jacksonarchermu · 3 years
Please don’t be upset with me. I had to leave in a hurry last night because of a family emergency and won’t be coming back to Monarch. I wish I’d had time for an in person goodbye, but I know you’ll understand.
I’m only a few hours away any time you need your in person dose of Jack and to fulfill your cravings in the interim, you know that I’ll always pick up the phone if I see you calling. 
I’ll explain everything better over dinner sometime soon. I’m sorry for disappearing on you. Talk soon.
Love you weirdo,
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jacksonarchermu · 3 years
You know I don’t normally give into your coffee addiction but, the occasion seemed to call for it. 
I’m sorry I didn’t get a chance for an in person goodbye. There was a bit of an emergency last night and long story short, I’m going to be taking care of Brayden and Brielle for a bit. I’m working with the school to see if I can finish classes online for this term, which means I won’t be coming back to Monarch. 
I’m glad our paths crossed again here, even if things did get a little messy for a bit between us. I hope you can continue to be in my life even if I’m no longer at Monarch. Once things settle down for me, I owe you coffee. 
I’ll always have so much love for you. You deserve the world and I know you’re going to find someone who gives that to you. When you do, I hope I earn an invite to the wedding.
Keep in touch and don’t be a stranger. You can always come to me, if I’m a little while away now. 
Love always,
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jacksonarchermu · 3 years
[ text ]: Does today require people clothes or can I just wear my pyjamas?
0 notes
jacksonarchermu · 3 years
Text 📱Sky
Sky: does today require people clothes or can I just wear my pyjamas?
Jack: depends...what's on your agenda today?
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jacksonarchermu · 3 years
[ text ]: Why are you saved in my phone as ‘Prison Wife’?
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jacksonarchermu · 3 years
Text �� Dallas
Dallas: Why are you saved in my phone as ‘Prison Wife’?
Jack: bc school is a prison and i'm your wife
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jacksonarchermu · 3 years
❝30 texts to send to my muse:❞ | Sentence Starter
Warning(s): Alcohol
[ text ]: I woke up to a half empty bottle of cider on my dresser. I drank it and have no regrets. Morning.
[ text ]: I’d ask why there’s pictures of Kayne West all over my bedroom floor but I don’t actually want an answer at this point.
[ text ]: I can hear your life falling apart through the ceiling.  Shut up.
[ text ]: I just googled ‘Rarest Pepe’ and I’m crying.
[ text ]: I just brought the Spice Girls Greatest Hits.
[ text ]: I’ve had nothing to do all day so I’ve been learning the lyrics to ‘Trap Queen’.
[ text ]: Be proud of drunk me. I managed to only eat HALF of a large pizza this time.
[ text ]: We all got really drunk and communally agreed Bucky Barnes was a ‘cute little button babe’.
[ text ]: What a massive egotistical penis.
[ text ]: Does today require people clothes or can I just wear my pyjamas?
[ text ]: I’m certain he heard me shout and LOUDLY ‘nap time comes before pants time’.
[ text ]: I’m not responding to this because I have died. I’m dead. Dead people don’t answer texts.
[ text ]: I think I’m going to retire and become a hermit.
[ text ]: I want Lucky Charms.
[ text ]: I’m not surprised he didn’t show up. He didn’t arrange it.
[ text ]: I miss hugging you and smelling your hair (in a non-weird way!).
[ text ]: Why are you saved in my phone as ‘Prison Wife’?
[ text ]: I was in the middle of a check-up and the doctor quoted Jurrassic Park at me.
[ text ]: I replaced your apple juice with whiskey six months ago.
[ text ]: Why did you send me pictures of yourself dressed in all of my coats?
[ text ]: I’ve watched so much Peppa Pig I am reaching my point of insanity.
[ text ]: What a complete ball of Human-shaped trash.
[ text ]: You need to stop shouting about Communism in public places.
[ text ]: I was just legitimately asked if Human was a form of meat.
[ text ]: The Devil has a British accent.
[ text ]: You kept making train noises all night. Are you okay?
[ text ]: I just brought some muscle cream and I smell like a herb garden.
[ text ]: I think our neighbour may have gone rabid.
[ text ]: I realise we were joking at the time but are you considering a stripping career?
[ text ]: I don’t want to go out today. I’d rather wear wet socks all day.
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jacksonarchermu · 3 years
“I am supporting her, I’ve listened to her sing one too many times.” She shook her head. “He’ll like you. My dad likes everyone…. well, except for Grant. My dad has always hated Grant,” she said with a shrug. It was obvious that Jackson was nothing like Grant. “And if Marcus was still alive, I think he would like you too,” Ivy added, meaning that statement wholeheartedly and giving him a smile. “It’s been pretty easy so far. I didn’t like meat or animal products that much in the first place. But no, you don’t have to go vegan if you don’t want to. I don’t think that’s in any weird boyfriend rulebook,” she promised, laughing with him. “Sometimes my mom will take a few of us with her because she has to travel there a lot for work. Right now she’s working on opening a store over there so, we’ve had opportunities to go pretty often recently,” Ivy explained. “Netflix and pajamas sounds like a good plan. I can’t say no to that.”
