jackjots · 3 years
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Captain Jean-Luc Picard....with googly eyes. 
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jackjots · 3 years
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Jon Matteson as a unicorn...with googly eyes. 
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jackjots · 3 years
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Mr. Blobby...with googly eyes? Even though he kind of has them already?
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jackjots · 3 years
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Benedict Cumberbatch...with googly eyes. 
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jackjots · 3 years
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Brian Holden...with googly eyes
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jackjots · 3 years
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Young Frankenstein and his monster...with googly eyes.
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jackjots · 3 years
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AJ Holmes in the Book of Max (with googly eyes) 
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jackjots · 3 years
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The Sorting Hat and also Nick Lang....with googly eyes. 
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jackjots · 3 years
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Jon Matteson....with googly eyes.
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jackjots · 3 years
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Dylan Saunders with googly eyes. 
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jackjots · 3 years
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James Tolbert with googly eyes. 
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jackjots · 3 years
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Ron, Harry, and Hermione from AVPS with googly eyes
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jackjots · 3 years
Wayward Guide Full Fic
Hey, this is the day! The last day of prompts! That was really fun. I was working on a lot at once, so if you read everything on here, it might not flow very well. However, I decided to compile the whole dang thing and took out some things, added a few others, and did basic editing. It’s still not perfection, but it’s a fun time. I’ll just link the GoogleDoc here, ya? 
General TW for alcohol, some violence, and descriptions of blood.  Wayward Guide Shelby St Ranger
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jackjots · 3 years
#30 Werewolves
  Wayward Guide for the Untrained Eye 30 Day Prompt
(This takes place after Episode 10 and references the Podcast Epilogue)
Day #30 @30daysofwayward
(I do not own any other characters or place names outside of Shelby St. Ranger, this is just for fun)
After another long week hiding in my house and plugging away, I went down to the Dead Canary to celebrate finishing the first draft of my book. As I was way ahead of schedule, I had time to breathe before going back into it and probably picking at plot lines like detangling chains in a jewelry box. It was around dinner time, so I was surprised to see a closed sign on the door. I realized every store in town was closed. I walked over to GPS and Wallis and inquired if they knew where everyone was.
“Town hall.” Wallis announced after consulting with GPS. “Which is that way!” His smile took up half his face and I found it both disquieting and charming. I thanked them.
Even though going to the one place the whole town was scared me, I was too curious not to. I had to know what was going on. And I had a sneaking suspicion I knew what. 
I didn’t even have to go inside to hear what was happening.
They were doing it, they were coming out. 
The fact that I was unincluded did not upset me. If anything, I felt safer not being in that room. As I peeked through the window, feeling a wave of deja vu from the last time I did this, I noticed not all the werewolves were on the stage discussing with the town that werewolves did, in fact, exist and some of them weren’t so bad. I was surprised to see Desmond was the one telling everyone. And that he looked comfortable there on stage. Helen and Olivia stood on the stage with him, and I could see the back of Sybilus’ head next to Rita sitting near the front. Vern was off to the side, as if waiting to see how everyone would react. The Sheriff was next to him, looking on edge, but also confident. 
Desmond was speaking: “We are still the people you’ve known, the people you have been friends with for ages. We are werewolves, but we are not that unlike you.” 
Someone rose a hand. I realized it was Ags. “Why did you lie about it?” 
“We were afraid that you would kill us.” 
“You were afraid of us?” Someone I couldn’t quite make out said, sounding surprised. 
“Yes.” He took a moment to look around the room. “I want to say this: Connor Creek is our town. All of us. Together. We hope that you come together with us and help us protect this secret of our town. Together.” 
Someone stood up and I recognized Aubrey’s voice as he spoke. “I will protect you.”
Riley stood up next. “I will protect you.” Olivia looked obviously touched.
The whole town rose to their feet. 
I could feel the tears filling my eyes. 
I walked away then, and I was sitting outside of the Dead Canary when Desmond came back. “Shelby, you didn’t come to the town hall.” 
I remembered the meeting flyer then, that had been sitting in my mailbox that I’d kept avoiding. “I didn’t realize what it was about.” “You were listening from here?”
“No, I was observing, again.”
“Spying you mean. You could’ve come inside.”
“Wasn’t my place.”
“Shelby, when you gunna learn you belong here.” 
“I heard you. You sounded good up there.” 
“You think?”
“Yeah. You’re a natural public speaker.” I got up off the ground. “I do feel like I belong here. Especially now.” 
“You don’t have to tell everyone what you are. But if you do, I think they’ll welcome it. Everyone else has, at the end there, I think you missed that part.” 
