immoral-tales ยท 3 years
As much as I love small texts, there are people who cannot read them, therefore, I will not change the font.
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immoral-tales ยท 3 years
*Asmo and MC sipping wine and spilling tea together*
Asmo: okay okay so there was this one time where I slept with this guy and then accidentally slept with his twin the next day thinking it was him!
MC: holy shiโ€”Asmo?! Did he find out?
Asmo: how do you think I found out he had a twin? He walked in as we were doing it! Itโ€™s safe to say weโ€™ve never spoken since
MC *sips wine*: Thatโ€™s crazy. Iโ€™ve actually got a similar story when it comes to family members though
Asmo *leaning forward*: do tell!
MC: okay so thereโ€™s this really cute guy Iโ€™ve slept with but guess what? I also fucked his Father!
Asmo: itโ€™s Satan and Lucifer isnโ€™t it?
MC: maybe
Asmo: GURL
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immoral-tales ยท 3 years
The City that Never Sleeps
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Satan X Fem!Reader
Word Count: 8,482
Warnings: mature content; mentions of death and blood; fingering; orgasm denial; dom!reader riding Satan;
Summary: being summoned by a serial killer to fulfill his darkest desires. He had never anticipated his breath to be taken away by a detective in the city that never sleeps.
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โ€œThree, two, one.โ€
A loud banging noise resounded in the large corridor of an old building, breaking of a wooden door followed. The hinges became unfunctional after such force, but it was the least of their concerns as the men armed to their teeth filed in the living area of the apartment effortlessly, in perfect synchronization. Every one of them was aware of their assigned position, memorizing the blueprint had never been an issue to any of them. Loaded assault rifles readied in their hands, scattering in the darkened apartment was a simple task for them, almost ludicrous to require their assistance with such a matter. Heavy footsteps of their combat boots could be heard in nearly every room as every one of them yelled, โ€œclear.โ€
Their patience was wearing thin, on the verge of losing hope to accomplish their assignment. Failure had never been an option and this time would be no exception. Living up to the expectations had never been a simple task either; they had one more chance to prove their unquestionable reputation and effectivityโ€”one more chance to make their city a safer place.
Keep reading
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immoral-tales ยท 3 years
Lucifer: why is MC in hospital?
Diavolo *embarrassed*: we may have had an incident in the bedroom...
Lucifer *intrigued*: go on?
Diavolo: MC asked me to spank her and we both may have underestimated my strength
Lucifer: oh no...what happened?
Diavolo: I spanked her into the next room...Barbatos is plastering the wall as we speak
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immoral-tales ยท 3 years
His reaction to MC serenading him by surprise
Lucifer: โ€œAre you done? Iโ€™ve got a lot of paperwork to get though.โ€
Mammon: *bursts out of room before MC can finish the first line of the song* โ€œDO YA HEAR THAT?! MCโ€™S SINGINโ€™ TO ME! MC LOVES ME!โ€
Levi: *blushes profusely* cโ€”can you start again? I wโ€”wasnโ€™t ready
Satan: โ€œThatโ€™s odd.โ€ โ€œWhat is?โ€ โ€œYouโ€™re a human yet have the voice of an angel.โ€ *panties drop*
Asmo: *dances sensually and starts slow motion twerking*
Beel: *face lights up and he puts down whatever was in his hands to give MC his full attention*
Belphie: *smiles until one of the brothers makes a noise nearby to which he throws a knife at them* โ€œSHUT THE FUCK UPโ€
Diavolo: โ€œis...is this a marriage proposal?โ€
Barbatos: โ€œYou were a bit flat during the bridge but I appreciate the effort.โ€
Simeon: *emotional tear down cheek*
Solomon: โ€œokay but play wonderwallโ€
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immoral-tales ยท 3 years
*MC at a class in RAD*
Lecturer: okay everybody, youโ€™re all going to now take it in turns to present your ten minute presentations on who you deem to have made the biggest impact on modern history
Demons: *all do presentations on Lord Diavolo or noble demons*
MC: hello Iโ€™m MC and this is my 69 slide PowerPoint on Miss Spears
Lecturer *confused*: whoโ€™s that?
