inmemoriesoflgckeeho · 4 months
but only to keeho as i still keep my two muse, daeho and byungho.
KEEHO in lgc : after debuting keeho realize that this whole idol life isn't for him. he loves the fame and fortune but to him there was more that he wanted. keeho loves working out, and sport. it is safe to say that he will be staying korea, supporting his friends and all the other lgc groups while pursuing a different career path.
OOC: real life got a little crazy for me and i have to say, i was unhappy writing for three muse. i took a hiatus for work reason and while on my hiatus i had some time to think about thing. though i dont think i'm ready to end my time here at lgc just yet, i decided - with a very sad sad heart - to end keeho time with lgc. i hope that now with just 2 muses i can be more active and be able to interact with more people. i almost cried the day i said i was dropping keeho but it was a heavy weight lifted off my shoulder. it wasn't an easy decision but it's for the best especially with some new personal things happening in my work and personal life. so this isn't goodbye - but i hope you all love and enjoy han keeho as much as i enjoy writing for him.
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inmemoriesoflgckeeho · 5 months
funny enough even though they just meet keeho was kind of glad to be with haneul for the event. this would probably give the two a chance to get to know each other better as well. when the enter the office place keeho looked around in awe. he hasn't been here and of course he definitely has not passed out bread or something like this before.
shaking his head from side to side before saying "i dont think i have." maybe he has done something like this before but if he had it didn't leave an impression in his memory "have you done something like this before?" it would had been nice if one of them had the experience but if they didn't then they could learn together. keeho's eyes widen when hanuel mentions his dad, "you-you're dad??" he asked shockingly. taking in breathe he let it as he calm himself down. "you should had told me your dad works here! we could had try to bring him coffee too. maybe next time we can just stop by and give him coffee." after all he did want to make a great impression on his friend's parent.
Let's Get This Bread
Wherein Haneul and @lgckeeho surprise a bunch of office workers, which may or may not include Haneul's dad.
First of all, Haneul has to laugh. Of all places he is assigned to give out pastries and bread as part of his Passion5 model duties, he ends up at his dad's company. It will be even funnier if they're assigned to his dad's team. At least his dad's coworkers will believe him when he says his youngest son is handsome... assuming he even says that about Haneul.
Chuckling, he turns to Keeho. "Have you done anything like this before, Keeho?" Haneul likes to think he and Keeho have developed a friendship after constructing what Haneul likes to call the manliest haunted house in the block. Besides, Keeho told him to drop the honorifics and all, especially since they're the same age. "I swear to God, if we end up giving these to my dad's team, I will die laughing."
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inmemoriesoflgckeeho · 5 months
keeho's eyebrow raised, was it so diffcult for the other to dropped the honorifics? then again it wasn't like the best person in the world when it came to using honorifics. i guess if there is one thing that he. couldn't fully let go off it was the American way of just treating everyone as a friend. letting out a chuckle he shook his head not wanting to tourtue the other anymore "it's okay if the honorific works best for you then let just use it.:" though in his mind without it he thought they could easily become friends faster.
"sung haneul" he repeat the name "its nice to you meet you." keeho greeted with a warm smile. sometimes he forget that he hasn't met everyone, everyone seem to know him but he still had a lot of faces and name to get acquainted too. there wasn't much that h could think so keeho shook his head "i didn't much about it so whatever design you want for this house let me know because i think at most i can help."
"let me run it by my manager first." keeho jokjed. but it wasn't so much joking because he knew that he wasn't bale to get anything done with his manager approval. "but lets get back to the house before i getinto some trouble for egging you on about getting my hair cut. what should we do first?"
Haneul bites his lip. Dropping the honorific is hard, especially when Keeho is his senior, and they aren't exactly friends. But if Keeho says so, who is Haneul to disagree. "Keeho..." He frowns, trying the name without the honorific attached. They're the same age, and Haneul is older than Keeho by a month if they want to be technical about it. "Keeho," he tries again with more conviction this time. He playfully winks at the V&A member for good measure.
