kidopeach · 9 years
  Oh, why you look so sad?     Tears are in your eyes Come on and come to me now
                              Don’t be ashamed to cry                               Let me see you through                         ‘cause I’ve seen the dark side too When the night falls on you You don’t know what to do Nothing you confess Could make me love you less 
                                     I’ll stand by you                                      I’ll stand by you                             Won’t let nobody hurt you                                      I’ll stand by you
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kidopeach · 9 years
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“Is anyone here?” 
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kidopeach · 9 years
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しろちゃん おめでとう!!
by 芽衣芽
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kidopeach · 9 years
"My sandwich?" Momo looked down to her meal with a questioning look in her eyes. For some reason the first idea that crossed her mind was that something was wrong with her sandwich and that maybe he was seeing something that she had failed to see. She had leaned back in her chair to look at it and she had even leveled her head with the table all to get different perspectives, but she wasn't seeing anything out of the ordinary. And that was when it suddenly dawned on her. "Oh you're hungry!"  If it were anyone else, the boy would have possibly been turned away or scolded for such behavior. However Momo was quite different and she wasn't about to do something as selfish as hog a meal no matter how delicious it looked to her. Using her feet, the loving lieutenant kicked the chair across from her further out for him.. "Please sit down, you can join me if you'd like?" She wasn't sure if he wanted to sit with her so she posed it as a question to leave it up to him. At the same time she began to divide her sandwich and fries in half.  "I probably wouldn't be able to finish this all on my own anyways so you are more than welcome to have half." 
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Friendly Imposer
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Shifting his eyes back and forth between the girl and her sandwich, Konoha finally nod his head. Despite his expression being completely void of emotion he was actually a little excited because of the smell that had been invading his nostrils for a while now. He was starting to come to terms with not knowing anything by now, but one thing he did know was that this scent was a welcome one and he had figured out how much he liked food as well. It was different from just eating to survive that, he somehow understood that.
"… Your sandwich…" came the slow and monotone reply finally as the albino seemed to have little trouble with asking a complete stranger for her food. How had he even managed to survive all this while in Bunkyo? That was a mystery. But Konoha was hungry and there was food right in front of his eyes so it seemed like the most logical conclusion.
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kidopeach · 9 years
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Baked Peach Wontons
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kidopeach · 9 years
A sudden snow storm sweeps over Bunkyo, blanketing the ground with snow. How will you spend your day?
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"I have been meaning to finish this book I started." Momo spoke matter-of-factly. As much as she enjoyed the events that came with fresh snow, the fact that it was storming made it more dangerous in her opinion. No one should be going out in that. It was days like this where curling by a fire and reading a book had a much more appealing draw to it.
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kidopeach · 9 years
Hide & Seek
五"Alright now I'm off." Chocolate eyes stared lovingly at the corner of her bedroom where she had so delicately placed her zanpakutō, Tobiume. Just as she was about to leave, she heard a soft humming and rattle. Momo would know that sound anywhere. It was the sound of Tobiume and she was desperately trying to grab her attention. "Tobiume what is it?" Her soft footsteps pattered across the room until she was kneeling before her sword in curiosity. With one hand outstretched and grasping the sheath, Momo closed her eyes and listened. It would look odd for someone to see a girl holding a sword and looking to be in meditation, but what they didn't know was that within the recesses of her mind she was actually having a conversation with the spirit of her sword.  "I don't know Tobiume. I'm only going to be gone for an hour at most, you don't have to come along." Momo tried to get her sword to realize that everything was okay and that she didn't need to take her along, but Tobiume was just not having it. Lately Tobiume had been acting up in a more clingy way; she always wanted to be at Momo's side. Tobiume's attentive nature was endearing to Momo though and she wasn't at all annoyed with her behavior. She knew it was because she cared for Momo that she acted like that and she couldn't say that she didn't have reason. With a sigh, Momo eventually gave into her zanpakutō's demands. "Just this once Tobiume!" 
