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𝑾𝒊𝒕𝒄𝒉 𝑷𝒊𝒄𝒓𝒆𝒘🌒
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Im just obsessed with this one
Open tag!
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what soup ingredient are you.. options include garlic carrot potato corn and a secret option 🌽🍅🥔🍲🥕🧅🧄
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*robin!jasons first time meeting the titans*
jason: you wanna see how hardcore I am?
jason: *punches wall*
dick: ...
the rest of the titans: ...
jason: *with tears in his eyes* take me to the hospital.
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you CAN 👏 NOT 👏 tell me Aang wouldn’t love fart jokes. Boy is an AIR bender from Prankster Island. He’s airbending his farts at people. He asks Sokka to pull his finger and launches himself 50 feet in the air. He does this every single day. Sokka laughs at it every single time.
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dc every time a new batkid is leading the teen titans
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Damian, holding a sword: Someone put an icecube on the floor. It melted and now my sock is wet. Who the fuck wants to DIE?
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happy first Bella From Twilight Depression Month
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Another commission for @fireflyxrebel-writes ~ this was so much fun to work on (mainly because neither of us knew how the baby was going to look like at the end 😂) but eventually I settled for green skin and pointed ears like his Daddy, and bright purple eyes with dark hair like his Mommy~
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OKAY LISTEN, ive been working on this on and off for months. I learned a lot. I drew a lot of subject matter i find challenging. I am glad to be done. Please take in these details because i worked hard to make them.
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i just said the same thing on twitter but please please please consider standing up for remote learning options even if everything does somehow go back to normal. so many physically disabled people drop out of school/college because of inaccessibilty. we have been asking for an option like this for so long and keeping it would change the lives of sooooo many people. we have an opportunity to start reforming the educational system to be more accessible to disabled and poor people and i really dont want to lose remote options because ableds are too lazy to keep hosting video calls.
this is okay to reblog but physically abled ppl be quiet!
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One implication of the fact that social media companies go out of their way to stoke hate and conflict is that everyone should probably get in the habit of thinking twice before diving into online controversies, because there’s a very good chance that they’re being deliberately taken out of context, exaggerated, or otherwise framed in an intellectually dishonest fashion
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Teach boys about periods
My mother also talked about periods to my brothers.
When I first got mine I had terrible cramps. Crippling cramps. I once was camping with my family and a few of my big brother’s friends when my period came. My cramps were so bad that my mom gave me a full pain killer ( I was 13 and before that she only gave me pills cut in half).
I literally laid down on my parents’ air mattress and cried in pain for an hour before the pill kicked in.
My brothers friend came in to the big tent and I was just curled up and sobbing. Now, I was quite the tomboy and was known to rough house with my brothers and their friends and made sure I wasnt seen as just “a little girl.” So my brother’s friend was confused to see me openly weeping in the fetal position (seriously, these were the worst cramps I have had in my life. My vision went white). He asked what was wrong with me.
My big brother stood up immediately and suggested a nice long hike. During this hike I am sure he had a pretty awkward conversation with his friend explaining menstrual cramps, because when they got back the pain pill had (mostly) kicked in and I was sitting up at a table when my brother’s friend sheepishly asked me if I was feeling better. I said I was better, and he said good.
When we made s'mores that night my brother and his friend kept me well supplied with chocolate.
Making sure sons know as much about periods and menstruation as daughters makes them better brothers, better sons better fathers, and better men. A man that understands a period will not lightly accuse a woman of “being on her period” if the woman is in an argument.
Raise better sons Teach them about normal bodily functions.
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self image.
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Gosh I hate grind culture. My little sister just started medical school and all of her orientation leaders are like “you absolutely cannot have a life WHATsoever you WILL have to give up EVERYTHING besides this program say GOODBYE to your hobbies and relationships” and now she’s calling me feeling guilty for running and going to the grocery store and that’s just WRONG! And that is exactly what I was told starting law school as well, and rejecting that mentality was the best thing I ever did but it was so hard not to buy into. Anyway if any of you are in an intense academic program PLEASE take time to sleep and eat and exercise and maintain your relationships and keep up your hobbies! you are not a robot who exists solely to study and I promise that living a life and staying physically and mentally healthy is not going to make you fail
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