MC: itโ€™s Britney...bitch
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immoral-tales ยท 3 years
*Satan studying MCโ€™s behaviour to get more of an insight on humans*
Satan *hiding in pantry*: Hm, letโ€™s see how MC acts to something that may anger her
MC: *walks up to freezer and opens door*
*peas fall out and scatter everywhere*
MC *giggling to self*: oh no...looks like Iโ€™ve pead on the floor
Satan *writing down notes*: interesting...she appears to be an idiot
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immoral-tales ยท 3 years
HI CONGRATS ON 500 BBY! may i please request "An unexpected kiss that shocks the one receiving it" with lucifer? thank you so much <333
an unexpected kiss that shocks the one receiving it
with lucifer (content warnings: none)
milestone event (closed) | request list
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The tick of a clock was deafening in his ears. He didn't know how late it was, or how it got to be like this. Lucifer traced the ink pen over the paper, signing documents and writing reports. The neatness of his handwriting never wavering, each demonic letter just as clean as the first. Despite this, he could feel the heaviness in his eyes.
Lucifer sighed, his brows furrowing as he could only hold back his troubles. The weight he carried and the stress it caused made the demon wound up and tight. It was painful. Someone of his power and prestige shouldn't be in pain, not over things that were so long ago and things that feel minuscule in his eyes. Yet there he was, dropping the pen for a moment and holding his face in his hands.
His shoulders ached and his neck burned with an insistent throb. His hands felt swollen and bruised, and even his legs itched for him to stand and move. He had to stay though. Lucifer knew how important it was for him to get these things done, knowing the lackadaisical attitude the demon prince had and how paperwork could easily pile up. So, he picked the pen back up and continued.
Over time, Lucifer's eyes grew heavier and he finally rested his head down against his desk, his pen still hanging from his hand. He still didn't know how long it had been, he didn't know if it was morning already and his brothers were waking up, or if it was only the middle of the night. Part of him couldn't bear to check, either answer sounding terrible to him.
There was a soft knock on the door though, he blinked as he raised his head. You stood there in the doorway of his office, brows furrowed with worry and only in your pajamas. "You're still up?" he asked groggily, rubbing the sleep from one of his eyes as he sat back up.
"I went to get water and noticed a light from the library," you started, padding your way over to his desk. "You should get some rest, Lucifer."
The small frown on your face rang to his heart, even if he didn't let it show on his expression. Lucifer was weak for you, he knew this well, it only served to add to his weight though. He often wondered if he wouldn't be there to keep you safe, to keep you from harm's way and only in his arms. Lucifer knew humans weren't as fragile as he often treated them, but he knew the dangers of the world. The way your face held a soft and loving expression was something he wanted to protect, even from himself. Though he sought after you more than he realized.
"I will," he mumbled, turned his gaze away from you and back to the papers.
You didn't leave, he heard you shuffle closer, to his side of the desk, and stand next to him. Lucifer let out a quiet sigh and looked at you once more. "What is it?" He questioned, looking over the sad pout you wore.
He wished to turn it back, to when you smile and laugh, as those were the things he adored the most about you. His eyes dragged over the lines of your lips as you spoke again, his tired brain not catching your words as his mind idled at the thought of you. You were so gentle in his mind, even when you had an attitude or were a little messy, he still found you the same.
Perhaps that's what caused him to stand. Lucifer didn't know when he interrupted you, the surprise in your stiffened posture as he kissed you was evidence enough that you hadn't expected it. Though he hadn't either.
When you leaned into him, his hand caressed your cheek as he cupped your face and his other held you by your hip. The smoothness of your lips against his felt like the finest dessert in the three realms. You tasted sweet and fresh to him, something that was desired and sought after, but enjoyed in private. So special.
It might have been the trance you could pull him into, but he hadn't expected to hold you in his arms that night. Lucifer felt so many of his worries fade and he didn't think at all of them, he only focused on you and the way you made him feel.
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immoral-tales ยท 3 years
congrats on your milestone mom!!! you seriously deserve all the love youโ€™re amazing ilu!! ๐Ÿ’• could i request 33. a kiss so unexpected it shocks the one receiving with asmo sfw and gn pronouns pretty please! (and can asmo be the one shocked)
a kiss so unexpected it shocks the one receiving
with asmodeus (no content warnings)
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Time with Asmodeus was easy, smooth, and almost carefree. You never felt a moment of being unloved or uncherished, his hands always ready to circle you and soothe the ache in your heart. Asmodeus was more than his avatar sin, he was closer to something that identified solely as love to you. He was gentle with you and you always reciprocated it, wanting him to feel the same love.
Your heart ached at his pain and self-consciousness, the very thing he hid with narcissism and sex. With you though, he let you see. Asmodeus gave you every part of him, even if it scared him, made him vulnerable, he wanted you to see. So as you admired him from your side in his bath, you smiled warmly, adoration filling your heart at the sight of him meticulously exfoliating his skin. He noticed, a sly grin coming over his expression.