"Before anything else, my name is Sung Haneul," he says with a polite now. After all, it is only polite to introduce yourself to the person you're kidnapping for a task to be done together. "And lucky for you, I might have a few ideas. But I want to hear what vibe you feel like doing for the house."
This is still a team project after all. Haneul wants to showcase both of them as much as possible, given the limited options they have. He's better off mixing hair dye and eyeshadow than decorating haunted houses, but this will do. "I was thinking of doing something fun, but I can cut whatever you need done."
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inmemoriesoflgckeeho · 6 months
right now keeho was almost very very, impressed with how max was interpreting everything. it was definitely a sign that he still had a lot more to learn and another eye opener to how cushion he had it growing up.
"wow, is that how birds, try to wooo a lady?" he asked with a raised of a brow, even though max just explained it all. it was like he just wanted to say something just to say something. "bird are just my animal then, we both love singing" and being talkative. max sounded very poetic at this moment, so keeho only listened on as his eye wander around and closely just envisioned everything. the last one made him chuckle "that poor girl." he added "how are you even able to see all this?" keeho question, "i feel like you would be a natural at writing songs"
"alright just tell me where to go," keeho said as he looks around "if you want you pick the groceries and i can carry them around." it's the least he could do as he rarely knew what was consider 'essentials' so keeho did wanted to be useful. "can we get meat? lots of meat?"
[ ☺ ]
with a laugh he tips his head back, arm flung around keeho's shoulder to hug him towards himself from sheer endearment he felt for the guy in that moment. to keeho everything seemed so simple. at times max wishes he could see life through the younger's eyes.
"i think it's easy to get lost in the buzz of the city with so many things happening that we forget to pick up and take in the details," he continues and proceeds to almost smoosh their cheeks together while pointing out small things about their surroundings. "look at the birds outside. they're trying to court one female right now, fighting over her attention. did you know birds sing more to attract each other than to communicate? or the way it was probably close to freezing last night with how much dew keeps glistening in the sun in the grass and the tree leaves that had fallen to the ground," he narrates, able to go on and on as much as keeho would let him. "not to mention the girl who most likely got left on read by her crush if the frown on her face and the way she's kicking the leaves is any indication as she trots forward while staring at her phone."
then he leans back with a pat to his back, bright grin on his lips. "well- neither of us is a good cook. we should probably get essentials... i think we have rice there but we would need everything else I think..."
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inmemoriesoflgckeeho · 6 months
its a been a year now? there was many first this year and this was his first time getting to be at the year events. it was a lot of fun, but now he's hoping that he will be able to have more fun with more experience.
standing in place waiting for the others, keeho heard a familiar voice saying his name. something about the voice made him think that it was all in his head but at the same time he knew better. he heard that hyoseop was added to type zero, but he hadn't seen the older since his schedule has been a little busy. turning his head to the side his eyes widen. "hyung!" he cried "hyoseop hyung!"
keeho shock expression turn into a soft smile. the kid in his wanted to jump ontop of hyoseop and give him a big ass hug as this was the moment to celebrate. "omg i hear you made the new line up for type zero hyung! congratulation!" keeho said running towards the other with an awe face as he pulled the other into a warm embrace. "now i can start collecting your photocards! tell me all about how is it?? how is it being with type zero?"
behind the thoughts
hyoseop felt a bit weird about how quickly things were happening. it felt like yesterday he was told he would be added to type zero, like yesterday he performed with type zero for family concert, like yesterday he debuted, and yet here he was, soon award ceremonies. hyoseop had worked hard to get where he was today, yet he still questioned if he deserved it. hyoseop still wasn’t the best singer nor dancer, and a lot of the members rapped just as well as him. 
that’s when he spots a face, one he hasn’t seen in a while. he’s quick on his feet, and suddenly he’s standing next to keeho. “keeho!” he shows a smile, gives the other a hug before he can even return the smile. “we finally both made it, we’re both idols, that’s crazy to think about”.
