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staying hydrated gang 💪
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y'all share me your theories on what's going on with usagi's skin i wanna read them plz.
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jodio: i just ended a four year relationship.
dragona: oh, i’m so sorry. are you okay?
jodio: hm? yeah, i’m fine. it wasn’t my relationship.
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The end of Golden Wind, but Giorno has two dads... and a twin (?) brother.
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Yeah, this is probably the umpteenth fanart you'll see confronting Giorno and Jodio, but I finally got time to depict my headcanon using my own AU "Giorno has two dads", and I love it, lmao. I had a good laugh doing this.
In my AU, Jonathan is that kind of loving and caring father full of patience, but he transforms into Satan himself once he had enough bullshit. And Dio is the kind of parent who supports and motivates his offsprings, but by encouraging them to do... not so good stuff, lol.
More of this Jonathan/Dio/Giorno AU! - More Jojo comics! - More of my art!
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The GooningLands.
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i lied, two more doodles
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dragona: is usagi dead?
charming: probably... i hated his guts.
dragona: yeah, so did i.
usagi: okay, first of all, fuck you guys-
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I think there's a duality at play.
Dragons in many Asian cultures are seen as benevolent, wise, protectors and advisors who guard and have become symbols of good fortune. Dragons in many European cultures are greedy, violent, chaotic, adversaries and antagonists who hoard and have become symbols of misfortune. We definitely see Dragona showing off both portrayals.
Here's another symbol duality to consider: rabbits on land are seen as lucky, innocent beings, symbols of birth and new life-- but at sea they are unlucky, devils in disguise, symbols of death and disaster.
I wonder if Dragona's name is meant to invoke the mythical Dragon, specifically its European counterpart; The beast that is obsessed with hoarding riches and wealth. Seems appropriate given the goals of Part 9, plus Dragona having an affinity for nice things; She's personally offended just by seeing someone else mishandle their own expensive watch! And for a bit, she held the lava rock. Lava, volanoes, dragons and fire...
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Chapter 14 Yap Session: 48 AQUIFERS! You didn't want to leave him a half-measure, huh?
Other Yaps (To Be Updated as I Go): 14
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Chapter 14 was very heavy in terms of historical and cultural context. Here are the things I've found so far:
The Lava Rock's Powers Are Based on Hawaiian Culture and Belief
Meryl Mei's words confirmed that the lava rock relies on human emotion and societal beliefs to become attracted to items.
While there are variations of how the Hawaiian Islands came to be, it all comes down to Pele. One retelling mentioned how Pele left volcanic craters on the islands, which would spew rock and ash that would land and create the mountains and fertile lands we know of today. However, volcanic eruptions and raining volcanic matter is nothing safe to be around, especially because it represents Pele herself being angry. So, Native Hawaiians would provide Ho'okupu to Pele as a means to appease her and therefore stop an eruption from escalating further. These are gifts considered to be of high value and given genuinely. Until the end of the 19th century, these gifts ranged from foods to literal diamonds.
A case in 1801 occurred where Kamehameha I was asked to provide offerings to Pele to stop Mt. Huālailai's eruptions. He gave various gifts but only when he gave up his hair did the lava stop flowing; note that hair cutting is only done during mourning or defeat.
Nowadays, there's some conflicting info on what is appropriate and not appropriate. Most say acceptable gifts can be prayers, acts of service to Pele (i.e. volunteering, donations), or generally practicing gratitude. There are those who will still give gifts like traditional food or hula. Regardless, they are given because they are believed to be valuable and therefore necessary to give to Pele.
Howler's Lands Being Mostly Water Is More Trouble Than You Think
The purpose of infrastructure is to ensure society's needs are met. This includes maintaining and sustaining society's source of water; after all, fresh water is a very valuable resource in all human societies since the beginning of time.
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In Hawaii, fresh water come from permeable rocks called aquifers. There are many types of aquifers, but experts say the best are made from basaltic and volcanic rock; the only places that have such aquifers in the US are the Pacific Northwest and Hawaii. Despite being surrounded by water, Hawaii relies on aquifers for freshwater and the same aquifers rely on rain water to be replenished. Unfortunately, aquifers are not as accessible and there has historically been cases of aquifer water being mismanaged or contaminated. You might have recognized the controversy regarding the Wai Kai pool.
