iwent4awalk-blog · 7 years
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iwent4awalk-blog · 8 years
I'd rather have a stranger I just met laying next To me in bed, then to be alone
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iwent4awalk-blog · 8 years
How I spend my nights
lightin’ up the blunt while I’m thinking of you
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iwent4awalk-blog · 8 years
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iwent4awalk-blog · 8 years
My home Museum
If you are bored at home and all alone but don't wanna go outside and interact with people, here's a game I made up you can play. It's called my home museum. Pretend your house in a interactive museum and walk around. Read a page from every book in the library. Admire every painting you have in your house. Remember memories from every inch of the house. Smell every flower, sit in every chair. This game is so fun, and it really helps with depression, loneliness, and boredom. ❤️
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iwent4awalk-blog · 8 years
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My favorite walk
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iwent4awalk-blog · 8 years
I've been thinking to much...
I love thinking about what people say when I am not there. I can see there facial expressions, I can hear how they sound when they speak; what words they emphasize, what words they used. I can see the emotion in their eyes; what words make them look away shyly, what words make them light up. It makes me have faith in the good in people, it makes me question the bad in people. I see it. I love doing it also because it helps me stand in someone else's shoes. I can also imagine new people. People who I want to be. A character I wanna play in my own imagination. Or, a character I want to meet, someone I would like to know, or love, or respect. Am I the only one?
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iwent4awalk-blog · 8 years
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Blood donors in Sweden get a text message whenever their blood is used to save a life. The program hopes to recruit and retain more donors by highlighting their importance and getting them excited about making a difference. Source Source 2
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iwent4awalk-blog · 8 years
I went for a walk last night. I got super lost! I had no idea where the fuck I was which I weird because I've walked around this area so many times. But it wasn't scary at all. I was listening to music and just enjoying the ride. I saw the cutest puppy in the world, saw like 5 cats who were curious of me and some even started to follow me. I felt like the master of cats haha. I then found a cute park, and from reading creepy pasta a lot, it looked like a perfect place for slender man to hide out. I however did not care. I went on the swing set and I felt like I was a kid again. It's okay to be alone, and it's okay to feel afraid. But as long as you trust yourself and believe nothing is gonna happen you're gonna find new places to explore, meet new people, and maybe even find yourself. Not as cool of a story as the last one but it's one that is worthy to share :)
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iwent4awalk-blog · 8 years
I went for a walk
I was really bored and didn't want to go to bed so I decided to go for a walk. It was around 9. So I took my cigarettes with me and my weed just in case I find a good place to smoke. So I walked all around my campus and up this hill and turned into this random neighborhood. I walked for a while smoking my cigarette until I came across this house with 4 guys out front. I went over and asked for a light. We started talking and one thing led to another and I was smoking a bowl with one. They were talking to each other about this guy named Bill coming. I asked why and they said he was bring over cocaine. Fucking cocaine. I got really scared and they were like nah it's chill don't worry. So this bill guy comes and goes and the guys want to do some right then and there. I sat with them in the house and they started up family guy and started making lines. I was so freaked out I tried to focus on the show. I know the show really well so I know the lines to most of them hahaha. Anyways, so then we were talking outside and decided to head over to the other dudes house. So we got a pledge ( a term used on new members on a frat) to drive us to his place. We then proceeded to smoke more and play cards. We played gin, gin rummy, and bull shit. So now it's about 12 and getting antsy. The two guys started arguing about beer and something about a pledge not coming. So then the one guy just leaves. For no reason. Me and the other guy just watched family guy for 2 more hours. Then his two roommates got home. One was drunk af and the other was kinda weird. So the weird one found out that the two guys I was with stole his beer. He got super pissed and started yelling at his roommate and all this. So I had a major panic attack and I was like oh fuck idk what to do. So then the other guy who left comes back with a pledge and is waiting outside in a car with 3 dudes. The roommate and him start fighting, close to fist fights and I just started making my way home. FYI I have no idea where the FUCK I WAS! Then I hear the nice one who watched family guy with say "guys stop fighting that girl needs a ride but she's walking home alone!" So the guys stop and say sorry and the pledge drove over to me and let me in. They drove me home. Holy fucking shit.
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