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I like to predent i didn't but i really missed him.
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digging up my dormant ass gotg blog in order to say that Peter getting his face puffed up unrecognizably like he was stung by bees and then being rescued by a shirtless demigod is proof that if he did not bear the face of Chris Pratt he would be bisexual
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No matter where you are in the galaxy, we will always be a family💫💖
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infantilizedsequoia · 4 years
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infantilizedsequoia · 5 years
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“I’m not in love - no, no…”
so, I finally got time to draw my marvel otp!! I’ve been wanting to draw them since infinity war came out (and destroyed me rip)  
this is actually drawing one of a series of starmora drawings of this style I plan on doing, one for each gotg movie + infinity war at least…
I was listening to the gotg soundtrack and thinking about the song “I’m Not In Love” and all the meanings of it, and this idea came to me… I have this headcanon that Peter almost always skips it because it reminds him of the day his mother died, but maybe after the battle of Xandar Peter was listening to the mixtape and fell asleep, then this song came up and Gamora listened to the lyrics and they had a completely different meaning for her because, well, she was definitely not falling in love with Peter, of course not…
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infantilizedsequoia · 5 years
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KinderGuardians of the Galaxy.
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infantilizedsequoia · 5 years
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I have lived most of my life surrounded by my enemies. I would be grateful to die surrounded by my friends.
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infantilizedsequoia · 5 years
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Colour meme: Peter Quill + 5 (Complementary Colors) for anon
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infantilizedsequoia · 5 years
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Important question: why do the Ravagers feel the need to play dress-up with literally everyone who comes on board their ship? I mean, Groot’s a mascot, fair enough, but Nebula didn’t even stay put long enough to entirely attach her hand. How did they get her in a fitted, appropriately-asymmetrical jumpsuit? What was wrong with the outfits Gamora and Rocket had on before? At least when Peter changes pants, it’s probably actually his own clothes. 
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infantilizedsequoia · 5 years
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There’s another name you might know me by. Star-Lord.
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infantilizedsequoia · 5 years
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#gotgv3 better bring them back
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infantilizedsequoia · 5 years
Starmora Week Day 1: Hello/Goodbye
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Gamora prefers having sex in her room. Taking him in her domain, so to speak. He never stays for very long after- not even half an hour. He’s always gone before then.
But it’s like it’s always a chore for him- to get up and leave her bed, leave her side. There’s a heaviness in his eyes before he gets up and starts cracking jokes, making her laugh as he gets dressed so it’s something light and warm at the ending of their nights, purposely doing something like an awkward hand wave and saying “see you around” when he’s just being ridiculous, knowing they’ll see each other face to face in a couple of hours at most. They live on the same small ship, after all. It’s more like an inside joke, him leaving like that, grinning when he makes her laugh, or roll her eyes in that fond way of hers.
It’s not like it’s actually awkward. It’s almost routine by now. This is just them.
But there are little things- little cues from him, that she has trouble picking up on. The heaviness in his eyes a few seconds before he pulls away from her, before it’s replaced with that signature Peter Quill lightheartedness that he can call up whenever he needs to.
He is more… versed on personal interaction, and her less so on the intricacies of human nature. And Peter is very good at hiding things, hiding emotions, burying them deep down so they can’t bother him, but little things slip through the cracks.
The heaviness in his eyes. The way the corner of his lips tug down before he smiles like he couldn’t have a care in the world.
It’s easier for Gamora to pick up on them when she’s observing from afar, how skilled he is at being a social chameleon when it comes to marks on a job. The way he adapts- not just his mannerisms and speech patterns, but ways of expressing himself too.
It’s easier to spot when he goes from standing with that sort of straight and yet still loose posture- relaxed in a way that shows he’s not gearing up for a fight, but straight enough to not be insulting- and talking with a genial but formal address with ‘high end clients’ to turning around and laughing with someone he just met, slapping them on the back after a good joke with essentially a stranger, his whole personality becoming something like buddies shooting the breeze and ingratiating himself immediately with no trouble at all.
He’s very good at changing the way he expresses himself, how he comes off, how he’s perceived, in a way that’s almost unnoticeable. Unless you know what you’re looking for.
She didn’t know she should be looking for something.
But Gamora picks up on it- eventually. That little flash of something that she can’t quite recognize before everything becomes easy again, and Peter goes about making her laugh and leaving as per their usual routine.
After enough time she realizes it’s a flash of something unpleasant, some unwanted feeling that he pushes away as quickly as possible. And once she spots it, she can’t help but see it every time.
It takes her… longer than she would have liked to even piece this much together. Long enough that this routine is already habit, before she realizes that maybe there’s something wrong with this habit, that there’s been something wrong right from the start, that maybe it’s a habit that they shouldn’t have even started in the first place. That it’s a habit they have to break. _________
“Do you always leave for me or for you?” Gamora asks, lying on her side, still naked in bed as she watched him get dressed.
Peter pauses- right in the middle of pulling up one of his pants leg to look up at her.
“Uh, what?” He asks, losing his balance momentarily, and hopping around a bit to regain it.
“Do you always leave for your comfortableness or mine?”
Keep reading on AO3
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infantilizedsequoia · 5 years
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+ bonus gif
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My submission for StarmoraWeek2019, day 4 - Partner/Rhythm: some very messy sketches based on my fiction “Enjoy the Silence”.
Unfortunately, I am swamped with work, studying for an important exam, so I have decided to only do half the prompts. But I’m having a lot of fun with it and the flood of Starmora fanworks is an amazing pick-me-up! Looking forward to enjoying it all next week after the exam :) 
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infantilizedsequoia · 5 years
can you fucking imagine
Peter quill survives the snap right and is chilling with the avengers when endgame rolls around. he volunteers to go to Vormir bc Gamora obviously and it’s like him and nebula and they get up there and red skull is like “you must lose that which you love” and nebula and quill look at each other and are like ‘I don’t particularly love you’ and so quill fucking reaches into his jacket and pulls out his Zune Yondu got him in gotg2 and chucks it over the edge and red skull’s like wtf? but then it works 
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infantilizedsequoia · 5 years
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Yes this is a butt blog but idc everyone should see how thicc this boy is in the new movie
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infantilizedsequoia · 5 years
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“He desolated Xandar…”
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infantilizedsequoia · 5 years
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“…I found something inside of myself, something incredibly heroic. I mean, not to brag, but objectively…”
[MCU MEME] Five outfits [1/5]: Peter Quill’s jacket (one with and without, yes that counts!)
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