iliansarigo · 8 months
sick of this anti-aging obsession. let's go in the opposite direction. i want more characters who are hardened & grizzled & have a face lined with the harrowing tribulations of time--and then halfway through the narrative u find out they're 27
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iliansarigo · 8 months
A friend once told me that when they are struggling with getting laundry done, she pretends it is her sworn duty to smuggle the young prince out of the castle to safety, disguised in a laundry hamper.
Now, when I am struggling with hygiene, I pretend I am part of a village with an annual festival, and I get one day a year to spend luxuriously at a bathhouse in preparation.
What my friend imparted on me was the skill of turning mundane tasks into fantastical adventures to make them more compelling and bearable.
So next time you need to go on a mental health walk, maybe consider doing reconnaissance for a secret underground organisation.
Next time cooking is too much of a chore, consider you ability to turn space station rations into a feast to the delight of your crewmates.
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iliansarigo · 9 months
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iliansarigo · 9 months
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iliansarigo · 10 months
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iliansarigo · 10 months
oh my fucking god can we kill the whole thing of “platonic friends don’t DO that!” shut UP oh my god. fuck offfff pleaseeee <33333 platonic friends can be the most important people in the world to each other, platonic friends can think about each other a lot and be inspired by each other and choose to live for each other and be possessive in life or death situations and be intense i’m so tired of people acting like platonic friendships can’t be that i’m tired of them being viewed as less as!! this is exactly what i mean when i say platonic relationships are not less than romantic ones!!!!!!!! and i’m so so tired of people misinterpreting that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! fuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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iliansarigo · 10 months
Someone gives you a bit of their hair to put in a locket. How romantic! Except it's the ugliest hairball you've ever seen, collected from their comb after a particularly rough combing.
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iliansarigo · 10 months
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i am allowed to spend my time creating things, even if they are not beautiful.
there is no such thing as a "real job." all forms of work are real and valid.
there is nothing that i need to accomplish to be worthy. i am already worthy.
doing nothing is good for my soul.
i am not defined by what i produce.
my worth cannot be measured by my paycheck, my job title, or a list of professional or academic achievements.
i do not need to monetize my hobbies, it is enough to spend time doing something i love.
i will not let society decide what success looks like. i can define what successful life looks like for me.
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iliansarigo · 10 months
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iliansarigo · 1 year
people are fluid. we are mostly water after all. 
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iliansarigo · 1 year
Foreshadowing is a SUPERPOWER. If I have the day saved out of nowhere by a magical cockatoo in a pizza delivery boy’s body, everyone says it’s too sudden... but if I sprinkle in a few mentions of a strange cockatoo talking about how he used to be a pizza delivery boy, (on top of the magic system of bodyswapping already being established as a central part of the story) suddenly nobody minds. I feel like I could use this to write myself out of all sorts of corners without altering the story more than a scene or two and a few lines here and there. 
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iliansarigo · 1 year
one fun thing about being a teacher in march 2023 is that chess is a literal epidemic among teens. we are starting to have meetings about how we can STOP teenagers from playing too much chess which is like if we were trying to figure out how to stop them from reading for fun. When i was in high school five years ago chess was nerd shit only but now it is transcending every social and language barrier and is absolutely rampant. kids aren’t on their phone texting in class anymore it’s ONLY chess.com. kids are playing chess on their phones while playing chess in real life. this is still better than tiktok because at least the kids are developing an attention span from this
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iliansarigo · 1 year
The Purge Day is coming, where all crimes are legal for only 24 hours, I’ll finally install that extension to my loft without ANY planning permission
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iliansarigo · 1 year
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iliansarigo · 1 year
It’s okay to make things just for yourself Art is not ‘meaningless’ if it stays in the author’s head.  Experiences are not ‘meaningless’ if they can’t be shared.  It’s not a pity if nobody sees something you made or thought of that meant a lot to you- because somebody did see it.You. And it meant a lot to you.
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iliansarigo · 1 year
other people (i don’t know who) feeling a lack of direction in life: ‘i got this great creative solution in a dream!’ my dream’s creative solution: ‘we’ll get on a spaceship and fight the aliens!’ me after waking up: ‘brain, i’m gonna have to point out a few problems with your- WHY DO I FEEL HAPPY’
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iliansarigo · 1 year
advice for my future self: don’t make fast thrilling music right before bed
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