โ€œWhat is it, dear?โ€ He cooed, rinsing himself. โ€œLike what you see?โ€
You laughed lightly. โ€œOf course. I always do.โ€
โ€œWell you donโ€™t just have to sit there,โ€ he teased, half-heartedly, โ€œyouโ€™re always more than welcome to come and touch the art.โ€
You made your way over to him, and though his words could be taken with lewd intentions, he loved when all you did was smooth your hands over his shoulders. Asmodeus hummed pleasantly at your innocent touch and he tilted his head, looking at you with the same love you wore on your own visage.
โ€œWill you wash my hair?โ€
You nodded and retrieved his hair products and fresh, warm water. You were completely familiar with his process. You wet his hair with the new water, lathered his hair gently, scrubbing at the base, and just lightly scratching his scalp so that without fail, he would purr. Asmodeus closed his eyes, the delicate hums from his chest resounding in the bathroom, and then rinsed, moving onto the conditioning. He enjoyed every moment just as much as you did, the warmness on your face never leaving as you ran your fingers through his hair.
Your heart couldnโ€™t help but twist in a knot as you stared at his face, his eyes closed and completely content and relaxed. You couldnโ€™t remember the last time Asmodeus looked so at peace, it brought you immense joy as you found yourself leaning forward and pressing a sweet kiss to his petal soft lips. He blinked his eyes open, brows raising as you pulled away, the surprise catching him off guard that he hadnโ€™t even returned it.
โ€œEh?โ€ He questioned quietly at first. โ€œEh! Hey! Donโ€™t you pull away so soon!โ€
The cute pout that came on Asmodeusโ€™ face made you laugh, feeling slightly proud that you were able to catch him off guard. As you caught yourself though, his hands came up and cupped your face, bringing you back for another kiss. It was gentle and chaste, both of you smiling into it as the caress of his lips lingered.
โ€œI love you so much,โ€ he hummed happily.
โ€œI love you more, Asmo.โ€
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immoral-tales ยท 3 years
I would CRY if you did this prompt with Levi and maybe MC with she/her pronouns? ๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿ‘ˆ ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ
"A kiss so desperate that the two wind around each other, refusing to let go until they are finished."
a kiss so desperate that the two wind around each other, refusing to let go until they are finished
with leviathan (content warnings: none)
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What's that one anime in the human realm called?
Oh, that's right. Love is hard for an otaku.
Being who he was and the amount of self-consciousness that resided within Leviathan, he ended up living by that statement. He surrounded himself with his figurines and games, the aquatic blue that made him feel welcome in his room, the cold air that reminds him of the ocean. And most of all, Henry 2.0, his beloved goldfish.
So why did he want to leave? He shouldn't even think of ever parting from his safety net, the place that he feels the most comfortable and himself. No one to judge him or make him feel inadequate. Just himself ... but, there was something. Something that made him realize what he could miss out on.
It was the way of your walk and the brightness of your eyes. The way you talk and laugh. You were something so unreachable, better than any figurine or anime character. You were ... you. Something he couldnโ€™t wrap his fingers around and pull close, something he thought was too far to ever believe to make his. Yet, there you would be, in front of him, being everything that was you.
โ€œEarth to Levi?โ€
He zoned out while staring at you. How embarrassing. Leviathan couldnโ€™t even remember what you had said, his thoughts so muddled in trying to understand why you would even interact with him, but instead of being upset, you only laughed. It was genuine and made him flush, cheeks warm as he averted his eyes and pouted.
โ€œI ... I stayed up too late last night,โ€ he made up an excuse, โ€œI was watching a new anime ...โ€
It was true he had, though he didnโ€™t stay up late. It wasnโ€™t interesting enough. You smiled though, a slight twinkle to your eye.
โ€œOh? Really? Can I watch it with you sometime?โ€ You were so honest and upfront, it was actually hard to ever doubt your earnest but he still did. โ€œWhat is it about?โ€
Leviathan explained it, leaving out too many thoughts about the parts he didnโ€™t like to not make you think he hated it, and you listened intently, nodding along to his words. It was distracting. He couldnโ€™t think straight and he could only focus on the way you looked at him and the way his heart sank at the thought of it changing.
Would it ever change?
He feared it would, that you would suddenly look at him with disgust and turn your back to him. Yet there was something that hoped you would always look at him with adoration and care like you were now. He didn't understand what he did to make you look at him like this, or why you even would, but he was too scared to ask, to know the reason and possibly shatter this hope.
"Can we watch it now? Together?"
Leviathan felt his heart swell at the thought of spending more time with you, his palms already feeling sweaty as he looked at you and nodded. "If you want to," he mumbled as he averted his eyes, leading you into his bedroom.
The safety net that was normally cold and made especially for him, was made warm when you were in his room. His eyes darted between the screen of his TV and you, his focus unable to center on the anime, not that he wanted to, but he just wondered why you seemed so attentive to the show. The plot was barely thought out and the characters were overdone โ€ฆ Were you only watching because he said he had?
