kuaks · 3 years
__ has a horror of emptiness.  She can't stand them. Behind this compulsion is a fear of the void. She is never consciously aware of it.
She works hard to protect herself from the very source of her salvation: her inner depths.
She desires to serve in ways that allow for her own creative self-expression in a way that is meaningful to those she serves.
She needs to have and know that she has a valid purpose — a function within society.
She is constantly experimenting in pursuit of expanding upon her desired niche and in expressing her raw creativity.
She works to create and manifest forms for the draining of her Soul onto our physical plane, in a way that this accessible for others.
She always asks, “How can I express Christ Consciousness in my daily work and in my lifestyle?”
This daily task offers her the opportunity to achieve Christ Consciousness by transmuting her shadow self into a centered means of service to humanity and as a means to balance her emotions, channelling them into constructive activities, such as music and art.
Harmony is achieved through this daily war and repressed emotions are juiced into creative endeavors.
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kuaks · 3 years
all written content © 2021 Levi Kouakou
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kuaks · 3 years
Bohemian Manifesto
If I said it took me months to finish this, would you believe me? If I said, all-together, it took me days to write this, would you believe me? It’s hard to declare what you’re GOING to do when you don’t know what you’re doing, in the now. The entire process was like this. Waiting for direction and getting lost when I felt the wind blow. Months of not writing, but wanting to, lead me to this. A foot in the sand. It started off as an admission of guilt and morphed into a conviction, in the face of — inner and outer — ambiguity. I want to thank to Lianne for helping me find a new way to see things; Without her inspiration I wouldn’t have made it this far - at least, it seems that way. In the end, it took talking to someone else about our similar struggles that helped me find myself. I’m usually quite stand-offish with other artists, due to my disdain for the stereotypical bureaucracy of the “art world”, its superficiality, persecution of others for adhering to logical thought, and from my end, just pure competitiveness. I’ve never even used the word ‘peers’ before, because I’ve never been in the conversation – and that only engages my drive to win, against some sort of resistance – even if possibly imagined. After this, maybe i might be open to a few voices – Not if they’re only going to criticise everything I do, though. I prefer to act regardless of the reception, anyway. I just think the problem is that I never REALLY try. I never give my all in submission of something that is good and intriguing to materialise it, so to bring what i see into something of actual material significance in front of others. I’ll invest everything but my pocket, yet not understand how i haven’t reached the next level. I need to change that now. Time to give the real world a try, and materialise something - or aim to achieve something valuable in the eyes of the secular - or at least TRY to apply for what I want. I want to live a life in the world that I enjoy to wake up to. To start with small steps that include small failures then scale up and refresh before continuing. It’s not that hard. Know what you want, aim for all the possible options to get there and just endure some no’s. Only solution is to create. Create evidence. Create projects. Light and heavy. It’s a rebirth. Start your career now. Wake up to make projects you actually like, find worthy, find challenging (but doable), and if you don’t know what to do, persistently ask experts for help.
“By being afraid of wasting materials, the only thing you’re wasting is time,” - Lianne An Er Leung
Punk Mantra
Punk is dead and the internet has killed it, for a minute. Punk, at the moment, is merely aesthetic. Just extra grain on a photo and industry plants talking about how much they love emo music. Everyone who’s ‘punk’ is either boasting million-pound watches (with money that’s not theirs) or performing for brands/companies that go against the values they claim to “live” by. You don’t have to be poor to be punk. You don’t have to be dirty either. It’s a way of life. Punk is a philosophy passed down from the first instances of cynicism. Reject what is unnecessary. Refuse what is harmful to the heart. The law of the underground respects this cause. The punk is the core of all that is good. A distaste for powerlessness, stolen agency, and illusory authority. Hence why it is loved AND hated. It’s the base, with one message: FUCK SURVEILLANCE! Yet we both walk around with surveillance toys in our hands… Whatever the already-new conceptualisation of punk is, I just want to clarify that punk should be punk, and now is time for more punk. No longer the bums with the rats — now vagabonds on a road, never knowing. Can only guess which opportunities to take and which to refuse. It’s in knowing who we are that we are punk - regardless of the status quo. Not for or against; The aim isn’t resistance but assertion. With power, momentum, and speed being the sonic illustrations of our need to strike, counter, and attack with agility, drive and hunger. Be humble. Be honest. Be punk. You want want to get in on the action? Ask yourself two questions, “Who am I?” and, “Is this really me?”. If being yourself is enough to irritate others, why not shake things up anyway?
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kuaks · 3 years
To do and to say
My job is to play, experiment, explore, shape-shift, morph, divert, surprise, subvert expectations, master, improve. To create and to be exciting whilst doing it.
Beautiful dishes and beautiful worlds, transportation into foreign planes, visceral weavings of the intensity of the human experience, beauty, joy and satisfaction into your world and daily life, counselling and sweet dreams, reasons to stand still, motions and notions.