“I did. I’m glad.” I sighed. “You going to open?” 
“Yeah, Quinn will be back shortly.”
“I need a drink. To celebrate. I finished my book. Or, well, the first draft. Or maybe that’s not what we should be celebrating.”
“We can celebrate both. I have a feeling a lot more people are going to be in tonight than usual. Think you can handle that?”
I nodded. When Desmond opened the door, I went straight to the middle barstool and sat down. I sighed contentedly as he slid me a beer. I could hear the chatter of the town as they filtered down the hill on their way to the bar. 
“Thanks Desmond.” I said quietly, before I wouldn’t be able to.
“For what?” “For everything.” 
Aubrey came up to me as a handful of people spilled into the bar. “Desmond, I have a couple of questions.” His eyes were glowing with excitement. 
“I figured you would.” 
“Oh, good you’re here Shelby.” Aubrey noticed me late. “As my first question was indeed if we could work on that book, for the town’s sake.” 
Desmond tilted his head. “I’ll discuss it with them, but I imagine it’ll be alright.” 
Aubrey grabbed my shoulder. “Hear that?” He frantically looked between us. 
“Just wait ‘til I check with them. What else did you want to ask Aubrey?”
“Desmond, have you considered running for town council?” 
Here you go, Aubrey. Let me know if this is enough. - Shelby St. Ranger 
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jackjots · 3 years
#29 Fear
Wayward Guide for the Untrained Eye 30 Day Prompt
(This takes place after Episode 10)
Day #29 @30daysofwayward
(I do not own any other characters or place names outside of Shelby St. Ranger, this is just for fun)
I didn’t go to town very often for the next couple of weeks. Even though I had no reason to rush the writing of my book, I felt the urge to do so; to shove forward with my arms outstretched and push the book into existence by sheer force of will. By the night of the full moon, I had only a few more things to write into the book before the first draft was done. My publisher was thrilled at the progress. I felt good about it, too, as writing gave me a chance to escape all of the fear I was feeling about turning into a half-wolf. I’d developed a healthy bit of body hair that I tried to accept as part of me. I’d never been a very hairy person before that, and this was a different sort of hair. Wolf-life, you might say. 
Because of the seclusion I’d put myself into, I was looking forward to seeing a friendly face. There was more than one friendly face when I got there. 
“Gotta stay open a little longer than I thought.” Desmond said quietly. 
“It’s alright. I’ll have a beer while I wait.”
He poured me a glass of water. “Why don’t you stick with this for now.” “Oh, is that going to be better for...for later?”
He nodded and then was called over down the bar. I was sitting at the bar drinking the water, and right as I realized I was sitting near other people and hadn’t thought to hide yet, Ags was sitting next to me. “Shelby!” She crashed her beer glass with mine. “How are ya?”
“Hello, I’m fine, how are you?” The words fluttered from my lips.
“Fine, fine.” She tapped the bartop. “But not really. I tried LSD last night.”
“Did you?” “Yeah...and I gotta tell you, it was a trip.” She got close to me. “One I have certainly never taken before.”
My eyes got big. “Oh.” 
“Exactly.” She took a swig of beer. “That must’ve been a lie. But I don’t know why they’d say that if it wasn’t true. Unless they were hiding something.” Her voice was getting excited.
“I- I don’t think so.” I tried to start.
“Now Shelby, I know this town better than you do, and I know the people here. But some of those people, they gone and died. And if the water didn’t have LSD in it, why’d we think there were werewolves? Because, there were werewolves.” 
“Going to close early Ags.” Desmond was suddenly there. 
“Alright, alright. Should go home anywho.” Ags drained her drink and followed the rest of the crowd as they trickled out. No one seemed to notice that I stayed exactly where I was.
“Did you hear that?” I asked when he gestured me back to a booth. 
He waved it away. “Not now. How are you feelin’ today?”
“Got a lot of energy today.”
“That makes sense.”
“A bit more confident I think.”
“I could tell that.” He gestured to the bar. “You don’t sit there often.”
“You noticed?”
“Of course. I’m a bartender. I see all.”
“Do you always want to be a bartender?”
He waved at me again. “That’s not what we’re here to do.” 
“What do you want me to do?”
“Transform.” “Right now? How?”
“Just find that trigger. Close your eyes.” I did so. “If anything has really bothered you recently, scared you even, think about that.” 
Suddenly, Desmond pointing a gun at me filled my mind. I felt my chest tighten. “Okay.” I said through my teeth.
“Okay, good job Shelby.”