No, you weren't watching. Leviathan didn't realize when he stopped going back and forth between the screen and just focused on you, and he didn't know when you started staring back. Your eyes blinked as you raised a brow, if you said anything he didn't catch it, his heart leaping in his throat and he felt unsure of what he should do.
You were closer now, a hand touching his and one cupping his face. He could feel the heat surface on his cheeks, burning, and he couldn't look away. You connected your lips for a moment, so delicate and soft, it surprised him and he didn't return it right away. As you started to lean back, Leviathan snapped out of his thoughts and pushed forward, kissing you firmly. He wrapped his arms around you, and you didn't reject him. He laid you back against his couch, and you clung to him, tangling your legs together and running a hand through his locks.
Leviathan didn't know fire, but he felt it for the first time with you. He loved it, cherished it even, as he held on, enjoying and savoring you. And you did the same.
He may not know much about love, but he could realize he loved you.
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immoral-tales ยท 3 years
hi! can i pls request 14 from the kiss prompts with mammon! fluff w a tiny bit of nsfw if itโ€™s okay with you ๐Ÿฅฐ tysm!! - @flirtlet
ย a kiss so desperate that the two wind around each other, refusing to let go until they are finished.
with mammon
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"I missed you."
Your voice was a breath away from him, soft and emotional. Mammon's hands cupped your face, his thumbs stroking over your warm cheeks. He was sweet and gentle, his love is expressed in the private comfort of his bedroom, away from the world and only in front of you.
"I missed you too."
It felt too long, far too long in the time you've gone back to the human realm, but now you're here again, back in the arms of someone you loved. Mammon was hesitant, his insecurities showing through as he shook slightly and his forehead pressed to yours. You were gone for too long, too far away from him.
"Mammon," you whispered, your hands touching his, holding them and squeezing, grounding him. "I'm here now. I'll be here for a while."
"I want you here forever," he responded quickly, "I don't want you to ever leave."
You smiled sweetly, though your melancholy in your expression. "I wish I could be here forever. With you," you paused, letting the silence fall over the two of you. "I love you."
The hands that cupped your face left and his arms wove around your body, tight and desperate, needy and full of such begging. The way his lips met yours with force and fervor, the taste of him in your mouth before you knew it, but you returned the kiss. One of your hands tangled in his hair and the other wrapped around his shoulders, gripping tightly onto his jacket, possibly damaging the leather, but he didnโ€™t care, he didnโ€™t notice. Mammonโ€™s attention was solely on you and feeling every bit of you as his feet pushed you further into his room until your back hit a wall and his body was completely flush against yours.
โ€œI love ya,โ€ he breathed between kisses, barely away from your lips and he would press again, his lips becoming sweeter and sweeter like honey. The way he was melded against you, perfectly fit.
You couldnโ€™t help the grind of your hips against his, the firmness between the two of you growing and a small growl leaving Mammonโ€™s throat. With a quick movement, he hiked your legs around his waist, one hand gripping your ass and the other on your nape, his fingers lacing with your hair.
The two of you continued like this, kisses and grinding, breathing out words of affection and praise. Smiles starting to play at your lips the happier you felt, his teeth accidentally knocking against yours once or twice, but neither of your paid mind and didnโ€™t stop, ignoring the sting and focusing on each other. It was wonderful to you when he laughed and moaned softly against you, his face brightening and his attention becoming more loving and gentle the further you went. Finally, though, you stopped and pulled away just enough to peer into his eyes, your foreheads knocking against one another as you panted.
โ€œTheyโ€™re gonna be looking for us,โ€ you mumbled. Despite your words, you made no move of standing on your own and your hand still clung to his clothing, your fingers playing with his hair.
