jesusisntdecaf · 3 years
As the world is in chaos, I have t say my wife nailed it this week!  "No matter how powerless you feel to ease the pain and suffering of a country half a world away, this is no time to do nothing. We must do something. We must do the only thing we can, wield the most powerful weapon in our arsenal. We must pray. Relentlessly. Fervently. We must not become distracted. As the battle rages and time passes, other things may begin to fill our minds and dominate our prayers. I hope you don’t stop praying for the people of Afghanistan. I hope you don’t stop praying fervent prayers of hope and peace and courage and strength over the Christians there. I hope you don’t stop praying for help and comfort for the people as they flee and hide or stand and fight. And I hope, if you aren’t already, that you pray for the perpetrators of persecution. Pray for a Damascus road experience for them. Pray that they turn from their evil ways. Pray in faith, knowing that the God who wants all people to be saved, can work miracles in the hardest of hearts and the most ruined of lives. Pray. Because when God’s people join together to do something, God shows up too. And He can do anything! (James 5:16; I Thessalonians 5: 16-18; Matthew 18:19-20; I Peter 3:12; I John 5:14-15)" Check it out at: jesusisntdecaf.com  #jesus #motivation #inspiration #helpingothers #Stressrelief
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jesusisntdecaf · 3 years
We put more emphasis on the physical than the eternal. We, too, forget the lessons of past answered prayers and observed miracles. We find ourselves in an unfortunate, unpleasant, untenable situation and immediately forget what we know about God. We forget who He is. We forget what He’s done. We focus on our earthly needs and lose sight of the spiritual lessons He is trying to teach us. Faith. Trust. Hope. Confidence. Comprehension that, no matter what, He is God, He is with us, and we are under His divine care. ***** My Wife Nailed It! Check it out at: jesusisntdecaf.com! #mindfulness #mentalhealth #love #motivation #happiness #selfcare
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jesusisntdecaf · 3 years
It is unfortunate that Ahab didn’t have or chose not to adhere to Proverbs 14:12 in his day. It perfectly sums up the answer to the conundrum of choosing palatable lies over unappealing truth. The writer simply pens these words, “There is a way that seems right to a person, but it ends in spiritual, eternal death.” The bottom line? You can use all your human powers of deduction, selection, logic, and reasoning, but unless you are following God’s way, listening only to His voice, you are headed for destruction. It’s unavoidable. (Romans 6:16; Proverbs 30:12) ***** My Wife Nailed It Again! Check It Out At: jesusisntdecaf.com #mindfulness #motivation #inspiration #personaldevelopment #spirituality #spirituality #love #happiness
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jesusisntdecaf · 3 years
So often we are guilty of accosting God like the mythical genie-in-a-bottle. We adamantly pray for our wants and wishes. The new car when our old one is fine. A bigger house when the one we live in is sufficient. Three hundred dollars for a new designer handbag, pair of shoes, or tickets to a ballgame. We ask for silly things. Beg for them, really. Things we don’t need. Things that aren’t useful. Things that fail to enrich our spiritual journey. Requests that wildly cry out how desperately we need wisdom prior to asking. (James 4:3) Check it out at jesusisntdecaf.com #motivation #inspiration #love #jesuschrist #religions #helpingeachother
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jesusisntdecaf · 3 years
So go be the light of the world. Go be the salt of the earth. Go and make disciples of all nations. Start with your children and work your way out. Tell them. Show them. The world is waiting, lost, and dying, desperate for you to fulfill the mission God gave you. So go do it. Go show them. With your life, go give them directions to Heaven. (Matthew 5:13-16; Matthew 28:19; Deuteronomy 4:9-10, 6:5-9) Check it out at: jesusisntdecaf.com
#hope #inspiration #motivation #love #jesuschrist #religions #helpingeachother
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jesusisntdecaf · 3 years
Truer words have never been spoken. For the people then and for us today. How urgently we need to learn Ezra’s art of mourning! The art of taking responsibility for our thoughts and words and deeds. The knowledge that we are desperately shabby, and hopelessly far afield. We need to come before God, fall on our faces before Him, admit our sin, our straying, our complacency, our love of all things worldly. We need to own our shame. Admit our guilt. Make no excuses, because there are none. Shoulder the blame because we made the choices. We need to fall before the Lord in weeping, mourning, repentance and change. In mourning we will find rejoicing, for true spiritual mourning births soul freedom and unimpeded, internal joy. Things to which the world has no access. (Ezra 10:1) Check it out on jesusisntdecaf.com
