jeonggukj · 9 months
tear down my face AND leg bc how cute but hot this was
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can’t stop thinking about…..
riding soobin….and you look down at him to see a smirk growing on his face, as he’s looking down at the place where your bodies connect, his eyes filled with lust as the smirk fades, only slightly though, his mind shifting to a different place, one where he just wants to make you feel good. he hesitates, but only for a second before bringing his thumb to your clit. you twitch at his unexpected touch, a soft moan escaping your lips as he begins to rub circles into you. this is when he looks up at you, your expression has changed just a bit, and so has your pace, to one of haste and urgency. the side of his mouth curls up into an even wider smirk, but this time it’s breathless, his mouth somewhat agape as he watches you lose yourself in the feeling of him. “you’re so beautiful” he says, just before bringing his other hand to your hair, running his fingers through it gently. his thumb still remains on your sensitive bud, it’s cramping a little, but he doesn’t care, he will do anything to see you cum. it’s not long before you feel your knees weaken and they shake slightly, soobin sees this and begins thrusting upwards, wrapping his arms around you to keep you stable. “i’ve got you” he says before giving you a kiss on the cheek, his sweet reprieve sends you over the edge, you tremble a bit as you cum, feeling weak and overstimulated, but you quickly regain your strength as he kisses your face once again before saying “i love you baby” looking up at you like your the most precious thing in the world to him.
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jeonggukj · 10 months
who’s gonna tell him i’m not going anywhere
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i'm sobbing uncontrollably
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jeonggukj · 10 months
my soogyu
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🐻🐰✸ TOMORROW X TOGETHER: Our Lost Summer
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jeonggukj · 1 year
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♡︎ — jeon jungkook
𝗹𝗶𝗸𝗲 𝗼𝗿 𝗿𝗲𝗯𝗹𝗼𝗴 𝗶𝗳 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝘀𝗮𝘃𝗲𝗱 ♡
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jeonggukj · 1 year
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jungkook’s pretty nose for anon ♡ 
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jeonggukj · 1 year
seriously, i am so in love with him
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he’s pretty even when the mask is on his face ♡
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jeonggukj · 1 year
no one in the world i love more than him
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jeon jungkook, the most beautiful ♡
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jeonggukj · 1 year
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jeonggukj · 2 years
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jungkook’s hands… 🥵
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jeonggukj · 2 years
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jeonggukj · 2 years
me with jungkook
have you ever looked at someone and thought "fuuuck, please please let me be an absolute whore for you..."
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jeonggukj · 2 years
🎟 ato series because it’s just soooo well written and it made me fall in love with reading series again instead of just one shots <3
as a thank you to all my wonderful readers and followers i’ve decided to host a giveaway after reaching this huge milestone
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the giveaway prize consists of a care package put together and posted by me personally 🥹 as a way to give support back! the package will include stationary, a handwritten letter, lots of bts surprises (no albums tho guys i’m a lil broke sorry😂) face masks, sweeties (the british kind) and other non-perishable items. it will also include a bespoke bts bracelet, the winner can decide what colours / which member will be used to make said bracelet! here are some examples below:
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must be following this blog
must like & reblog this post
must reblog my favourite fanfic series masterlist with this emoji: 🎟 and a brief description of why it’s your favourite fic of mine
must actively engage with posts (just liking is fine)
up to 3 entries per person, across 3 different fics. please disclose your 1st, 2nd and 3rd pick in your reblogs if you do enter 3 times!
if like me you primarily use a side blog and any comments/likes display as a different user please message me and tell me! (only if your reblogs will show differently)
a bonus entry will be given to those who follow my Instagram account - jungk0oksthighs.97 - again if your @ is different on insta to on here please let me know who u are via DM!
giveaway is open ✨ INTERNATIONALLY ✨and the winner will be announced on the king himself’s birthday: september 1st 🖤💜
a huge thank you and moment of gratitude for those of you who continuously support this blog! i accidentally fell into writing, it was never something i thought i’d enjoy doing and i sure as hell never thought i’d be sitting here with 23k followers and a postcast reviewed series amongst many others. thank you all so much, you guys are amazing and i hope you continue to enjoy the little delulu worlds i create on this space. i feel nothing but love and happiness for each and every one of u ✨
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jeonggukj · 2 years
i’m in love with him, forever and ever and ever
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the prettiest person I’ve ever seen
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jeonggukj · 2 years
JK teaching us the power of self control…or not?
