ladd-ish · 2 years
When the whumpee wants to resume working, but the caretaker won’t let them until they recover more. The whumpee asking the caretaker to let them rest somewhere other than their bed, and as soon as the caretaker leaves them there for a few minutes, the whumpee getting up and trying to do some things they’d brought home with them from work. The caretaker catching them almost immediately, and forcing the whumpee to go back to bed, then asking why they were so determined to start working again. The whumpee admitting that they’re bored and restless, and the caretaker trying to find them other things they can do without exerting themself, so they won’t be so bored while they recover.
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ladd-ish · 2 years
Whumpee can’t close their eyes without reliving nightmare after nightmare. The day is physical pain, while night is mental torment. The rare few times they’ve fallen asleep was draped over caretaker’s chest, cheek squished against their shoulder with their bruised bandaged hand being softly held. 
“Will you still be here if I fall asleep?” Whumpee muffles. 
“When you fall asleep-” Caretaker corrects, chuckling as they brush a strand out of their face. 
“I’ll still be stuck under you, yes.”
(Unspoken caretaker rule: if there’s a whumpee in your lap, DON’T MOVE)
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ladd-ish · 2 years
Please Reblog is Your Blog is Safe for Non-Binary People.
If my mutuals can’t rb this then we can’t be mutuals
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ladd-ish · 2 years
Consider with me the concept: 
Whumpee is faced with the realization that the only way to catch Whumper is to go back to them.
Purposefully being recaptured in order to work from the inside. But they have no idea how bad it will be, if Whumper will be worse, or how long it will take for Caretaker to stop Whumper once and for all. 
All they can do is hope Whumper is caught before its too late for them. 
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ladd-ish · 2 years
Girl, are you okay, you haven't even tortured your little fictional characters today
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ladd-ish · 2 years
“You used to be so kind. What happened to you to change that?” 
“What happened to me?” B scoffed. “I was kind. People see that and they take advantage of that. They hurt nice people because they know nothing will happen to them. So excuse me if i’m not nice anymore. I just got tired of people walking all over me.” 
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ladd-ish · 2 years
Whumpee desperately trying to talk to caretaker, but they’re so weak and exhausted their voice is purely broken. The more they talk, the more they struggle as each word becomes incoherent and grated than the last. 
“Shhh, sh sh, don’t speak.” Caretaker shushes, putting them to bed and propping their head against a pillow. 
“Just rest your voice for tonight, alright? I’m sure you’ll feel better in the morning after some tea.”
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ladd-ish · 2 years
Lonely Caretaker x Socially Anxious Whumpee
Whumpee running and hiding when they hear Caretaker's footsteps.
Caretaker spending hours of their day trying to find ways to spend time with Whumpee without scaring them.
Caretaker putting on a movie and desperately trying to contain their excitement when Whumpee quietly emerges from their room to ask if they can watch it with them.
Caretaker inviting Whumpee to participate in whatever it is they're doing, even if they know the answer will probably be a 'no'. They hope that one day, Whumpee will trust them enough to say yes.
Whumpee tearily waking Caretaker up after a nightmare and asking if they can spend the night in their bed. Caretaker appears calm and collected on the outside, but internally, they're so happy to have someone with them at night.
Whumpee has always felt bad because they know Caretaker is lonely and doesn't have a lot of friends. So, sometimes they'll tentatively invite them to watch a movie in their room or come keep them company as they cook dinner, and they can't help but love that Caretaker always gets so excited.
It's Caretaker who cries the first time Whumpee initiates a hug. No one has shown them any physical affection in so long and they're so touch starved that they can't help it. They're so thankful when Whumpee responds to their muffled apology with a small 'I understand' and holds them tighter.
Caretaker purchases a phone for Whumpee so they can keep in touch whilst they're at work, and often sends Whumpee little updates on what they're doing throughout the day and how they're feeling. Whumpee starts to eagerly await Caretaker's good morning and goodnight messages, along with every message they get from them throughout the day, and as they get better at reading and writing, they start to engage in longer conversations with them.
When Whumpee first comes home with Caretaker, they spend almost 24/7 in their bedroom, only coming out to use the toilet. Caretaker delivers all their food to their door and it upsets them more than they care to admit that Whumpee never looks them in the eye as they tenatively take the bowl/plate/snack from them.