#love #life #happiness #inspiration #mentalhealth #healing #jesuschrist
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jesusisntdecaf · 3 years
There must have been some magnificent battles against fear waging in the hearts of those Israelite people as they sat on the city wall enduring this verbal assault. The law of averages says at least a few hearts were shaking, wondering, asking some serious questions, grappling their courage. In the end, they made their choice. Sennacherib’s messenger and all his men rode off through the eerie silence of God’s people choosing to do what Moses had commanded their ancestors to do as they stood beside the Red Sea watching Pharaoh and his army bearing down on them. “Don’t be afraid. Stand firm. Watch God take care of you. The battle is His. Stop fretting, worrying, talking. Be quiet and let God be God.” ( II Kings 18:36; Exodus 14:5-14)  Check it out at jesusisntdecaf.com #people #leadership #motivation #faith #jesuschrist #inspiration #helpingeachother
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jesusisntdecaf · 3 years
See, every time you speak, your words kindle something in another person’s heart. The words you choose have the power to inspire peace, joy, strength, and encouragement or evoke anger, fear, bitterness, and self-loathing. You can make someone’s day or ruin their week with just one phrase. You can lead someone to Christ or turn them from Him in one short exchange. And in that one phrase or short exchange, you will tell the whole watching world what is in your heart, because your tongue only says what your heart thinks. (Luke 6:45; Proverbs 15:4, 16:24; Matthew 15:18) Check it out at jesusisntdecaf.com #inspiration #motivation #love #mindfulness #happiness #gratitude #jesuschrist
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jesusisntdecaf · 3 years
So do it. Trust Him. When doubt stirs up the waters of your soul, swirling silt and mud to obstruct your view, don’t let it stop you from taking the next step. Don’t let murky waters keep you from following the path God is asking you to take. Don’t be rattled by what you can’t see–the next step, the next win, the next school of fish. Instead, blindly place your faith in the One you know is Sovereign over all, who never stops caring for His children. Boldly place your hand in His and walk courageously into the plan perfectly crafted for you. It will be worth it. Faith in God always is. (James 1:6; Proverbs 3:5-6; Romans 8:28; Psalm 9:10; Psalm 112:11; Hebrews 11:6; John 14:1) Check it out at: jesusisntdecaf.com #motivation #inspiration #happiness #hope #faith #life #jesuschrist #helpingothers
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jesusisntdecaf · 3 years
Remembering Easter
It is not enough to observe 40 days of Lent sacrificing coffee and donuts and television if it doesn’t deepen your desire to be God’s kingdom on earth. It is not enough to spend one Friday a year reflecting on the horror of the cross if it doesn’t strengthen your resolve to follow in Jesus’ footsteps and do the Father’s will. It is not enough to rejoice in triumphant Easter celebrations proclaiming He lives if you are going to live every other day as if He is still in the tomb. This says it all. Check it out at jesusisntdecaf.com! #love #inspiration #motivation #happiness #jesus #helpingothers
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jesusisntdecaf · 3 years
We are all standing at the foot of the cross. You. Me. The soldiers that pounded the nails and pierced His side. The mockers, scorners, spitters. We have all sinned and fallen so far short of God’s glory that we are clearly losing Heaven. But this is our moment. This is our opportunity. This is our chance to choose. Now is the time, the day, the moment of salvation. You have only to ask. It will change your life. What we do at the cross today will make all the difference in every tomorrow. It will determine our eternity. It’s up to you. Win or lose. You choose. (Romans 3:23, 6:23; Joshua 24:15) Check it out at jesusisntdecaf.com #motivation #love #inspiration #life #gratitude #jesuschrist #easter #goodfriday
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jesusisntdecaf · 3 years
