mellowwerewolfblaze/paul sila is a documented scammer profiting off of the genocide. they are not diabetic and they are not palestinian. search the other names they go by on here: leila rajab, remmy cheptau, tasneem r'm, leila mohammed rajab, tasneem remmy rajaab, valentine rajaab, wafula valentine, salima abdallah, tasneem abdalah, Tasneem Majuma, Marystella Majuma, Magandalina Auma, taheera abdallah, Dorine nanjala, dorine rajaab, Jastus Kimanzi, daisy akinyi, daisy rahaab, taheera mohammed
would you mind deleting their scam from your blog, or at least clearly labeling it as a scam so it doesn't spread to others?
please familiarize yourself with the posts of some other current scams: shenzahy, dart-20m, delicatedaisyarbiter, wisenerdlove, shamelessenthusiastheart, bigtidalwavenightmare, and massiveruinsbird
Thanks! Glad I saw this
Ive only just really returned to tumblr over the last month or so, still have a lot to catch up on.
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This blog has been abandoned and left to overgrow, only serving as an archive for my older art.
I reblog a bunch of stuff on @the-skeleton-speaks and it's where I'm most active
Also consider following my Instagram skeleking_
Warning the followers list on this blog might become overtaken by those pest pornbots, but at this point I can keep up with blocking all of them
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"Your time is limited, little one. Make the moments count, and devour those who stand in your way."
New OC because yes
This is Erelah (she/they/he/mushroom)
She's an angel!
Also check out my insta king-of-the-bones pls :D
Tumblr please I'm begging don't strike this down because of the nipples
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"May I have this dance, Honeybee?"
Headcanon that c!Ranboo squeezes their eyes shut around the people they really like, like a cat.
[Image ID: a three-quarters portrait of the character Ranboo holding one hand out, with the other to led behind their back. Their eyes are shut and they are smiling wide. They have a crown of horns and long wavy hair on their left side. Their right side is fluffy, and their ear has four piercings: two rings, and two studs and chains. End ID]
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I should post some of my clay sculptures on here at some point. Two new ones I made are a praying mushroom angel I named Erelah (she/they/he, equal use of all three) and a disembodied torso with a giant eye in its chest and a eye stalk protruding from its back.
They still have to be fired and glazed but once they're done I should post em I think you peeps would like it
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@frogribbit I finally finished the drawing! I really loved the prompt when I saw it on Pinterest so thank you!
Little froggies living in a skeleton <3
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[Image ID: a skeleton wearing a flower crown sitting against a faded green background. They are covered in flowers and vegetation, and holding two frogs. Another frog is holding on to their ribcage while yet another is sitting on their shoulder. Bees are flying around the flower crown. End ID]
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A sketch of my favorite husbands <33
[Image ID: a side-profile sketch of my two original characters Pharoah (left) and Venus (right) bonking their foreheads together and smiling with their eyes closed. Pharoah has long horns, a faux-hawk, freckles, and crooked nose with a scar across the bridge. He also has a slit in his eyebrow, a septum piercing, and chunky chain piercings in their long goat ears. Venus has a faux-hawk and a scar around his neck. Both have crooked teeth, though Pharoah's are more pronounced. There is a small heart in the gap between both of their nose bridges. End ID]
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Uh heya I tried my hand at an animatic for Quackity's recent lore events
I've only made one before so I'm pretty proud of how this turned out!
Spoilers of course
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Nope nuh uh get outta here *swats you with a broom*
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Moon's Big
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[Image ID: a drawing of Grian flying in the air and pointing to the moon that takes up over half of the screen. To his left are to tops of Scar's mountains and to the right is the top of Pearl's base. The Boatem Private Jet is silhouetted against the moon. End ID]
Trying to get out of art block with stuff I don't usually do wish me luck
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When you wanna go super in depth about your characters but you can't think of things to write for them so you make playlists instead because it says more than your words really could
Pick these boys apart like string cheese, peeps. (They're a couple, btw)
Both these playlists contain some kinda explicit songs so yeah
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I made a wallpaper!! Pride worms!!!
I really love these
If you want to use these go ahead! And if you want a specific flag reply to this post so I can get ya set up!
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[Image ID: Three drawn wallpapers of worm on a strings, all of them different colors that make up the lgbt flag, the ace flag, and the trans flag. End ID]
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Here's a little blurb based off of a painting by @wolfythewitch !! I hope you like it I'm a bit nervous
(some of the paragraphs are spaced weird and I don't know why so sorry about that)
Warning for mention of worms and implied burial
Gods, they were so tired.