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The idea to bring Tobiume along ended up being the worst possible decision Momo could have ever consented to. One moment she was walking along the sidewalk and the next she was being ushered away by police who were as rude as to take her zanpakutō away from her. "H-hey! Wait a moment!" She tried to protest, reaching out for Tobiume, but she was restrained with some cold silver cuffs that kept her hands behind her back. This was just like Bakudo #1: Sai; a kidō spell that restrained targets' arms behind their back. Though this was used with metal material that Momo could not break.  Momo was in a panic the entire time she sat in the back of the car. Over the radio she could hear some nonsense about a mentally unstable girl in need of an evaluation and Momo just knew they were referring to her. Apparently someone had called in because they saw Tobiume on the side of her belt and they panicked. If captain Hirako found out about this problem, she would most certainly never be able to live it down around him again and she would be forced to hear remarks on a daily basis. Such a thing could not happen!  Maybe not more than ten minutes later, Momo found herself being ushered into a rather large building that read 'hospital.' She frantically looked back at one of the men holding Tobiume, but that became hard when she was being marched into the building at the same time. It was only when she was inside and saw Tobiume being handed to a nurse who left down the hallway that Momo began to put up a struggle. It didn't last long before Momo felt a sting in her arm followed by darkness.  When her senses were coming back, Momo sprung up from the covers and shouted "I'm not crazy!" 
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Her hands shot to her mouth in shock as she expected her shout to bring someone into the room, but luck seemed to favor her this time as no one came in. Momo glanced around the room for Tobiume but she was not there. She had to find her!  Momo slipped from the hospital bed and carefully peaked out the door in hesitation. A nurse had run by in a rush, but other than that Momo seemed to be in the clear, though it wouldn't be for long. She seized the opportunity and scurried in the opposite direction the nurse came from. She needed to find her way out, but she also needed to find her zanpakutō. The petite lieutenant of squad five rushed down the hall and froze when she saw the same doctor that confronted her from earlier. He was staring at a file in his hands so he didn't notice her yet but he would if she stayed put. She had no time to be picky on a hiding spot so she used what she could—or more like who she could. Hiding behind a tall man, she used him as a shield from being seen until the doctor had disappeared from sight.  "That was close wasn't it?" Momo looked up to the boy she had used as a shield and gave a shaky smile. Normally Momo would never do what she was about to do, but she couldn't think of any other options. She could use her kidō to escape or temporarily stop the humans but she had to restrain herself here otherwise her duty would be jeopardized while she stayed in Bunkyo. Her hands shook lightly as she held them against her chest and looked up to the boy. "Do you think you can help me?" She didn't know him and for all she knew, there was nothing he could do for her, but she had to try. She was desperate. "I will understand if you can't, but I don't know what else to do. I seemed to have caused a huge misunderstanding around here and something was taken from me."
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kidopeach · 9 years
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kidopeach · 9 years
The Monichi Snowman ☃
On this cold December morning, something wonderful had risen. Or maybe the correct word was fallen. Bunkyo was now a winter wonderland and snow had covered the ground at some point during the night. Every building and every tree was covered with the soft white flakes, it was just so beautiful! Shiro chan would love this. She thought to herself as she gazed out her frosted window. He always loved the cold and he would have enjoyed the scenery that came along with it.  After successfully gearing up for the weather outside, with her mittens, boots, coat and scarf, Momo stepped out of the dorms and trudged her way through the snow which was beginning to fall yet again! This winter was going to be a cold one! It actually made Momo excited; even in the absence of her friends, Momo was expecting great things to happen. In fact, once Momo was in the heart of Bunkyo, she was noticing all sorts of exciting things happening around her. Kids were making snow angels and throwing snow balls at one another and briefly, the young girl was sidetracked into playing along. She threw a few snowballs around with them and she was overall happy playing with them and laughing in the cold winter air. 