Another example of JK being his neuro-divergent adorable self.
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jeonggukj · 2 years
paper hearts // jeon jungkook
so i attempted at something, not really sure how good or bad it turned out but here we are …. it’s kinda fast paced; not sure if i added as much detail and stuff but like i said, attempts were made hehe. it’s kinda fluff but also angst 👉👈 i would appreciate feedback on how i can improve and stuff, and yes i plan on making a last part to this…. but yea thx for your time friends :) <3
hey jungkook, do you remember the feeling of when we first saw each other? what was it you said it was? fate? instant connection? sparks? the day i first met you i just somehow knew that you were made to make my life a little better. and you said the day you first met me you heard bells ringing in your ears, you believed in destinies and you said you knew that i was yours
we were so young, not knowing much about life, not knowing much about love, but we both knew that something about it was just so real
do you remember the time we went to our first date? i laugh now thinking about how nervous we both were but how you were literally shaking while handing me the bouquet of black and white roses you had bought me, you said “sorry” about 40 times but i just thought it was the most adorable thing, i remember as i reached out to grab the flowers from you, how our fingertips quickly touched each other and my heart started beating so fast, and we just shyly pulled away in a fast motion and were both blushing like some little kids in love, which we were
i remember all our tiny little photo shoots we had every time we went out after that, just taking silly pictures of each other every time we saw something cool to pose in front of, for example a cherry blossom tree with fairy lights decorating it, a statue of a dog sitting on a bench, a random fountain in the middle of the shopping plaza we would go to and eat at, and my favorite photo we took together, when you finally asked me to be yours.
i think that one will forever be my favorite one, a chilly december evening, walking close to each other trying to keep warm off of each other’s body heat, i remember your cute pink nose colored from the cold, rosy cheeks and chapped lips, i don’t think if you were shaking from the cold or because how nervous you were to ask me out… either way, it was the most adorable thing ever and i of course could not say no to you, you were my dream come true. every moment spent with you was so magical, like we were right where we’re supposed to be, spending seasons together and holidays, making new memories and just living life like how we were supposed to, but my favorite memory of us has to be when we took a huge step in our relationship and got our place together, it only meant i had to say good night to you instead of goodbye i’ll see you soon, and waking up next to you was everything i wanted in life
hey jungkook, i hope you knew that i would always be your number one supporter in life, and that i would be happy with whatever you chose to do, the sky is the limit but you would always go beyond it, always wanting to reach further. i remember hearing you hum to yourself in the mornings while you brushed your teeth, sing while you were in the shower, and dance while you made breakfast for us all while i laid in bed hearing you sing beautifully to whatever song you chose was your favorite that morning. i loved sneaking up behind you and covering your eyes while kissing your bare back while you froze in place even though you knew it could only be me, and i loved when you gently grabbed my hands off your face and turned around to embrace me in the biggest hug while placing small kisses all over my face. life was so good to us you know, allowing us to be happy, everything was perfect, i had you and that was all i needed, we had each other and we promised that forever.
the day you told me you wanted to do more with your voice, i was so happy knowing that even you realized how great you were at singing, i was so happy that the whole world would get to be as lucky as i was and watch you do what you do best, when i said i would always be your number one supporter, i truly meant that. fast forward a few weeks and you had passed your auditions, flawlessly of course, and things were just going to take off for you from there, i was most proudest of you my love, couldn’t wait for the world to know of jeon jungkook, born singer.
then came days when you had to leave me for late night practices in a city hours away, but you always remembered to call me every night before bed to tell me everything you and your new hyungs had done and practiced, i loved seeing the way your face lit up talking about the new choreograph you guys spent all day repeating, the endless hours at the studio making sure you guys had the melody and the lyrics at perfection, everything was moving smoothly for you guys and soon enough you’d be having your debut shows and everything would fall in place from there.
