irklove · 1 year
I stopped watching the series a long time ago because I couldn't stand it anymore and I really don't regret anything.
I haven't seen a single episode of the S5 and I don't need to, and I must admit that most of what I know I've gotten from spoilers, leaks and talking to people who are up to date. But I can affirm Adrien and Marinette are increasingly bad and one-dimensional characters.
THEY ARE the reason I got tired of this show.
I mean, just look at at how the writers characterize them and what their priorities are in their lives.
I don't even know why they're superheroes in the first place because all they care about is being in a romantic relationship. Their lives and their mental and emotional health depend on it.
Just look at them. Adrien has no dreams, goals or objectives in his life as revealed in Wishmaker, under the excuse that Gabriel is an abusive man who controls everything in his life and doesn't let him make decisions. However in S5 Adrien himself revealed that his biggest wish and desire is to be with LaDyBuG. To then magically fall in love with Marinette, directing his toxic, annoying and obsessive behavior he had with LB towards Marinette. He doesn't care about anything or anyone around her other than his Maribug. Absolutely nothing. His mother has been missing for many months and he doesn't give a damn about getting her back or knowing her whereabouts. And he doesn't mind talking to his father about this situation either. He is not proactive unless it is about the lOvE oF hIs LiFe. Adrien is a character that makes me cringe every time I see him, who only exists so that the viewers feel sorry for their shitty life and nothing more. But that don't work on me.
And Marinette? She's always been a poorly written character imo, but in S4 and 5 everything goes to hell with her. I know that many Mari stans are happy because she finally got Simpdrien to fall in love with her, however her character is objectively pathetic. She goes into depression very often because of her superhero work (as if she DOESN´T really like bening LB) and she has been about to be akumatized several times, and almost always because she can't be in a romantic relationship WITH A BOY. This has happened in Chamaelon, Chat Blanc, and in S4 and S5.
And really, I can't take this girl seriously. How can she fall in and fall out in love so easily? We have seen her attracted to Adrien, then she is attracted to Luka, then Adrien again, falls in love with Cat Walker, then in S5 she magically falls in love with Chat Noir and rejects Adrien because of CN, and then decides to get over to CN to be with Adrien again. WTF?
How many times the writers imply that the fact that they're Ladybug and CN is a burden for them that prevents them from being happy? I even think in some spoilers they went as far as to give up their miraculous so they could be together. It's like, see? It's literally the ONLY shit they care about.
I can't bear what the main characters have become, and even less bear the idea that the show undeservedly gives them the titles of being "good people and the best heroes" when both Adrien and Marinette are the most shallow, selfish characters of their own series.
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irklove · 2 years
Adrienetters will NEVER admit that their ship is forced and poorly written. They don't use common sense but defend them to the death just cuz they know that they're the endgame ship, and besides most of them are stans of Marinette, Adrien or both, so they'ill never see defects in their relationship no matter how bad or ridiculous their interactions are.
And they're also incredibly hypocritical when it comes to attacking rival ships. They bash on Luka for being a "submissive/simp" for Marinette for not move on and let Marinette mistreat him, but they praise Adrien who literally humiliates himself to please Ladybug, sexually harasses her and continues to show romantic advances despite the fact that she has told him countless times that she doesnt love him. They bash on Kagami for being "mean and abusive" towards Adrien or for not caring about his feelings when you have Marinette treating Adrien as her possession or neglecting Chat Noir in almost the whole damn series, even she literally threw him in the trash (albeit justified) in S4 but I didn't see any of those mfs criticize them for that
Adrien and Marinette are clearly toxic to each other, even now that the love square has been reversed. Making Adrien obsess over Marinette instead of Ladybug doesn't improve or develop their relationship at all. The showrunners, who clearly don't have the creativity or intellect to write healthy relationships, just passed on Marinette's creepy behavior to Adrien instead. And the saddest thing of all is to see the shippers, especially those dumb girls who project themselves into Marinette and want that a handsome, white rich boy to be obsessed with them forever, trying to defend these clearly toxic and unpleasant behaviors. 😒
For people saying that Lukanette and Adrigami don't have any chemistry and Adrie////nette is the pinnacle of chemistry.
