kiwixlime · 6 months
personally i love say it louder so i would like for u to leave both parts up bc i reread them regularly 😭 but if u feel uncomfortable leaving it up it's ur blog at the end of the day u should do what makes u feel best ♥️
i can absolutely leave it up for people to read! i just didn’t know if it’d be a bummer since i won’t be continuing it. but if you guys want to keep it up, no problem!
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kiwixlime · 6 months
so serious question here
i'm pretty disconnected from say it louder because it's been too long and i just don't have any inspiration for it anymore and it sucks and i feel bad because i hate leaving works unfinished but right now it's only two parts, so i'm thinking about deleting part two and taking it back to just being a one shot so i can move on to other things
would anyone be offended by this? because i'm just not sure if i can continue with it, i'm just not feeling it anymore and i'm so sorry!
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kiwixlime · 6 months
I miss game joel sm 😔 ( still love pedrito tho but its not the same)
I thought you left me with the kids alone
lmfaooo im sorry tell the kids i’m comin home!!!
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kiwixlime · 6 months
wow i suck lmao but my life is a mess and i’m numb
do yall still care to read about joel and sam anymore?
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kiwixlime · 1 year
Hello, hello! Been a minute, huh? Allow me to address my absence, again. So it has been a long ass time. And since I’ve been gone, I’ve experienced a lot of changes in my life. For starters, my time away began when I got stuck in Florida during Hurricane Ian. No big deal, not the first hurricane I’ve been in. But it was a lot of stress for my family and their friends. Luckily, their home had minimal damage and everyone inside was safe. But this pesky hurricane did kick off an exhausting chain of events that pushed back my return to writing (and home). Cancelled flights, 18 hour drives, loss of energy and the will to live and so on.
But during that time, I also entered a new relationship. And well, that took up a lot of my time.
Budding romance, it consumed me lmfao. We’re long distance, so it’s not always easy and I did have to give up some time I'd use for writing in exchange for time spent with my partner via calls and video chats. But the good news is, we met for the first time in April and it went perfectly. We’ve been together for nine months and we’re pretty settled in a good routine. They have their hobbies and I have mine. Now, I think I have a better balance between my personal life and the things I enjoy! Though I’m still so heart-eyed and all I wanna do is write about love. Ha.
On top of that, I’ve been dealing with work stuff and trying to find a new job. Writing is fun, I love it, but I don't do it for money. And I need money lol. So if I have to put a pause on my work to try and find a new career path, I will.
I've also been keeping up with my friends, taking care of myself, and the last month, I’ve been sick. So, yes. It’s been a lot! But I’m doing better, my mental health is good, and I’m ready to be back! I'll be moving slowly as I start to sort out the stories I've put on hold. I hate leaving works unfinished, so my ultimate goal is to complete everything I've started.
If you're still here, thank you, you're amazing. I'm so sorry for disappearing. Life is just...unexpected. And sometimes that's a good thing.
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kiwixlime · 1 year
y’all have sent me so many dark!joel ideas so if i haven’t published your ask yet it’s because i wanna put together some ideas before i share 🤣 but damn y’all gave me inspired!
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kiwixlime · 1 year
Got anymore of them dark!Joel fics 👀
i have so much planned it's just finding the time to write!! gah
anything you wanna see in particular? 👀
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kiwixlime · 1 year
I had to come tell you that I've never once played TLOU because I hate zombies, but seeing your fics about Joel finally got me to put on a let's play (without audio commentary) and I've been listening to it like a podcast. Hearing Joel growl and grunt and pant in my ear has been A Lot and now I have joined his dilf fanclub....
hahahaha YES welcome to the club!!!
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kiwixlime · 1 year
A reminder from me!
Yep, I'm still writing! Currently working on part three of Say It Louder. I just wanted to say that since the show is airing tonight, I still have the intention of writing Joel as video game Joel! I know I've said it before, but with the premiere night, I wanted to give a lil update!
Of course, just because I write with game Joel in mind that doesn't mean you have to imagine him that way! You can picture him however you please. This is just more for my guideline as I write.
Thanks so much for your patience with me! I'm pretty anxious for the show tonight!
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kiwixlime · 1 year
Welcome back!!! We missed you deeply <3
ahhh thank you!!! i missed everyone so much!! i’m so excited to be back!!
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kiwixlime · 1 year
I am great!! Welcome back 😭
thank u!!!!! 😭
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kiwixlime · 1 year
How are you???
hiiiiiii!! i am doing great!! thank you for asking! how are you?
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kiwixlime · 1 year
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kiwixlime · 1 year
...is this thing on?
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kiwixlime · 2 years
Life update!
I just wanna apologize (again) for not updating (again) even though I've been saying I will. I've just had a lot going on in my life since September and I'm still trying to process. My mood has been all over the place lately and when I'm like this, I can't get into writing. I'm so caught up in my personal life, that everything outside of it is a mess. And I just feel lost. I really do plan on writing more. I'm just not sure when I'll be able to. Some days, I feel great. Some days, I feel numb and all I wanna do is stay in bed. I'm hoping to keep working with my therapist to work through these terrible moments. But it's taking longer than I had hoped. I don't know. I just feel like I owed some kind of explanation instead of just disappearing.
I know it's been a long time. But thank you for sticking around and waiting for me. I promise (I know, I keep promising) that I have things planned for both Sam and Joel. And I really want to get them out. I just have to sort out my feelings and emotions first. I'm in a new relationship, and it's difficult because it's long distance. So I've hit a bit of a rough patch and it's messing me up.
Again, I thank you for sticking with me. I really hope I'll be able to create something soon. I miss writing. I miss you guys. I hate this feeling.
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kiwixlime · 2 years
Hey hey!! Just wanted to check in and see how you’re doing? Hope all is well and you’ve got some of that spark back to write!!
hey, thanks so much for checking in! i’m okay, just have a lot going on in my personal life at the moment and it’s all unexpected so i’m totally unprepared lmao. i’m trying to write it just feels really forced right now and i’m disappointed in what i have so far. and i don’t want to upload things that i’m not at least a little satisfied with because y’all deserve decent writing. so i’m trying! i work a little bit everyday. but i’ve kinda lost my inspiration for my current works. might have to continue my break on those and start with something fresh. hope you guys are okay with that!
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kiwixlime · 2 years
so i just wanna say, now that we have previews and trailers of the show, i’m still gonna write joel as video game joel cause he’s my love, but please feel free to imagine him as you wish! just from my pov, he’s video game daddy lmao
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