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Your honour he's just a little guy
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some of yall dont rely on a 35 year old white man singing "push on through" to keep going and not give up and it really shows
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Mate, I can’t be intimidated by someone riding a friggin pony.
You have the power to do better.
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Finally had the motivation to turn our storage room into a proper guest/relaxation room.
My favourite parts you ask? 😍
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Gives Blitzø crystal 😇🔮
Tells him he still wants to see him
Basically tells him how wonderful he is
Like we know you’ve got some stuff to unpack Blitz… But not cool man.
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Fizzarolli in The Full Moon
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My boy… my fizz… star of the show… apple of my eye…
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This made me tear up.
Our boys. 🥹
Well done fellow clikkies. ❤️‍🔥
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Hello Clancy.
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Me every damn time I listen to the end of Paladin Strait.
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Calling the Skeleton Clique!
I know we all have Clancy on repeat, but let’s all do our best to get our boys a Number 1 Album! :D
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Backslide, Vignette, Snap Back, and Oldies Station are so desperately important to me.
For the past few years, I’ve been struggling with a self-destructive habit that I haven’t been able to break. Even though my family has been super loving and understanding, I keep feeling like THIS time is going to be the time that they get fed up and give up on me for good. “Do you think that now’s the time, you should let go?” I feel like I’ve asked that question a thousand times. And the repetition, which sounds (to me) like he’s TELLING the person he’s talking to that they should let go. They SHOULD get tired of me. My self-destructive habits are hurting the people I cared about. I should have fixed it for THEM if not myself, I should have loved them better.
Vignette just sounds like a relapse to me. The way Tyler sings “Man, it’s been a long night” and “Where do I go from here?” are so filled with exhaustion and desperation. The mental image of people he cares about finding him in the woods, covered in bites, as someone finding you after a relapse and seeing what you’ve done to yourself.
Snap Back is. just. Sometimes you can FEEL your resolve getting weaker, you can FEEL yourself buckling under life’s pressures and going to familiar coping mechanisms. You want to be stronger, to have more resolve, but you’re so freaking tired and it feels inevitable. After all, it only takes ONE weak moment. You have all day to relapse. You have all night. You have all week. Can you REALLY stay determined that long? You’ve done this before. You know you can’t.
(And this line of thinking is inherently self-defeating. You’ve relapsed so many times that you’ve lost faith in yourself. You don’t have faith in yourself, so you can’t win. It’s a self fulfilling prophecy.)
And at the end, when you’ve tried everything and said everything to the people you love as they’re sad and angry and worried and afraid and proud and everything else over the years… “I’ve run out of excuses for why I am this way.”
Finally. Oldies Station. Because life is going to keep coming, and you’re probably going to relapse. You’re still learning to deal with fear and pain without hurting yourself in the process. But you’re still here.
“Make an oath, then make mistakes. Start a streak you’re bound to break.” This philosophy is one I’ve been trying to adopt for years. No matter how many times you relapse, you NEED to keep fighting. There is so much freedom in staring again, KNOWING you’ll probably fail, but putting your all into it anyway. Because sometimes, your all isn’t enough. Whether that’s because life is too hard or you’re too weak doesn’t really matter. That’s not what you need to be focusing on. When darkness rolls on you, when you’re filled with grief and shame and whatever emotions plague you in a vicious cycle, you push on through.
You get better. You get stronger. It’s so slow, but it happens. You’re still here.
And when you do relapse again, you may be disappointed, but you can feel yourself on the come up even when you’re at a low point.
You fell into a backslide yet again, but you don’t quite mind. And isn’t that the goal of healing?
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my mood, for the foreseeable future
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CLANCY twenty one pilots
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guys this album changed my life idk about yall
wtf is he going to do to us in paladin strait i dont think im ready for it
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