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“Is she any good?” Jack asked her. “Grant...he...” he carefully thought over his words. “Yeah, no matter how you slice that, I don’t think there’s a way any dad would be pleased with their daughter bringing him home.” Jackson didn’t want to get too into the details of that though. He wanted to enjoy their one night alone, not dwell on topics that had potential to turn the night sour. At the mention of her brother, however, Jack’s smile immediately softened. He knew how much that meant coming from Ivy. He almost told her right there that he loved her but, he caught himself. Instead, Jackson settled for a small peck on the lips. “Don’t tell anyone I said this but, the vegan places around campus are surprisingly good,” he told her. “Well, if you’re going to try to jet away from Paris all the time, you better be taking me. Otherwise I’ll have to sit here by myself sad and lonely,” Jack pouted. His pout turned into another smile when Ivy agreed to change and relax in bed. “Good, I always think you look cute in your sweatpants,” he told her, unzipping his backpack and retrieving his change of clothes. “And when you put all the hair on top of your head--what’s the called? A....bun?” Her furrowed his brows. Pulling his shirt off and throwing on his t-shirt. “I like when you do that with your hair. It’s pretty.”
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jacksonarchermu · 3 years
“Even better, you do it yourself.” She chuckled. “Thank you so much, it’s very considerate of you.” Ivy nodded. “I’m rarely ever wrong, and I doubt that I’m going to start being wrong tonight,” she added, her grin matching his. “I think it’ll be hilarious if you’re good at it, but I’ll still be around to cheer you on all the same.” Ivy chuckled. She hadn’t realized just how many people had showed up to this party until it was time to walk through the crowd, grateful that Jackson had decided to keep her close because she was sure they would have lost each other through all of that. “Yeah, I walked around with Ryan for awhile and Arden and I got on some spooky rides. That was fun. I tried to find Quinn during one of those breaks to get onto the Gravitron, but she suddenly has a ton of friends and I’m not cool enough anymore,” she joked.
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“I’m independent and all of that,” Jack gloated, as if scooping his own ice cream was some sort of accomplishment. “Damn, I’m supposed to be fighting you on this but, you’re so sexy when you’re confident, it’s hard to argue with you. I’m getting distracted,” he grinned. Jack sat on the back steps, holding out a hand for Ivy to sit beside him. “It looked like fun from all of the pictures I saw. I wish I could’ve brought Brielle and Braydon. Except they probably would’ve wanted ice cream and I wouldn’t have wanted to send you over the edge like that,” he teased lightly. “Were you ever cool?”
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jacksonarchermu · 3 years
“It is stupid though. I don’t know why she likes it. I am supporting her by going to those things. And I swear I’ll text her in the morning,” Ivy insisted, sighing with a roll of her eyes. “It’ll be really nice for both of us when he doesn’t want to kill you,” she agreed, shaking her head. “Yes, rice cakes. I’ve decided to start eating vegan. Maybe Quinn is annoyed by it, but I’m still doing it.” After coming back from Paris, Ivy had gotten really sick from her first American meal in two weeks. That was what largely inspired her decision. She just had to cut out animal products since she had the dairy part down pat. “Nothing will ever compare to my Paris getaway. I’m taking you with me the next time I go,” she promised, lips tugging into a grin as she entered the suite. “Thanks,” Ivy said quietly, taking in her surroundings as she set everything she’d been carrying down. 
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“She probably doesn’t know why you like me but thank god she’s supported it so far. So support her acapella before she decides she hates me,” Jack told her. “Do you think your dad will actually like me? Or just tolerate me?” He asked her. He could imagine that her dad was pretty protective over Ivy and probably wouldn’t go easy on Jack for that reason. “I feel like going vegan won’t be as difficult for you since you’re lactose intolerant. But, as your boyfriend, am I meant to try and be supportive and do it for you? Because I’m not so sure I can handle that. Arden and Dallas have already forced me to eat way more vegan shit than I’ve cared for,” he chuckled. He could try but, becoming a full blown vegan certainly wasn’t going to work for him. “How often do you go to Paris?” He chuckled. Jackson shut the door behind them, setting his backpack down beside the door. “There’s Netflix on the TV in the bedroom. Wanna change into something more comfortable and just watch something in bed? I think there’s a jacuzzi if you wanted to take a bath too. I can just hang out on the couch if you want to do that.”
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jacksonarchermu · 3 years
“I think you should. I’m very tired of scooping ice cream.” She shook her head. “No, I meant when. I definitely meant when. It’s only a matter of time now,” Ivy insisted, grinning. “Deal,” she agreed, accepting his hand with a shake before letting go. “I guess I could. I don’t know where to look, but that’s exactly what google is for.” She beamed, trying not to laugh thinking about the image of Jackson flying around while holding onto ribbons. “Sure,” she easily agreed, pulling herself out of his embrace and taking his hand. “Although don’t expect to hear too much about how I missed you.”
