hey y’all i don’t ask for much but my hometown of SWFL just got hit with a massive hurricane (ian) and we’re in absolute devastation over here. half the town is without power still and linemen are working day in and day out from 30 other states to help. first responders are rescuing and recovering missing people and lots of dead bodies. everything here is just gone. the whole state is basically in devastation but mainly SWFL where the eye of the storm passed over.
homes are flooded and lost, every stop light is not working, hospitals shut down due to flooding, during the storm 911 couldn’t be reached and people were being told help was not coming. people are still missing and unaccounted for and possibly deceased. businesses are gone. beaches are destroyed. lives lost. it’s total mass destruction down here.
if you are local or can donate, please visit volunteer florida to help us. and please share as much as you can.
we’re broken but we’re trying one step at a time to fix ourselves, but we can’t do it without help.
thank you 💗
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amanda: wow carisi that suit looks so nice, what’s it made out of?
sonny: husband material
85 notes · View notes
Alex: hey I’m a lesbian
Mon-el: I thought you were American?
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Alex: Maggie, I hope you’re proud of me, I’m sneaking broccoli into Jamie’s Mac and cheese so she doesn’t know she’s eating vegetables, because that’s what parenting is all about; helping your children through lies.
Maggie: well not just our child…
Alex: hm?
Maggie: I’ve been sneaking vegetables into your food for years now, since way before we were married.
Alex: wHAT?!
Alex: I have literally never been angrier at anyone in my life. Walk away Maggie.
Maggie: ok but––
Alex: WALK AWAY! Gertrude, Jamie, attack your Mama!
120 notes · View notes
Serial killer: What do you want? You want to kill me?
Emily Prentiss: You really think I’m that boring? I’m a woman with far more vision than simple murder.
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Max Lord: What do you want? You want to kill me?
Alex: You really think I’m that boring? I’m a woman with far more vision than simple murder.
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Alex: This date is boring
Maggie: This isn’t a date. I said I was going to the store
Alex: Then why did you invite me?
Maggie: I specifically said “don’t come with me” and then you said “fuck you, I do what I want” and followed me here
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David: so how long have you been sleeping with Mayor Mills?
Emma: That’s disgusting. And wrong. I don’t even get– why would– I’ve never had sex with anyone, anywhere. It’s none of your- you have- the nerve, the audacity, Regina is my boss, technically. And she is terrible, face-wise. And how- how- do I know, frankly, that you’re not sleeping with her? Maybe you are. Maybe you’re trying to throw me off? Hmm check and mate.
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JJ: *in exam chair*
Doctor: so, who are these people?
JJ: *points to Emily* lesbian lover *points to Will* baby daddy
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J'onn: Why is Maggie on the table?
Alex, Kara, Winn, James, Lena [not looking up]: She likes to be tall.
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Snow: Regina! Why are you and Emma so late to family dinner?
Regina: Emma, do you want to tell her…?
Emma: …
Regina: Emma was driving here when I shouted “Emma, deer!” and do you want to tell your mother how you reacted?
Emma: *very quietly* I said, “yes, honey?”
Regina: and then we crashed
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Aubrey: Beca! Why are you and Chloe so late to rehearsals?
Beca: Chloe, do you want to tell her…?
Beca: Chloe was driving here when I shouted “Chloe, deer!” and do you want to tell Aubrey how you reacted?
Chloe: *very quietly* I said, “yes, honey?”
Beca: and then we crashed
30 notes · View notes
Cat: you look happy. let me guess, your sandwich fell on the floor and so they gave it to you for free?
Kara: no, can you do that? why doesn’t everyone just drop their sandwiches on the floor?
Cat: I was trying to insult you
Kara: instead you gave me an amazing life hack!
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Alex: Kara, relax, go get a beer.
Kara: I don’t want a beer!
Alex: who said it was for you?
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Alex: okay, how about for a girl, Gertrude?
Maggie: Alex, why do you hate our dog?
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Ava: what do you have?
Sara: a knIFE!
Ava: NO!
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J’onn: Danvers, go home, you’re sick
Alex: no I’m not. Sir if I was sick, could I do this? *stands still*
J’onn: what are you doing?
Alex: cartwheels. am I not doing them?
J’onn: …no
16 notes · View notes