scrambling to fill that space when he left. 
"It's alright Leo. Really." You bump his bicep with the back of your hand. "Family is important. I get it." Leonardo only nodded. Pocketing his phone.  
As normal Leo turned to leave. Pulling back the curtains to reveal a cloudless, star filled sky. Not as normal. Leo paused in the open window. Jaw clenching and unclenching  as he thought.
"You good Leo?" A bit of concern at his current behavior. He said nothing. Sliding back in to your home and grabbing the pen and paper off your coffee table.
"Can you meet me hear at this place and time?" He handed you the paper. His words were curled and flowy. Almost pretty in a way.
"Ya. Ya I can." You recognized the place. Just outside a pizza diner you liked to go to. A sly smile spread on your face as you looked back up at him. "You askin' me out on a date Boy Blue?" You laughed when he made a choking sound.
"I. No." He held his hands up. "Not that I wouldn't like to. I mean." He popped his knuckles and cleared his throat. "I want you to meet my family. It's safest to bring you there from that place." Those blue eyes finally landed back on you. Studied you for even the smallest of reaction. And you smiled. Warmth filled you.
"Ya. I'd like that." You spoke it to the ground. Then him. At that Leo smiled. 
"I'll see you later then." He told you. Waving before he slinked out the window, up the fire escape, and into the night filled city.
 Leo's heart was pounding. His normally steady hands shaking. Who knew that such a simple question  would have him so nervous. Well he knew why deep down. He was afraid to show you the one thing he truly cared about. It had taken him a week  just to ask. He brothers, and even Splinter at one point, asking when they were going to meet you.
Honestly he was a little excited to tell the others that you would be coming over soon.
He could hear his brothers before he saw them. There was Mikey's music. Something frying in a pan. Don was rattling something off about the latest planetary discovery and he could hear the soft. Plink Pling. Of Raph's knitting needles.
Mikey must have spotted him coming up the stairs into the kitchen space because he heard. "Bro! You're back! Finally." Leo was quick to catch a can of grape soda thrown at him.
"Took ya long enough fearless." Raph hardly spares him a glance. "Ya forget about movie night?" Leo took a seat across from him. Leaning back into his chair he popped the tab on his soda.
"No. Just got caught up is all." Raph's hands stilled and his brothers hazel eyes all but bored into him. His scarred lips pulled into a smirk. Then he scoff. Letting the dark blue knit fall to the table.
"You've gotta mile wide grin Leo." With the words out Mikey and Don stopped in what they were doing. Pausing to watch their two eldest brothers. "Spill."
Leo nodded his head. Looked to the table and if he could, smiled even brighter. "They're coming over." Their cheering was loud enough for Splinter to come out of his room and rising up the stairs to see what had his sons so excited.
"Finally! God you wouldn't shut up about them." Raph had thrown his head back. Leo furrowed his brow.
"I don't talk about them that much." Leo muttered. Looking to Splinter as if his father would agree.
"Every third sentence you speak is about them." Donnie spoke up. Leo through him a look. Then sighed when Splinter chuckled. 
With his gaze now fixed on the ceiling Leo asked. "What movie are we watching tonight." He was wanting to change the subject. Really. He didn't talk about them that much. Did he?
"The Hobbit." And when Leo looked at Raph he added. "It's Donnies turn to pick." He shrugged then began to help set up the living room for the movie.
Popcorn flew over his head. "Donnie If I have ta tell ya to keep your feet on your side one more time!" The ending credits of Desolation of Smaug rolled across the screen.
"One more time what Raph?" Donnies foot darts out to hit Raphs thigh for what seemed like the hundredth time.
"Oh that's it!" And just like that. Leo lost his popcorn.
"Knock it off you two." Leo rose. Standing up to break up his brothers roughhousing when he felt, and heard, his phone ring. When he pulled out your name and number was on the screen. He was quick to answer.
"Leonardo?" Your voice was quiet. 
"Y/n? Are you ok?" From the corner of his eye he could see Raph slap a hand over Mikey's mouth. His other arm headlocking Donnie.
"Fuck." Your breath shook. "Leo? Shit. They're here. They've." His blood ran cold when he heard your scream. Then glass shattering.
You must of dropped the phone. He could hear it thud against the floor. Your voice fainter now as you yelled.
"Fucking let me go!" The buzzing sound of a taser then. "You sick bitch!" Then nothing as the phone cut off.
"Everything ok Leo?" Donnie asked. Pulling his head out from Raph's arm.
"Ya bro. Everything good? You've gone all. Serious face on us." Mikey finally pulled the hand away.
"They're in trouble."
You didn't know when they came in. How they broke in. When Leo left the apartment had been to quiet. So you put on your playlist and letting it go on shuffle as you swepts the living room. You had done little else  but clean. Humming along to Led Zeppelin as you did so.
Your first clue had been Zeki and his bell. The small jingle barely audible over your music. The second had been your own instincts. Some animal part of your brain not yet gone picking up what you could not see.
Until the light in your window shifted.
Your heart rate picked  up. Your hair at the nape of your neck stood on end. Every part of your body ran cold.
If you had not moved. Oh god if you had not moved. The smallest shift of your bare feet against the cold wooden floor. The drop of your shoulder
You felt it. Feather light touch against your cheek. The quick hum of broken air.
Then your flower vase shattered. Glass glistening in the dim light of your home.
There was pain. Bright white pain when your knees hit the floor. You were quick to turn. Get up.
You went left at their right.
There was nothing but you, them, and the voice of Robert  Plant.
"Meet me, Jesus, meet me"
You were quick. Heavy hitting. Grabbing. Pulling. Breaking anything your could grab.
Glass shattered. At some point you had the wooded leg of your coffee table in hand.
Two. There was two of them. 
You tasted blood. Smelled it. Minging with vanilla and dragons blood.
"Oh saint peter at the gates of heaven won't you let me in?
 I never did no harm,
I never did no wrong."
The glass of their goggles broke when you brought down the wooden leg. Their scream was loud. Piercing.
Silenced with the next hit.
Your body was both fired and calm. Cool water swam in your thoughts. Always focused. Always steady. One wrong move. Oh one wrong move.
"And I see them in the streets
 And I see them in the field
 And I hear them at my feet 
 And I know it's got to be real."
The last one didn't get the chance to fully fight.
Blind rage. A hot, deafening desire. Ran through your body. Controlled you. They got you good. Seeing stars. Hearing bells.
They to though. Grew cold.
Your phone was next to your overturned couch. Thankfully unbroken as you flicked the lock screen open.
Scrolled down.
:Blue Raspberry:
Hit dial.
You could hear talking. Laughing. "Leonardo?" It was hard to speak. Voice quiet.
"Y/n? Are you ok?" Nothing but genuine concern. And oh you wanted nothing more than his help in this moment.
"Fuck." Your voice shook. Hearing rather that seeing the breaking of your windows. "Leo? Shit. They're here." And God your knees wanted to give out. "They're here. They've." And you screamed. Fear took you. Blinded you.
No longer were you in control.
One from the window. Another at your door.
The one at the door grabbed you. 
"Fucking let me go!" Shrill. High. There. Your taser. "You sick bitch!" 
"Im gon' to make it my dying 
It felt like a moment and they were there. The window he's crawled in and out of at least a hundred times by now was shattered.
They could all hear your desperate breathing. Smell the fear rolling off of you.
And music. Music was playing.
Raph had been the first to step in. Sais in hand as he crossed the threshold of the window.
Then resounding hit that rattled Raph's teeth.
"Fukin' Shit!" Raph.
The music called out. "Sweet little baby I don't know where you've been."
Your broken sob is what had him moving. All but throwing himself through that window.
Your home was a mess. The smell of blood, death, and fear a pungent mixture in the air.
"Oh God." Donatello. Leonardo had to agree. In the middle of it all stood you. Bloodied, bruised, clothes torn. Blood spilling thickly from your nose. Your open mouth. Your right eye was puffy. Swollen to the point of almost closing.
There was a pan in your hand. Your gripped it so tightly he could almost hear your fingers creak in protest. That must have been the thing you had hit Raph with.
"Leo?" The pan fell from your hand. Landed near your bare feet. "Leo?" He was quick to move. Catching you by the shoulders before your knees could hit the floor.
"I've got you. I've got you. You'll be ok." You gaze was distant. Your grip close to painfull on his forearms.
"They. My home." Donatello was slow to approach you. "Those bastards broke into my home." You voice was venomous. Lips bared over bloodied teeth. "Tried to hurt me. Tried to." Then the reality of it all hit you. "I. Oh God." A broken breath in.
"It was either you or them. Be glad it was them." Your head snapped to Raph. A whimper. Then sharply turned to Donatello when his hand rested on your shoulder.
You couldn't hear him. Could only watch as his lips moved. You were shaking. Cold but not. Breathing. Were you breathing?
"They're in shock." Donnies fingers rested at your clammy cheek. "Leo we need to get them to a hospital." Donatello could see a number of injuries. Smell a weird mixture of rain and blood on them.
"We can't do that. How would they explain any of this." Leonardo gathered you in his arms. "We take them to the lair. You can help them." Donatello looked around your home. To the people lying on your floors. 
Foot Soldiers.
"The Foot would just come for them there." Leonardo finished.
"Zeki. Where's Zeki?" You slurred out. Pushing against Leo's chest to go find him.