I mean yes...
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This is the textbook definition of chemistry! 🙄
Meanwhile Lukanette and Adrigami...
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irklove · 2 years
Are you freaking serious? What will supposedly be the final nail in the coffin for A*ri*n and Ch*oe’s friendship will be him learning that her bullying of Marinette and the trauma it caused her is why she had so much trouble confessing to him? Meaning that, since apparently this season is when he finally becomes interested in her, it will ONCE AGAIN boil down to what inconviences A*ri*n and A*ri*en alone?! *sigh* I can’t believe I managed to still get angry. BraVO, Ass***k.
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irklove · 2 years
You know what?
Fuck Marinette's perfect civilian life that FOR SURE is not "normal"
Fuck Adrian's abuse not going noticed and seriously addressed (and reminder, his abuse DOES NOT JUSTIFY HIS BEHAVIOR AS CHAT)
Give me something that focuses on Luka. Give me Snake!Luka, and not just as a plot device. Give me Luka adapting to his life as Viperion. Give me an actual 3D character that does not revolve around being a throwaway to push the L0ve Squ4re into our faces.
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irklove · 3 years
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Felix FanArt 👀
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irklove · 3 years
so is this is the new main theme of ml bc i feel like i'm seeing double
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and then there's
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sense of impending doom, 6 o'clock
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irklove · 3 years
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Did a very quick redraw of the latest episode bc I have so many feels everything is just shddfghgd excuse me while i scream into the void
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irklove · 3 years
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irklove · 3 years
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𝓦𝓲𝓼𝓱𝓶𝓪𝓴𝓮𝓻 | 𝓔𝓹𝓱𝓮𝓶𝓮𝓻𝓪𝓵
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irklove · 3 years
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no thoughts just kagami
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irklove · 3 years
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irklove · 3 years
This is true as long as the main female character is well handled.
strong female characters are allowed to have relationships, be it with a hero, an anti-hero, a villain, whomever.  being in a relationship DOES NOT diminish a female character’s strength or their agency.  a female character does not have to forever be a lone wolf in order to validate her strength. 
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irklove · 3 years
This smells like sexism and misogyny. Apparently in this show only girls are problematic, capricious and childish; while the boys are all well behaved, calm and mature, especially Adrien, who is a AMAZING person and an example to follow among rich people with an abusive home.
Nothing against Adrien but I find awful how Astruc wants to make people feel sorry for him, but with Chloe he dares to say that she hasn't grown up in an abusive home even when her mother abandoned her for several years, had another daughter in secret, and humiliated her on TV.
He’s basically saying “Don’t feel bad for this rich blonde person. Feel bad for this rich blond person instead.”
Newsflash, Astruc: Just because their parents are different, it doesn’t mean both Chloe and Adrien aren’t victims of poor parenting.
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irklove · 3 years
I'm so amused that some Adrien stans "theorize" that Luka will soon be turned into a villain / or that he'll maliciously interpose between Love Square because his nice and calm personality is "very suspicious" KSJSDKSJAKJKDJ
I mean, according to the facts, everything indicates that the precious sunshine boi will akumatize very soon or even voluntarily ally with Hawk Moth since "OH, MY BELOVED LADY HAS BEEN IGNORING ME. I'M SOOOO SAD CUZ MY WHOLE MISERABLE LIFE DEPENDS ON A GIRL WHO TREATS ME LIKE CRAP GIVES ME ATTENTION" ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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irklove · 3 years
The writers tried too hard to make both Adrien and Marinette behave like jerks towards their respective couples on that special and in early S4.
Adrien suddenly flirting and being so nice to Marinette for making his whim come true, or Marinette fantasizing about dating Adrien or yelling "I love you" when she was lying on the floor. Dancing so intimately was also very low on their part.
The only thing left to me is to think is that the creators were very desperate for people to ship Love Square again, or they're very sick-minded people who normalize cheating or both.