My job is to wake up everyday and know I'm doing something worth doing and that helps the world be a better place.
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kuaks · 3 years
(note on the) realisation of my process
With my process, I bring intense emotional energy that must have constructive outlets of release — which requires intense emotional involvement in my work. Nothing unworthy. It's the fire than can kill me or save me. Creating prevents me from destroying myself. Whatever comes out of these conflicts is for those who desire it. A diamond from the friction. Brisk walks bring calm while i fight these wars. These projects constantly force me to confront myself; and enter a dark room to ask, "Can I do it?". Fighting is the only way I'll know how. Even with no fight, even if it is simply submission and looking inward or the outward oozing of my inner peace, light is cultivated and produced. The entanglement and eventual taming of the story arc, and the vibrancy of each challenge is what seems to invigorate me — with each project being an adventure. Down the rabbithole, I go.
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kuaks · 3 years
Towards the intro, manifesto, and mantra pt.2
All rights reserved.
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the writer (Levi Kouakou), nor be otherwise circulated in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition being imposed on the subsequent reader.
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kuaks · 3 years
bohemian manifesto
It’s hard to understand what you’re trying to interpret or translate.
Lost in certain frequencies, meshed in others. The journey never stops. With plasma, you paint interpretations of a present moment or present thought — realising things which I haven't even realised. How does one share vision without seeing at all? Hmm? Everyone has a box. One to see and explore. Mine is liminality. It's in-between the things we never see. You have to smell it with your eyes. It's there, filled with old impressions, abstractions, illusions. The box is the art object itself. An idea. It’s the only way I can comprehend the idea of creating art as a profession. Listen, I create ideas, I fabricate memories, I realise perceptions, I manufacture stories. Okay? My imagination has a place to play and you make something in exchange. Creating ideas as objects, raw emotion taking shape, stories materialising, raw senses becoming familiar. Emotion becomes experience. The way you see it — Beauty is therapy and therapy is perfume, from crude oil. The chaos is valuable because of the product it creates: Perfume.
Reify the abstract and treat reality. The stress of it creates war, or art. The art itself is a war and it's end brings peace. Fashioning forms and colours, equally producing philosophies. Depicting it with style and skill, of course. History gets lost in the future and the imperfections get lost in the memory's milk. Now you're the one portraying the beauty of the worlds around me. Can't you see my dedication? What? To articulating the inner spirituality of man. Emotional renderings of his surroundings — I make the world he lives in by editing a photo! I do what God does to me, but doctors don't call them hallucinations - they call them 'pieces', when I do it. So... Dreams. Ads. Films. Cartoons. Tapestries. I make realities.
But if I’m God, what’s the point of doing anything? where’s the challenge? where’s the strife? where’s the reason? where's my victory? where's the human part? anything is a question and statement at the same time, here. How can I draw a circle when i can call it a square? Hmm?? Give me a box, already.
Seems art is human — and creativity divine. It’s a nice way to live. Takes work off my back. Leaflets say it's a "healthy way to express emotions, and the parts that are hidden from my self." Look, at the least, you can make something of yourself. Let’s focus on making something. The "enriching cultural life" part can come later. We’ll figure it out as we go along.
Visceral euphoria, release, passion, absurdism, experience, range, colour, tone, glitter.
I draw what I see, I see what I feel.
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kuaks · 3 years
punk (monk) mantra
1. don't wait for the rain to stop to start walking
2. respect yourself, express yourself, project your self
3. less can be more
4. be present and find what satisfaction is in it - don't compromise
5. look inward, find true source
6. lead your own way, and live your truth (regardless of external circumstances)
7. minimise stress for only what's worth it - your fate is in your hands, a bad choice is still a choice
8. if you don't want it, say no (if you don't know then ask if you need it and why)
9. do the right thing - suffer the consequences; seek forgiveness then forgive yourself - don't expect anything, evolve and move on
10. watch what you say, take your time, allow for silence, speak from the core - reflect the light within
11. serve yourself and serve others, take care of your priorities first - do not fight where it is not necessary
12. know yourself - once you do, just be
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kuaks · 3 years
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2002 Lehman’s Snow — c. 29 Apr 2021
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kuaks · 3 years
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kuaks · 3 years
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Marcel Verschaeren ‘82
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kuaks · 4 years
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We can’t change what’s done, we can only move on
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kuaks · 4 years
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Red Dead Redemption 2 (2018) Rockstar Games
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kuaks · 4 years
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Sunrise, The Heartlands
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kuaks · 4 years
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Joaquin Phoenix as JOKER
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kuaks · 4 years
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#god i wish that were me 
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kuaks · 5 years
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W. Eugene Smith. As from my Window. 1950s
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