incrimeandinlife · 2 months
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incrimeandinlife · 2 months
For the shipper prompts and games, caskett of course 😝
Who ever would have expected me to be asked about Caskett?
Who would win tickle wars?
Castle just doesn't have it in him to win a tickle war. Either through an icy-cold glare, the threat of bodily harm or by not-so-subtly reminding him of the much better uses for his hands, I am 100% sure Beckett would have him reconsidering his actions very quickly.
Who would draw pictures of the other in their sketchbook?
Castle 100%. Beckett might have little hearts scribbled down somewhere that make her think of Castle, but I don't see her drawing portraits of him at all.
Who would hold hands while walking?
Usually Castle would initiate the hand-holding in more crowded places (like walking down the streets around the city, whole they're shopping, etc.) but in quieter places (like strolling along the beach at the Hamptons, or maybe if they visit th4e Beckett's cabin) I feel like Beckett would take the opportunity to be the one to initiate.
Who would give cheek kisses?
Both of them. All the time. Hello, goodbye, nice shoes. They just like to kiss.
Who would start a snowball fight?
Castle. You just know he cannot be outside in the snow for more than five minutes without pelting a snowball at someone. Like, come on, tell me I'm wrong! haha.
Who would slip the most on a date to go ice skating?
Beckett. She confessed to not being a very good ice-skater, right? Or did I imagine that?
Who leaves letters in the other's locker?
I feel like this would obviously be Castle, right? He is, after all, the writer.
Who would bring lunch to work for the other?
I was thinking this question wouldn't really apply because usually they're together so they'd just 'get lunch' rather than one bringing the other lunch, you know? But then I thought about present-day Castle bringing Beckett lunch because Lily is at school and the twins are at daycare (or equivalent) and he should be writing but the loft is just so... quiet. And he misses her. And he is procrastinating but he won't openly admit to that.
Who would want to cuddle at the movie theatre?
Castle. But Beckett wouldn't object.
Who would buy a cheezy cliche holiday gift?
Both. In fact, they've started a competition to see who can out-cheese the other. Alexis is the judge.
Who would start and argument about what colour curtains they would have at home?
Beckett doesn't care about the curtains, she just wants somewhere she can hang her great big artwork (and Castle happily provides her with somewhere).
Who would remember their anniversary?
They both do.
Bonus: Beckett has it saved in her calendar on her phone because she doesn't want to forget (but she never does).
Who would blurt out how much they love the other in front of people?
Beckett is just always so aware of who is around her and not wanting to express too much around others, I don't really see her blurting anything in front of anyone. Like, maybe in front of the main group of people (The boys, Lanie, Castle's family, maybe her dad?) but I really can't see her talking about her love for Castle in front of anyone else. Castle, on the other hand, I feel would happily shout his love for her from the rooftop. He's pretty respectful of the fact that she is very private, so I don't think he would go blurting anything either, but I think he is more likely to do so.
If Beckett were to 'blurt' anything, it would be a very strategic and well thought out blurting, I am sure haha.
Who would offer to wash the other's back in the shower?
Castle would offer to wash Beckett from head to toe, I think. And if she were to let him, I think he would take great care in doing so. Castle is definitely an 'acts of service' kind of guy - he cooks for her, etc. - so I can definitely see him doing this kind of thing often, especially if work has been a bit rough for Beckett. But the thing about Beckett is she gives just as much as she gets so, unless Castle specifically is like "No, this is just for you" I think that she would always return the favour without question.
Who would post statuses about the other on Facebook?
Castle's twitter feed would be 95% promoting his novels and 5% gushing about Beckett and their family.
Who would have the other's picture as their phone background?
I'm trying to think back to if I've ever paid attention to her phone background... nothing is coming to mind. But I do recall Castle's being his book cover at one point. So I don't see him as a 'personal photo as my background' kind of guy.
Who would take pictures of the other while they're sleeping?
Castle, 100%.
Who says I love you?
I mean, do I even need to answer this one?