<3 @lgckeeho
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inmemoriesoflgckeeho · 6 months
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V&A's Han Keeho recommends to take daily Vitamin C
V&A's HAN KEEHO can be spotted in a Lemona CF. Those who have been following the maknae of the AGITO should know that this is not his first time in a CF, since he's previously modeled for Ivy Club. However, this is his first CF as a debut idol.
If anyone knows KEEHO, he's a lover of all thing fitness, so we're not surprised that he landed a CF with Lemona. Lemona rich with Vitamin C with added health of whitening and brightening one skin.
[ + / - ] keeho in a cf??? i really liked him when he was on ivy club so to see him promoting one of my favorite brands is a plus! i'll buy a lot of lemona just for you, keeho! [ + / - ] huh? who is he? why did they choose him to model something like lemona?
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inmemoriesoflgckeeho · 6 months
if there's one thing that keeho loves it was being in front of the camera! getting the chance to sit in hair and make up then getting the chance to stand in front of the camera wearing some high end luxury type of clothing that he himself would had never thought about purchasing.
"you're handsome," keeho said out loud as he checked himself out in the full body mirror "handsome, as always." a chuckle escape as he confirmed with himself that he was looking his best. you could say he was engulfed with his own visual. everything was perfect but he had to say that when max touch he jump up a little.
"oh my god you scared me" he said with with a laugh. his eyes turned creases as he saw his friends next to him. "yeah it is, i don't know what it is but im so excited." excited was an understatment but in this moment he wasn't able to describe his feeling in words. "how are you feeling?" he asked before taking a closer look at max. "well well well, you look so good today too. we all look really good!"
this isn't the first time max finds himself all dolled up for photoshoots. despite his experience being limited, he's beyond excited, his appearance capturing him whenever he passes a mirror or a reflective surface. it truly astonishes him how amazing the stylists were.
he looked great! no trace of dark circles under his eyes from anxious, sleepless nights or staying up too late gaming. even the tears of his dry lips had been neatly smoothed over from biting down too hard as he made himself keep quiet to not wake anyone in the dorms up.
waiting for his turn he puts his hands on keeho's shoulders and presses down, lips pressed together to stop himself from licking or biting them again against the sticky feeling of the lipstick on them. "this is your first season greeting too, right?"
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inmemoriesoflgckeeho · 7 months
having the three swords really did fit the roronoa zoro look that he was going for, but who knew that it would be such a hassle to walk around with. how did they even do this with the live action he thought to himself. but might he add, he probably looks fucking hot in his costume if you ask him?
the gingerbread house was kind of weird since halloween has not even passed yet. someone here must be a christmas in july type of person huh. another lingering thought in his head. it wasnt until he heard an unfamiliar voice that he snap out of nit and turn his attention to a polite trainee.
" you can totally dropped the honorific," he said more so a suggestion. maybe it was weird because in his group he was the youngest so everyone can talk to him casually. "but sure, we can make something together, i like making new friends." keeho said with a chuckle. "i hope you're creative!" h said jokingly "what ideas do you got?"
Home Improvement
With most of Haneul's friends having paired up, Haneul isn't sure who he can work on this gingerbread haunted house with. There is no fucking way he is doing this alone. He likes to think he can make a haunted house look believable, but it's not fun having to work on things by himself. His eyes land on a familiar face. They aren't friends by any means, but he thinks they could have been if fate let their paths cross earlier.
Smiling to himself, Haneul walks up to his target with all the confidence he has. "Keeho sunbaenim," he says once he's within hearing range. "May I have the honor of pairing up with you to make the haunted house?" He gestures over to the podium where the gingerbread village is. Oh well, the worst and most embarrassing that can happen is for Keeho to say no.
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inmemoriesoflgckeeho · 7 months
retreat introduction
word count of: 483
Introductions. those were always a little fun. espically now that he could look back and watch to see how much he has grown. not only did he get to watch himself look different but the fun part was also that his fun facts usually changes throughout the year.
sitting upright with the best posture as possible he look at the camera and prepared himself for the best introduction these people will ever see. if you know keeho this was typical keeho behavior a way for him to just you know, get himself pumped.