Mammon shook his head though, his eyes trained on you. โ€œDonโ€™t care.โ€ You laughed and he couldnโ€™t help but join you. โ€œI donโ€™t! I donโ€™t care โ€˜cause Iโ€™m not done with ya.โ€
You noted the way his voice trailed softly and you smiled to him, your hand coming up and caressing his cheek. โ€œThen, Iโ€™m not done with you either.โ€
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immoral-tales ยท 3 years
Barbatos - Quick analysis
This is basically based on homescreen lines, calls, devilgram and main story. I will be mixing the knowledge from the english lines we can read and what I can hear from their voice/speech (that being the way they sound and what they say). As clarification: I do not speak japanese, the only knowledge I am using is very basic, so I cannot possibly hear every single nuance from their voice/speech pattern; and this is mostly a personal interpretation/analysis, which means it comes a lot from my own point of view, so we could have different views on the same thing and it is fine! Do not take me as absolute, I am just a random someone doing it for fun. (Of course, we probably are going to have some minor spoilers here and there from season 2/3, so be careful)
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This man is so fucking formal/polite! He relies a lot on keigo, which makes his way of speaking highly distinct from most of the boys; you can notice he uses a lot of โ€œdesuโ€ and โ€œmasuโ€ in lines from his homescreen and calls. Well, his way of speaking/behaving is not a surprise, considering he is a butler, but also makes it feel very distant sometimes, since Barbatos basically treats you with so much formality, it has no space to feel more friendly.ย 
He is very business related even when trying to be nice, brings a sentiment of โ€œI am lower, so I do not have the rights to ask for much.โ€ or โ€œDo not mind me, I am not here.โ€, viewing that at the moments you try to be more casual, he keeps that persona; it almost feels like he does not have any other persona at all, like being a butler itโ€™s his only side.ย 
Barbatos is pointed out, by Simeon, to be the type that can hide a lot of his true feelings (butler job kinda asks you to do that), he could smile while bathed in wrath, so the more he speaks, the more you can notice he becomes quite teasing to playful when leaving something open; his homescreen lines have him telling you some private but, mostly, not that big of a deal infos, like Satan visiting the archives in the Demon Lordโ€™s castle, Diavolo liking video games, how Belphegor can sleep anywhere whenever he wants, etc.
It also adds to the feeling that he is forever the observer, the one that enjoys watching the living just living, a huge thing for someone that has the power he has.
So this is very personal interpretation, but from what I can feel, gives the impression that Barbatos is having this distance set, not because of being a butler, but mostly because he knows things pass, they walk away, they change, he can see and change the time, have new versions of everyone, fix, destroy (to a certain degree), itโ€™s almost like Barbatos is asking you to create something he cannot see nor predict, to let him observe without having to interfere, so when you start looking at him, he cannot help but get surprised and fully touchedโ€ฆ Because, in the end, he really did not predict that. At all.
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immoral-tales ยท 3 years
Congrats on the 500 followers mom!!! It's what you deserve for all the quality work you do! ๐Ÿฅฐ For the request: Tentative kisses given in the dark with diavolo and a reader that has they/them pronouns? Fluff and Sfw, if you'd like!
tentative kisses given in the dark
with diavolo (no content warnings)
a/n: thank you slip!!! i hope you enjoy this!!
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Grandeur parties filled with bottles of fine, aged demonus and beings glittered in their riches. The gold ballroom of the Demon Lord's castle was to the brim with demons dancing and mingling, their forms free, horns and wings and tails adorning them. They breathed elegance and power, enough to make a human like you feel small.
You had slowly edged your way out into a hallway adjacent to the ballroom, the immediate relief of pressure off of yourself as you breathed out a sigh. You leaned against the wall, enjoying the coolness of the still air and the dimly lit castle, the sounds of the party becoming rumbles of music and chatter. You hoped to not be discovered by the eldest brother, knowing he would likely scold you for being absent, after all the very prince of the Devildom is holding this, but you couldn't bring yourself to socialize any longer.
"Running away?"
The voice made you jump, assuming as soon as you had relaxed that you were being caught by the very demon you wanted to see least. Instead, though, you blinked as your eyes met a pair of golden hues. Diavolo smiled warmly as ever as he closed the door to the ballroom behind him and turned his attention to you.
You felt a bit flustered, feeling a bit guilty for leaving the party, his party. "N โ€ฆ No? I just wanted some air?" You couldn't help the way your words came out in questions, unsure of how to explain yourself to the prince.
Diavolo laughed lightly and shook his head. "Don't fret, I'm not upset," he approached you, his arms wide in his friendly manner, "I just want to make sure you're alright."
For someone with such prestige and power, Lord Diavolo was a demon that was far kinder than you could have ever imagined. He was compassionate and forward-thinking, perhaps a bit too lost in his thoughts, but he lived in dreams that you could only try to imagine. Despite this, in the back of your mind, the lingering thought of what else there was still stayed strong, but when his eyes crinkled and shined, you forgot - just for a moment.
"Actually," he started, his feet guiding him down the hall already, "I wanted some quiet to myself as well. I wouldn't mind if you were to join me though."
You noted the grin from over his shoulder and merely chuckled to yourself, his offer sounding more of an option than you knew it actually was. Diavolo wanted you to follow him and you wanted the same, your feet already having you trailing behind him.