Although, I feel like post season 8 Beckett just tries to say it as often as possible. Like, all day every day to the point where even Castle is like "Yeah, you can chill a little bit now"
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incrimeandinlife · 2 months
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Katherine 'Kate' Beckett in S4E18, “A Dance with Death” 🩷
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incrimeandinlife · 2 months
Fic prompt: 3x13, Castle takes Beckett home and they make out as soon as they get inside her apartment, where it goes from there is up to you 😮😁
Not a word had been exchanged between them: not as they left the scene; not as she drove him back to her apartment instead of his; not as he followed her upstairs, into her home and toward her bedroom. And now, as they stood - still in absolute silence - his gaze burned like flames against her skin; like the room was burning down around her, fire stealing the oxygen from around her.
But he could save her.
His touch - knuckles grazed gently along her cheek, the pad of his thumb to her bottom lip - it could soothe the burn, heal her scars and right their wrongs.
Because, yes, she was well aware that every part of this was wrong. An act of treachery, of faithlessness. If she crossed this line she would lose everything. She would lose the man she was certain she could love.
But could love just didn't compare to did love. Castle was the man she did love, despite trying so hard not to.
In this moment, she couldn't - for the life of her - remember a single Goddamn reason why she had tried so hard not to love him.
Castle leaned in closer, the inches between them slowly dwindling away, and (for a short moment) she wondered if he was braver than her, if he would be the one to take this final step over the line the had tiptoed for so long but never dared to cross. Not without the guise of undercover to keep their innocence, anyway.
"Why am I here, Kate?" he whispered and her eyes fluttered shut.
He knew exactly why he was here. She was tired of pretending: they both were. Tired of pretending that this thing between them was nothing more than platonic. Tired of pretending the bodies that filled their beds at night were anything more than a stand-in. Tired of pretending that they weren't aware that the exact thing that they needed, that they craved, could be found in the person standing right by there side all this time.
Tonight, in the midst of chaos - when her mind was a frenzy, her heart pounded erratically and the fear she felt for her team coursed like ice through her veins - he calmed her, made her feel safe. He felt like home. She needed that.
Needed him.
With just the slightest tilt of her head, her lips brushed against his. Soft, nervous; not at all like the kiss they had shared just hours earlier. She was giving him a chance to pull away, to stop this before it went too far but he didn't.
He wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her body against his; his other hand weaved through her hair.
It didn't take long for caution to be replaced by heat: by their shameless need for one another, for more touch and less clothes; by the pinch of teeth on flesh, soothed by peppered kisses and gentle tongues; by breathless moans and pleasured sighs that filled the air as they became one and danced oh so carelessly past the point of no return.
Yes, every part of this was wrong.
She didn't want to be right.
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incrimeandinlife · 3 months
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kate beckett in 4.20
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incrimeandinlife · 3 months
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The way she looks at him 😍🥹
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incrimeandinlife · 3 months
Hahaha 100% us for sure 🤣💛
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me and the girls listening to taylor’s 75th album
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incrimeandinlife · 4 months
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“Yeah, and you get cute when you get angry. But not when you get angry with me.” 🥹🤍
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incrimeandinlife · 4 months
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Caskett in the style of Pixar animation.
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incrimeandinlife · 4 months
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incrimeandinlife · 4 months
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incrimeandinlife · 4 months
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incrimeandinlife · 4 months
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monologues that will haunt me for the rest of my life 15/?
↳ STANA KATIC as KATHERINE “KATE” BECKETT in Castle, 5.01: “After The Storm”
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incrimeandinlife · 4 months
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“I have a hard job, Castle, and having you around makes it a little more fun.” 🥺🤍
S2E13, “Sucker Punch” aired 14 years ago (January 18, 2010) 🤍
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incrimeandinlife · 4 months
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All the moments when they were about to say something but never did Aka all the almosts.
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incrimeandinlife · 4 months
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monologues that will haunt me for the rest of my life 10/?
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incrimeandinlife · 4 months
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Yin needs yang, not another yin. Yin-yang is harmony. (insp.)
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