“You’re glowing.”
I opened my eyes and just caught the red glow before it faded away. “Damn.”
“That was good. Try again.” 
It was hard to willingly pull it up again, but I did. I could feel myself change this time. I tried to hold on to that feeling and opened my eyes. Desmond was smiling at me. I looked at my hands. They were glowing. I ran my tongue over my sharp teeth and winced. “Ouch.”
“Careful now.” He chuckled. “Now just keep practising, and it’ll be second nature. You might even like it.” 
I didn’t tell him, but I already liked it. I wanted to run, I wanted to hunt, I wanted to climb trees. I had so much energy burning under my skin. But then I remembered the fear it came from, and it was like deflating a balloon. The glow faded and I felt the power fade with it. “I’ll keep trying.”
“You’ll be fine.”
“I’ll keep trying. I wanted to...hunt? Is that normal?”
“It is. You might not want to go running out and killing animals though. Maybe try long distance running and a lot of meet from Vern.” 
“The town is starting to realize what happened, isn’t it?”
He sighed. “To be honest, I think we’re coming to a crossroads.” “We should be honest.” I said suddenly.
“You said to be honest and I realized that’s what we need to do. These are our- these are your friends. We- you guys should talk to them and I think they’ll understand.” 
“I don’t know about that Shelby.” 
“If you don’t, they will still figure it out, but with the thought that you kept it from them.” He nodded, “I suppose you’re right. But there’s one thing you’re wrong about.”
“You have friends here, too.” 
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jackjots · 3 years
#28 Transform
Wayward Guide for the Untrained Eye 30 Day Prompt
(This takes place after Episode 10)
Day #28 @30daysofwayward
(I do not own any other characters or place names outside of Shelby St. Ranger, this is just for fun)
TW: Alcohol
By the time we had a wild eyed Aubrey sitting in the bar, there were a number of people standing outside. Desmond had locked the door, which was the only reason they weren’t inside. Helen and Olivia were inside with us. 
“Aubrey.” Desmond said with his arms crossed. “What were you yelling about out there?”
“As if you don’t know.” Aubrey snapped. 
“Is this all because we wouldn’t let you write about us?” Helen asked, in a tone that suggested she already believed that herself.
“No.” He said running his hands through his hair. “Though I do believe that set off this little rampage I have just gone on. I am sorry for declaring that werewolves were real, but I couldn’t watch it fade away again.”
“Did you tell anyone like who they are?” Olivia said nervously.
“Of course not. I just...I just said they exist. That the LSD story was just that, a story.” 
Aubrey calmed down and Helen walked him back through the now dwindling crowd back to his house. The town seemed to tuck itself back away. 
As soon as they were gone, Desmond shut the door and locked it again. “Damnit, Aubrey.” He came back to the bar and placed his hands on the bartop. “We were so close to this bein’ over.” 
“We weren’t though.” Olivia said. “I’ve gotten a lot more silver bullet orders than I’ve ever had before. I tried to make excuses not stock them, but I’m running out of good reasons.” 
“That could just be coincidence.” Desmond said.
“Some coincidence. Anyway, I must get back to Riley. Goodnight.” 
Desmond went and locked up behind her again. While he was at the door he asked, “Do you want to leave now?”
“Do you want me to go?”
He smiled and came back to the bar. “You can stay, Shelby.”
“You didn’t tell them?”
He shrugged. “You can tell them some other time.”
I continued to drink my beer which had only lost some of its chill. “Do you think they’ll believe Aubrey?”
“With his family history, I don’t think they will.” He cleaned a glass with his towel. “But I’m afraid he might just get the doubt started.”
“At least he didn’t name names.”
“He’s still a good person, just had a rough go of it is all.” 
“I shouldn’t have agreed to the book in the first place.”
“Oh that wouldn’t have stopped him, Shelby. And I think you’d write a fine book, with or without him.”
“You want me to write the book?”
“Of course it would be dangerous, but I’d be curious to see how you’d write all out.”
I sighed. Me too, I thought. “It would’ve been nice.” 
“You think more about those experiences you were tellin’ me about before?” 
I looked up at him, surprised. “I’d almost forgotten. With everything,” I waved at my body, “Happening.”
He grimaced and nodded. “Might be good to think on it a little. Seems to me, you already had some power before you got scratched. Might mix together. Might wanna be careful with it.” 
“Do you know about this kind of thing happening before?”
“It’s less a matter of what happened before and more like just figuring.”
“I see.” I finished my beer. “Another.”
He refilled my glass. “Seein’ as we’re closed now, mind if I join you?”
