justlivingtildeath · 2 days
I like luck 🍀
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justlivingtildeath · 25 days
I wonder what it will be
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justlivingtildeath · 3 months
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justlivingtildeath · 11 months
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25 posts!
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justlivingtildeath · 1 year
Y’all preaching to the choir
“Those poor boys”
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“She deserves to be punished too.”
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“I’m not saying I support rape, but-”
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“Sorry to say - she deserved it.”
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“She put herself in harm’s way”
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“But if she was fingered, then that’s not rape.”
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“She ruined their lives.”
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justlivingtildeath · 1 year
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It's my 4 year anniversary on Tumblr 🥳
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justlivingtildeath · 2 years
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Sacheen Littlefeather has passed away on October 2nd 2022 . While people remember her for her acceptance speech on behalf of Marlon Brando, know that she also ended the media blackout of the Wounded Knee occupation, won an Emmy & co-founded the American Indian AIDS Institute of San Francisco.
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justlivingtildeath · 2 years
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justlivingtildeath · 2 years
🌼 Masih Alinejad: “I’m not asking any Western country to bring democracy for us. We the people of Iran are brave enough to bring democracy for ourselves. We don't want them to save us; we want them to stop saving the regime.”
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justlivingtildeath · 2 years
Hello guys. I hope you've known that based on the flag on my bio I'm an Iranian person. You probably know what's been happening; the government been restricting our access to the internet to silence our voices but THIS TIME WE WILL NOT BE SILENT.
Mahsa Amini was a 22 yearold woman who was murdered by the 'mortality police' for not having appropriate hijab.
the government denies the fact that she was murdered BUT DON'T LISTEN TO THE GOVERNMENT. LISTEN TO IRANIAN PEOPLE.
Our country is being ruled by terrorists such as Khamenei who's our 'leader' and Raeesi who's the president. THEY'RE BOTH TERRORISTS.
please be the voice of Iranian people.our only problem is not the forced hijab and dress code, there's a lot more than that.
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justlivingtildeath · 2 years
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justlivingtildeath · 2 years
Something I find funny is that in Wattpad when ever an author is writing a Marvel story and the character has powers like Wanda they always go with the color green, there have been ones with different colors like purple but I’ve mostly seen green
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justlivingtildeath · 2 years
There needs to be more black or people of color OC!Reader paired with the white characters like Steve, Bucky, Pietro, Natasha, Wanda, etc. in marvel fanfics in Wattpad. It’s very disappointed that there are only white OCs stories I can never find any with black!OCs . I know there are black fans and writers on Wattpad but I can never find them.
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justlivingtildeath · 2 years
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This is why I don’t tell 99% people im bisexual
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justlivingtildeath · 2 years
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Betty White and a bear stop what you’re doing and reblog
Betty White: First Lady of Television (Netflix)
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justlivingtildeath · 3 years
I am not failing school because of her
“But if you forget to reblog Madame Zeroni, you and your family will be cursed for always and eternity.”
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justlivingtildeath · 3 years
Imma need a part 2 of the baby making process and the pregnancy plus baby shower
If ur accepting could u write something soft about reader and Cris decor shopping and they find the kid sections and there just like 🥺😩coz both want kids
I thought about this long and hard and I can't stop imagining Chris and reader being best friends who have a baby shower to attend and going into a specialized shop sends them both into a baby fever
"Oh my God," you whisper, holding the tiniest little sock in your hand.
"Chris, look at this!"
And so he did
He didn't want to
He knew the second he focused his eyes on you in this environment
This store filled with babies and everything baby-related
He'd lose the last thread of control he was tightly holding onto, trying to salvage your friendship
Because Lord, did he want to be more than friends
"How can something be this freaking cute?" You asked, showing him the familiar pattern of the shield he held for years in his role as Captain America
And he didn't know if you were referring to the clothing item in your hand or yourself
But it was a close tie in his mind
He swallowed around a dry throat, trying not to focus too much on how badly he wanted to live this experience with you, the same one that had prompted your trip to the store
He hated how his cock hardened at something that was supposed to be innocent and sweet
But you were innocent and sweet and that's why he was sure you'd make the perfect mother
"Chris!" You clasped his wrist, stopping his exploration of onesies, trying to look for the perfect one to give as a gift to your pregnant friend in common
You were staring at a little girl, held by her mother, and she stared at you just as much
She was wearing a kid's costume of your character, and your heart melted at the sight
Chris groaned, not believing what was happening
"Would you take a picture with her?" The mother asked, and you immediately reached out to hold the kid
Chris thought he was going to die, hearing you speak childlike to the baby in your arms, rubbing your nose against hers, and making her giggle
He almost asked the mother for a copy of the photo but held back at the last second
"C'mon, we're gonna be late," he dragged you towards the counter, desperate to get out of the store
You were confused but followed along
You had a party to attend, after all, and you were eager to find out the sex of the baby at the big reveal your friend had planned
Chris was distracted throughout the party
He couldn't tear his eyes away from you
Imagining you with a round belly
You being the one about to welcome a kid into this world
And he realized he couldn't hold back his feelings any longer
Couldn't allow you to go ahead and live out his biggest dreams with some other man
So that evening, when he drove you home, he decided he was going to confess
But you interrupted his plans with a confession of your own
"I really want kids," you sighed, rolling your head to the side to look at him
"If we're both still single in five years, would you have one with me?"
He stopped breathing, unsure of what to say because five years seemed too far away
"I'd have one with you right now," he admitted, to which you giggled, thinking he was joking
"I don't think we're ready for a step that big in the middle of the biggest movie contract we've ever done, dummy."
Silence took over the car as you both thought over what you were discussing
"I mean... We might not be ready for a baby right now, but we sure as hell can practice for it."
You frowned, not understanding what he was implying.
"You wanna babysit?" You assumed, and it was only then that he turned to look you in the eyes.
"I wanna fuck you raw."
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