"sup dudes and dudettes, I'm Han Keeho the maknae of VNA's Agito." he proudly introduced himself. it's been fun getting to be a part of a group as he no longer has to called himself a trainee. though he missed those time it always felt so unreal to be vna's han keeho now.
how long has he been with legacy? well he barely remember what he had for dinner last night. scratching his headhe crossed his arms in front of him as he ponder on the question a little more. was it 2019? he said to himself. "I've been legacy since 2019." he said finally and with confident. "so it's been 4 years since i've been with the company. 4 great year! sounds like i'm about to graduate high school huh" he said with a chuckle.
the facts part always got to him. there was so many different facts that he would love to share but keeho knew that he couldn't share them all as he didn't want to get in trouble for his past behavior. "fact numbe 1, I love anime." if it wasn't clear from his halloween costume keeho like to be the real life anime guy if he had the chance. "if there's ever a live action of any anime, i really want to shoot my shot and see if I could land a role." he said for fun.
"this leads me into the next fact, I love the gym. can't cosplay as an anime character and not have the body either right?" keeho motivation to be at the gym was definitely not because of this statement. it was purely out of boredom but as the years past and went on, he thought that it was best to work on achieve that perfect body that these 2d character had.
the third and final fun fact he had to share was that "I also love to travel," something new that he doesn't think he had to the chance to share yet. "thankfully I ve been able to see a good portion of the states with my parents when I was little. now I hope I get to cotninute to explore all the other places that I haven't had the chance to visit yet." he smiled almost pleading to lgc to give them a chance to visit more places.
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inmemoriesoflgckeeho · 7 months
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HAN KEEHO as RORONOA ZORO for legacy halloween 2023
"I'm gonna be the world's greatest swordsman… So, I can't afford to lose!"
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inmemoriesoflgckeeho · 7 months
keeho loves the fact that max was so optimistic in their given situation. things were different for sure and he didn't know how to take in all this change at one time. he just needed to tell himself this was all of tv, this was all for tv. though it did open his eyes to the realization that he should call home a lot more.
"inspration where?" he whined. this was the best part about being the youngest in the group. being baby by the hyungs. there was do denying that he loved it. keeho looked around trying to take in everything. or as max said let the atmosphere capture you. after a minute had pass the young male shook his head. "yeah nothing is capturing me." he confessed with a frown on his face.
clean, figuring out groceries and food...what is this. if anything he barely wanted to do any of these things back at the dorm! "let's do groceries." keeho suggested, that sounded like the least amount of work out of the three things that max mention. if anything he wants to avoid cleaning at all cost. "what should we make with the groceries we get?"
[ ☺ ]
it had been a felt century since max and keeho had spoken. so the male was relieved to see that nothing between them had changed from their time spent in an evaluation group and on future dreams together. it helped that they were also the closest in age.
to actually have expertise over something despite being the new addition felt a little wild but it made him all the more eager to help keeho out. not only with the composing aspect but apparently also just the every day life. a giggle echoing as background noise to his whining, max nudged his elbow into keeho's side gently with a blindly optimistic grin on his lips.
"you can find inspiration everywhere as long as you let the atmosphere capture you," max advices confidently, bright grin on his lips with a hint of mischief since he knew what a gymrat keeho was. "but well... we need to clean and figure out groceries and food..," he murmured, drifting off with all potential chores they had to do.
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inmemoriesoflgckeeho · 7 months
⏤ music but what is this trip?!
with @lgcxmax
this was probably going to be exciting right? after all this was going to be Keeho's first time on a viarty show with the rest of the agito members. matter of fact if he can recall this is actually his first vairty show.
the idea of getting inspiration from this variety show sounds pretty cool but when he was told that they would be 'experiencing life in the village' but why did that not sound luxurious. keeho almost wanted to cary just at the thought of doing chores. call him spoiled but he was just brought up very privileged but hopefully it doesn't show.
turning his attention to max, he just clinged onto the other's arm as he cried. "what are we doing here?" he asked nicely. "i don't understand how I'm going to find inspiration for music here." honestly, he wasnt joking. "my inspiration comes from the gym." he said jokingly. "but what are we doing first?" he wonder not sure what the day to day life of a normal villager was like.