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Eventually, Momo heard some other commotion going on further down the street and naturally she was going to investigate what it was. Squeezing through the crowds, the small lieutenant saw a huge banner hanging between two poles that read: Build a Snowman. They were having a contest! The announcer stood on his makeshift stage with a microphone and was calling for contestants.  "Sounds like fun doesn't it?" Momo peered to her side at a boy that looked to be a teenager. She didn't know him, but she was in such a happy mood, she didn't even have time to think about what she was about to say before it was already coming out of her mouth. "Say, would you like to participate with me?"  If he didn't want to, that was okay because Momo was sure she could still participate alone as the announcer didn't mention any rules about it that she could hear. However, doing it with someone else provided a more pleasant experience that was worth sharing. 
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kidopeach · 9 years
What would you choose to be the theme song for your character?
Oh I could list a bunch of songs that make me think of my sweet peach. There are actually two songs that I think about with Momo! Both are empowering to her and all about gaining a strength from hardships so I don't know which I would pick as number one. >.
One More Round-Barlow Girl
Stronger- Kelly Clarkson 
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kidopeach · 9 years
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your pain is my pain..
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kidopeach · 9 years
Live & Learn
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Weak. Fragile. Incapable. Momo wasn't oblivious to what was being said around her. All those words she had been referred to plus more. When she had just come out of her coma, fellow shinigami would whisper, avoid eye contact, and speak to her like she could break at any moment. She was happy for all the support and all her friends did show her comfort, but there was a limit to it all and she was not unaware of it.  Everyone in the Soul Society had already written off Captain Aizen after his departure. He was labeled an enemy and a traitor in an instant. As the lieutenant of the fifth division, the rest of the division was looking to her but even they had accepted the truth.  She knew. Oh god, she knew her captain was a traitor. She had her duty and she would serve her division with true loyalty. But that didn't change the turmoil inside. When Momo was just in the academy training, she had not put any thought into a division she would eventually join. The goal was to graduate as a soul reaper and wherever she was placed would be fine with her. Then he came along. Captain Aizen.  He was gentle, he was kind, he was someone she devoted her life to after he saved her life. Being in the fifth division was her new goal and it was all to be at his side. He was everything Momo upheld in her heart. He was courageous and strong, but he never let his duty change him. There were captains who felt that emotions were a weakness and to do a duty, one had to be sacrificed. This was not a philosophy her captain upheld. He wanted the two to intertwine and work together and Momo held this idea too. She wanted him to be proud of her as his second in command. She wanted to know of everything about him and she truly thought she knew him better than most. All the times she sat in his quarters talking with him and him in return. Were they all lies? There was never a time where Momo felt more alone.
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She had the greatest friends. There was Renji and Izuru and Rangiku...and there was Shiro. Oh Shiro. She had known him for most of her life and they grew up close. She was so happy to see him become the captain of the tenth division and knowing that they could continue being around each other. She never imagined she would have turned on him at a moment of weakness. Captain Aizen had played her like a fool.  That should have been reason enough to dismiss him yet it didn't. No one would understand the pain Momo felt up until Aizen's demise. She knew he had to be eliminated and she stood against him as she knew was right. It wasn't the easiest of decisions! Momo could have stayed behind yet she chose to take her duty seriously as lieutenant Matsumoto had once enlightened her about. There was no longer a time for weakness. Yet the ultimate truth was...no matter what, captain Aizen would always have a part of her heart. As sick as that man ended up being, with all his games and manipulations, Momo would always hold in her heart the good memories she had.  Though they were lies that she was aware of, it was hard for her to write anyone off as completely bad. She chose to see the good in others so that even in the darkest of times, there was something heart-warming to hold onto.  From that point of view, Momo would consider this a strength no matter what others might think. They wanted to call her naive and weak, but she wanted to call it being young and optimistic. There was nothing wrong with hoping for the best in every situation and that was something the lieutenant would hope to pass on to others she encountered for the rest of her life. Being young, everyone would make mistakes— some more devastating than others. The most important lesson was learning how to take those mistakes and turn them into pieces of wisdom. Momo made a mistake in trusting captain Aizen, she made a mistake in turning on her childhood friend, and she would keep making mistakes down the road, but she had learned from them and they have made her stronger since. This was something to be proud of. She had learned an important lesson and her heart was still beating strong.  Live and learn.
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kidopeach · 9 years
Is anyone looking for someone to roleplay with? If you just say so (or like so?) I would love to start up some more openers. I don't mind at all making the starters! 