Not only that, climate change also affects this. Since 2008, Hawaii has been suffering through a drought, causing it dry season to last a lot longer than its rain season. Aquifers rely on rainwater to be replenished, so the lack of rain water means they are not being refilled to continue meeting demands. Rising sea levels also mean less land to live on as well as sea water contaminating the aquifers. There are efforts proposed to stop and prevent this, but it doesn't help that many aquifers sit on top of salt water. Most aren't contaminated because there is a good amount of things between the two to separate them, but that's only if that thing has not been tampered with or by, say, construction or natural disaster.
An infrastructure company holding power over the most valuable resource of Hawaii? Surely, that allows them to have power over lots of things in society as well.
The Number 48 Holds a Lot of Symbolism and Significance
In literature, there's a famous self-help book called The 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene. This book follows the belief that life is a never-ending game of power and presents 48 pieces of advice on how to pursue one's goals. This book became popular among musicians, politicians, and other celebrities, especially when they are in controversy, and the book has been criticized for glorifying brutal and inhuman approaches as a means of success. Some might even say whoever tries to achieve their tasks without considering morals or the emotions of others as... psychopathic...
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In history, the year 1848 marks the second most important event in Hawaiian history called "The Great Māhele". Prior to this, land ownership was a more feudal system, and laws were suddenly put in place to transition to the allodial system of land ownership. This event would go on to set more laws regarding land ownership and things like The Hawaii State Land Registry to maintain it. On paper, it made land ownership accessible, as one can simply buy land to call it their own, rather than jump through hops caused by things like status. In practice, however, it made it very easy for foreign powers and businesses to buy land in Hawaii and oftentimes prevent Native Hawaiians from doing so; keep in mind that this approach to land ownership is also very unknown to Native Hawaiians, so they themselves have no idea how to approach this. This led to more foreign influences into Hawaii that became a factor in its annexation (the most important event) later on and contributed to the socioeconomic struggles still faced today by Native Hawaiians.
In Chinese numerology, 48 is an auspicious number. Any 3-digit number ending in 48 (i.e. 748) is lucky because it sounds like you're saying "prosperity in X lifetimes" in Mandarin (so 748 is "prosperity in 7 lifetimes/ 七世發"). As a result, 48 became a number associated with businesses. The number 8 is particularly lucky in Asian cultures while also having ties with financial success in other cultures. 48 is also considered be auspicious because it combines the good qualities of 4s and 8s (diligence and ambition), so many consider it a manifestation number (working hard will bring achievements).
As an added bonus, 9 is considered lucky in various Asian cultures because it sounds like the word for "everlasting". It is also associated with dragons in China, so lots of government things and royalty are based on number 9.
See you in the next chapter to see what else I can yap about.
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Совершенно рандомно хрен пойми откуда взявшийся
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If I did monthly notes on The JOJOLands chapters, would y'all read it?
Not necessarily a full-on review but I'm thinking about posting random tidbits about the chapter that I think not a lot of people might have considered or background on certain things that occur in the chapter.
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welp, turns out it's rocks.
prediction: usagi wears his bodysuit because it's actually covering severe burn scars. he was actually the kid on the bus with the parakeet four years ago that seemed to ignore the bullies harassing dragona and ended up being stuck in the bus that jodio sets on fire. being inquisitive, he noticed dragona wasn't on the bus the day the fire happened and concluded that dragona may have had some role in that attack while he recovered. he wears the suit due to how sensitive his skin has become and he's insecure of the scars and skin grafts he had to take during recovery.
why did usagi decide to join the group and get strangely close to dragona? could he have felt guilty of being complicit in dragona being bullied and he's trying to redeem himself? or, is he seeking revenge for supposedly burning him and ruining his life?
is the dragona x usagi ship gonna sail or sink, chat?
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usagi: my criminal record? the only illegal thing i’ve done is absolutely killing it on the dance floor.
jodio: i actually burned a bus with twenty people inside once.
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Making up.
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im bwuh? im wuh? im uhhh im ummm and im who give a shit
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Johio Joestar
Dragoona Joestar
Jelqo Laburantes
Usagyatt Alohaoe
Rizzing Man
Sigma Mei Qi
Fanum Tax Size
Rohan Skibidibe
Barbara Edging Joestar
Thank you for coming to my TedTalk.
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Usagi dropping his ramen at the Kalanimoku Building.
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