When he stopped in front of a room, you watched as he opened the door, and you were met with a bed chamber. It was cold, the warmth of a fire long gone, and the only light to the room was from the peak of moonlight from a tall window. You could barely make out Diavolo's form as he sauntered over to a couch and settled himself in, you following just after, sitting a mere foot away.ย 
The room fell silent for a long moment, palpable but not uncomfortable. You felt as if he was gaining the quiet he so wanted, something about Diavolo relaxing over the moments passing, his gaze softening as he fixated on something in the room. He seemed to be searching for something in his head, thoughts of years long past haunting him just through his eyes. You wondered the things he'd seen and felt. You wondered what were the things that he possibly feared.
"...-" He said your name, quiet, almost muffled by the hand over his mouth. "Do you ever feel others ask too much from you?"
You blinked, his question not something you had expected, but you thought for a moment before answering him. "Sometimes โ€ฆ I want to be able to live up to these expectations though. At least a little bit."
"Right โ€ฆ"
Diavolo's voice became quiet as you could see the glimpse of his eyes fixating themselves once again, perhaps wanting to forget his question that he had asked you. You frowned though, a hand, small in comparison to him, touching the one closest to you. "Are you alright?"
His eyes looked to you for a long moment, brows raised in some surprise, and his face feeling warm. You gave a reassuring, though soft, squeeze to his hand, your eyes meeting his. He found your concern endearing and it brought a feeling to his chest, one that he didn't know how to treat and he was afraid of its fleeting nature for him. The exchange student brought him this emotion and you still sat there beside him, waiting for his response.
"Yes," Diavolo answered softly, his thumb brushing over your knuckles as he leaned closer to you now. "I'm alright. I- โ€ฆ I at least will be."
Your eyes scanned over his expression, trying to find a hint of what he was hiding, but as you were distracted, he lifted his free hand, brushing aside hair that fell towards your face. You blinked, surprised by his action, and looked at him questioningly. โ€œLord Diavolo โ€ฆโ€ You couldnโ€™t help the flutter in your chest as he was gentle with you, his hands treating you like fragile glass.
โ€œHaving you here is a privilege that I couldnโ€™t be more thankful for.โ€
It was difficult to make out his expression as he gazed down at you, his face coming closer and his breath beginning to fan across your skin. โ€œAllow me to indulge in this moment with you.โ€ You nodded, giving your silent approval as he closed the space.
Surprisingly, it was awkward at first, his nose bumping against your own as he searched for your lips in the dark. When the two of you found each other though, it was soft, gentle, and hesitant. He kissed you once, and then again, and again, slowly growing confident and cupping your face. They were chaste and full of affection, sweet, and made your heart burn with a warmth that could only be brought on from the very prince of hell. He was like a sun, a fire that could engulf you at any moment, but you fell into him, your hands pressed to his chest as you leaned against him, your kisses becoming firmer and fervent.ย 
The concept of time was lost to the two of you, not a moment of interruption even as you finally parted and basked in his glow. You couldnโ€™t even bring yourself to wonder of the party, but neither could Diavolo, his eyes only on you as he kept you in his embrace.
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immoral-tales ยท 3 years
Congrats on 500 almost 600 mom!!
Can I get Sneaking away to a hidden corner to share a secretive kiss with Satan and make it nsfw please?๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’š (And possibly as self indulgent as you could possibly make it๐Ÿ˜˜)
sneaking away to a hidden corner to share a secretive kiss
with satan (content warnings: smut | oral sex)
a/n: dont tell me to be self indulgent my horny brain struggles to stop for this demon djbfjhgjkfdg but thank you for requesting, i love you!!
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Time spent with Satan was a time you always considered spent well, but there was always something else. Something more that you yearned for. Perhaps it was the passing glances from your peripheral, or maybe even the small touches that you gained by passing him a book or reaching for the same study material. It all felt so cliche and playful, like out of a romance novel.
At the end of your first year in the exchange program, you had parted him with a solitary kiss, one shared in his bedroom under the glow of the Devildomโ€™s moon. It hadnโ€™t gone any farther than that though. The desire for more pooled in your gut and your feelings bloomed further, turning you into a smitten mess at the mere thought of Satan. So as you sat next to him in the schoolโ€™s library, your belly flitted with butterflies and your head struggled to stay focused on the work at hand.
โ€œHow are you handling the study material?โ€
Satanโ€™s voice almost made you jump in shock, the silence of the library becoming normal to your ears. He laughed quietly to your reaction, the sound like a melody in your ears as his expression became amused.
โ€œSorry, I didnโ€™t mean to startle you.โ€ You shook your head. โ€œI just wanted to make sure you werenโ€™t struggling. I know Lord Diavolo has put more on your plate this year around,โ€ Satan chuckled, face softening some.