hey jungkook, do you remember the letters we would write to each other while you would go out of town and having your fan meets and show cases? i couldn’t believe how well everything was turning out for you and your team, i was so proud of you. i loved it when you wrote your letters and folded them into little paper hearts and mail them out to me, it was the little details that would make my heart flutter each time i would receive one from you, and so i started sending you your paper heart mail as well, it became our thing and it kept you in my thoughts throughout the days you would be gone. you would say things like
i was so scared baby, my mind kept telling me i would mess up the steps and i would end up disappointing the fans, but they all cheered very loudly for me and it made me feel so much better, i wish you could come to see my once at a show, i know you’re caught up with work and it’s hard, but the day you are able to finally come, i’ll put in my best just for you, i promise i’ll keep making you proud.
and you did. you kept making me so so so proud.
the day when i finally got to come see you, i decided it would be better to surprise you, as your manager knew you kept wanting me to come visit you because apparently that was all you talked about haha, it had only been 3 months without you but it felt like an eternity and i could not wait to embrace you in the biggest hug and shower you with kisses. you, of course, did not know i was watching you from backstage, but i could see the passion and love in your eyes that you had being in front of the fans and how happy it made you, and when you guys did your encore and walked off the stage to come back, my heart started beating so fast and i felt so many butterflies in my stomach, i was nervous but excited to finally have you in my arms again.
the moment our eyes met as you were the last one to walk in the room, it was like the world had stopped spinning and it was just me and you at that moment, both not knowing what to do or what to say, one second you were becoming blurry as my eyes filled up with tears of happiness, and the next i’m wrapped around your arms as you quietly let out soft sobs for me to hear your way of saying i missed you so much without using words.
we spent that whole night just enjoying each other’s presence at the hotel room cuddling each other as if we were afraid of being ripped apart, watching the next new popular movie and playing with each other’s hair for comfort.
of course, there came a time when i knew your success would just keep growing and growing as you guys kept getting more known every passing day, reaching bigger milestones and gaining a bigger international fanbase, i couldn’t be prouder of you my jungkook.
but with this came a time also where it became harder and harder to have you by my side, leaving for longer periods of time and having a more hectic and busier schedule, yet you were quick to assure me that we would be okay, nothing would change our love for each other, and yet i knew that no matter what happened, i would always love you and cheer you on as you kept going in life.
jeon jungkook, our time together was the most beautiful thing in life, and i couldn’t be more grateful to the universe that it had allowed our paths to cross when they did. it makes me content knowing i had the privilege to be a part of your life and knowing i had the biggest honor of knowing there was a jeon jungkook who exists in this universe at the same time as me, who brightens everyone’s day by being himself, who has the biggest and prettiest smile that could make anyones day instantly better, you truly are the biggest blessing i had ever received.
during your time growing as an international artist, pictures and letters of each other became our only way of holding onto our memories, i hated that it was only paper hearts i had to remember you by, to hold you close by, but don’t think i could ever forget you, hoping you’d do the same and still hold a piece of me with you through your messages and printed photos you took on tour with you. but yet, i knew you’d be okay without me, being the born singer you were meant to be and exploring the world. because the world was yours, jungkook, you were meant to be put out there doing whatever you loved doing most, going into peoples lives and making it better, making people happy whether it was through your music or through your friendship, i know i’m a broken record but i will still always be your number one supporter.
i live through just our pictures now, trying to remember all the good times and remember how you made me be a better person, you made me so happy, and i only wish you’d be even happier now as well.
you walked right by that night, surrounded by your body guards, of course it was impossible to spot me when there was hundreds of fans and flashing camera lights pointed at you, yet part of me hoped you would know i was there to see you before your flight departed again going onto the next tour, but now i was just one in a million, standing there hoping to wish you a safe flight and hug you one last time, having lost contact with you from your company giving you new phones, moving a few cities away while i also moved out of our place because it held too many memories of us, you were no longer my jungkook, you were the worlds.
hey jungkook, i wonder sometimes, do you also keep the paper heart letters i used to send you? how about our pictures? did you keep them in a safe place like i did?
hey jungkook….. do you still remember me? do you still remember us ?
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