kerrimaniscalco · 5 months
If Cinderella considered her prince more wicked than charming at first, 
and wanted to unravel his darkest secrets and ruin him, 
this would be their twisted fairy tale…
THRONE OF SECRETS is my next standalone adult fantasy romance and it’s up for preorder now! (There’s a limited edition B&N exclusive up too and I’ll share the UK links once they go up tomorrow.) ✨
I am so excited for you to see the cover for this book, it’s pure magic. ✨
Readers have put together the clues on IG—down to song lyrics and I am SO IMPRESSED! 
I’ll confirm later, but to add one final clue (and a thank you for playing along!), here’s a tiny little quote from the first draft: ✨
All six feet whatever inches of him lazily leaned against the doorframe, toned arms crossed in his fine suit, hazel gaze running over me in triumph, his wretched golden-brown hair mussed in a way that suggested he’d just come from someone’s bed. 
The perfect image of royal debauchery and indulgence. 
A legendary lover, if only in his own mind.
If he thought he’d won, he was sorely mistaken. 
Our little war was only just beginning. 
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kerrimaniscalco · 9 months
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Sinner. Villain. Wicked. The Prince of Envy has never claimed to be a saint. But when a cryptic note arrives, signaling the beginning of a deadly game, he knows it will take more than a hint of sin to win and save his falling demon court. Riddles, hexed objects, anonymous players, nothing will stand in his way, though none of his meticulous plans prepare him for her, the frustrating artist who ignites his sin like no other…
🔥 I couldn’t resist sharing this illustration of Prince Envy I commissioned from @Morgana0anagrom with you! (Pre-order newsletter subscribers will see more art this week…) 
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kerrimaniscalco · 1 year
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(via Two words, six letters...THE END!!!)
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kerrimaniscalco · 1 year
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THEY’RE HERE!!!! The US cover + the B&N exclusive cover! 🖤💖
I am SO obsessed with these covers—they perfectly capture the art, romance, and fantasy found within THRONE OF THE FALLEN. The emerald in the key is a wink at House Envy and the wisteria represents Camilla. THEN THE EMBERS…
HUGE thank you to the @littlebrown art department and to my editor Helen O’Hare for this stunner! 🤩💚😈
US Pre-order links are up now and UK links are filtering out this week. B&N is hosting a sweepstakes to celebrate and I am linking all in my IG stories and FB as they go live!!! I hope you’re obsessed with these covers as I am!!! 😍😍😍😍
B&N: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/throne-of-the-fallen-kerri-maniscalco/1142915833?ean=9780316568920
INDIEBOUND: https://www.indiebound.org/book/9780316557290
AMAZON US: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0316557293?tag=hacboogrosit-20
BaM! ebook: https://www.booksamillion.com/p/Throne-Fallen/Kerri-Maniscalco/Q706267534?id=8430535413368
GOODREADS: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/73071451-throne-of-the-fallen?from_search=true&from_srp=true&qid=bJIu1bbxsq&rank=1#other_reviews
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kerrimaniscalco · 1 year
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THRONE OF THE FALLEN hits shelves on October 3 and my team has planned SO many incredible things to celebrate over the next few months! (The first of which is a double cover reveal + something extra fun that same day!) 🗝👑💚🗡🎨
TOTF is a standalone *adult* fantasy romance set in the KINGDOM OF THE WICKED universe and is told from both Envy’s perspective and a brand new character—Miss Camilla Antonius. Artist, art dealer and secret keeper—Camilla has been SO much fun to write and I cannot wait for you to meet her as she gives Envy a little bit of hell! 🔥
US Preorder links go up January 11th, UK preorder links should be up soon! 💚
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kerrimaniscalco · 1 year
I’ve been sitting on this secret all year and I’m so, so thrilled to confirm that the Prince of Envy has his own book! 👑💚
It’s not something I classify as a spin-off—it’s partly set in the world of KOTW, BUT…it also takes place in a brand new location. (The easiest comparison is regency romances—I.e. Bridgerton—where each book tells the romance of a different sibling but can be read on its own.) 💚
My next three books are all *adult* titles and I cannot wait to share more! 💚
TITLE + PUB DATE REVEAL IS NEXT WEEK (+ more about the book and preorders)!!!  The last slide has blank spaces if you’d like to guess the title before the reveal. 💚
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kerrimaniscalco · 2 years
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kerrimaniscalco · 2 years
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(via KINGDOM OF THE FEARED virtual tour!!!!)