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“I can scoop my own ice cream. I might come off as a bit of a dick if I try to hire someone out to scoop my ice cream. People would think I’m a brat,” he joked. “But I promise not to even dream of asking you to do it for me. I know it would give you terrible flashbacks to tonight.” Jack smiled as they shook on their deal. “Since you’re so confident, I guess we’ll see now,” he said. “I’m not even scared. I still think I’ll be good at it,” he insisted. He usually held his own when it came to anything physical. Jackson wrapped an arm around Ivy’s waist when she pulled away, holding her close to him as they navigated through the crowds of people to the backyard. “Fine, you don’t have to talk about you much you missed me.” He turned to her once they’d made it outside. “But I doubt the whole night was awful. Didn’t you take any breaks from your ice cream post to do anything fun?”
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jacksonarchermu · 3 years
“Yeah well… I don’t know, even I don’t know what’s going on inside her mind” Dallas sighed. “Yeah well… that something easy to say but things can change quickly” he told Jackson. “I know it doesn’t mean that, I know I can see people and I am not in love with them” Dallas mused. “I guess she might” she sighed. “Since when are you this wise, Jack?”
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“Life would be so much easier if we could read people’s minds, wouldn’t it?” He gave Dallas a soft smile. “They could but, given that you’ve just said Hannah doesn’t do relationships, I’m not thinking you’ve got to worry about that,” Jack pointed out. “I get it though. It doesn’t make it less hard to watch. I’m sorry it put such a damper on your night,” Jack frowned, feeling badly for his friend. “I’ve just found myself in plenty of shit in my own love life. It sucks but, try to give it some time and then try and talk to her again if you’re still feeling this way.”
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jacksonarchermu · 3 years
Text 📱Arden
Arden: we got here because you derailed the whole conversation!
Arden: I'll see you at 7 :)
Jack: speaking of derailing
Jack: maybe stay away from trains too
Jack: see you then
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jacksonarchermu · 3 years
When the drama had escalated once Jack and Ivy started dating, he’d been sure the only escape from it all would’ve been transferring schools. Now that things appeared to calm down, it was an understatement to say that he was relieved. More than anything, he was glad to have reconciled with both Arden and Skylar. “I don’t know what’s worse,” Jackson made a face. “You basically asking for a foot massage or gloating about your win.”
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Closed Starter | Arden + Jackson
Ever since her birthday, Arden and Jackson had started hanging out again. It wasn’t exactly like it had been before all of the drama but honestly, Arden was just glad to have her friend back. As they were on the track and field team together, they had both attended the competition at another local university today and were now sitting next to each other on the bus ride home. “I think my legs are going to fall off, they feel so tight right now”, Arden complained. “Still, it was worth it. This gold medal is going to look great in my room”, she said with a grin. @jacksonarchermu​
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jacksonarchermu · 3 years
“You can think whatever you want” she smirked. “Wise words” she smiled at her sister’s boyfriend. “You’re asking me too much, Jackson” Quinn teased. “So far you’re not as bad as Grant so…”
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“I definitely don’t want to think it’s a threat,” Jack laughed lightly. “Thank you,” he returned the smile. “I want to be flattered by that but, from what I heard about their relationship, I’m not sure that’s very hard to do.”
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jacksonarchermu · 3 years
“It’s like you can’t escape Noah and Violet and their R-rated activities”, AJ laughed. “I don’t know if you’ve noticed this but you’re just a little bit taller than me… I think you might stretch the dress”, she teased. “Just promise to get me Uber Eats if I stop bitching and that will solve all of your problems”, she promised. “I weigh barely anything Jackson, you probably wouldn’t even feel it if I did roll off the bed”, she joked. “Thanks for tonight, though. I bet you’re starting to regret the fact that you’ve seen this side of me… you’ve had to deal with me being a crying mess twice now”.
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“I should probably just invest in a pair of ear plugs as his point,” he laughed along with her. “Because of my muscles, right?” Jackson joked, flexing his arm playfully. “Got it--I can manage that in the morning,” he assured her. “Maybe not but it’d probably startle me a bit,” he pointed out. “I’m not. I’d much prefer knowing you’re safe and coming here than worrying that you out by yourself and upset,” Jack told her. “I’m glad you feel like you can trust me. I know that’s not the easiest thing for you to do.”
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jacksonarchermu · 3 years
“It’s definitely just you so you can let that go to your head”, Noah laughed. “This nice guy act isn’t fooling me, I know what you were trying to do”, he insisted. “Does that mean that it’s time to call it quits?”
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“I’m fully planning on it. I’m even going to tell my mom when she calls tonight--she’ll be so proud,” he grinned. “Hey, I was the victim here! I’m the one who had the actual dick on my car--by my girlfriend’s best friend nonetheless,” Jack added. “Are you trying to break my heart?”
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