"Whose Zeki?" Raph asked. Kicking a rag dolled Foot off a broken table with a low whistle. His chin and cheek were dark.
"Their cat. Zeki's probably-" Leo was cut off when Mikey came out of your room. Cat in hand. The poor thing was terrified. Yowling. Meowing. Calling out for you.
"Whose this?" Leo shifted his grip on you. Offered a comforting pet to the cat.
"Zeki. He's their pet." The cat settled a bit at seeing a familiar face. "Y/n should have a carrier around here. Find it then bring Zeki back to the Lair."
You stirred in his arms when cook air brushed against your battered body. Your eyes fall on the bottom of a green chin. This close you could catch the faintest hint of sandalwood and leather. "Leo?" Then blue. You were swimming in blue.
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I am one flustered mess my dude holy shit this was good
you've unleashed something with this and you already know I want my leader in blue going feral for reader
[ REMIND ] for our muses to have passionate sex meant to remind one party who they belong to.
❝ i want everyone here to see that you’re mine. ❞
❝ are they making you uncomfortable? i can do something about it. ❞
❝ you wanna lose a limb? beat it, fucker. ❞
Tried to stay in the limit, can't wait to see you work your magic!!
Friend you never disappoint 👌
Let’s do this,
Rated Explicit (18+ only)
“Once I start, I cannot stop myself”
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His peripheral alerted him immediately.
Because Leonardo always had some part of him keyed into your moods and their various shifts.
Right now he could tell you were bothered, annoyed.
Naturally once he saw the reason for said annoyance he could empathize.
Vern Fenwick wasn’t everyone’s cup of tea.
Yours and Leo’s thing had started a few months back and the two of you had opted to keep a low profile. So of course Vern didn’t know which meant he thought he had the go ahead to pathetically flirt with you.
And that little nugget of information had nested within Leo’s stomach in the worst of ways. The basket ball game felt like a thing of the past now, Casey and Raph’s bantering far away. Mikey and April’s hushed laughter white noise, Splinters even breaths as he meditated a simple hum.
He doesn’t quite remember getting up from the couch, his large frame standing at full height had been your alert. Your eyes going back and forth between his approaching steps and Vern’s close proximity.
Something screamed in the back of your mind the second that Leo was behind Vern. All you could envision was the large terrapin suplexing the Falcon into the eighth level of hell.
“So how about it? You and me, a flight to the vineyard and a bottle of rosé?” Vern’s smile faltered the second he felt a large none human hand fall on his shoulder. There was a little jump but soon a sigh of relief. He must’ve thought Leo was Raph, who wasn’t too fond of him either.
“Hey Leo-oomph!”
Vern was not so gently shoved behind him. Leo’s she’ll serving a shield for privacy.
In a hushed whisper he simply asked, “is he making you uncomfortable?” And Christ, Leo had never looked this serious before. Not just serious but downright mad.
“Hey Blue, I was in the middle of something here with Y/n, you mind?” Vern’s eyeroll could be heard more than seen.
You huffed at his words, to which Leo added.
“I can do something about it”
Stern. Truthful. A vein on his forearm more evident as he fisted his hands.
You didn’t want conflict, any moment now everyone would look over and nothing about this screamed ‘friendly banter.’
But Vern naturally had to fuck things up further.
You didn’t hear it, Leo’s large frame was in the way but the way his eyes widened and the way he turned to face Vern was very telling.
“Run that by me again” Leo’s voice was in what everyone joked as ‘leader mode.’
Vern audibly gulped and whispered closer to Leo.
“I said I’m trying to get something going here with Y/n, be a pal and let me close the deal here will ya?” there was a little scoff and laugh as if trying to keep his cool but that quickly went to shit when Leo leaned down closer to Vern’s face.
“You wanna lose a limb?” Was the simple question Leo posed.
“E-excuse me?” Vern visibly shrunk.
“You have two working ears, you heard me” whatever looked Leo was casting at Vern had the man turning pale as a sheet of paper. You felt a small exhilarating rush.
“Well of course not, no-“
“Beat it, fucker”
Oh shit.
It dawned on Vern, the warning bells rang and before he could come to the conclusion to what really was going on here, he had scurried off to the living room like a robot.
“Holy shit Leo-“ Before you could finish your sentence his lips had found yours. A three finger grip on the back of your neck kept you in place as he kissed with every intention of everyone finally knowing.
When he released you, the gang (sans Splinter who was deep in meditation) was staring and blinking. Your nervous smile faltered when Leo grabbed your hand and pulled you in direction of his room.
You didn’t miss Mikey’s “good for them” as the door closed.
“Jesus is it spring or are you really this upset?” You smiled and laughed nervously some more once Leo backed you up against the wall.
“No, but if I ever see anybody talk to you like that, I’m going to break their legs” His fingers found the button of your jeans, he undid it and knelt to roll the fabric down vast your knees. Your face heated, pink and red and hot at the sight of his hands giving your underwear the same treatment.
“Leo everyone’s here, they’ll-“
“I want everyone here to see that you’re mine”
The words knocked the air out of you.
Before you could fathom an excuse he used stuck a digit into his mouth and wet the appendage. He found your clit and drew circles. Knees buckling and lips twitching you forgot what sentence you were creating. “I’m going to cover you head to toe in marks…” He stood back up, finger never seizing its movements.
“When you leave this room, you’re leaving smelling of me, on you, in you…” A finger slipped inside of you, thumbs continuing to circle your clit. The action made your hands shoot out to grab at his plastron. “Oh f-fuuuck” You muttered out, a hand slipped to grab his wrist.
Leo’s other hand cupped you’re face, a loving stroke across your lips made another gush of heat pool at his knuckle.
He smiled.
“Please-oh-Leo!” You squeaked as he turned you around and pressed you against the wall.
“Everyday, if I have to remind everyone everyday from now on, I will” His teeth found your shoulder and sunk, hard enough to see the indentations of his teeth on the flesh. “Is that a pro-promise?” You smiled against the concrete wall, stuck out your rear and relished the growl like churr that escaped him.
The rustle of clothes made you bite your lip.
You felt him, inch by excruciating inch.
Felt the desperate need to claim you overtake him as he wrapped an arm around your waist and fucked you.
His mouth found your neck and sucked a bruise onto it, hips rhythmically slapping against your rear. The finger that had been rubbing teasing circles was now in your mouth. Your eyes fluttered, palms against the cold concrete, his heated body a delightful contrast.
He muttered praises at your ear, the ones that with each syllable made you stand on your tippy toes as that familiar pressure overtook. He boxed you against that wall, his massive body pressing up against you wantonly, deliberately, with every intention of your orgasm bouncing off of the concrete against his very soul.
It was a rush, everything weightless and then so very heavy when it hit you. You bit down on his finger and felt your bones turn to jelly as he held you through it. The shaking alone made Leo smirk as he continue to thrust, to push as much of his essence into you. Your drool dribbled down his finger, his own seed doing the very same down your inner thighs.
You felt your world spin as his teeth found another spot on your shoulder.
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A gif I made of my pretty boy. 💙✨🌊📿🍵
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I don’t know. This has just been in my head for a while so I made it.
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This is pretty cool! Love the way you write!
Four Against One, Chapter One
So I've had people ask me about writing something like this, since I don't mind writing poly. Originally, the concept was a bunch of comedy shorts about Mona trying to date all four turtles at once and it goes about as well as you expect it to.
But then more ideas piled up and I kept changing the concept and the feel of the story. And I finally settled on this. Please keep in mind this is just a fun side project for me to explore this ridiculous idea. Do not take it seriously. I assure you, I am not taking it seriously. I'm just feeling this out and seeing where it goes.
This happens in Bayverse, in the same world as "When Leo Met Mona" only in this version, Leo did NOT meet Mona. At least, not at that time. They don't meet her until after she is mutated.
So...enjoy if you're into this sort of thing. If not, feel free to skip. As I said, this is not a project I'm taking too seriously and I will not be hurt if this isn't for you.
Also, while this chapter is clean-ish, this will eventually be an M-rated fic.
The four brothers walked carefully through the rubble. Police offers were everywhere, the blue and red lights from their cars lit up the night behind them. The turtles were escorted through the building—once an ordinary lobby, now completely in shambles. Equipment had been thrown to the side, doors ripped off their hinges. Blood was smeared on the floors and walls.
This was the second time ever the New York police department had called on the turtles for help. But this time, they had no idea what they were in for. And the further they walked into the building, the more they felt like they were in over their heads.
And officer escorted them through a door in the back that led down a flight of narrow, concrete stairs to reveal an entire sub basement below the office building. Down below, it was far worse. Everything was trashed, smashed, smeared in blood. Bodies lay strewn about. Pieces of human bodies and hulking forms of...something else. Something reptilian.
“Dude, that...are those...mutants?” Michelangelo whispered harshly. There were several. Lizard-like creatures, far bigger than the turtles, laying dead with throats and bellies slashed open. Some partially eaten. Human and mutant bodies alike were everywhere. The smell of death was already beginning to rise.
Police Chief Rebecca Vincent stood among it all, the only thing orderly in all the chaos. As the turtles approached, she gestured to the nightmare around her as if they would have answers for her. But all any of them had were questions.
“What happened here?” Leonardo asked in a low tone.
