kindofathink · 2 years
In exploring deeper aspects of self, in defining & divining variations on self expression of sexuality & learning to love self, I found words in ether that I once tasted as shame, tho now I know love itself has many names.
.0042eth 🫦
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kindofathink · 2 years
last cpl months have been rough, hubs had a mini stroke on 9/9 and things just sometiems change… it’s easy to forget how to rebuild from who we’ve grown to know to becoming new again in old skin. Listening to Mija’s “Desert Trash” takes me to a strength I once had and let go of when it was no longer needed, and now that I need it again, I find it in this song. 🫶 much love.
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kindofathink · 2 years
Ever go without flower for a week and then suddenly, flower and oh oh my Flower Power 🌞
I live inside here now:
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kindofathink · 2 years
Ever felt like trash?
“Maybe it’s not all that bad.
Meet me in the dumpster, next to all the rubbers!”
I’ll be sucking the sugar off all that I can.
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kindofathink · 2 years
Welcome! :3
If you are here right now more than likely you are a Twitter crypto artist denizen who has heard me, @maxcapacity and probably many other shouting about Tumblr on Twitter. Why Tumblr? It is part nostalgia, part necromancy, part homage to the the Web3 greats who spent years here (some are still here), part rebellion, and part reminding artists to come together to help each other.
Twitter heavily favors text base tweets - it's just a fact. Here is not the case. Many of us are also maybe a little jaded on what is happening overall and feel ignored as artists. Discord is full of scams, twitter group chats are cliquey, but here we are free to roam, explore each others works, and create a visual digital identity we want to present.
Come play with us and remember why we are all here! For the art, to make friends, express ourselves, have a good time and build a better future for artists. Yes we all want to sell work too ofc - we have physical bodies to take care of and bills to pay - but what if we share with each other our wins and how we got them, and our failures and what we learned from them as artists so when we go back to the rest of the internet hellscape we can find more success? At the very least, make some friends here or rekindle connects that may have been lost to not feel so alone. For some of you this is a trip down memory lane, for others you have never been here before. Old or new a like I encourage you to check out who I am following to get started finding each other.
This isn't rocket science - if you can understand blockchain web3 stuff, I have faith you can understand this old beast of a social network. Love you all ~~~ <3
P.S. I'm writing this for specific purposes of a pinned post. It feels so good to be able to write more than 150 characters. Also here are multi gifs side by side -- for the culture.
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I minted this 4 up on my own Manifold Contract here. 100/100 edition.
EDIT: Because I can edit and also adding this - for the culture 🫡🚫
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kindofathink · 2 years
“Mind of Time”
I've no mind for time, as time has no mind. Rather, I've mind to mend myself now, intent to be true in minding myself,
as within each breath:
I Am.
.0042eth through 10/31/22
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kindofathink · 2 years
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Don’t let them silence us.
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kindofathink · 2 years
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Lucha virgen
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kindofathink · 2 years
When I was a child, I wrote constantly. I wrote poems, screenplays, books, essays and reviews. Words were my world because my world wasn’t really my world. My “real world” was a bit too real, so I slipped myself between pages of lines I’d read and written, and found peace there in a stream-of-consciousness analyzation of the cause and effect of whatever was most fucked up at the moment. And I schemed to change it. I learned how to slip between the lines so well, I was nearly translucent. Tho, I knew: I wanted to be a writer. So, I decided: I would be a writer.
Til, many years later, I woke up one day and realized, I wasn’t. I had stopped writing. I mean, there’s been poems here and there, but… eh.
Sometimes, despite our wildest childhood scheming, we grow out of our most deeply held dreams. There’s bills, and needs to be met. Food, housing, getting basic mental and physical health care~~~ oops on those last two.
So, we let go of our dreams and get shit done. I had a career, a family with two awesomesauce kids, and we were vibing. Things were fine.
When my youngest told me when he was five, “I’m going to be a musician,” I knew he would be. He was making plans for bands by seven and put together a local show to MC and perform with other bands at 16yo, right before Covid hit… and then, well, the world shut down. So he kept making music, working a job 50 hours a week, and making more and more music. Now, he is doing shows again and it is giving me life. His persistence, his drive to just hang on and give every single moment everything he’s got, that hit me. That got me very much unstuck.
This moment in time, this precipice of where we’ve all been the last two years, and the weight of how much time we all had to think about time… many people have begun to dream again.
All over, people are saying they feel they’ve “woken up.” And we are awakening. Because we now know that time exists Right Now. Yesterday is done, tomorrow is not yet written…
So let’s live right fucking now.
Combining my son Lil Ramen’s music with my exploration of AI has given me a sense of balance and peace that I wasn’t aware I was missing, tho, tbh… I always felt I was “missing something.” I was missing myself. Tho, I’m damned proud of my kid, Lil Ramen / alt Yung Minivan.
He’s a musician. 🌞
Much peaces,
Michy Agape
Original Mint purchasers only: buy one, and receive a second nft on or before 10/31/22. Happy Hallows Eve!
*Not available for owners who buy in secondary. **Those that originally mint after the freebie drop date of 10/31/22 will receive their complimentary nft within 10 business days of purchase, or sooner.
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kindofathink · 2 years
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I’m not tumblr famous yet, but my friend @maxcapacity is so I will ride his coat tails to the top. :B
Here is is a piece I made over his work. A VR painting on top of some toxic avenger glitch. It will be incoming on #tezos for #henreunion- yes that’s nfts - tezos was always #cleannfts and about the art. We doing a tumblr reunion of sorts. It’s an empty mall here since the pr0n ban, let’s fill it will the joy of art…crypto art
UPDATE: This piece is now live on Teia Community for HENReunion. It is an open edition at .1 $xtz each. Unsold will be burned sunday/monday 10/2/2022 night.  https://teia.art/empresstrash
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kindofathink · 2 years
A classic wondermundo for HENreunion
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