iratsee · 3 years
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art sucker meets religious sucker
I had to
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iratsee · 3 years
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WangXian is the melody composed by Lan WangJi for Wei WuXian. It is how he recognized his soulmate after the latter’s death, even though Wei WuXian now occupies a different body. WangXian is also translated as Forgetting Envies, and is a portmanteau of their names.
But first, a little background on the connotations of the family names, all of which are common enough but will subconsciously shape how these characters are perceived in the minds of a reader who is a native speaker. If you know Chinese, you might even get the feeling that the author got pretty tongue-in-cheek about the naming of her characters.
The Jin clan is gaudy and loud about their wealth. The word Jin 金 is literally “gold”. The Lan clan has family emblems that are cloud-themed. The word Lan 藍 is literally “blue”. The Jiang clan has roots in a province with lots of ponds and rivers. The word Jiang 江 is literally “river” in reference to bodies of water in Southern China.
The surname Wei 魏 is familiar to history majors, as it’s one of the three nation-states in the Three Kingdoms Period. However, if you’re also a WeiLan shipper from the Guardian fandom, then you might have heard that Shen Wei’s name Wei 巍 means “Mountain god entrusts himself to Ghost”. (I might do another post on this sometime.)
In Wei Ying’s Wei 魏 there’s no mountain 山 involved; that’s the top part of the character in Shen Wei’s Wei 巍. The original meaning of the word 魏 is grand and majestic – the left half of that character means god or entrust, while the right half means ghost. Fitting surname for a grandmaster who deals with the deceased.
Now the fun part with the personal names.
Lan Zhan’s formal name Zhan 湛 means deep or clear, without impurities. It is often prefixed to the front of the word “blue” to describe the color of sunny cloudless skies, azure.
(As an aside, his elder brother Lan XiChen’s formal name is Huan 渙, and means an expansive spreading of water with connotations of dispersion. Both Zhan and Huan have the water word root on the left half of the character.)
Wei Ying’s formal name Ying 嬰 literally means babe. In ancient times it used to also refer to necklaces, but that didn’t stop people from naming their sons thus. Historically there are at least a handful of well-known figures with that name. The Taoist term YuanYing 元嬰 refers to a state of primordial transcendence, often considered an intermediate phase on the path toward deity.
The author really nailed it with their courtesy names.
WangJi 忘機 / 忘机
Wang 忘 means to forget. In English it may have negative connotations because it’s associated with a passive disease and loss of treasured memories. In Chinese the act of actively forgetting can also be a positive renunciation of worldly troubles, so the character is somewhat more romantic than an English speaker would assume.
Ji 機 / 机 is typically used in common speech to refer to machines, mechanical things, opportunities, worldly things that have many parts intricately connected with each other. In more metaphysical discussions, it implies the intertwined destinies and sophistication of the mundane.
I’ve seen a classy tea store selling leaf blends named WangJi, among a collection of other poetic references and reminders of the otherworldly. To forget the secular calculations and intricacies of the world is to live freely and without distractions; as an antonym of precision, it has heavy Taoist flavors because of its seclusive connotations.
WuXian 無羨 / 无羨
Wu 無 / 无 means none, nil, the lack of.
Xian 羨 means envy. WuXian is a perfect name for someone who embodies the untamed, envious of none. His outlook on life is never to bemoan his fate, come what may. He doesn’t know the meaning of jealousy. He is complete in and of himself.
WangXian as a portmanteau is so clever – even though the other portmanteau is brilliant as well: WuJi 無機 / 无机 is pronounced exactly the same as the Chinese term for “untamed” 無羈 / 无羁 (yes, those are the two characters you see inside the red stamp next to the show’s title logo).
When a native speaker hears the term WangXian 忘羨, they get the basic meaning of “forgetting envies”, but at the same time they’re inevitably reminded of this famous idiom:
只羨鴛鴦不羨仙 Zhi Xian YuanYang Bu Xian Xian Literally: Only envy the mandarin ducks, and not the deities. (Alternatively: A pair of love birds is more enviable than immortality.)
In a world of cultivators whose ultimate goal is to ascend into deity, lovers only envy the mandarin ducks, which are symbols of faithful monogamy and harmony, a tribute to growing old together, companions for life.
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iratsee · 3 years
I think I did something... good?
I totally forget that they could see the mention, but I kinda missspelled it so, it was not my intention after all... but they looked happy...
I was reading this wonderful traslation of a fic, and at the notes the translator was asking for recommendations for a certain ship.
I remembered a oneshot that I fell for months ago and I just commented the name, the autor and my appreciation.