The chief huffed. “That's what we're trying to figure out. This was some sort of secret lab where they were mutating animals into giant creatures for God only knows how long. Tonight, something happened. Several of these animals got out. We're still trying to piece together what happened. But we're already getting calls about monsters loose in the city. A good portion of them, it turns out, fled into the sewers.” Raphael growled. “No, of course. Of course they went into the sewers. Where we live.”
“Your home turf,” Chief Vincent agreed. “We were hoping you would help us locate them before they hurt anyone.”
“Locate them and then what?” Donatello asked. “What do you want us to do with them?”
Vincent shook her head, obviously overwhelmed with it all. Everyone was still trying to wrap their heads around this absolute madhouse of a crime scene.
“Dr. Falco, the man responsible for all of this, managed to survive. He's insisting we take them all alive.” She held up a black duffel bag. “In here are supposed doses of mutagen. He said this will push them through to the second phase. It will make them smaller, more manageable. In theory, it will increase their intelligence. Even, he insisted, allow them to learn how to speak. It was like he was trying to make mutants just like the four of you.”
The brothers looked at each other.
“So you want us to mutate them and bring them back to you?” Leonardo asked carefully.
Vincent handed him the bag of mutagen. “At this point, I honestly don't know. Do what you can. If you can bring them back alive, then we'll figure out what to do with them. If you can't...maybe it would be better for everyone in this city if you killed them all.”
Four Against One
Chapter One: Animal Instincts
Mona tossed and turned in bed, finding she couldn't sleep. It was unusual to have this problem down in the sewer. It was so dark and quiet at night. It was like sleeping with the weight of the whole city like a thick, warm blanket on top of her. It never took long before she was out.
But tonight, she just couldn't do it. Something about her body was keeping her active, making her muscles restless and her mind spinning. It was maddening. After a good three hours of flopping from side to side, Mona pulled herself up with a huff. It felt like she wouldn't be sleeping anytime soon. Might as well get up.
It was dead silent. Dark and dormant with a few lights stationed here and there for anyone who needed to see where they were going in the otherwise pitch black lair. The idea was to wander in some of the main rooms for a bit until she got sleepy, but light from deeper in the lair caught her attention. Someone else was awake.
The light was coming from Donatello's workshop. Of course, if anyone else was awake, it would be him. He was a self-professed insomniac and liked to keep odd hours whenever he was pulled into another project.
Mona approached the open entrance way and leaned on the frame. A barely audible true crime podcast played from the phone on the table. Donatello fiddled with a piece of rusty machinery as he tried to take it apart. She watched him for a moment, enjoying the quiet zen of seeing him work. He always gave out such a calm energy. She hoped being in the wake of his aura for a while would lull her enough to go back to bed.
Yet, as he worked, she found herself more energized as she watched the muscles of his arms. The flex of his biceps as he tried to pry one stubborn piece from the other. It made her restless all over again and she could no longer hold still. Her legs moved, carrying her in further.
“Hey, Donatello,” she greeted.
He paused and looked at her curiously. “Uh, hey. Can I help you with something?”
She sat herself in the extra chair that floated around his workshop. “I can't sleep. I was hoping I could stay up with you for a while. Unless it's a bother. You can kick me out if you need to.”
He gave her a calculating look. Not the first one she had received from him in the nearly three months she had known him. It was like he was trying to learn her; figure her out.
She was trying to learn them all, too. These four mutant turtles with their mutant rat father that had been living down in the sewers undiscovered for over twenty years now. She, too, had no idea of their existence until they had saved her from a monstrous mutation that, in her opinion, was a fate worse than death.
Her current situation was better than being a hulking beast lurking in the sewers, but it still wasn't ideal. Born human, she was now mutant; still reptile in form with a broad snout, green skin, and a long tail that irritated her on nearly a daily basis.
Unable to be a part of the human world any longer, she lived in the sewers with these other mutants. Very sweet and intriguing mutants who opened their home to her when she had no place to go. She would be forever grateful for their hospitality, but this wasn't her home and these mutants weren't her family. Three months in, she still felt like a guest, like she should be moving on soon. She wished she could. She hated relying on others; taking without being able to give back. Eventually, she would take too much and they would be done with her. In the meantime, she tried not to be a bother.
“No, you can stay,” Donatello said. “I don't mind at all.”
“Thank you.” The words were weighted, as they always were. Thank you for tolerating me for another day, even though I am a stranger. Even though I am useless to all of you.
He went back to fiddling as she curled up in the chair, feet tucked beneath her. Trying to take up as little as possible in a room that wasn't hers. Trying to be invisible, soundless. She didn't want to disrupt. But only a few minutes in, she started rocking back and forth on the chair as she looked around. The rhythmic tick, tick, tick of the chair caused Donatello to look up at her.
“Sorry,” she said, when she realized what she was doing. “I'm really struggling. I don't know why I can't sleep. I feel very mmm...kinetic tonight.”
A smile pulled at the side of his mouth. She had a different vocabulary than his brothers. Her choice of words amused him at times.
But his lack of response made her nervous. She stood up. “You know what? Maybe I'll go watch TV or something. I don't think sitting here bothering you is the answer. I'm sorry to come in.”
When she moved to leave, he stood up. His height towered over her. His broad shoulders took up space. For some reason, Mona found herself hyper aware of those two things about him.
“Do you want to go for a walk?” he asked. He seemed almost surprised himself to offer it. “I'll go with you.”
Gratitude flooded her. A feeling where a thank you didn't seem to be enough. But she said it anyway. “Thanks. I'd really like that.”
Donatello grabbed a flashlight and led the way to some of the catacombs at the back of the lair. They tended to be much dryer with less runoff. Not that there was much runoff anywhere. The summer had been usually dry this year.
Mona was getting more and more familiar with the different tunnels in the area. She even knew how to get to the surface if she needed to. But the surface scared her. She had been a few times, but she didn't like to go out too long. When she was exposed, it felt like she was showing the entire city what she had become, and she was still coming to terms with it herself.
“You're not a bother, by the way,” Donatello said suddenly, breaking her from her thoughts. “I've noticed you apologize a lot whenever you need something or you're taking up our time. None of us mind helping you.”
“Yes, all of you are amazing,” she agreed. “You guys have been so, so great. But I feel bad. I've been here a while. Even now, I'm taking up your time. Time you would have had if I wasn't here bothering you. I've always been one who's paid my own way. I wish there was at least more than I could contribute.”
“You contribute,” he insisted. “We all love that you cook for us, we appreciate when you clean. You've patched us up when we're hurt, you've stayed up with us when we're sick.”
“So I'm your mom,” said said with a hint of dissatisfaction.
Donatello frowned. He didn't like the sound of that either. “No, it's not like that. You just...the lair just feels nicer with you in it. You also give us something pretty to look at, so there's that.”
“Me?” she asked stupidly.
He smiled and gave a shrug.
Her gaze turned to watch ahead of them by the light of the flashlight. She never thought of herself as that pretty as human. Good enough to get by. Maybe even cute on her best days. But as a mutant lizard...she tried not to look at herself in the mirror for too long. She had sometimes wanted to apologize to them for having to look at her.
But that comment...was he serious? He was a reptile, too. Maybe to him, there was a different beauty standard. She herself thought all four turtle brothers were cute as hell. It had taken a while to get used to them—to wrap her head around the fact that talking giant turtles existed—but after that, it was easy to enjoy being around them. To learn their quirks and personalities, to discover how sweet they all were. To learn all the turtlely things about them and find out each one just endeared them to her more.
If Mona was really honest with herself, she'd had to admit that she was crushing on them all a little. Though she assumed it mostly came from the fact that she had hardly had any interaction with anyone else aside from the brothers and their father. That and she had never been treated as kindly as this family had treated her. She was growing to love them, but at the same time pitied them for being stuck with her growing affection for them merely because they had been kind to her.
“You've gone quiet,” Donatello spoke after a few minutes of silence. “I'm sorry if I said something bad.”
“You've never done or said anything bad since I've known you, Donatello,” came the soft response.
He paused and shined his flashlight on her. She blinked in the strong light, unable to see him other than the reflection of his glasses.
“I keep trying to read you, Mona Lisa, but I always feel like I'm missing something.”
She shrugged. “I don't know what that is. I'm just your average girl who was kidnapped and mutated against her will, faced off against a bunch of scary monsters—both human and mutant. And then found this sweet family of adorable turtles and their rat dad. And now I live here in the sewers. Tale as old as time.”
The light was still on her, as if she was being interrogated. “You don't talk much about before your mutation. Who you were; if there's anyone out there who might be missing you.”
“There isn't. There's not much to talk about. Just another poor twenty-something trying to work and keep the bills paid and the lights on. I'm afraid I'm not an interesting person.”
“I find you plenty interesting, Mona Lisa.”
Mona held a hand up to her eyes to block out the light. Trying to see his face; to see if he was being serious. “Are you flirting with me?”
“Of course.” Donatello's answer was pragmatic as he lowered the light.
In truth, she often flirted with all the brothers. And they usually flirted back. Sometimes even Leonardo—on the rare occasions she could get more than two words out of him. They were growing on her, always endearing. She liked having their attention. It made her feel special. Having Donatello's attention right now, hearing the soft, playful tone of his voice, made the core of her gently tighten. That was new.
“You're quite good at it,” she flirted back and they settled back into walking. “Very charming.”
He didn't respond, but she could feel him smiling. All four brothers would get flustered whenever she complimented them. It was cute. They were all so big, strong. They could be dangerous if they wanted to be. But they all melted with flattery and affection. Mona was happy to be the source of both of those things. It was one of the very few things she had to offer.