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kidopeach · 9 years
五 When Momo had ventured out of her dorm, all she had in her mind was the idea to have a small adventure of her own. There was so much she had yet to see, but only a few minutes later, Momo was struck with a wonderful aroma from across the street. Her eyes nearly bugged out when she saw all the food and it looked so delicious! Not more than five minutes later, Momo sat outside with her order of what was titled by the cafe as the 'Number one selling sandwich.' She was just about to take her first bite when intuition told her she was being watched. That intuition was correct when she looked across the way at a boy whose gaze was acute. She bat her eyes curiously before setting the sandwich back down on her plate. "Excuse me. Is there something you want?" 
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Expressionless eyes almost artificial in appearance were locked on a person sitting not too far off, or more precisely that delicious looking sandwich in their hand. Having no bad feelings about how intensely he was staring, Konoha refused to avert his gaze as he simply observed. For now.
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kidopeach · 10 years
Your close friend is two hours late to a meeting, how do you react?
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Momo sat there and waited. Minute after minute, she remained in her position with her legs tucked underneath. It wasn’t as uncomfortable as some would imagine it to be. There had been plenty of times when she had to sit still during urgent lieutenant meetings and those could last all day. This wasn’t a lieutenant’s meeting however. Momo looked up to the clock, her soft brown eyes lowered and she looked back at the amanatto sweets she had brought with her. They were one of Shiro’s favorites and that was who she was planning on meeting here. She had ran into him the other day and they had promised to meet and talk. Where are you Shiro chan? The young lieutenant’s mind wandered as she tried to figure out why he was so late. He had always been so responsible and true to his word. Yet to be two hours late was so unlike him. "Could he have forgotten?" She asked herself, entertaining the idea only for a second before shaking her head. This was the captain of squad ten and her best friend and he did not simply forget. The only reasonable explanation was that he got caught up with something else that required his immediate attention. Being a captain, she knew he had more responsibilities so she couldn’t always see him. She understood the dynamics of the situation and for that reason, Momo smiled and waited. She would wait just a little longer for him. She was not upset and she would not hold a grudge; even if he didn’t show. For whatever reason, she knew that if he didn’t come, it was because he was stuck with something much more important. There was always another time too. 
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kidopeach · 10 years
Mistaken Identity
五 Life in this bustling city was proving to be more than Momo could have ever imagined. The lifestyle was odd; she had never seen most of the products and items being sold on the streets and everything in the city seemed to be more complex than what she was used to. Life in the Seireitei, even in the province of Junrinan in the West Rukongai where she lived with Shiro, had been simple.  The most fascinating change between the two worlds was the fashion. Here in the world of the living, the options for clothing were much more vast than she could have ever imagined. She could mix and match all types of outfits and the colors were more vibrant than the normal black that all shinigami had to wear as uniforms. Rangiku had boasted to her before about all the fashionable items, but now Momo was seeing it for herself and she was greatly surprised with how much she actually enjoyed it.  Using the currency provided to her by the lieutenant of squad ten back from when she had visited, Momo managed to update her wardrobe considerably. She started with a sleeveless button up shirt that was a soft green color and a matching pencil skirt that landed just around the knees. She was classy and innocent in her style and it was as she was modeling before a mirror in a small shop that she caught sight of red hair in the reflection of the mirror.  "Renji?" The lieutenant of squad five looked back around and wondered if that was really him. He was the only one she knew to have red hair and it was wild and untamed from the brief moment she saw through the mirror, just like Renji. Placing the money on the counter and grabbing her belongings, Momo ran out of the shop and down the street to catch up with who she thought was her long time friend.  "Renji! Is it you?" She weaved through the people to get to the one red head in the crowd until her hand reached out and grabbed the shoulder of the one she was pursuing. That very hand only ended up being pulled away and brought back to herself as she stared at the person face to face. They were not Renji. "Oh I'm so sorry. I thought you might have been a friend of mine." 
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kidopeach · 10 years
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"Momo…." "Shiro-chan…."
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