So after watching the Miraculous Ladybug New York Special, I find it really uncomfortable that everyone is encouraging Marinette (who is trying her hardest to move on from Adrian) and Adrian (who is probably dating Kagami, Adrigami stan here) to get together even though both are in relationships (possibly) with other people. It's not healthy to support emotional cheating, when the people are involved in other relationships.
I agree 100%
Not to mention this movie could've shown Marinette moving on from an unhealthy crush and be a better person but nooooo!!!
Shows like this idealize romance. I feel sorry for anyone using MLB for actual relationship advice.
I gotten over unhealthy crushes when I was teenager and became a better person it would've been nice to see Marinette do the same.
I will never forgive them for ruining Adrigami...A relationship that had natural chemistry.
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irklove · 3 years
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Biker AU. Chapter 2. Part 2.
Chapter 1: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Flashback chapter
Chapter 2: Part 1 | Part 2 here | Part 3
Special thanks to: @airi-p4 for the support 💙, @crescent-woods for proofreading 💙.
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irklove · 3 years
Well said!
Hi, I’m back and I’m just burning all the bridges this week because I feel like it so here we go.
One thing I’ve learned in my time with Miraculous is that I despise the concept of “soulmates.” Even with just Miraculous specifically, I hate the concept that someone is “meant for” a miraculous.
In an ideal show, no one is “meant” or “made” for anything or anyone. Characters given miraculouses would be good at them because of the skills and personality that they developed themselves rather than just “being destined/chosen” for it. Characters would get together because they made a genuine connection, not because of the jewelry they’re wearing.
That’s why it upsets me when I hear comments about the love square being “made for each other” while also chiding Marinette for being unable to move on from Adrien. She literally can’t; it has been baked into the laws of the universe that she can’t move on and can’t get over Adrien, with the only possible exception being if her eyes are on Chat Noir instead.
Imagine a soulmate AU like that, where a character is in a perfectly happy relationship where everything is sunshine and rainbows, but finds their heart drawn away because their soulmate mark matches someone else’s. The time they spent with their match or how much their match paid attention to them or even the actions of their match don’t matter; fate has dictated that they belong together.
It’s not romantic, it’s horrifying.
Likewise, I hate people saying that Luka “never had a chance” because Adrien is in Marinette’s class and also has the cat miraculous. It inherently implies that it doesn’t matter what Luka does or how much Marinette wants him (or wants to move on from Adrien, which she has wanted to do), because the universe has already decided that Marinette needs to be with Adrien, to the point of retconning rewriting itself to slap the Adrien pictures back on her wall or making it so she believes something that doesn’t line up with what actually happened.
Luka could be the absolute perfect match for her and Adrien could beam Marinette over the head with a shovel, but it wouldn’t matter, because everyone and the universe has already agreed that Marinette is meant for the love square, embarrassing her with Adrien at every opportunity and plastering his face everywhere so that she can’t forget him, then making her believe that she’s incapable of/can’t imagine being Ladybug without Chat, making her dependent on Chat Noir being her partner despite all the evidence that shows that she doesn’t need to be reliant on a boy to serve as a great hero. Episodes like “Prime Queen” will go so far as to blame Ladybug for getting upset at accusations that her and Chat Noir are a couple, with Chat Noir himself both encouraging it and brushing off her anger when she vents to him.
Meanwhile, the love square itself will be used as a tool to protect Adrien/Chat so Marinette doesn’t have to see things that would cause her to think less of him (”Copycat,” “Glaciator,” et cetera), and that will be so far in the past by the time a reveal happens that it won’t be fresh in her mind. The narrative will actively hide things from her so that she never knows of it and takes all the blame herself (”Chat Blanc”).
So if people want to say that they’re “soulmates” and that “Luka could never compete because destiny,” they can go right ahead, but I want my followers to know that it’s an unintentional admittance of an uneven playing field, meaning that it’s Adrien who’d be unable to compete if put on level with Luka. It’s an admittance that the love square is endgame, not because of chemistry or a genuine desire to be together, but because of a red string that decided to tie itself to them. It’s an admittance that Adrien doesn’t have to try and can even be as smug as he wants about it, because Marinette will fall at his feet in the end no matter what.
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She doesn’t have a choice.
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