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inmemoriesoflgckeeho · 8 months
⏤ scavenger hunt
lgc au event with @lgcbrooke
there was something about using his brain to solve a puzzle that tickle his tummy. this was going to be fun, this was definitely going to be fun and keeho was determined.
however, it feels like they've barely made progress as they were searching around through the library. Books were laid out on the floor at he dug through the books to find the next clue. "be careful," he whispered, pointing to the mess he had just made on the ground. books of all sizes and shapes just lying there. keeho scratched his head and he continued to look through his book, "what are we looking for again." he asked before tossing the book over his shoulder as if he was in some movie. "i don't think the clue is here let's get out here. i think we're behind everyone!" the debate of whether to clean up his mess or not was running through his head. "let's clean up first before someone trips."
0 notes
inmemoriesoflgckeeho · 8 months
chuseok in 2023
word count of 395
as a trainee keeho would make the effort to fly home to the state for a couple days to visit his parents. however, this year he decided not to go, and he blamed it on the mandatory dinner that all artists had to attend.
this really was just an excuse but in his defense, he didn't want to fly home for 3 days and then fly back, his body wasn't built like it was when he was 18 he was now 21. since moving to Korea he also wanted to give this a try, give what a try exactly. chuseok in Korea of course.
prior to the dinner, keeho decided to call his parents. at this point, they already knew their son wasn't coming home but he wanted to at least talk to them and catch them up on their favorite son's life.
the facetime called ring once. twice. three times before he saw his mother. a face that lit up the moment keeho spoke. "mom!" he cried out "look how handsome your son is" keeho said as he showed off his hair, make up and fit for dinner. of course she wouldn't be his mother if she didn't agree and added "my son really is the most handsome guy in the whole world." and you wonder why his ego was so big, thank the lady that gave him birth.
the facetime video pans and he can see his father and younger brother. they talk for a good 20 minutes before he had to hang up but he made sure to let her know that he would call back once he's free again.
when they hung up the phone call keeho took one more look at himself before he entered the venue. there were so many people, people that he rarely saw on a day to day. it didn't take long before he walked around greeting everyone as they recognized him as one of the newly added members in vna's agito.
it felt nice to be acknowledged.
it also felt nice to meet and socialize with the people who he used to idolize as a trainee.
maybe this wasn't so bad after all. it was just the word that 'this is mandatory' that made him feel like he would hate it.
by the end of the night, keeho would say he was sad to leave.
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inmemoriesoflgckeeho · 9 months
there was a lot of feeling rushing through keeho. sure he should be with his teammates right now but he's sure that they would understand if he stepped away for a moment to see his friend. after all, he really wants to get all the built-up energy gone from his body.
the feeling of wow i can't believe i just did that. the feeling of being up there as a debut idol just hit differently.
keeho let out a laugh "yeah yeah, but first let's, make sure we can get the company to put you in a group first." the boy teased with a quick nudge to the side of the other's arm. tapping on his chin he let out a sight to think about what was there to do. everyone was at the seat so not many people fans would be around so they could basically do anything that was still going on.
"everyone's watching the concert. i just finished a performance and would love a snack!" anything to stop his stomach from making these loud noises "i also didn't eat before i performed because i was worried i would throw up on stage from being too nervous."
it still felt unreal just hearing the crowd go wild for someone like him, someone that was once just a normal person standing and cheering with them. but that keeho was from a long time ago now he was kpop idol han keeho.
maybe it was because they were friends that keeho easily bush at the compliment "I know right?" he said shockingly, he was almost positive that it was him but it was also the other members that had the crowd go totally crazy at the end of the performance. the compliment were coming and keeho was loving every minute of it. "thanks dude!" he said with a smile "just wait until it's your turn i'll be right here cheering you on too." as someone who loves himself he still know how to show and give his friends support and encouragement when it was the time too.
the schedule was a little blurry in the back of his mind as he was still taking in everything that just happen. trying to think back to his schedule for the day this might have been the last performance. "I think this is the last one." he said looking at his manager to see if he would called him over. "I think we have one last stage, but that's for all of us to come out and say goodbye." if he remember correctly. "but until then i'm, all yours dude, what do you want to do?"