Caretaker rambles when they get nervous, and Whumpee loves it because it means they don't have to say anything. They get to just listen and learn about Caretaker's interests and dislikes and little facts that they otherwise would never know.
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ladd-ish · 2 years
Tumblr media
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ladd-ish · 2 years
get to know the blogger
anonymously (or not) ask me any question you’d like to know about me
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ladd-ish · 2 years
let’s talk abt the diversity of bridal carrying bc it’s a timeless fav of mine
—when whumpee is sick (especially if they have a fever) so caretaker wraps them in a blanket and carries them to bed. bonus points for feverish mumbling and reassuring forehead kisses
—during a rescue, when whumpee is too weak to run
—after whumpee has been through some kind of traumatic event. they could be injured or just terrified, and they want nothing more than to curl up in the safety of caretaker’s arms and hide away from the pain
—when whumpee is unconscious or asleep and caretaker’s heart breaks a little at how peaceful they look
—after a nightmare. maybe caretaker is carrying whumpee to their own bed or the couch, murmuring soothingly as whumpee trembles
—touch starved whumpees completely melting into caretaker
—whumpee collapsing into caretaker’s arms <33333
—just the way caretaker carries them. the tenderness and worry, even in a moment of desperation. the way they cling to whumpee like they’re scared to let go, never dropping them or letting any more harm come to them, clutching them tighter and glaring at anyone who so much as looks at whumpee the wrong way. or just holding them to their chest and pressing gentle kisses to the top of their head, whispering into their hair, promising they’re going to be okay
—how whumpee reacts to being carried. the way they curl tightly to caretaker’s chest and cling to their shirt, or wrap their arms weakly around their neck. going limp in caretaker’s arms and trusting them to keep them safe, maybe even falling asleep. or just pressing their face into caretaker’s shoulder and crying, finally letting themselves break
in conclusion bridal carrying superior
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ladd-ish · 2 years
Can we get smth w the separation anxiety prompt? Like, whumpee has two caretakers and one has to go do something while the second one tries to comfort whumpee desperately?
Hhhh I’m really bad at multiple characters, so this is the best my brain could offer 
CW: Separation anxiety, panic  
"Don't go." Whumpee hissed, clinging to caretaker as they dragged them along to the front door. "Honey, I promise I won’t be long. Just a quick run to the store and I'll be back before you know it. You do want dinner, right?" They smiled, trying to un-plaster whumpee from their waist. "No! I just want you to stay! Please..." Whumpee muffled as they stuffed their face into caretaker's back.
They knew they would have to rip the band aid off if they wanted a chance to escape out the door. They pulled whumpee from their waist, plopped them in a chair, gently patted their head, and then slipped out the door before they got the chance to reattach.
Whumpee stared wide eyed at the door, their lip quivering and curling their arms around themselves protectively. “N-no! Come back, pl-please...” They whispered, as if caretaker could still hear their pleas. 
"It's okay, they'll be back soon." Another spoke, coming out of the kitchen with a steaming cup of tea. "Got you something to drink." They smiled, setting the cup on the coffee table. Whumpee huffed and snapped their head away from them with aggression.
"Oh come ooon, I know it's your favorite-" "-You don't know anything about me!" Whumpee shouted, curling in on themselves and spiraled into broken sobs and panic. "Hey hey hey, it's okay! Let's take it easy." They desperately tried to soothe, only to upset them further when they came closer.
They ended up sending Caretaker dozens of texts and voice messages, begging for them to quickly come back soon; all of them containing whumpee sobbing in the background.
o(^∀^*)o Thank you for reading! ~ @grizzlie70 @lave-whump @amethysts-sideblog @whump-it-like-its-hot @thingsthatgowhumpinthenight @yet-another-heathen @princessofonward @whatwhumpcomments @ill-eat-you-if-you-cross-me @mascmasochist @hamiltonwhumpdump @shokuhoemisaki @as-a-matter-of-whump @whumpasaurus101 @lonesome--hunter @whatwhumpcomments @digitalart-dwa @mabledonut @myst-in-the-mirror @whatwhumpcomments  @melancholy-in-the-morning @anonintrovert
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ladd-ish · 2 years
A whumpee who got so used to playing dead in captivity that now they keep freaking out Caretaker by suddenly being motionless and limp and barely breathing
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ladd-ish · 2 years
how much toilet paper it would take to clog every pipe underground
@whumptopia @parasiticstars @quirkykayleetam @kaleidoscope-of-thoughts
Respond to this ask with what's currently on your mind right now, and then tag 5 ppl to see what they're thinking of too
I’m thinking of sad Thai commercials right now?
