ivorygarcia · 1 day
Working on a serialized story, something I've never attempted before, has been a lot of fun and I hope the vibes and enthusiasm I've had fueling me pushes me to the finish line.
I want to hit a backlog of chapters before I start posting, but I'm having a good time right now which I guess is really the whole point.
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ivorygarcia · 17 days
I have been away from tumblr for... Uh, it's not important. I moved, I blah blah blah, there was ho hum. You know how it is.
I am now back with renewed enthusiasm!
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ivorygarcia · 18 days
I don't know if I've just reached Old Crone status on here, but looking back I think when it comes to my first book obsession geared towards kids:
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These books were crack to me. I would read them over and over, and try to get the latest one as soon as I could. I got so emotionally involved that during the "David Trilogy" I had to continually stop reading because everything was going so wrong I was getting physically upset.
The best kid series where the main cast gets killed and dismembered multiple times over.
Additionally, when I read the ending it haunted me so badly I never read any of them ever again. Maybe I should after all these years.
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ivorygarcia · 11 months
Final Update
July 29 - 31
1,554 words
And now to be burnt out for weeks... I'll probably try and get a second draft out of the novella I started working on, and polish up the lore work I got done.
Or I might just scroll tumblr and read everyone else's work. It's a toss up right now.
Camp NaNo July 2023
Goals: Short Story & Opening Poem for Novel
Weekly Progress
July 1 - 7
4,314 words
Okay, I am incredibly scatter brained right now. I think that word count is spread between three different stories. I'll count this month a success if I can get from a beginning to an end. It doesn't have to be great, it just has to be a completed first draft.
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ivorygarcia · 11 months
Hi there, its Athena. Welcome to my new Thursday Ask-A-Thon where its basically a Thursday version of my Sunday Ask-A-Thon where I ask ya'll about your wips: How are things going, hows life and how's your characters? What are they up to?
Sorry I'm a day late!
If I manage to keep half of the words I've written this month I will consider it an incredible success. I will admit that today I might have written my favourite scene in a long time.
Nothin' like being holed up with a barbarian shapeshifting cat-man in a cave and deciding that the best use of your time is worrying about how you haven't shaved your legs in weeks. I love a character who is an absolutely frustrating individual to deal with. Not a bad person, but god damn.
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ivorygarcia · 11 months
Weekly Progress
July 22 - 28
5,130 words
Okay, while I am supremely grateful that using 4thewords helps me get words down on paper (good or bad), I feel like I need to use stempos on my life after this. I am usually not this productive with writing, and I have ignored/skipped doing a lot to get these consistent word counts in. I'm going to be taking it easy next month, writing-wise and just let whatever writing is going to happen.
Some good news is I cracked a MAJOR over-arching plot issue that has been bothering me for what feels like several months. *confetti*
Nearly there!
Camp NaNo July 2023
Goals: Short Story & Opening Poem for Novel
Weekly Progress
July 1 - 7
4,314 words
Okay, I am incredibly scatter brained right now. I think that word count is spread between three different stories. I'll count this month a success if I can get from a beginning to an end. It doesn't have to be great, it just has to be a completed first draft.
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ivorygarcia · 11 months
I love that writing feeling where a story starts going in a very different direction than the one you initially intended, but somehow this new direction actually achieves your desired goals way better than the original plan would have done.
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ivorygarcia · 11 months
Ask & <3
I want to get myself interacting more on here so if you are a writeblr (especially fantasy/sci-fi) LIKE this post, leave the name of your current work, and I will send you an ask about it.
Additionally, I have a couple tag games I'm behind on because... Well, I made a little more work for myself. I'll have those posted by the end of the week.
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ivorygarcia · 11 months
WIP Folder Names Tag Game
tagged by: @hallwriteblr thank you!
post names of all the files in your WIP folder. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them & post a little snippet or tell them something about it!
barbarian wasteland
barbarian wasteland - ideas
desert dog
sook & gwinnie
lore book v1
lore book v2
lore boo v3
rogue kingdom
feral stuff
feral witch
red prince
dragon rider gay stuff
old bw pieces
poems and songs
fecund literary slut
tagging: free for all!
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ivorygarcia · 11 months
Weekly Progress
July 15 - 21
4,143 words
Frankly at this point I'm giving 50% of the credit for my word counts to 4thewords, and my desire to keep up my streak there.
I have been working on of two conlongs and one of them has come far enough I was able to assemble what is essentially a children's nursery rhyme:
aaleen okhoi elseen okhoi tifan okhoi gazaan okhoi kher kher kher
dog of the mountain dog of the sand dog under the tree dog under the land howl howl howl
It probably wont get used anywhere, but it was a fun exercise.