Walking for so long their feet were numb, moving of their own volition, any attempt to stop met with an aching tug to keep moving. Whether towards something, or away from something, they no longer knew.
But humans can only walk for so long. And the forest can only be so patient.
Eventually their legs failed them, the ground rushing to meet them as they thrust their hands out to catch themselves. They landed on their forearms, a sharp bolt shooting through their shoulders. Their breath was hot against their face, the sweet smell of petrichor in their stinging nose. They let out a shuddering sigh, the vegetation beneath them sending a pleasant chill through their aching bones. They could rest, they felt. Just a quick nap, or a long rest. A gentle rest. Their arms shook at the mere thought, threatening to give right there.
They let them, their chest hitting the forest floor, their muscles instantly silencing their anguished cries. Breathing became easier, slowing, slowing, easing into a gentle rhythm that seemed to synchronize with the forest itself.
A breath in, and their eyelids began to droop.
A breath out, and they seemed to sink into the greenery, the moss and vines as soft and gentle as a downy mattress.
A breath in, and they felt a pressure on their arms, a tug that felt more like a twitch than anything. They opened their eyes, that breath catching in their throat as vines wrapped themselves around their wrists, slithering over their spine like eager snakes.
They let out a shaking breath, a laugh almost catching in their sore chest. Their arms trembled, their palms sinking into the ground, greeted by the worms who had awaited them so dearly.They lifted their head with a start, muscles already stiff with complaints. Vegetation had weaved itself into their hair, slicking it with dew. The vines and moss snapped around their neck, hanging limp like they should, hanging like they never meant to do anything at all. They could barely feel their feet, already tangled and buried in the cold soil, reclaimed by the earth, lost in a fight that everyone knew the outcome to.
They let out a shaking breath, a laugh almost catching in their sore chest. Their arms trembled, their palms sinking into the ground, greeted by the worms who had awaited them so dearly.They lifted their head with a start, muscles already stiff with complaints. Vegetation had weaved itself into their hair, slicking it with dew. The vines and moss snapped around their neck, hanging limp like they should, hanging like they never meant to do anything at all. They could barely feel their feet, already tangled and buried in the cold soil, reclaimed by the earth, lost in a fight that everyone knew the outcome to.
Their eyelids drooped again, and they felt themselves lowering back onto the ground, the pillowy moss kissing their cheek like a gentle parent kisses their child goodnight. The blanket vines carried with them a comforting weight, a hug welcoming their return to the earth they belonged to.
They were so tired.
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"Avar! Avar you're alive!!" Orion ran to her boyfriend, crushing him in a tear-filled hug. He cupped Avar's scarred and bleeding face, halos pulling back behind his head so they could safely press their foreheads together.
"I'm alive," Avar said gruffly, gently gripping the back of Orion's neck, running his fingers through vaer hair. "I'm alive, angel." His voice cracked, and he rocked them back and forth, chapped lips grazing over Orion's. "But we're not out of the woods yet."
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[Image ID: A shoulders-up drawing of Orion, a dark-skinned angel covered in freckles and acne wearing a baggy pink sweater that falls off of one shoulder. They have three studs under each eye, and a lip and septum piercing. Her face is crossed with two glowing yellow halos. Vaer hair is dark blue with white stars, and parted to the left. They are looking past the viewer with tear filled eyes, mouth open as they yell Avar's name. Their teeth are crooked, and one is sharp, poking down farther than the others. End ID]
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Yooo I got an Ao3 now
It's King_of_the_Skeletons!
I've got a couple things posted there, I hope you like em!
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Self portrait time!!
[Image ID: A full-body drawing of a skeleton kneeling on one knee with the other leg propped up against the wall against a dark pink background with a drop shadow. One hand is pressed against the ceiling while the other is hanging by their side. They are staring at the camera with white irises and an angry glare. He has a red faux-hawk and a golden crown embedded with opal jewels. He also has a single opal earring. End ID]
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Orion doesn't appreciate being talked down to. She may be a younger angel but that doesn't mean he's not your equal.
[Image ID: a drawing of Orion, a dark-skinned person covered in freckles and scars looking up with an angry look on their face. They have three piercing studs under their eyes, a lip ring, and a septum piercing, as well as two gauges in their ears. His face is crossed with two bright yellow halos. They have a square, blue, left iris and a triangle, red, right iris. Her hair is large and fluffy, and parted to the left. Her hair is also dark blue, and covered in stars. Vaey are wearing a baggy pink sweater that is hanging off of one shoulder. End ID]
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