“Not at all.” 
We moved to a booth and Desmond broke the silence as I kept circling around what he’d said in my mind. “I’m glad you told me.” 
“Hm? Oh yeah.” I nodded. “Me too. I didn’t like lying.”
“You’re not that great at it either.” 
“I thought I did okay.” 
He smirked. “Alright.” 
“I did!” We both took sips of our beers. “Honestly, I didn’t think anything would happen to me when she scratched me.”
“Then why did you lie about it at all?”
“Not sure. It just kind of happened.” 
“Fear makes us do strange things.”
“That’s what I’m afraid of.” I gestured behind me, to the front door. “With the town.”
“Me too.” 
“And that worries me more.” 
“I just hope we’re wrong.” He drank some more and then sat back into the booth. “Why’d you move to Connor Creek, Shelby?”
Surprised by the change in topic, and doubly so that it was a personal one, I drank a large sip to give me a chance to think about what to say. “Well,” I began, “I wanted to write.”
“I know that. But why did you really?”
“I liked it here. Something about this place, felt right.”
He nodded. “That makes sense.”
“Does it?” “The people drawn here aren’t just everyday people. You think every town is like this?” 
“I know they’re not. But I mean every place has their eccentrics.”
“But almost every person?” 
“Almost? Who isn’t eccentric here?”
“Me.” He said this like it was obvious. 
I couldn’t hold in the laugh. “You’re a werewolf, Desmond.” 
He looked around with a shine of panic and remembering we were alone, relaxed into his own chuckle. “I guess that gives me a little.” 
“A little?” 
“Still, with or without me, that’s a lot of special people out here drawn together. And we were drawn here, the Connors.” 
“Wait, were you with the original Connors?” I asked, suddenly posed with the possibility of sitting across from an ancient being.
Desmond just laughed. “Now Shelby, you really think we live that long?”
I tilted my head as his eyes sparkled at me. I couldn’t tell if he was just avoiding the question or if the question was just that ridiculous to him. “Will I live a little longer now?”
He shrugged. “Might do.” He took another sip. “Have you transformed yet?”
“Not yet.” I thought of my experience in the bathroom. “Almost. How much am I supposed to change?”
“Remember me the other night?”
I nodded.
“Like that, but less hair.”
“What can trigger it?”
“Anger, sadness - any real strong emotion, ‘sides happy ones I guess. It’ll be easier on the full moon, I imagine. But once you get the hang of it, especially living where you do, should be easy enough to control.” 
“I’ll take your word for it.” 
“You should stop by next full moon. I can close early, help you learn how to do it.” 
I was touched by the thought. “Thank you, Desmond.” 
“Of course. You’re one of us now Shelby.” 
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jackjots · 3 years
#27 Nightmare
 Wayward Guide for the Untrained Eye 30 Day Prompt
(This takes place after Episode 10)
Day #27 @30daysofwayward
(I do not own any other characters or place names outside of Shelby St. Ranger, this is just for fun)
TW: Alcohol, Blood
I walked home having only had one beer. I didn’t really feel as upset as I thought I would be by the firm no I had received from the werewolves about writing a book with Aubrey, and therefore did not need as much alcohol as I had assumed I’d need. I was also distracted by my own body, and my buzzing brain. It had been a slow inching change that I only noticed if I was doing nothing else, but now it was becoming distracting in itself. 
I got home and the emptiness of my house suddenly pulled at my heart. I was going through something, and I was doing it alone, because of my stubbornness and my fear. 
I observed myself in the mirror and found sprouts of hair starting to protrude from my shoulders. I tried to shave it, but the hair was stubborn and would not be removed. As I examined my body I found more small patches sprouting. I was a MacMahon wolf, I realized as I stared at myself. I huffed and a slight glow erupted around me and vanished as fast, which startled me and I backed up hard into my towel rack. There was a quick ache, and then it was gone. I was a MacMahon wolf, even if just a half one, and that was why I was terrified of telling the Connor Creek wolves. Would they accept me? Paul had left, and I never heard how they felt about him being one. 
I had the thought of contacting Paul, but then I thought better of it. I wanted to focus on who was here, and I didn’t feel very comfortable with him anyway. It wasn’t that I didn’t like him, I just got the general sense that our natures were very different and it would be difficult to find a common ground. And I needed someone who I shared a lot of common ground with. 
I thought of him as a potential good friend; someone who made sense to me and had an aura of trustworthy steadiness about him. He was the closest thing I had to a good friend in town, and certainly the only friend I would begin to know how to explain this to. 