Camp NaNo July 2023
Goals: Short Story & Opening Poem for Novel
Weekly Progress
July 1 - 7
4,314 words
Okay, I am incredibly scatter brained right now. I think that word count is spread between three different stories. I'll count this month a success if I can get from a beginning to an end. It doesn't have to be great, it just has to be a completed first draft.
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ivorygarcia · 11 months
what's the most important thing you've learned about writing?
Many years ago I read a quote from Issac Asimov where he was describing a conversation with someone who asked how he got his ideas.
"By thinking and thinking and thinking about them until I'm ready to jump out of a window."
The guy obviously didn't like that answer and Asimov basically shrugged and said that unfortunately that's how he does it.
For myself, writing is like going to the gym. I often hate starting, it's hard to find the time, I'm always too tired, and yet after I have done it it has never not been worth it. And I do this over and over and over again... Until that window is looking mighty inviting.
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Just do it.
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ivorygarcia · 11 months
Weekly Progress
July 8 - 14
4,231 words
This week I focused on lore and updating my World Anvil pages. I feel like I have some pretty cool stuff worked out, and the histories of the two countries I'm focusing on have really started to solidify into something tangible for me to build on. I also picked at the poem I'd really like to have done by the end of the month. It's pretty rough and unfinished but I do have something written down which is better than a blank piece of paper.
Camp NaNo July 2023
Goals: Short Story & Opening Poem for Novel
Weekly Progress
July 1 - 7
4,314 words
Okay, I am incredibly scatter brained right now. I think that word count is spread between three different stories. I'll count this month a success if I can get from a beginning to an end. It doesn't have to be great, it just has to be a completed first draft.
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ivorygarcia · 11 months
One of the best things about writing and worldbuilding is that I don't need to put cars in my work if I don't want to. Trains everywhere!
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ivorygarcia · 11 months
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I love this twitter account. There are some really beautiful tiny stories that I wholeheartedly recommend you check out!
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ivorygarcia · 11 months
Writing Habits Tag
tagged by: @space-writes thank you!
bold/color the things that you relate to
I write: daily | most days | a few times a week | a few times a month | random
I write most often: when I first get up | later in the morning | afternoon | evening | the wee hours of the night | whenever
In one sitting, I tend to write: a few sentences at a time | a few hundred words | a few thousand words | a complete chapter/ section no matter how long | an outline | whatever comes
I tend to write scenes: in chronological order with no skipping | mostly in order but with some filler/skipping | whatever scene I feel like | who knows what’s gonna come out   
The things that comes easiest to me are: dialogue | description of senses | description of action | description of characters | exposition | other
I tend to write: on a phone | on a laptop | in a notebook | on whatever paper I can find | with speech to text | in the blood of my enemies | it doesn’t really matter to me | on paper first and then typed up | old school typewriter | on a computer
When I take a break from writing, it usually lasts: a few days | a few weeks | a few months | it’s kind of random
My favorite thing to do when I’m on a writing break is: recharge with other creative hobbies | read/consume other media | do something physical | catch up with old friends | work on my WIP in other ways like with playlists or art | other
In general, I think my writing habits are: pretty much what I need them to be | okay, but I’m working on making them better | non-existent | not great | i’m excited to develop them further | totally random | perfect for me
tagging: free for all!
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ivorygarcia · 11 months
Camp NaNo July 2023
Goals: Short Story & Opening Poem for Novel
Weekly Progress
July 1 - 7
4,314 words
Okay, I am incredibly scatter brained right now. I think that word count is spread between three different stories. I'll count this month a success if I can get from a beginning to an end. It doesn't have to be great, it just has to be a completed first draft.
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ivorygarcia · 11 months
Heads Up Seven Up Tag
tagged by: @talesofsorrowandofruin thank you!
post seven lines from your current project.
Kala had been excited to see the Necopolis. She ended up tagging along with the art students, enjoying their frenetic chatter and excitement. But when they arrived at the site the next morning, the twisted, black spires slowly rising into view before them, something made her want to bear her teeth in warning. When the group came to the tourism walkway that had been erected across the ruins, Kala found herself gripping the railing with white knuckles. The air was heavy with dust and the scent of bleached bones. It was suddenly far too real, far too visceral, the thought of all of those people buried alive. There were entire families down there. Horrified, she had abandoned the chattering students with their sketch books and fled back to town. Fully intent on leaving Thul as soon as possible.
tagging: @macabremoons, @cabaretofwords, @hallwriteblr, @ambiguouspuzuma
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