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inmemoriesoflgckeeho · 9 months
keeho looked at her with a raised brow "you think i want to show people how to love themselves?" he questioned her. "i think that's a talent that only i have." a joke of course anyone and everyone should learn to love themselves as you're one of a kind after all. however, teaching was not his favorite thing to do as its always a pain. he wouldn't mind teaching his friends but stranger he'll pass. "I'll teach you at a price of course. nothing is free - even looking at me should cost money"
letting out a laugh the male shook his head "just wait until they put make up on my eyes it'll definitely be dark enough then." he joke with her. "pands are your favorite so i guess that mean I'm also your favorite vna member." the things that came out of his mouth could be so unhinge sometimes.
"no, im your friend and as a friend it is my duty to buy you a gift." he insisted. keeho was stubborn in the sense that he would not take no as an answer. keeho follow behind her with a safe distance as his eyes roam around. minseo had a point their schedule was rarely ever free like this "fine, I'll buy us the ears then. how does that sound?"
its been a while since keeho had done anything outside of his usual schedule. keeho loves to be busy but there was something about being a trainee that he missed; hanging out with the other trainee - new and old. there were some that he barely got to know because right after they met he became a debut idol. so when his schedule was free keeho loves to take the time to catch up with his trainee friends. so when minseo asked to hang out keeho couldnt wait to jump on it.
everland resort was a place that keeho had always wanted to go but hasnt had the chance too, that was until now. tugging down at his cap to hide more of his face the struggle to explore this place hopefully wont be difficult. "well we are here for you, so why dont you pick the first thing you want to see."
vinnie, what a cute nickname at least then no one will know that it was actually him with that name. "let's go to the gift shop. i think some ear would make me look cute." keeho joked as he led the way to the gift shop "well since i missed your birthday ill purchase you whatever you like." he offered "max is 2 items, so dont go crazy now." grabbing a pair of panda ear he wore them on top of his hat. "how do i look ?" he asked while flexing his arms to make him look like a 'buff' panda.
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inmemoriesoflgckeeho · 9 months
it still felt unreal just hearing the crowd go wild for someone like him, someone that was once just a normal person standing and cheering with them. but that keeho was from a long time ago now he was kpop idol han keeho.
maybe it was because they were friends that keeho easily bush at the compliment "I know right?" he said shockingly, he was almost positive that it was him but it was also the other members that had the crowd go totally crazy at the end of the performance. the compliment were coming and keeho was loving every minute of it. "thanks dude!" he said with a smile "just wait until it's your turn i'll be right here cheering you on too." as someone who loves himself he still know how to show and give his friends support and encouragement when it was the time too.
the schedule was a little blurry in the back of his mind as he was still taking in everything that just happen. trying to think back to his schedule for the day this might have been the last performance. "I think this is the last one." he said looking at his manager to see if he would called him over. "I think we have one last stage, but that's for all of us to come out and say goodbye." if he remember correctly. "but until then i'm, all yours dude, what do you want to do?"
⏤ shine bright like a diamond
with @lgcjino
"i can't belive it!" keeho smiled as he left the stage. this was not keeho first time on stage or his first time performing at the family concert. however, this was his first time performing as part of vna agito's keeho. everything just felt so unreal when this time he saw the fans cheering for him. his favorite part were the creative sign that he manage to find in the crowd.
everything still felt so surreal, it wasnt until he ran into jino; that's when reality hit that this wasnt a dream.
"dude did you see me?" keeho said with enthusiasm. trying to keep it cool he took in a deep breathe before letting it out slowly. "i can't believe i just perform on stage as vna agito keeho and not just lgc trainee keeho." although he felt bad saying this to first friend he couldn't help but express how happy he was to finally be part of a debut group. "what did you think?? did i look nervous? did i mess up anywhere?"
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