I’d have to go tell him as soon as possible. I decided if I got a lot of writing done the next day, I would go into town, let Aubrey know the book was a bust, and then go tell Desmond everything. 
My sleep was a stretch of darkness, until a dream surrounded me. I was in the Dead Canary, sitting at the bar, feeling unusually comfortable out in the middle of things. There was a warm amber glow around the room. I felt safe, and content. I called out to Desmond, ready to tell him everything, to get the weight off my chest. But I felt a hand on my shoulder as soon as his name left my lips and I turned to see Truman. She glowed and bared her teeth at me. I heard a click and I looked directly into the barrel of a gun, held by Desmond. He shot right past me and hit Truman. The gun sounded far away and distorted; as if I was underwater. When I looked at Truman, the blood had already surrounded her like a perfect aura. When I was about to thank Desmond, he shot me and my eyes flew open before I hit the ground in my dream.
I stood in my kitchen at 2am with a glass of water in one hand and a barely cooked piece of liver in the other hand. I was holding it over the sink to avoid doing any dishes or making a big mess. But my mind wasn’t there with me, I was back in the dream, trying to examine what it meant. Besides reiterating my fears to me, I had also sensed some guilt with Truman’s death. Even if I hadn’t directly contributed to it, and even though she had been “the bad guy”, I felt the loss of her life regardless. Somehow, realizing that guilt had been mixed with the fear in my belly helped relieve it somewhat. 
The next day, I found it harder to write than usual. I hadn’t gotten much sleep after my nightmare, so I drank three cups of coffee and felt like I was violently tugging the words out of my head instead of the usual automatic flow as I imagined myself in the mountains among vikings. 
It took me so long to write out the pages I needed to get done that it was already dark by the time I walked into town. I was a little worried that it was too late to talk to Aubrey, but his lights were still on as I approached his house. When I knocked I could tell I had disrupted him from something, but he was excited to see me. As I walked into his house, I noticed he had papers strewn across his desk, I saw as he let me in.
He saw me looking and gestured to it. “Desmond returned these pages that he removed from my great-grandfathers book. It’s about werewolves.”
“Oh, that’s interesting.” I said, trying hard not to refer to my own pages as I didn’t want Aubrey to see the note that was on it about half-wolves.
“Yes. Now, have you spoken to the...the werewolves?” He looked so hopeful. 
I sighed. “I’m sorry Aubrey. They decided against it.” 
The light left his face. “Ah, alright.”
“I feel like it’s pretty understandable.” I said, trying to fill the silence as he seemed to be looking inward. “They don’t want to be exposed.” 
“Yes, of course.” 
“Should I- would you like me to leave?”
“Yes.” He turned his back on me and looked back at the pages. I left and walked to the Dead Canary. 
Without thinking about it, as my mind was still on Aubrey, I sat right at the bar. I called for Desmond, and then my voice got stuck in my throat. It was just like my dream. 
But instead of a hand on my shoulder, Desmond popped up from under the counter, which still made me jump. He didn’t acknowledge my reaction, he just nodded. “Hello Shelby.” 
“A beer?”
“You know what? Yes.” I rubbed my face. “I just spoke to Aubrey.”
He slid the beer to me. “That bad?”
“He was disappointed.”
“What about you?”
“Me? I see both sides of it, really.” I was actually more relieved than I thought I would be, but maybe I was just stressed out about being part wolf and not worrying about telling Aubrey felt like a break somehow. 
“You see both sides?” He raised his eyebrows.
I took a long sip. The place was empty. I could tell him now. I should tell him now. But the dream. He still hadn’t spoken, and suddenly I realized he was giving me perhaps my last chance. “I should tell you, Truman scratched me.”
He nodded. “Mhm.” 
“And weird stuff is happening.”
“And I’m sorry I lied before.”
“But you were scared.”
“Of bein’ a werewolf?”
“Well, you aren't going to be a full werewolf.”
“I know. The pages you gave back to me had some notes on them.”
“Did they now?” He smiled for a moment and then looked me in the eye again. “You’ll be fine. It’ll settle after a while.” “Will it?” “Or you’ll just get used to it.” He threw his rag over his shoulder. “But you aren’t alone Shelby. We’re-”
But before Desmond could finish the sentence, Olivia came running in. “Aubrey’s telling people about werewolves.” 
“What?” Desmond and I almost said it in unison. 
“He’s lost his gourd.” Olivia called running back out. 
As soon as she opened the door again I could hear him, hear him yelling and hammering on doors. 
I took another big chug of my beer and ran out into the night. 
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