The tunnel narrowed and they had to walk close. Mona's shoulder brushed his arm so many times it seemed like he was seeking out the contact on purpose. Likewise, his knuckles touched the back of her hand now and then, silently asking. They liked to be touched, she had noticed. But this was distracting. She settled it by taking his hand. Three-fingered with thick, scaled skin. She didn't mind touching him. She never minded touching any of them.
When she did, something in Donatello relaxed. He was quiet, but silently pleased with this. Mona wished she could be so relaxed and pleased. She still felt like energy was running through her. Even though his thumb rubbing the back of her hand soothed her a bit. Donatello's presence was always soothing; calm.
They walked in companionable silence as their route turned them around and they headed back into the lair.
“Better?” Donatello asked as they entered the comfortable, familiar tunnels.
“Yeah,” she lied. “I think I'm going to try to sleep now. Thank you for spending some time with me.”
He still had her hand; still ran his thumb over it like he wasn't done feeling the texture of her. “My pleasure.” His voice was a soft whisper. It stirred her body in a way she wasn't prepared for. “Hug?”
Michelangelo asked for hugs the most. Donatello was a close second. She never minded as she slipped her hand out of his and then raised her arms. The very tall turtle stooped down so she could wrap her arms around his neck. He slowly straightened, carrying her off her toes. She loved when he did this. A joyful noise squeaked out of her and she gave a few happy kicks before he set her back down.
She felt a little flush after being pressed to his firm body, but tried not to focus on it.
“Good night, Donatello.”
His voice remained soft and raspy. “Have a good night.”
Early the next morning, Leonardo paused when he walked into the dojo and found that it was already in use. Usually, he was the first one up and enjoyed at least an hour of quiet time before the rest of the family began to stir. But today, the light was already on. Mona Lisa sat lotus style, eyes closed and back straight. She opened her eyes as Leonardo silently entered.
She must have noticed him pause. “Sorry, am I going to be interrupting your personal time?”
She was. Leonardo liked having his quiet mornings alone. But that morning, he didn't particularly mind her company. She was usually a quiet person and he appreciated that about her.
“You're fine. Do you mind me joining you?” he asked as he sat himself in a similar position.
“Please do. I'm not having much luck on my own.”
Leonardo didn't say anything. He had learned merely by waiting, he could always get more information out of her.
“I couldn't sleep last night. I'm feeling a little frayed. Like there's this energy in my body that won't stop churning. I thought maybe some meditation would help, but I don't know what I'm doing. Am I supposed to be thinking about something? Or am I supposed to empty my head and think about nothing?”
A slight smile pulled at the side of his mouth. “I guess it depends on what your goals are: to quiet the mind, or to contemplate something that's been on your mind.”
She furrowed her brows in consternation and he found it to be quite cute. “What do you think about when you meditate? Or is that too personal to ask?”
“I try to think about my goals. How I want my day to go. How I can be a better brother and a better leader to my team. How I can improve on my skills and myself. Admittedly, my brain likes to wander to my mistakes and dwell on them. I try to spin it to the positive. Learn from them. Do better the next time.”
“Damn,” was Mona's response. “That's a good answer. I'll try some of that.”
Leonardo smiled a little more. There was something about her that was gentle, but amusing. He enjoyed her energy. As he settled into his own meditation, he was reminded of that as she remained a quiet and calm presence beside him. But she was still a presence. Normally, he could tune out his sensei and even any of his brothers if they were meditating beside him.
But her. Something kept calling him to her. Meditation for him was like sitting in a comfortable darkness. With Mona, she was like a soft glow next to him. Not loud or distracting, but definitely there. He opened an eye to look at her. She wasn't moving or making any sound. She looked relaxed; she wasn't even breathing loud. So why did his head keep turning in her direction? Was it her smell? He could definitely smell her. She smelled very nice. She smelled...attractive? Was that the word he was looking for?
He didn't say anything and let her be. For Leonardo, that morning's meditation was spent trying to keep his focus. He did not have much success. Still, it felt like it wasn't too long before Splinter came in for his own morning meditation. And after twenty or so minutes, the other turtle brothers trundled in.
“Ooh, look who's up,” Michelangelo greeted. He crouched behind Mona and gave her a light one-armed hug around the neck. “Morning, Mo-Mo. Ooh, you smell really good today.”
“Hey, Mike,” she greeted back, still not moving.
“What are you doing up so early?”
“Having quality time with Leonardo.”
Leonardo glanced at her. She had one eye open in his direction, smiling as if she just told a joke. “Jealous,” Michelangelo replied and moved to find his own space on the floor where he began doing stretches. “When do I get my quality time?”
“With Leonardo? You'll have to ask him.”
“I wasn't talking about Leo. You know what I meant.”
Mona just grinned.
Raphael came in next and he too paused at the extra person before sitting in front of her and beginning his own stretches in preparation for training.
“Hey there, Big Eyes. You come to train with us this morning?”
She snorted. “Probably not. Not interested in getting my ass kicked today.”
“Nah. I'd go easy on ya. You using a new shampoo or something? You smell good.”
“Right?” Michelangelo piped up. “She smells super good this morning.”
Mona subtly sniffed her shoulder, then her hair. Then down the front of her shirt. “I'm not sure what that is. I don't smell anything.”
“Did you go to sleep at all?” Donatello's voice asked as he walked behind her.
“Not really,” she said guiltily. “Just wasn't my night.”
He crouched behind her and touched the side of her neck with the back of his fingers. “You're a little warm. Do you feel okay?”
“About the same as last night. Like I need to be awake for something. I just don't know what that something is. I think I'll make myself stay up all day and then hopefully I'll crash good tonight.”
Donatello paused and then overtly breathed her in.
“She smells good, huh?” Michelangelo grinned from where he stretched in a complicated pose.
“That's not how you usually smell,” Donatello mused. “Interesting.”
“What do I smell like? I don't smell anything.”
No response. Mona specifically looked to Leonardo, as if they were all keeping a secret from her and she knew he would be the one to speak the truth. But the blue-clad turtle shrugged. She did smell different, but he didn't know how to put it into words.
“Alright, time for training,” Splinter announced as he finished with his meditation and stood. With a sharp clap, the turtles immediately stopped their chatter and stood in a straight row before their sensei.
Mona stood as well to get out of their way.
“Can I stay and watch?”
Splinter eyed her while at least half of his sons were openly nodding. Before, she had always been politely told the dojo wasn't a safe place to be during training and the reasons were obvious. Very large mutants with very dangerous weapons would be whipping around at high speeds. Mona had no training to keep herself safe. But she couldn't learn if she wasn't allowed.
“Yes, you may,” Splinter agreed. “But you will adhere to every rule.”
She straightened. “Yes, sir.”
“You will sit where I put you. You will not move while there is any activity on the mats. You will pay attention to what is happening. If you break these rules, you will be asked to leave. This is completely for your safety.”
She nodded emphatically. “I can do that.”
“Very well.”
Splinter offered her a pillow to kneel upon close to the wall. Far away from any fighting. He stayed with her while the turtles warmed up. They pulled out their weapons and began performing complicated katas. To Splinter, it was obvious they were showing off for their audience of one. He let them. When they were sufficiently warmed up he called for them to stop and they obeyed.
“Weapons, here,” he pointed to a spot next to him and the brothers complied, setting their weapons down. “From the wall.” Splinter nodded to the collection of weapons adorning what was aptly named The Weapons Wall. “Donatello: daisho. Leonardo: tonfa. Michelangelo: kama. Raphael: naginata.”
Without their weapons of choice, it was obvious to the master that his students weren't as comfortable. But but they were also ninja and should be able to make a weapon out of anything. He allowed a few moments for the turtles to get used to the weight and swing of their new weapons. Raphael was enjoying the reach of his long, bladed staff and kept poking Michelangelo in the shell with it. The smaller turtle parried back with his kama; two short handles with curved blades. Like miniature scythes. Leonardo spun his double tonfa expertly, but it was clear he didn't like that they were more a defensive weapon and had barely any reach. Donatello looked the least comfortable with his allotment as he handled the sword set and awkwardly strapped them to his body in a way he could reach both swords. The shorter sword stayed in its sheath in the front while he swung the long sword around in a way that told he was used to handling a staff.
“Pair up,” Splinter then ordered. “Raphael and Donatello. Leonardo and Michelangelo.”
The designated pairs faced each other. When their sensei gave the order, the fighting began. It started a little slow at first with each brother getting into the feel of their weapon. Usually they were a lot more devil-may-care when playing with weapons. But they were aware of their audience and didn't want to look clumsy.
But Splinter didn't care who was watching. He was there to make sure his students were always on their toes. Once the sparing fell into a more comfortable rhythm, Splinter left his post at Mona's side. He noticed her posture was rigid, back straight. Her thick, heavy tail thumped on the mat. There was an energy from her that made him almost want to raise his hackles. Strange, but he was more focused on his sons. Though he felt almost a relief at moving away from the lizard mutant.
The turtles were a whirl of movement and blades. A dangerous place to be of anyone untrained. Splinter, however, walked among the battles effortlessly untouched as he dodged bodies at least twice his size. Every once in a while, he would hit one of them with the blade of his hand. Sometimes the attacks were dodged or blocked. Most of them hit their mark.
