korn-official · 5 days
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korn-official · 11 days
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korn-official · 12 days
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korn-official · 12 days
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I can't find this pic with David ;(
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korn-official · 12 days
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Jonathan Davis at Korn, Live at Big Day Out 1999
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korn-official · 12 days
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korn-official · 23 days
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jon n’ munk II
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korn-official · 27 days
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korn-official · 28 days
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korn-official · 28 days
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korn-official · 1 month
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korn-official · 1 month
I don’t think I’ve ever shared this on here so. I wanted to share my story of the 2 times I met korn & how much they have impacted me and how amazingly lovely they are as human beings
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I found them in 2013 right around the time head came back to the band… I was 12. I was already deeply into music but they were and still are unlike anything I have ever heard. the sound of david’s drums and fieldy’s bass and those downtuned guitars shook me to my core. I knew I wanted to be a bass player after I found them and I got my first bass not long after. jon’s voice was (and still is) like an angel to me even in the midst of catharsis and he was singing about shit I related to so deeply - I didn’t feel alone anymore. nobody had ever put it to words like he did. the 5 of them put their heart and fucking soul into every song and it felt like I was home. it still does. I call them my soul band for a reason…
in 2014 they came to my city and there was an afterparty for CHEAP (literally like $40) you could add to your ticket so my best friend and I jumped on that. jon wasn’t there, but they did a q&a after the show and then they just hung out with everybody. I wrote out a long letter to the 5 of them pouring my heart out and thanking them for all they had done for me, and maybe a bit heavy, but I shared how I related to the lyrics in some of the abuse I was dealing with that I never really told anybody about (nothing too graphic though). I also made them a goofy little drawing cos I was really into tim burton at the time. I folded them up into a tiny square and shoved them in my pocket, and once I was in front of them, I handed both of them to head. “what is it?!” he had excitedly asked. I told him it was a drawing and a letter I wrote to them. “cool!! thank you!!” and then he shoved it in his pocket, and I was sure that was the end of that. they were all SO lovely. ray was hilarious and embodied dad energy. munky had a bad cold (I know that because I caught it and it SUCKED) but he still made an effort to make everyone’s day. fieldy didn’t talk much but he took photos with my bestie and gave her a glow stick he was hiding in his hair (???). so weird… I love him. and head was just the sweetest. he treated me like a daughter. he carried an energy of such peace and gentleness. i gave all of them a hug before we left but missed him, then i saw him and hollered “I didn’t give you a hug!” and he hollered back “then come and hug me!” - I barreled towards him and he gave me a bear hug. and he was so funny during the q&a too lol.
let me tell you I was (and still am) OBSESSED with this band but back then I had set up notifications for every time any of them posted on twitter or instagram. so my best friend and I are in Denny’s at 2am just going over how amazing the concert was and how much fun we had - it was also my first time seeing A7x and they were so good. my phone only had 3% but I vividly remember it lit up so I looked to see who it was and I see a notification that head posted something that started with “thank you (my name)!…” I froze. I opened it and saw my crappy drawing staring back at me and his caption responding to the letter I’d written them telling them how they saved my life and thanking them for existing and slightly opening up about things I never told a soul about. I bawled. he did not have to do that. I couldn’t believe someone that meant so much to me took the time to tell me to be strong and that I mattered and to keep going in spite of what I was going through. I couldn’t believe anyone would show me that much kindness - nobody did shit like that for me. let alone the guitarist of my favorite band.
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it may sound silly but those words he wrote and the fact that he did that for me changed my life. I carried that with me through some very dark times in my teenage years. I actually felt seen and heard and cared about for the first time ever. that was a huge deal to me. and just the way head had treated me with fatherly kindness and he was glowing with some kind of radiant peace - I knew there was something to that. and I knew what he had been through and how he’d come out of it. I’m not religious and neither is he, and I hate religion, but that was the beginning of my relationship with Jesus & caring about spirituality for the first time ever. some stuff happened to me that made me abandon it for a few years - I actually joined a buddhist cult for a little while and tried some other things but he is the reason I never forgot and came back to it. and that really truly saved my life. I’ve tried it all and nothing has helped me like Jesus has helped me. not religion though… religion sucks. just having my own relationship with him. but I’m not here too preach or anything - that was just another thing this band led me to. I don’t know where I would be without Jesus. I don’t even want to know lol. this was the video head posted that planted that seed for me and changed everything.
I had the great fortune of meeting them again when I was 15. this time was a lot more rushed and I could tell they weren’t all in a great mood but jon was there this time. when I was 12 I would lay in bed at night bawling my eyes out to their first album and imagining the day I could just give him a hug and thank him for being so brave to share his stories like that with the world, because it made me realize I was not alone and helped me keep going, and tell him I love him. because I do - not in a crush kind of way but like the fucking guy basically raised me and saved me from a lot of darkness back then kind of way. and I got to do exactly that. I admittedly threw myself at him in a bear hug that he reciprocated and I think he just knew… like idk something about us fucking traumatized kids we can spot each other a mile away. LMFAO but anyway he was so so SO sweet and kind and lovely. I didn’t have time to tell him everything nor could I get it out so I wrote it down for him and I just said “I love you” and he said “I love you too” in a way that I knew he meant it. I had to be fast so I said hi to ray and munky and fieldy, and I handed head a note telling him what I wrote above about what his words meant to me and thanking him for his kindness, and I made him an updated drawing (in hindsight I should’ve stuck with the cartoons cos that attempt at realism was not good). jon and I saw each other again and he smiled huge and said “take care darling” and i said “you too” and I was just glad I had sunglasses cos 😭😭😭😭 not even in my wildest dreams did I imagine he would be that sweet let alone in such a rushed and stressful situation. he is fucking beautiful soul. but we all know that already
what I was completely not expecting was 2 or 3 days later I’m scrolling instagram and the absolute wind got knocked out of me when I see my even crappier 2nd drawing staring back at me. head did it AGAIN. he responded to me again. he said he remembered me and to never forget what he told me. i vividly remember just staring at that while laying in bed at like 3am. I did not understand. I could not understand why this person who means the fucking world to me and has impacted my life so deeply cared about me enough to show me this kind of kindness and love (I kinda think I might’ve reminded him of his daughter a little bit after I watched the doc they made, we’re almost the same age). once I unfroze I commented on the post and thanked him so much and he FOUND ME and reposted our picture together, and commented on a video of my old band telling me I was a badass and to keep rocking because we need more girls that rock. i wish I had a screenshot of that but I don’t 😭 ray liked a bunch of my pictures and deven davis (RIP angel) followed me after that, she would tell me I was pretty when I posted selfies and she loved all the videos and pics of my dog 🩷
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this band means the world to me and more. I would not be who I am without them. I don’t know that I’d even be here without them. they have continued to do what they’ve done for me since I was 12 through their music and have freakishly put albums out at the exact times I needed them detailing exactly what I was going through more than once. like I said they are my soul band... I have loved them since I first saw them and always will. they made me a musician, they’ve helped me spiritually, I bonded with my significant other over them when we met, they have been there for me when I felt I was at my lowest, they make me so happy and inspire me to get up and keep moving to my highest, they have felt like home to me and have been my reason to keep going for a very long time…I will love them forever. 🩷
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korn-official · 1 month
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korn-official · 2 months
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korn-official · 2 months
the dark side of nursery rhymes
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korn-official · 2 months
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korn-official · 2 months
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