โ€œUm,โ€ you started, avoiding his gaze, โ€œI think thereโ€™s a book Iโ€™m missing.โ€ That was a lie, you pretty much had everything you needed, but you pressed to your feet only in a desire to rid some of your nervousness.
โ€œIโ€™ll help you find it.โ€ย 
Your source of nervousness has decided to follow you.
Not wanting to fight with him, you merely nodded and headed down the rows of shelves, looking for a spellbook that you definitely didnโ€™t need and Satan knew that just as much, but he seemed to humor you. You gazed up at the spines of the books, some in your tongue so you could read and others in the demonic language. Curiously, you found one that caught your eye whether you truly needed it or not. You reached above your head, the book just out of your reach no matter how much you stretched.
Satanโ€™s voice sounded behind you and then you felt the press of his chest against your back, his hand reaching over yours and grabbing the book. You felt your body heat up, your cheeks feeling like fire and your eyes widening. He was so close now. You turned your head over your shoulder, looking at him and whatever expression you had, it was enough to make Satan freeze. His eyes stared directly at you, shocked.
The sound of voices made the two of you jump, his cheeks now dusting red as he pulled away. You assumed the moment was over and you were beginning to attempt to slow your heart, but his hand wrapped around your wrist and pulled you. He led you back down the rows of shelves before turning down one far in the back and pressing you into the corner. You could feel the jump of your pulse as he closed in on you, one hand still holding your wrist and pinning it to the wall.
โ€œSโ€ฆ Satan?โ€ Your voice was about a whisper, soft, and almost choked upon.
โ€œCan I kiss you?โ€
Your mouth dried for a moment, surprised at his suddenness, but those same butterflies sparked and fluttered once again in your belly. You nodded quickly, watching as he slowly leaned forward and pressed his mouth to yours softly, then firmly, then again, and again, and again.
You couldnโ€™t control the soft moan that left your lips, your mouth parting for him to sweep his tongue across yours. Your free hand tangled in his locks as you pulled for more, for deeper. The taste of his mouth was intoxicating like he, himself, was fine wine and you were only a mere beggar. The way his hand cupped your face though and his fingers pressed against your neck, you felt how desperate he was himself to keep you close. Even when he broke away to breathe, his lips were back on yours instantly.
As Satan pressed himself against you further, your body instinctively rolled your hips against his, eliciting a groan from him. He moved his lips from yours, kissing down your jaw and neck, nibbling at the skin above the collar of your shirt. You bit your lip in an attempt to quiet the small noises that left you, his mouth leaving sparks in their wake and making you squirm, your body constantly craving for more.
Satan pulled your uniform tie loose and undid the first few buttons of your shirt, his mouth trailing down at the skin that exposed further. With only his lips and the growing firmness in his pants, you felt alight, desperate, and needy. Your hand left his hair and palmed him, ceasing his ministrations for a moment as you felt him.
"You're not scared of being caught?" His voice breathed in your ear, just above a whisper for only you to hear.
"I am," you admitted, making Satan laugh lightly. "But โ€ฆ I want you."
Your already burning cheeks bloomed further, the heat reaching to the tips of your ears and to the rest of your body. Your admission made you feel nervous, your mind is so muddled that you almost believed you could say anything to him. You worried he would turn away from you now, but the kiss on your lips said otherwise. The hand unbuttoning your jacket and pulling your shirt loose from your pants, it all said otherwise.
Satan's hand was delicate across the flesh of your stomach as he trailed up your shirt and pressed his hand on your chest, massaging, and then teasing your hardened nipple. You gasped at the sensations, your hand grasping at his cock straining through pants. You made firmer strokes, letting him feel every movement of your hand along his length.ย 
You broke away from Satan for a moment, finally pulling your forgotten hand in his grasp free as unbuckled his belt and pushed the clothing aside enough for you to pull free his cock. Your mouth watered at the sight of him, the velvety skin smooth in your hand as you stroked him, making him dip his head in the crook of your shoulder, suppressing his groan. You ran a thumb over his slit as a bead of precum came forth, sliding it over the head.
"Ah, fuck." Satan choked your name out as you added your other hand to his cock, making slow, tantalizing strokes that made even yourself weak.
Slowly, you lowered yourself to your knees and looked up at him, your eyes searching for permission in his own. He nodded and held your shoulders as you leaned forward, licking a stripe from the base to the head of his cock. Satan breathed deeply as he watched you wet his length with your tongue before finally wrapping your lips around him. You bobbed your head slowly, taking more of him into your mouth each time, the rest you couldn't fit you kept your hand around.
