ladyroyza · 1 year
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ladyroyza · 1 year
In a what-if world where Riza was the next human-based homonculus, Roy finally gets his miniskirt daydream realized
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ladyroyza · 1 year
For them, it's either keep quiet or get caught… and they've never gotten caught.
[Video description:
Cosplay tiktok. A door opens, showing someone in an Amestrian military uniform from the waist down. A caption reads, "Hey, Colonel, have you seen Hawkeye anywhere?"
The video shifts to Riza, her back to a wall, Roy's gloved hand over her mouth. The caption reads "No, sorry. Maybe she's busy with something." His hand shifts to rest on her shoulder; she smirks, because she knows he trusts her to stay quiet.]]
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ladyroyza · 1 year
I've cosplayed good characters for so long… it's past time to play a villain.
[[Video description: A woman with long, dark brown hair standing in front of the camera, lip syncing with the audio. As she says 'Now I'm the bad guy' she raises her hand into view; it is covered in a long black glove with red accents. The video goes staticky for a moment, and when it clears, it shows her cosplaying as Lust from Fullmetal Alchemist.]]
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ladyroyza · 1 year
And one dark-haired Colonel in particular.
[[Video description: A Riza Hawkeye cosplayer stands against a blank white background, ticking off the different demographics she reaches on her fingers.]]
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ladyroyza · 1 year
Way down deep in my feels over this, don't mind me.
[[Video description: A Riza Hawkeye, dressed in her outfit from the Promised Day, lies looking up at the camera with fake blood on the side of her neck.
Captions in time with the audio read "You understood my eye signals," as she speaks, and "We've been together a long time." as Roy, off-screen, answers her.]]
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ladyroyza · 1 year
A smile can hide a lot.
[[Video description: a Riza cosplayer stands against a blank wall. A question appears above her head: "How did you stand working under Bradley, knowing what he was?" She looks up at it, then back to the camera to answer it with "You can go the distance, you can run the mile." She smiles without it reaching her eyes and adds "You can walk straight through hell with a smile."]]
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ladyroyza · 2 years
When your sweet farmboy Jedi husband has trouble 1) with fashion and 2) letting things go.
[Video description: A Mara Jade cosplayer talking to Luke, who is off-screen.]]
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ladyroyza · 2 years
Really, boys - an ego trip? In this economy?
[[Video description:
It is captioned "Fullmetal vs. Flame." A Riza cosplayer stands in front of a blank wall, speaking to two people - presumably Edward and Roy - who are off-screen. She is the one saying, "I just want you both to know, no matter the outcome, no matter who wins and who loses… I am extremely disappointed in both of you."]]
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ladyroyza · 2 years
That entire journey to the mountain was just… excruciatingly long.
[[Video description:
A Mara Jade cosplayer stands in front of a greenscreened image of Mount Tantiss, looking as though her patience is very strained.
"I'm trying to hard not to be an asshole to you guys, okay?" she says. She gestures toward the mountain. "Just please work with me here?"]]
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ladyroyza · 2 years
At least pick a plausible lie, sir.
[[Video description: background music - the bridge to 'Lips are Moving' by Meghan Trainor.
A Riza Hawkeye cosplayer stands with arms folded and a neutral expression. Text on-screen reads Roy: Hey, I'm going to leave a bit early. I finished all the paperwork I had, so….
Her expression drops into mild disapproval, before she lip-syncs with the first line of the chorus: "I know you're lying."]]
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ladyroyza · 2 years
It's honestly the most ideal outcome.
[[Video description:
An Olivier Armstrong cosplayer stands with her arms folded. Someone else says "You will end up childless and alone." She shrugs and replies, "Well, fingers crossed, yeah."]]
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ladyroyza · 2 years
Playing with fire.
[[Video description:
A Riza cosplayer gives a sly smile, lip-syncing with the audio, "I've always liked to the play with fire."
She falls backward the camera following. A transition occurs as she lands in her back on a bed: her uniform jacket is gone, and the lighting turns red. She adjusts her bangs out of her eyes, and smiles again.]]
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ladyroyza · 2 years
Roy isn't the only one she babysits.
[[Video description:
A Riza Hawkeye cosplayer stands in frame, looking around. "Wow, a surprisingly peaceful office moment." She folds hers arms, looking unimpressed. "When will it be ruined?"
From off-screen, someone yells "HAWKEYEEEE!"
She nods, having anticipated this. "There it is."]]
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ladyroyza · 2 years
Go on, speak up. Don't be shy.
[[Video description: an Olivier cosplayer slowly approaches the camera, stalking whatever person was foolish enough to say something stupid in her presence.
"I'm sorry, can you say that again? I was really distracted by a… little voice in my head screaming "Punch them in the throat."
She gives the person a scathing onceover, before her lip curls in disgust along with a soft "Ugh."]]
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ladyroyza · 2 years
That sweater is hella comfy, by the way.
[[Video description: a Rebecca Catalina cosplayer stands looking over a set of papers. A voice from off-screen yells "I'm his mother! Let me in." She winces, then looks to someone off screen in front of her. "Rock, Paper, Scissors for who has to talk to the victim's mom?"
The caption reads as Havoc responding "Deal." They play a round of Rock, Paper, Scissors; Rebecca chooses scissors. Havoc says "It's a game of chance! How do you always win?!"
She answers, "You always pick paper!" He says, "That is NOT true. Here; go again."
They continue, Rebecca continually picking scissors, Havoc continually losing. Every time he does, he says, "One more time." Finally, he gives up. "This reverse psychology is a bust!" as she laughs.]]
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ladyroyza · 2 years
Did you honestly think that two people so in sync wouldn't find a way to pass information while forcibly separated?
[[Video description:
A sped-up version of "Supermassive Black Hold" plays over the visuals as the camera slowly zooms in.
A Riza Hawkeye cosplayer stands against a blank wall, her expression and posture uncertain and uncomfortable.
The text on the screen comes from someone unseen. It reads "We're removing you from Mustang's command so you can't stop our plan for the Promised Day."
As the beat of the music drops, the camera angle switches so she is in profile. She turns her heads to look at the camera with a sly smile. The words she is thinking appear in yellow-lined blue, with a blue heart emoji.
"It's going to take more than that."]]
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