Again, I totally forgot the autor could see that. But they seem happy, so I think I did something good?
I don't know anymore
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iratsee · 3 years
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Wei WuXian, “You haven’t even played this before? Let me explain. It’s really simple. Take this hoop, walk a bit backward, and toss it onto the things on the ground. Whatever it lands on is yours.”
Lan WangJi repeated, “Whatever it lands on is mine.”
Holding the hoop, Lan WangJi weighed it gently yet firmly. After he tossed, exclamations came from all around him. The hoop was so off that it didn’t even touch the edge of the area. Despite this, it landed without fault on Wei WuXian’s body.
- The Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation Ch. 126
I always forget that Lan WangJi canonically claimed Wei Wuxian as his prize and basically said “MINE” in front of a whole crowd.
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iratsee · 3 years
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iratsee · 3 years
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merry christmas yall! 
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iratsee · 3 years
BTW, I'm not part of the LOL fandom nor community, but my cousin does and this was my birthday present for her.
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Practicing a little with poses and colors~
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iratsee · 3 years
Yes, I'm gonna show off a little cuz yes, I'm hella happy.
7.7k reads and 1.6k votes in my mdzs first long fic 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
This numbers means a victory in many ways ٩(◕‿◕。)۶
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iratsee · 3 years
Not gonna cry (╥﹏╥)
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Wanted to draw this scene so badly! 🔥
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iratsee · 3 years
THEY FANARTED MY FIC?!!! ☆*:.。.o(≧▽≦)o.。.:*☆
How lovely is this?? OMG I loved it, and they even share the link to my fic, that explains EVERYTHING.
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iratsee · 3 years
Ok, I need to know what's going on.
I finished publishing my first long fic like a month ago and the ocasional readers and likes become in hundred notifications of likes, coments and additions to libraries since this morning.
I'm thrilled. But... what just happen?
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iratsee · 3 years
I was crying while listening Radwimps (cause damn it all, I loved Your Name) and the fact that I read an AU of that movie with my favorite ship on it is a complete coincidence... AND I JUST DISCOVER THAT THERE WAS NOT ONE BUT 2 BOOKS WRITTEN BY THE DIRECTOR??!!
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iratsee · 3 years
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There are feelings that hibernate like bears waiting for spring, others fall asleep which birds on their wire and some make accounts between calendars keeping a perfect balance between the hands of the clock and the pulse of life.
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Hay sentimientos que hibernan como osos en espera de la primavera, otros se quedan dormidos cuál pájaros en su alambre y algunos hacen cuentas entre calendarios guardando un perfecto equilibrio entre las agujas del reloj y el pulso de la vida.
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There are people who park time that even after leaving the moments do not wane, nor are the minutes erased … People who leave their light and their essence permeating everything … Be one of them, make time count never make lose it.
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Hay personas que estacionan el tiempo, que aún después de irse no menguan los instantes, ni se borran los minutos… Personas que dejan su luz y su esencia impregnándolo todo… Sé tú una de ellas, haz que el tiempo cuente nunca hagas perderlo.
Ousía Poética ©
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iratsee · 3 years
What makes you like Lan Wangji/Lan Zhan/Hanguang Jun?
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iratsee · 3 years
I'm about to cry. I mean, next week i'll be posting the last chapters of my first long fic and... it already got like 1k views... which feels... nice.
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iratsee · 3 years
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Ariduka55  -  http://ariduka.deviantart.com  -  https://twitter.com/13033303  -  http://ariduka55.tumblr.com
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iratsee · 3 years
Some people may often say they are there for you and you can be vulnerable with them and when you bare yourself, letting them settle beneath the layers of your chaotic mind, at times they are just clueless, absolutely unaware of how to deal with your (huge) mess. They simply can't p r o c e s s your thoughts and emotions. Perhaps that is why I write because no matter how good listeners humans turn out to be, they can never replace a blank sheet; an empty page of your diary that can contain all your insecurities, where you can stain every page with your overwhelming emotions and you can be as raw and reckless as you want to be. But I must not deny if you have someone you can turn to like you would rely on those empty spaces you spill with ink, if that someone waits for you and listens to you patiently, like the blank page that doesn't complain, then there is nothing more precious than that very soul in your life. Someone who can let you pour your storm, not just the mellow sweet whispers of your heart, when you explode and burst, they hold you, at your worst, that is what it means to have true love in your life. When you just go through all the phases together, not knowing why it hurts but all you know is that you have each other and so healing becomes easier.
— I want someone I can be vulnerable with;
our souls absolutely naked. // Sparkandashes (via tumblr)
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