@cascadingfloralwaterfall @theboxfort @soapycocacola @saintsugoi @kirstenonic05
What about you guys?
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ladd-ish · 2 years
First Meeting Whump Ideas #2
[Part 1]
- A ruins B’s day by vomiting on their brand new outfit/shoes
- A has their first panic attack in public and doesn’t know how to cope. B has had many in the past and helps them calm down
- A and B are both sick and start arguing over who gets the last stock of medicine on the store shelf
- A has just mopped the floor. Right before they put up the wet floor sign, B comes along in a rush and takes a bad fall
- A gets a wrong number caller, but they can’t hang up when they hear B desperately crying for help
- A is starving to the point of feeling sick but doesn’t have the money/time for food. B offers to share some of theirs
- A gets into a bar fight, swings and misses their target. B is the innocent bystander who accidentally gets punched
- A hears B bragging about their cool talent and tells them to prove it. B injures themself in the attempt and A feels partially responsible
- A is someone who goes door to door. B isn’t interested in whatever’s on offer, but this overworked salesperson just collapsed on their porch
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ladd-ish · 2 years
christmas-themed pet whump prompts!!!!! made entirely because christmas is a week away and i Can’t Cope!!!!
❅ whumpee being kept in a basement with a ground-level window seeing the first snowfall of the year and breaking down because they‘ve just fully realized how long they’ve been locked away
❅ whumpee at a party staring at the tables full of food but being told that if they beg or steal any of it, they won’t be fed at all
❅ whumpee being gifted as a christmas present (to caretaker or to whumper?). their box even has a nice shiny red bow!
❅ in a similar vein, a whumpee that had been an impulsively-bought present but abandoned later because they were too much responsibility
❅ caretaker helping whumpee celebrate their first christmas out of captivity
❅ whumpee wanting a certain cultural/holiday food but not being allowed because that’s for people
❅ whumpee being locked out of the house for misbehaving during a christmas party; now they’re almost naked and chained down in below-freezing weather
❅ whumpee being allowed to play in the snow for the first time
❅ whumper ruining whumpee’s favorite christmas song
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ladd-ish · 2 years
Actually sobs bc your cat
hey ur really cool just wanted to say have some cool glasses 🕶
oooo yuh whump intro post
so i might be a little late in making an intro post (as in, i first discovered whumblr exactly 111 days ago and made my first actual attempt at whump content 109 days ago) but here it is!!
i’m parker, they/it, local gaysian, and i write whump prompts and occasional drabbles. i also hope to make some series in the future. i like bbu, neglect, gore/mutilation, female whumpers, and emotional whump the most
fun trivia about me that nobody asked for!!!!!!!:
i’ve always liked really angsty stories and darkfics but again, only fairly recently have i ever discovered whump so woooOoo yay me
there isn’t much i don’t like or is off-limits. all i can think of off the top of my head is lady whump, bad/gray caretakers, and eye gore
i thrive off of attention!! my askbox is always open if you wanna talk to me or send in drabble requests!! i will personally air-kiss you from a CDC-mandated COVID-safe distance!!!!!!!!!
english is Very Much Not My First Language so i’m always looking for criticism for my writing
all of my whump content, made or reblogged, is under the tag please don’t fear for my mental health
this is also a star wars fan acc, so my blog may be somewhat cluttered. i’m so sorry lmao
here are some blogs that have really inspired me and that i look up to (and probably also annoy) <3333
@whumpster-dumpster @whumpzone @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi @whoopsitswhump @newbornwhumperfly @whump-blog @wolfeyedwitch @sideblogformindtrash @cupcakes-and-pain @rat-father @deluxewhump @winedark-whump @kim-poce @whumpwillow @wisteria-whump (if you want your tag removed for any reason, please lmk and i’ll remove it)
uhh yea that’s it woooooo ✧ ˚  ·    .
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