“Be aware of everything around you,” Splinter barked. “Not just your opponent.”
And yet, he too was only focused on his sons. Though something niggled at the back of his mind. Mona Lisa was at the periphery of his senses. Her tail still slapped against the solid floor. It swished back and forth in agitation. These were not normal behaviors for her. Somewhere in the primitive part in Splinter's rat brain and voice whispered Predator.
He glanced back at her and the primitive part of his instincts took over for just a second. A second was all it took. Splinter jerked into Donatello, who glanced back in time to nearly get sliced from Raphael. Leonardo became distracted by Donatello's stumbling as Michelangelo surged forward. And everything fell apart as turtles and rat all collapsed gracelessly on top of each other.
For a second, everything was silent, save for the swishing sound of an anxious tail.
“What happened?” Raphael demanded.
“Dudes, she's doing the predator eyes again,” Michelangelo hissed.
All eyes turned to Mona Lisa, who had obediently remained where she was. Her posture still stiff, tail swishing like an interested cat. Her normally human-like brown eyes had changed. The whites turned yellow, the pupils now long, reptilian slits.
Leonardo stood up, fists gripping his weapon as if to protect himself. They had seen her do this before, shortly after she had first changed. “Mona,” he said carefully.
She looked up at him. “Hm? You guys okay?”
There was a visible sense of relaxing from the group of prey animals.
“We're okay. Are you...okay?”
“Why wouldn't I be okay?”
Donatello took a few steps forward, but still kept his distance. “Your eyes...”
She blinked at him several times, then stood. Swiftly, she removed herself from the dojo.
Mona ran to the bathroom and looked at herself in the mirror. Her eyes were slowly going back to normal, but the evidence of what they had looked like was there.
“No...no, no, no,” she whispered. “Why is this happening again?”
She saw Donatello appear in the reflection behind her. “Let me see,” he said softly.
She turned with a sigh. She didn't want to. She didn't want him to stare right into her soul with those intense golden eyes of his. Always calculating, always taking in so much of her with every look. His hand held her chin as he studied her. He didn't need to touch her to look at her eyes, but he always touched. And she wanted to lean into it.
“They're pretty normal now. Do you know what happened? Were you feeling scared or threatened in the dojo?” he then asked as he pulled back.
“No, I was just watching you guys.”
“You looked kind of intense, babe,” Michelangelo said from the doorway. The others were lurking in the hall. “What were you thinking about?”
A flush warmed her face. She had been watching alright. Watching the display of speed and strength. Watching how their muscles moved, how their bodies glistened with sweat. The silhouette of them, the masculine energy they brought with them. It excited her, though she hadn't felt any changes in her body.
“I don't remember thinking about much, I was just watching.”
She must have still looked a little wide-eyed because Donatello put his hands on her shoulders and spoke in a calm voice. “Let's take a blood sample just to be sure.”
Now all that was on Mona's mind was worry. The mutation had been rough, traumatic. It had left her a different person, both physically and mentally. Even after the second mutation, she still dealt with some changes. Ones she thought she had mastered, but if she was changing again...
She was hardly paying attention as Donatello stuck a needle in her arm. So far, there had been no possible way to change her back to her original human form. But if she was regressing back to what she was before...it was her nightmare.
“I don't see any further mutation,” Donatello announced as he looked at her blood through a microscope. “It's still the same as it was. The cells aren't changing.”
Mona let out a sigh of relief. She felt Michelangelo give her shoulder a soft squeeze. She hadn't even noticed his hand was there until then.
Paper from the oldest printer Mona had ever seen was spat out and Donatello looked at the readings. “Here we go. Your hormone levels have shifted. That's why you've been feeling off. Estrogen and pheromone levels are up. Which means you're uh...entering a mating cycle.”
Mona blinked at him, trying to make sense of the words. “A what?”
“You're in estrus. Or in layman's terms, you're in heat.”
She snorted. “Fuck off, Donatello. Humans don't go into heat.”
He snorted back, unused to being told to fuck off. Especially by a woman. “You're not all human. Not anymore. Some of the animal tendencies from your reptile DNA may take over from time to time. It's already happened before with you.”
“Yeah, but I have a human brain. So is it even a thing?”
“It's a thing. And it kinda sucks when it happens.” Raphael said with arms folded across his chest. This gesture wasn't aggressive. It was more of a self-soothing motion. Like he didn't enjoy the topic of discussion.
Mona looked even more confused. “It happens to you guys, too?”
Hesitant and disgruntled murmurs from all four turtles.
She suddenly looked unsure. “Is it happening right now?”
“Nah. Ours comes in the spring. This late summer shit is new to me.”
Donatello was typing on the computer. “It says on this article that Komodo dragons—your main source of reptile DNA—mate during the dry season, which is usually late summer. Uh, we have had a pretty dry summer lately.”
“Fuck me,” she groaned.
“Is that an invitation?” Michelangelo asked cheekily.
Mona shot out of her chair and quickly moved out of their reach. “No, that was not! Do not...” She gestured in warning at them. “Just...DO NOT.”
“We're not going to do anything to you,” Leonardo said calmly. “You're safe here. I promise you.”
None of the turtles made a move toward her, which she appreciated. Her mind was racing as she tried to get a handle on the situation. Suddenly, it all made sense. Her restlessness. The way she had been hyper aware of everything the turtles did lately. How her gaze would zero in on their strong necks when they swallowed, on their mouths when they licked their lips. How she kept staring at their bodies; the defined arms, the shape of their torsos. The delicious way their thick thighs filled out their pants.
“Now I see why you got excited,” Donatello continued as he looked at his computer screen. “In the wild, male Komodo dragons will fight each other to win females. Watching us spar made you—”
“It sure as hell did not!” she shot back, cutting him off. Her voice had gone higher than normal. “That is not what is happening here! Oh my God. I—I have to go.”
She immediately left with Raphael calling after her. “Where you gonna go? The lair's the only place you've got.”
Leonardo was the first to follow after her, mostly just to make sure she wasn't going to do anything drastic. As it turned out, Mona only went to her room and firmly shut the door behind her. She was quiet for the first few moments as the turtles gathered outside.
“Mo-Mo, baby, it's okay,” Michelangelo called to her door. “It's not that big of a deal. We've been dealing with it for years and we always get through it.”
Her door opened and she was suddenly in his face. “Really?” she asked, looking desperately hopeful.
God she smelled good. Intoxicatingly good. He tried to ignore it, even as his body warmed. “Yeah, you'll be okay. I mean, you're going to be cranky and so horny you'll want to bang anything with a pulse, and sometimes things without, but you'll get through it. It only lasts like two weeks.”
“Two weeks?” Her pitch rose another octave. “That's longer than a period! What the hell?”
“Well, that's our cycle,” Donatello said. “Komodo dragons seem to have a really long mating season. Yours might be longer.”
Leonardo elbowed him to shut up.
“I'm just saying,” the tallest brother insisted. “It's good to have all the facts.”
“Another fact is, Mona, that we're here for you,” Raphael said, trying to smooth the conversation over. “We'll help you through it. Whatever you need.”
He hadn't meant it in a sexual way, but Mona's eyes suddenly went wide and he realized his poor word choices.
“Oh my God, no!” she cried and promptly slammed the door in their faces.
“She's going to be okay, right?” Michelangelo wondered.
A moment later, the turtles could hear the unique sound of her angrily screaming into a pillow.
Tag List: @thelaundrybitch @turtle-babe83 @androidships007 @snackugaki @red-phoenixxx @leosgirl82 @dilucsflame33 @happymoonangel @fluffytriceratops
44 notes · View notes
I lived the same way for the longest time to. It's a bit much and it's probably the reason why I'm so admit on not having to share my space anymore.
But honestly kudos to the person that put this much time and effort into all of this. Holy shit it awesome. Makes it easier to visualize when writing at the very least.
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you’re welcome
3K notes · View notes
The last post is based off this lol
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0 notes
Mikey: how are your legs feeling after that workout?
Reader: sore
Mikey: [[suddenly in a Russian accent]] Good. Make your thighs big as mother Russia. You know what they say about women with big thighs, yes?
Reader: [[also in a Russian accent]] Can crush head between legs like watermelon.
Mikey: [[still in a Russian accent]] You and I... we have very different fantasies
3 notes · View notes
Some Type Of Drug
Chapter Two: I can't. I shouldn't. But it will kill me if I don't.
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Pairing: Leonardo x Reader
Reader type: Gender Nuetral
Song: Universe (Slowed and Reverb)- Hazy
Warnings: Some light swearing.
An: And here's chapter two. I hope that you enjoy. An feedback is always welcome or just to let me know if I have a spelling error or two is appreciated.
Word Count: 3064
"My heart is a cathedral. Windows, ghosts and lovers sit and sing in the dark, arched marrow of me."
-Segovia Amil (Via willowingsleep)
He was fucked. Leo decided. For the last two weeks his thoughts have been nothing but you. Not only that but he had broken the one rule. The only and biggest rule he and his brothers had set.
Don't let the humans see them. 
And he broke that. He didn't know what he had been thinking. Hell, it had been sheer coincidence that he had ran into you and them. That alley was out of his normal patrol. Something, or perhaps someone, just. Told him he had to go. If there was any god or deity he had believed in. Or perhaps, and most likely, it was his own instincts, had driven him to go off his normal path. 