82 days left!!!!!!! I’m so happy to share the two VIRTUAL tour stops this fall to celebrate KINGDOM OF THE FEARED’s release!!!!!
The first virtual event is being hosted by seven independent bookstores on TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 27th @ 9pm EST and I’ll be in conversation with the ever awesome Aymansbooks from TikTok!! — each bookstore has its own deadly sin swag item + a Wrath themed swag item + a signed bookplate that come with your ticket. (Ticket = book purchase.)
During the event we’ll get to announce which bookstore had which seven deadly sin i.e. House of Sin!
The second virtual event is hosted by B&N on WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 28th @ 7PM EST and the incredible Holly Black will be in conversation with me! B&N will have a spoiler themed swag item + the same Wrath item as the indies + a signed bookplate with their ticket purchase. (Ticket = book purchase)
To sum up: each event will come with a hardcover of KOTF (standard US edition for the indies and the B&N exclusive edition for B&N) plus three exclusive virtual tour goodies. (One House of Sin swag item + one Wrath swag item + a signed bookplate.) ***These are not preorder prizes, those will be announced sometime this month.
All tickets are LIMITED due to the swag + signed bookplates. Once they sell out, there won’t be any more tickets. Please share the info with anyone who’s wanted to attend an event or collect the swag.
Each independent store has its own policy for where they ship, so please visit their event pages for international shipping details. (Unfortunately I have no info on that.)
B&N Event Tickets are sold through Eventbrite and can be found here:
****If you’ve already preordered the B&N exclusive B&N suggests purchasing your ticket first and canceling your previous preorder. The Eventbrite system is different from their B&N system which is why your preorders won’t just transfer over.
The Seven Independent bookstore event tickets are linked below.
Kepler’s Books
Changing Hands
Book People
Joseph-Beth Booksellers
Schuler Books
Books & Books
Novel Neighbor
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kerrimaniscalco · 2 years
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kerrimaniscalco · 2 years
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kerrimaniscalco · 2 years
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A little Friday fun to celebrate the KINGDOM OF THE FEARED Waterstones + B&N exclusive editions + cover reveals last week. xoxo 
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kerrimaniscalco · 2 years
“Once, the Prophecy of the Feared was thought a myth, a story of divine vengeance passed down through the centuries. It served as a warning of the chaos and destruction that death and fury could bring if unleashed. A tale two enemies should have recalled well before they cursed each other in a fit of rage. On that fateful night, two powerful magics converged, binding each party from uttering—or sometimes even remembering—the full truth. The curses had even greater consequences none had predicted. For years, demons and witches tensely awaited the day when all would finally be revealed. When that midnight hour arrives, it’s advised to stock the home with ambrosia and nectar and pray to the goddess for mercy. —Notes from the secret di Carlo grimoire” KINGDOM OF THE FEARED. 💀
In KINGDOM OF THE FEARED, Emilia must choose a path that will forever change her and the people she loves. Welcome to Hell, indeed. 🤍
KINGDOM OF THE FEARED is slated for release next fall (2022) and will pick up immediately after the events of KINGDOM OF THE CURSED. The cover reveal, description, and preorder links will all be up around mid-January! A little birdie told me there will be a chapter reveal too. HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!! 🤍
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kerrimaniscalco · 3 years
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I’m happy I can finally share this piece with you guys. characters are Wrath and Emilia from Kingdom of the wicked book series by @kerrimaniscalco also i want to ask some of you guys… please don’t share my artwork if it doesn’t have my signature, and picture is bad quality. 
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kerrimaniscalco · 3 years
TOMORROW. Are you as excited as I am??????
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kerrimaniscalco · 3 years
You KNOW I can’t help but share as many excerpts as possible. EIGHT DAYS LEFT!!!!!!! (Huge shoutout to Tor.com for doing this for my readers.) xoxo
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kerrimaniscalco · 3 years
My author copies arrived last night!!! Please excuse me while I sob because THEY ARE REALLY REAL and make videos. Cheers to TEN MORE DAYS 😭🥳🥂
(This is the B&N Exclusive edition that features the alternate cover + three chapters told from wrath’s POV.) ❄️
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kerrimaniscalco · 3 years
Chapter three is up!!! Just 13 days left!!!! Xoxo
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