I don’t know what changes your anthem song from “Hosanna” to “Crucify Him.” I don’t know what besetting sin makes you crucify Jesus over and over and over again. I don’t know what voices whisper in your ear to draw you aside. I do know this. Jesus cannot be your King for just a day. Jesus must be the Lord of your lifetime. It’s an all or nothing commitment. You can’t walk with Jesus and look fondly back at sin. You can’t serve God and money or anything else. There can be no idols. Not money, prestige, honor, fame, leisure, power, or press coverage. The throne of your heart must be occupied by Jesus only. Always. (Exodus 20:3-5; I John 2:15-17; Luke 9:62) Check it out at jesusisntdecaf.com
#motivation #inspirationalleader #spirituality #stressrelief #love #helpful #inspiration #healing #faith #peace #jesus #grace
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jesusisntdecaf · 3 years
See, Jesus’ entire earthly ministry was a ransom mission. He didn’t come to pick and choose a few good people to get to Heaven. No. He came to save sinners. He came to give life. He came that “whosoever will” may come. Me. You. The enemy you hate. The friend you love. Jesus, the King who will reign over all earthly kings, put aside His kingly crown, left His heavenly throne, and came to ransom the souls of people who despise, abuse, ignore, and offend Him. He left the riches of Heaven to be born in a stable, live in a humble carpenter’s house, and die on a cross. Not because Heaven wasn’t wonderful. No. God paid a King’s ransom for your soul because He knew Heaven with you would be light-years better than Heaven without you. (I Timothy 1:15; John 10:10; Revelation 17:14, 22:17) Check it out at jesusisntdecaf.com
#love #motivation #inspirationalleader #spirituality #stressrelief #helpful #faith #hope #jesus #happiness #inspiration #family
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jesusisntdecaf · 3 years
Prayer is our only hope. Jesus tried to tell the disciples this. He tried to equip them for the frightful hours and days ahead by telling them to stop resting on their spiritual laurels and get on their knees. They didn’t hear Him. As our world turns sideways and things go awry, Jesus is saying the same thing to us. Quit your lackadaisical spirituality, stop drifting, stop dozing. If you want to see true change in yourself, your community, your church, your world, wake up and pray! (Hebrews 4:16; Psalm 18:6; James 5:16; Matthew 26:41)  Check it out... subscribe for free and spread the word!  #motivation #spirituality #helpful #inspirationalleader #stressrelief #community #love #inspiration #jesuschrist
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jesusisntdecaf · 3 years
God has sent you an invitation. He’s asking you to fast from your anger, jealousy, pride, fear, and hate. Quit your sin. Come. Pull up to His banquet table. Tuck your napkin in your shirt collar. And dig in. Feast on Jesus. Taste His goodness. Indulge in His mercy, love, and grace. Find your gluttonous pleasure in the things of God. The platters will never be empty. Your glass will never be dry. Come. Feast. Be full of living waters. Find everlasting life at the Father’s table. (Song of Solomon 2:4; Psalm 34:8; Revelation 22:17; John 4:13-14; John 6:35) Check it out at jesusisntdecaf.com! Spread it around to anyone you want. Great message for Lent!
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jesusisntdecaf · 3 years
 Check it out at jesusisntdecaf.com!  My wife nailed it! Your soul cannot exist on a constant diet of news, social media, and television programs. It cannot survive day after day on a calendar Scripture and a quick prayer as you rush out the door. Simply put, your soul will die if you don’t make time for Jesus. You can’t possibly know Him if you don’t spend time with Him. You’ll miss hearing His voice if you don’t shut out the noise of the world and listen. You will never experience spiritual growth when you are actively denying your soul the one nutrient it needs to survive. You must have Jesus. Your soul will die without Him.
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jesusisntdecaf · 3 years
T-Shirt Gospel (jesusisntdecaf.com)
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Unfortunately, for every beauty seeker, fashion follower, and trendsetter out there, none of the outside fluff matters if the inside isn’t right. Not the latest fashions. Not a t-shirt with a religious slogan. Not perfect hair and makeup. Not the giant donation you make to the children’s home. Not the facade you wear at church or around your friends. Not the godly posts you put on social media. All of that is external. It’s all skin-deep. None of it will get you welcomed to Jesus’ wedding feast. Wedding garments aren’t about your stellar accomplishments, commendable actions, or outer attraction. Wedding garments are all about what’s in your heart.  
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