Leo had watched. Waited. As you fought against the Foot soldiers. He had to admit that you were a good fighter. Body and stance more than good as you fought on with a brawler type style to defend yourself.  Your movements fluid, quick and sure. It was if you, like him, had spent a lifetime honing and crafting your skill. Your style. 
He had only stepped in when he heard more of the Foot soldiers coming. And as good as you were, even he needed help when the enemy overran him. So he threw those two off. The mere sight of him enough to drive them away. Maybe they thought the rest of his brothers were near. Maybe they were actually scared of him. Either way the two of you were left alone.
"Don't freak out." Oh it had hurt him to speak those words. Knowing full well that despite what he said you would most likely do just that. Just, turn and run. He felt though that it would be easier to handle himself than watching it happen to one of his brothers. Again. Poor Mikey. 
But you? Oh you.
You had done nothing. Said nothing. Just. Looking. Drank him in like he did you. 
You had a sturdy frame. Muscled arms and legs evident through your rain soaked clothes.But you were also soft and rounded in the way only humans could be. So different from himself and his brothers. He could smell blood on you. Yours or theirs he didn't know. He could hear your breathe. Ragged and shallow evening out. Even as you looked upon him. 
The mutant. The monster. The thing that most are afraid of.
And your eyes. Oh those eyes. Dark and lashed. They went from a heavy glare, focused and narrowed, waiting for the next attack that would never come. Not from him at least. Then they softened. Filled with nothing more than a childlike curiosity.
Even after he stepped forward. Thudding a heavy foot against the rain soaked ground. Water splashed and spilled over his shoe. Did he do this to scare you? To test you? He did not know. All you did was step back and fix him with a look he didn't think he you were really aware of. Confused but still curious.  
And then you said that you weren't afraid. Not scared. Sure you were nervous but. Not afraid. Even April had passed out. Casey had tried to fight them. Using aggression to hide his fear. But you. 
You didn't think he could hurt your. That he would hurt you.
Leo shakes his head. Sitting back on his heels. He was outside on an early morning patrol. Trying and failing to clear his thoughts of you.  He's been watching over you. Not. Not stalking as Mikey liked to tease.
"Ohhh! You so have the hots for them don't you? C'mon ya gotta tell us what they look like!" Leo had just snorted a laugh and gave his youngest brother a playful shove.
"Hardly Mikey. The Foot may still be after them for just knowing that they exists." That's what he said anyways.
So he watched and waited. For what he wasn't sure yet. To see if you would seek him out? To walk the same path you did that night in hopes to meet him. Something about that thought made his heart jolt. 
He may not know the true answer to his curiosity about you but he has learned your routine over the past weeks. You would draw your curtains back at five every day. Weather or not you worked at the small cafe that Donnie liked to order from. You would then feed your cat. At some point you would crack your window open. Sitting on a worn chair as you smoked. The smell of tobacco, vanilla, and coffee would float over to him on cold morning air.
When you were done you would exercise. Stretching then running on your treadmill. Then you would practice your boxing. He was right when he guessed it was a lifelong skill of yours. Watching as you ducked and weaved. Sometimes your would repeat the same thing over and over. Taking little breaks until you got it right. Then you would continue on. Following the movement until you could do it just as easily as you breathed.
Sometimes though you would meditate. Back straight and legs crossed. The morning light angled on your lap. A spot your cat like to lay on. Soaking up the warmth the sun had to offer. But more often that not he would find you still sitting on the floor. Gaze focused on nothing. Looking as if you had the entirety of the world on your shoulders. And maybe you did. Leo wold not pretend to know your life. Your journey to this point.
He gazed down to your phone in his hand when you disappear into another room. Falling back into the darkness of your home. When  you had gotten home safely he had went back. Back to the place he two of you first met.
There was you phone. Rain soaked and cracked. The screen flickered when he hit the power button. The lock screen had you face. Lighter, smiling brightly. You were next to some dark haired person. Their face partially obscured by the broken screen. Before he could do anything else the phone had sputtered. Then died. 
He should have just broken it. Tossed the damn thing into the trash bin next to him. But he didn't. Instead he had brought it to Donnie.Asking his brother if he could fix it. He could. Little surprise there.
That's what had brought on the teasing. Leo one one of the only ones out of his brothers that just. Didn't try.
Sure they had friends within the police department. But it was more of an acquaintance than anything else. They only saw them when at the building. But unlike Donnie, who liked to learn more about them, and Mikey, who craved interaction with his extroverted personality. Leo did little.Said even less. He was polite. Helped when needed. And that was about that. Even Raph would interact with them more. Mostly to mess with the newbies that would come in. But still.
Leo had taken their teasing in stride. Hiding it under the guise of just. Trying to be helpful. To keep one of the few civilians safe that knew of their existence. It was bullshit. Even to hi. here was something about you he wanted to find out. There was an air about you few had. He just . Leo had to know.
It looked as if he would find out sooner rather than later. You were back and writing on your window.
:Stalking? Mr. Ninja?:
Leo snorted a laugh as you poked your head out from beside the word ninja. Your writing as a chaotically pretty, sprawling script. You soon erased it then wrote.
:Want to come in?:
At that you unlocked a large window and swung it open. Looking as if you were just letting in the morning air. You then turned and left to go deeper into you apartment. The invitation was clear.
Does he risk it? Seeing you. Your home. He does have your phone. He's spent most of the week working up the courage to just. Leave it at that very window. And here you were, inviting him in.
In the end is own curiosity won out. Soon he he poking his head through your open window and almost pulls back when he see's you leaning against your kitchen counter. A white and gray cat winding between your legs.
Lwo shifts and the cat sees him. For a brief moment the two of them stare. Much to your amusement. Before Zeki is gone, darting into the open door of your bedroom.His little bell jingling wildly with him.
"Hello." Leo swallows. You set your cup down and motion to him to come inside with a ringed hand.
"You can come in. Ya know?" You laugh. "Or you can let the neighbours check out your ass. I know that Susan across the way won't complain." With that Leo is pulling himself inside. He steps behind a dark and thick curtain. Watching you intently as yo come forward. Closing the window and drawing the rest of the curtains close.
You were dressed lightly he noticed. Dark grey sweatpants hung from your hips. And you wore an even darker, loose, long sleeved t shirt. The sleeves of which were rolled up to your elbows. He could see the mottled bruising on your forearms. The broken, but healing, skin on your knuckles.
"You want something to drink? I've got coffee. Some tea." Leo's eyes followed you as you walked into the kitchen. "I've got some breakfast to." Your head nodded at your oven. You then went to your cabinet. Reaching for some mugs. When he didn't reply you glanced at him from over your shoulder.
"I don't bite. Ya know?" You said it so softly. Almost that nonchalant air from a moment ago.
Were you regretting this? He wondered. Inviting the mutant turtle into your home. 
The smell of vanilla and tobacco was stronger now. And, strangely enough, so was the smell of rain.
"Tea. Thank you." The words felt thick in his throat.
"I've got early grey. Some black tea." You trailed off. Shuffling boxes and tins around in the cabinet above your sink. "There's some hibiscus and green tea as well." You look to him.  A tin in each hand.
"Black tea would be nice. Thank you." Leo swallowed. Still watching you as you moved about in your kitchen. Everything about it felt so wrong. But oh so pleasant.
You were treating him like an old friend coming over for a visit. Overlooking the giant green turtle in the room. It. God. It was beyond nice to just. Be normal.
There was silence between the two of you. Nothing but the babbling of boiling water. The in and out of your shared breathing. If Leonardo paused, listened. He could hear people just now waking up. The thrum of the vehicles outside. 
There. The cats bell jingled. Small feet pattered against a wooden floor. 
Normal. This was normal.
When the tea is done you set it in front of him. Taking a seat across from him you motion for him to do the same. Leo worries for a brief moment that he'll break the small stool when it whines against his wait. Thankfully it holds.
You are holding your own cup of coffee. Staring down into the dark reflection of yourself that it offered. Your hands are trembling. Sending waves through your drink. Breaking up your already broken face. Your heart was fluttering and your breath felt as if though it were being pulled from your chest.
"Thank you." You tell him. Voice more even and sure than you felt. Leonardo on the other hand was shocked. Thank you? Your thanking him? For what? And he asked you exactly that.
"For helping me. For saving me?" More of a question. You lean back. Shoulders straight. It is now, as your face catches the light from a crack fro between the curtain, that he see's it.
A bruise is cradling your jaw. Your bottom lip is split and shiny. As if you had placed an antiseptic there. You nose was darkened. Purpled and slightly puffy around your eyes.
Those eyes catch him. Lit up by the morning sun. In that moment, for a brief second, Leonardo wondered what he looked like though those eyes.
A monster?
A saviour?
"Just. Thank you." Your face softened as  you glance back down. "I'm sorry if it doesn't sound like I am. I'm. I'm not." You pause. Mouth a word. "I'm not good. At this." You tap your thumb on your lip. "But I am grateful. I don't think neutralized means to be taken out for a nice dinner." You let out a soft rush of air.
It is quiet again. Leonardo just. Takes it all in. Soaks in those words. No one. And he means no one. Has thanked him. Let alone any of them. Ever. His heart flutters. He licks at his lips. Takes a drink of his tea. The cup just a shy away from too small in his hand.
"Here." He places your now fixed phone in front of you. Quickly you placed your coffee to the side.
"Is that my phone?" You sound surprised, happy, and almost sad in away.