You kept your eyes on him, though your gaze is hazy and darkened with your lust, you found yourself enraptured by the sight of him. Satan's eyes were heavy but stayed trained on you, his lips parted and his face rosy. As your cheeks hollowed around his cock, you felt the way his hands came up and cupped your jaw, easing you into a slightly faster pace. Thumbs brushed against your face, surely feeling himself slide in and out your mouth.
With a slight rock of his hips, you gave Satan the control. The hand you kept around his cock dropped and held onto his thigh as he slowly rolled his pelvis to your face, burying his length further down your throat. You quieted your gagging as much as possible as he fucked your mouth, his pace quickening as he sought out his release.
When you felt his cock twitch, you swallowed around him as he came, his seed hot as it shot down your throat. You eased off of him slightly and stroked his base, milking him of everything before slowly sliding off his cock. Satan groaned quietly, his thumbs running tender circles over your cheeks as he came down.
"Let's finish this back in my room."
You couldn't help but giggle as he helped you stand and the two of you properly redressing yourselves. You were positive that time well spent with Satan would be even more worthwhile.
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immoral-tales ยท 3 years
lifting someone up out of excitement + Barbatos or Simeon? can be sfw or nsfw whichever is easier for you to do๐Ÿ’“ congrats on the milestone lovely!
lifting someone out of excitement
with simeon (no content warnings)
a/n: someone tell me to stop trying to write simeon in only unreachable desire please. anyways- i hope you enjoy this <3
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The warmth of his room was just like him. The lighting dim and the room is decorated in red linens with gold accents. Youโ€™ve grown familiar with it, feeling even safer and more comfortable each time you come to see him. Simeon made you feel warm, his care for you never unnoticed, but you couldn't help but wonder though,
did he love you?
Did this care he had for you something platonic? Despite the amount of time you spent with him, Simeon was hard to read, his thoughts were clearly always held inside and a friendly persona was always worn. You worried that maybe he was only being nice. That would be like Simeon.
As you sat next to him, you were curious if he could see the ways your eyes watched him, dancing over the slopes of his face, admiring the calm and content expression he always carried. Simeon was an angel, a being that felt so far away from you, but when he turned and smiled, he suddenly felt so close. His eyes on you, emanating that warmth that you felt by just being near him, being in his presence, and basking in it. He was beautiful.
โ€œ โ€ฆ- are you alright?โ€ Simeon asked you, a bit of concern showing on his face when his brows creased and his smile faltered. โ€œYouโ€™re spacing out a bit.โ€
You felt yourself fall from your thoughts, grounding yourself with the shift of your body. You laughed lightly and turned your head down, feeling bashful and your face warm. โ€œYes, sorry. Iโ€™m fine.โ€
Simeon noted your discomfort and his eyes drifted away in thought before his face lit up once again. โ€œIโ€™ll make you some tea,โ€ he said, standing up and preparing it.
You stared at the tuft of his hair and the outline of his shoulders, everything about him felt ethereal and beautiful. He was mesmerizing, he bared all the qualities and more that you could have imagined for an angel. A being like him was far out of reach, but yet you still grasped. You still found yourself behind him, hand grabbing hold of his cape that he had yet to abandon.
"Little lamb?"
Simeon's voice is sweet like milk and honey, the very thing that people in ancient times craved for it. Your heart thumped in your chest and your eyes burned with tears. Your self control was failing and you mumbled the words you couldn't hide any longer.
"I love you."
Your head fell and you glued your gaze to the floor, afraid of his rejection. He was so quiet as he turned around to face you and you had no idea what expression he wore. You caught the first few tears that left your eyes. The shame and regret piling in your gut and making you wish to shrivel up and disappear.ย 
You hadn't expected though to feel arms come underneath yours and wrap around you firmly. Simeon lifted you into his embrace, the hands splayed across your back bringing you comfort, and the smell of his soap filling your nostrils. He squeezed you and you naturally flung your arms around his neck, holding onto him.
"Little lamb, I've never heard words that have made me happier," Simeon's voice was elated and his body lit further and further up with excitement as he buried his face into the crook of your neck. "I love you as well."
In all your time with Simeon, he had never felt closer, never felt so real and possible to have. He was warm.
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immoral-tales ยท 3 years
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โ€” dom drop is when in the dom experiences a sudden depressive state. this is due to high endorphins being released during bdsm that drops suddenly. if your dom is experiencing dom drop itโ€™s best to ask what they need and be understanding and patient! this can also occur in subs and is called sub-drop.
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immoral-tales ยท 3 years
My Blogโ€™s name is Immoral Tales of Egotistical Desires. I might as well live up to the expectations of the name of my own blogs. But I have to delay it until Christmas? First, Iโ€™m dealing with what had occurred between the Soviet Union and Turkey after WWI.
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