kaykay58904 · 2 years
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kaykay58904 · 8 years
What advice would you give a young girl about being a woman and the pressure we have to meet all types of crazy standards nowadays. Like especially on social media my.
I would say..don’t get too attached to followers/friends on social media, wanting attention on it, instead, if you do have a following at some point, utilize the platform by branding/business. Bring in some money. There’s nothing worse than having fame/followers/people watching you who are not supporting you and only want to know your business to pick you apart and you’re not gaining any type of financial support for your hard work/effort. I say that because these social media sites, come and go. Even this site may be gone in a few years. 
They’re here for a moment and then disappear. People on instagram who are popular now, will have start from scratch if instagram gets shut down. They will have to use other connections and do crazy and outlandish shit to get the attention. That’s an example. And if all you are posting/doing is exploiting yourself with nude/half nude pics, material stuff to show off that you probably can’t afford, you’re not gonna benefit. 
Fame/popularity is cool just because it provides you with a stage and you’re able to be seen. But it also makes you more accessible, a target and it can ruin your life because people will always be in your business and know too much because you’ve allowed people into your vulnerable and personal situations who didn’t deserve to be and didn’t ever have good intentions for you. With fame and popularity, you will always be talked about and there will always be rumors about you from years on. People do not forget. All that is to say, don’t share things that are too heavy online unless you are anonymous because otherwise it will carry on if you don’t feel 100 percent comfortable owning it. My personal advice is to get a therapist or express your feelings in a journal. Eventually you can use that and create a book with characters living through your feelings/experiences if you want. 
Another thing…you may see this illusion/image of everyone “living the life” but let me diffuse this now…In most cases, they’re not. People taking photos in the club, snapchatting at every moment, they’re not living really in the moments because they’re too focused trying to convince you that they are for likes and praise in comments. Social media is much illusion. You have to remember these people all have something to prove to others who shitted on them in the past. They want eyes on them, so of course in many cases they’re gonna be “extra” to prove that they’ve upgraded in life.
If you’re a teenager, all or most of the people who give you hell or give you anxiety at your school or in your circle of peers will no longer be relevant in a few years. You will not speak to them, yall will cut eyes if yall see each other in public and basically both of you will act like you don’t know each other. Or yall really might forget each other and just be able to somewhat place each other’s faces. The people in your school now who may be popular…Guess what? That changes. Just like the social media and popularity. Those people will not be the same people when you are grown.
As far as beauty, that’s another thing that changes like moods. It also changes depending on the type of social media platform you’re on. Like the people who are celebrated (who may not be typically the type of people who are praised looks wise) on this site would not be celebrated on Twitter, barely on instagram. Very rarely. 
I don’t even personally believe it is about the superficiality of looks with being celebrated. I believe it’s your connections and however many other people uplift you, others will too. They will follow. Beauty is not concrete in any case. Anyone can be called ugly or overrated. Anyone. Anyone can be picked apart to pieces and still even after correcting everything people bashed, they’ll still say you’re ugly but “fake” now. You can be the complete opposite of whoever you are right now (you may have your insecurities), but I guarantee you that you will be judged and criticized. Nothing you can ever do will make everyone like you or want the best for you.
Be very careful with the content you upload online. Express yourself as you wish but you may regret it years later. Things stay in the cache engine and they’re reposted. So, you may end up being forced to find all your old content and have to contact sites like Google to remove them. Also, some things that can be directly linked to you will ruin your chances with employers and schools. 
There’s going to be people who bully you online or send you negativity. Everyone goes through this. But you have to realize that the people (person) sending it wants a certain type of reaction from you. They want you to be hurt, to humble you, and to get you angry. Best bet, block them or completely detach yourself from the comment and just put a “Lol” and move straight the hell on with your day. Don’t get mad off it because everyone gets those. 
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kaykay58904 · 8 years
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kaykay58904 · 8 years
I hate the term “women of color” Since fucking when is my peach skin not a color? Why must I be excluded from a group of women?
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kaykay58904 · 8 years
@chrisbrownofficial: IM TIRED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WE ARE TIREDDDDD!!!!!
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kaykay58904 · 8 years
When you’re in an exam & everyone starts using calculators, rulers, etc and you don’t know what it’s for
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kaykay58904 · 8 years
Azealia Banks after arguing with Skai Jackson
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kaykay58904 · 8 years
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kaykay58904 · 8 years
At niiiight I think of youuuuu
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kaykay58904 · 8 years
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kaykay58904 · 8 years
no offense @life but can I have a breather… a break… some slack…
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kaykay58904 · 8 years
#Throwback In honor of the Blackout
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kaykay58904 · 8 years
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Nicki Minaj walks TIME 100 Gala Red Carpet
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kaykay58904 · 8 years
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Beyonce performs during the opening night of the Formation World Tour at Marlins Park on April 27, 2016 in Miami, Florida.
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kaykay58904 · 8 years
But the brilliance behind this Boycott Beyoncé merch! She had to copyright that. Folks can’t even use “Boycott Beyoncé” without paying Beyoncé. Like, bow down!
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kaykay58904 · 8 years
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kaykay58904 · 8 years
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The day Faerie Magazine photo editor (and former Prince photographer/art director) Steve Parke spent with Prince shooting him amongst the flowers and reeds behind Paisley Park Studio, they also did a shoot with Prince in his woodland-elf chair. (Very Hobbit! Who knew?!) And here is another story from Steve, so whimsical we can’t help but share: Steve says: 
When I knew Duncan was going to be born, I was in the parking garage with Prince and he asked me what we were naming him. I told him and he asked if it was a family name. 
I said no and he asked the origins of the name.
I said it was Irish. His response was “Weren’t those guys conquered a lot?“ 
I said “Yes.“ 
He gave me a look. Then he said ” What does the name mean?“ I said: “Brown Warrior.” He smiled and said: “Well… that’s okay.”
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