"Ya. I. Well i'm assuming that it's yours." His fingers skim across the counter and he pulls his hand away. "You face was on the lock screen." You open your mouth. Close it. Then your eyes and heave a shuddering sigh.
"You." You start. Fingers on your lips. "Thank you. God. Fucking thank you." He could see the almost tears in your eyes. "Jesus thank you." You are quick to grab the phone. Fingers softly brushing the unbroken screen.
Leo didn't really understand. He expected you to be happy, yes. But. This was different. It was more like you were relieved.
"I'm sorry if I seem weird. It just." You? Weird. He could almost laugh. But he doesn't as you stare at the phone. The light casting odd shadows on your face. "It was my sisters."
Leonardo did not bring it up.
Was. Was. Was. 
"It's not weird at all." And when you look up at him ridiculously he added. "Honestly. Ninja's honor." His fingers crossed his heart. He would act the same if his brothers became a "was".
You were silent for a moment. Then break out into a soft laughter.
"Turtle. You tell me to forget you. Practically for the 'No one talks about fight club' rule. " You place the phone down. Elbow on the table. Pointing a finger at him you continue. "And here you are, watching me outside my home. Giving me back my phone. And I don't even know your damn name."
Leonardo was glad that blushing does not show up on his skinm
"I." He sutters. And He does not sutter. Leo clears his throat. "I was watching over you to make sure that the Foot hadn't figured out were you lived." There. The truth.
You laugh. "That better be the only reason Blue. I've gotten on people over less." You laugh. "You're not that hidden though. It always takes me a bit to find ya. Ya but. When I do your kinda hard to miss." What?
"What?" He asks and you laugh again.
"I've got keen eyes Blue. Hunters eyes. Gotta pick out the things that blend in." You look up at him though your lashes. Arms crossed over your chest. "My name is Y/n. By the way."
"Im Leonardo." You hold your hand out across the table and he takes it. Engulfing your hand with his. Your hand is the first to pull away. Smaller fingers skimming across the palm of his hand that has Leo suppressing a shudder. 
"It's nice to meet you. Leonardo." Leo finds himself liking the way your mouth forms over his name.
"Now then. Ya hungry?" You pull away from the table. "Turtles each veggies right? I've got like. Tomatoes and shit." And this Leo laughs. Truly and genuinely.
"I mean ya but. I eat other things to." You nod your head at him. Smiling.
"Oh? Like what?" Leo feels light. Lighter than he's ever been before.
"Just about anything you can. Pizza. Steaks." He pauses. "People." You blanch at this and leo has a moment of panic that he just fucked up.
Then you are doubled over laughing. Hands on knees, wheezing laughter. Uttering "Ow Fuck." As you hold your ribs. You are still chuckling as you pull yourself upright. Delicately wiping away the tears from your eyes as to not hurt your already sprained nose.
"So, the protein powder just not enough anymore? I'd imagine you'd have to go through barrels of it to be as big as you." Leo is biting back his own laughter. If only you had seen Raph instead of him.
"It was. But then I just had to go straight to the source." This sent you into another bout of laughter. Leo felt as if he could float on this. Chasing after some unseen high off your mirth.
"God. Here.Just. Jesus that's funny." You hand him a large burrito wrapped in foil.  It's so warm it almost burns him. "Hope you like sausage Blue." He did. Actually. Before he could open it though, his own phone vibrated in his pocket. Letting out some cheerful jingle Mikey had put on it.
:Where r u?:
:Bro ur missing practice.:
"Sorry." He tells you. Standing up and pushing your stool back under your counter. "I've got to go." He didn't. Really didn't want to leave. And even less so when he caught that creastallen look on your face. You hand him back his burrito.
"Hey. It's all good Blue." The clenching of you jaw says otherwise. "I know nothing about this. Right?" You ask him. And normally he would agree. Tell you to forget about him. To forget everything you have seen.
"No. You. You can remember this." And if he could, if he was ever given the chance to see you again. He would pull more smiles just like the one brightening your face right now from you.
He is almost back to the window when you call out to him.
"Will I see you again Leonardo?" And he pauses. Swallows. And before he could back out, let the dimming courage in him die. He is giving you his number. Using the marker from earlier to write it onto your window.
"If the Foot ever give you trouble. Call this number." And with that he is gone. Leaving you to loo out an open window and fluttering curtains.
His phone number written in blue on the glass.
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Some Type Of Drug
Chapter 1: Ninja what, now?
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Pairng: Leonardo x Reader
Reader Type: Gender neutral
Song: Free fall- Rainbow Kitten Surprise
Word Count:3046
Warnings: Swearings. Fighting. Blood mentions.
An: First fic for the fandom lol. It's been a while. So here's me dipping my toe in the water to see what's up. Any feedback is appreciated! Also I went through like. Three different one shot ideas until I landed on this one lol.
"If someone is cruel to you because of your soft disposition and generosity, respond to their poison with equal parts sweet honey, equal parts dangerous ferocity."
-Nikita Gill.
To have thought you would trade towering trees for sky scrapers and thick forests for crowds of people. New York was beyond new, beyond strange, for someone who has spent an entire life in quiet mountains and within a small town.
All the same you are here now. The last of your furniture moved into an apartment that seems so small compared to your old home.
You had moved almost a month ago. The small town that had once brought you comfort was now suffocating. People who you have known since childhood smothering you in well wishes and worries.
Don't get it wrong. You were forever grateful to them and all your friends. But enough had been enough. You had to shed the old. To shake of the heavy coat of lingering sadness.  
For what you did not know. But the not knowing was a greater feeling that the smothering sickness that had been depression. It was still there. Longering. But no longer was it the only thing you felt.
The torrential downpour happening outside is some soft of familiarity though. As is the incense slowly wafting around the room. The scent of dragons blood and vanilla heavy in your lungs.
The oil in your skillet spits and spatters around the chicken you are frying. Foam bubbles over the potatoes boiling in their pot. Behind you you can hear the timer on your rice cooker beep.The steaming broccoli is done.
Not for the first time you find yourself sitting on your bed with your knees drawn to your chest. Night time is the worst. Were there is nothing to distract you from your thoughts.
You look out your window and to the city alight. The blurred lights from other apartments and cars flying through the streets are little distraction. As pretty as they are. The sky is dark and heavy. Full to bursting with blackness from the rain clouds. 
The last of your incense darkens, ashens, then falls to the tray below.
You to fall. Head cradled with pillows. Your heart heavy and throat tight.
You are woken to your alarm blaring and your cat angrily meowing. He was hungry and you were still tired. 
Knowing that if you laid beneath the covers, warmed by your body, any longer you would once again succumb to the pull of sleep. Instead you threw the covers off with one arm. Chilled air forced a shiver from your body.
You sit up. Stretch. Then go to fill up your cats dish.
It was five in the morning when you glanced at the clock. You had work at seven.
You sat near a cracked open window. A hot cup of coffee in one hand and a smoldering cigarette in the other. A bad habit you had yet to break. Worsened by the growing stress in your life. You had almost quite once. A few years ago. Only smoking once in a blue moon. But when they. 
When you had gotten the news..
Cold air cut through the growing warmth in your home. The only light to be had is the overhead oven light and the soft reddish glow from the rising sun. Just creasting over tall gray buildings.
You contemplate making a quick breakfast as you watch your cat, Zeki, eat his own. In the end you don't. Only drinking another cup of coffee before taking a quick shower.
You are pulling on your shoes when you phone bings.
New message from :All Star:
:U Up?:
It was lucas. Your oldest friends since your diaper days and the only one who had supported your decision to move to New York.
You are quick to type back. :Ya. Whats up?" You set the phone down to finish tying your shoe. Gently moving Zeki when he decides to use your laces as a toy. It is only after you toss his favorite toy mouse towards the couch does he leave you be.
Your phone dings again.
:Not much. Just checking in. I know how you can be.: Then another. :Coffee isnt breakfast either. Eat something.: At this you laugh. Mostly just a rush of air and a shake of your head. But a laugh all the same.
You are quick to type back. :You my mom or something? Lol. But ya. Ill grab some at work.: You hit send. Then type another. :I'll even send a pic as proof: You pause a moment. Type another message. :Thanks. Ya know. You've.: You delete it then. :Good luck with the football game. Ya?:
He sent back a thumbs up emoji. Someone, most likely his girlfriend, had stolen his attention.
You pocket your phone. Along with the rest of your cigarettes, earbuds, wallet, and house keys. You then pull at your basket of clean clothes to find a jacket to wear.
Public transport is the bane of your existence, you decide. You probably had a bruise on your ribs now. That kid kicked you pretty damn hard. It was an accident. One that you could excuse, being a victim of restless leg syndrome yourself. The kid had been asleep when it happened. Their head laying on their fathers lap and sprawled across the middle seat. The dad had apologized profusely as another kid, slightly older and most likely an older sibling, giggled like a maniac.
You had shrugged it off and told him not to worry. At this he had relaxed. Apparently it had not been the first time it had happened and if you had to wager a guess, most were not as accepting about it as you were.
You worked in a caffe as a barista. The place was ran by the same people who had opened it in the fifties. The two of them had been the only out of a handful of places that you had applied to that had been willing to hire you.
You were close to getting a job as a car mechanic. But in the end flesh and blood won out over your own extensive background in that field. 
So, here you were, calloused hands making simple black coffee to some of the most labour intensive frapps you didn't know even existed.
"Y/N!" A young voice called out. Helen, one of the store owners granddaughters, came running from behind the table in the back room as you entered. 
You are hit with the dark scent of coffee only leveled out by light pastries and sweetened strawberries.
Small arms wrap around your leg and you chuckle. Patting the top of her purple dyed head as you said hello. Only to laugh harder when she pulls you towards the table she had been sitting at.
Mrs. Helen, the elderly woman the young girl was named for, was quick to point you to a seat. She pushed a plate of fried eggs and toast towards you along with a cup of rich coffee.
They, being Mrs.Helen and Mr.Paris, lived just upstairs. You accept the plate from her with a smile. And true to your word you snap a pic off to Lucas.
"That friend of yours is a good one." Mrs. Helen tells you with a wave of her spatula. You say nothing but nod. If anything he was to good for you. You felt as if he had done far more for you than you ever could for him.
"I get to help today!" Helen spoke up beside you with a mouthful of jam covered toast. She had broken you from the start of a bad train of thought.
"That so?" You ask her. Your rings clink against the dark ceramic cup as you lift it to your lips. "With what?" You follow up. Catching droplets of coffee off your lips with your tongue.
"With cleanup!" The young girl practically vibrates off her worn chair. Her pink tutu flouncing up and down with every jump she makes. "Papa said for every table I do I get five dollars!" She holds out her hand with a toothy grin. Only to look down as jam falls and lands on her metallica shirt.
"Aww man." Both you and her grandmother laugh.
"C'mon baby. Let's go get you cleaned up." With that you are left alone to finish your food and coffee. You are quick to clean your cup and plate when you hear Mr.Paris unlock the front door.
Shedding your jacket you pull on your powdered blue apron embroidered with white roses. Mrs. Helen had made it specifically for your. Favorite color and all. 
You finish tying it and made your way to the register in time for you to see Bill, a regular, come in. 
"Heya Bill. What can I get ya today?" The man smiles.
"The usual chai tea, although the husband wants to try those creampuff's you've been making." With that your day had begun.
Your day ended at five. It would have ended an hour or two earlier if you hadn't insisted on helping with all the dishes and helping Mr.Paris fix a few odds and ends.
All ready the sky was darkenning. The horizon pulling away the sun and spitting back the moon. You on the other hand were ready to truly curse out your luck for today. You do utter a curse when you step into yet another puddle. The water soaking your already wet jeans. All because you were pretty sure you had pisssed off some deity that day, you had missed your bus.
So here you were. Taking some back alley shortcut in the dying light just to get home. All of it against your better judgment. And truly you shouldn't have. Mad deity and all.
You had stopped to light a cigarette. Covered from the rain from a building overhang when you first heard it. The soft push and pull of something or someone breathing. You follow through with lighting your cigarette before pulling your earbud out. If it was someone you didn't want to let on that you had heard them.
You pull in a lungful of smoke. Blowing it out as you stepped away from your little alcove.
Whoever it was din not wait long and you are quick to throw your elbow back. Twisting and turning as your assailant continued to attack you.
Now don't get it wrong. You can throw a mean punch. Having taken boxing classes throughout your life and well. Mostly schoolyard brawls. But this person was bigger and clearly more skilled than you were. It was shown for every duck and weave for every hard hit you threw. 
Their palm makes contact with your nose when you make the briefest pull down with your hands. You are sent stumbling back. One hand held to your now bleeding, and hopefully not broken, nose.
"The fuck you want!" YOu snarl out. Tasting and feeling your own blood on your lips. You couldn't see. There was no light save for a flickering streetlight at the far end of the alley. Your groan as the rain begins anew. A heavy down pour seeming to almost slam against your heavily breathing body.
The person, now two, points at you. Speaking in a language you don't understand. You bare your teeth at them. Only to bend down, eyes still one them, to pick up a piece of busted pipe.
You point the sharp end at them. Taking in their strange and dark gear. It blends to well into the night. "English asshole." They look to each other. Then to you.
"You will tell us where the ninja turtles are." You take a step back for their step forward.
"The ninja-" You shake your head. "You tweaking asshole?" The smaller one broke off in a rapid fire speech then.
Smacks the taller one upside the head. "You have the wrong one idiot!"
"How was I to know!"
"Maybe by actually making sure it was O'niel or Jones!" The smaller one pointed at you. "And now we have to neutralize them." Oh screw that and everything else about these two.
You are quick to run. Knowing when and where to pick a fight. And this was not one you could when. Maybe through sheer brute force. But they have skill and you are running out of stamina. Despite your head start the two are quicker than you, The bigger of the two bodily grabbing you from behind.
The pipe falls from your hand and you throw your head back while stomping your heal down. You hiss in pain as the back of your head makes contact with hard metal. 
Mostly out of instinct you lift your legs up and kick at the smaller person. Using them to springboard backwards and heaving a breath when both you and your captor fall. 
You are quick to your feet. Faster than them both. You walk backwards. Fists held close to your face. Elbows tucked to guard your body. You swallow thickly when you realize that you are going to have to hold your ground. You taste blood in the back of your throat.
This was the worse case of wrong place wrong time you have every been in.
Your two assailants are rising to their feet and began running towards you. You spit and steel yourself. Feet shifting on the rain soaked concrete as you widen your stance and tuck your chin.
Only to watch the two skid to a stop. Something. Someone was behind you. Some a lot taller than you. Once again you throw your arm back. Terrified that more had come. Only to have a large hand, far to big for a normal person, catch your arm. Holding it in place with ease. Despite the light touch your could tell. You just knew, that there was far more strength behind that grip than they let on. Your heart touched your feet.
"Enough." They. Him. He speaks. Curt and to the point. Cutting through the cold air. "Leave them alone. They have no part in this." You could feel warmth radiate off of him in waves. Could feel his chest bump against your back. Or was it his waist? His knees bumped against the back of your thighs leaving you to wonder just how tall he was.
The two look to you. To a point well above your head. Then turn an run. Leaving you alone to deal with whoever this was.
"I'm going to let you go now. Don't freak out." True to his word he lets you go. You take a step forward and turn.
You do nothing. Say nothing as you take in the person in front of you. The rain beating down on you both as you just. Stare.
Their body is large and imposing, Scars litter the exsposed.Skin? Of his arms. Thick legs, far larger than both your own, are covered in dark jeans and bits of padded armour. His three fingered hands are wrapped. Just like how you do just before you begin boxing. In one hand is a katana. The iconic sword recognizable damn near anywhere.
He shifts and you lift your gaze to his face. A blue bandana hangs over even bluer eyes. They take you in. Scan you over. His tongue darts over his lips. Capturing the rain water trailing down his face. In a fluid movement he sheaths his sword.
He steps forwards. You step back.
"Afraid?" He asks and you snort. Immediately you regretted that. Pain flares from the center of your face. A new trail of blood followed the bath of the old.
"Nervous? Ya. Afraid? Hardly." You tell him. Using your fingers to smear away the blood. He hands you a pale blue rag. When you don't make an immediate move to take it he places it in your hand then brings it up to your still bleeding nose.
Why was he helping you? What did he want?
"Most are." He tells you. "Why not you?" You shrug. Body shaking as the adrenaline slowly leaves you.
"You haven't hurt me." You look to the ground. To him. Capturing his gaze with your own. "Don't think you're going to either." You pull the bloodied rag away. "Are you. Mr. Ninja Turtle."
Turtle indeed. If the green skin and large turtle shell is anything to go by.
"Thank you." You tell him. And  you meant it. He looks almost surprised. It flickers for the briefest moments before he schools his features. He nods. Looks away. Hands clenching at his sides.
"You live nearby? I'll make sure nothing else happens until you get home." At this you chuckle. One brow arched as you nodded you head.
"You trying to get at something Bruce Lee?" You laugh at the look on his face until he to, laughs. It is soft and light. It brings a flicker of warmth you have yet to feel in a long time. Just as quickly it is gone. Cold has gone your heart. And heavy is your chest.
"No. But there may be more Foot Soldier. Clearly you can hold your own. But." His brow drops. Or what you assume to be a brow behind that blue mask. "Try not to take back alleys anymore." Two thick fingers point at you. "If they ask. I do not exist. You know nothing of me or this night."
You clench your jaw. Heart hammering in your chest as the air grows heavy. "That a threat blue?" You pocket the rag.
"A promise." He tells you. You nod your head.
You don't see him as you continue your way home. You are away he is there. Somewhere at the building tops.
You see him outside your window when you come home. He is on the building opposite of yours. His body lights up, once, twice. By the lightning. By the third strike he is gone.
Sighing. You close the curtain and shed your soaked clothes. Zeki is elling for food again. Clearly starved because you took to long to come home.
It is only after your shower and when you begin  your laundry do you notice that you have lost your phone.
"For fucks sake." 
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Tutant menage neetle teetles
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Rules and Stuff
Turtles and their ages:
Leonardo: 25
Stuff and Things:
My main is @acryptidrunsthis which is just a horde of all my fandoms. If you like transformers head over to @jazz-miester im a but more active over there.
I'm comfortable with writing smut and stuff but Im iffy on most kinks.
I will not be writing any kind of smut or romance with minors in it.
As said in my bio this is more like my interpretation/ own world/AU of sorts for the turtles.
Every character here will be 18 and up.
More to be added as needed.
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