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lancelotdeservedbetter · 11 months
Merlin is trending so I want you all to know Leon is this to me
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lancelotdeservedbetter · 11 months
resurrected arthur but it’s a sitcom. merlin sees a blond guy in armor being fished out of a lake on the news and the first words out of his mouth are “what the fuck”. he keeps telling people arthur is foreign and that’s why he has a strange accent and keeps being rude. he has to stop arthur from stabbing a wet floor sign with a letter opener. merlin repeatedly threatens to dump arthur back in the lake if he keeps misbehaving. arthur brings home a dog on his first ever outing by himself and from then on arthur and merlin have a dog. everyone keeps mistaking them for a gay married couple. see my vision.
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this post is for, like, three of you but I had to bring it over for the merlintuals
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BBC Merlin + The Onion/ Reductress headlines part 3
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memes from the pov of camelot citizens (bbc merlin) part 4
idk how these medieval people got a hold of my phone
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part 1 | previous
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the season 3 mergana vibe is really very much "if you tell arthur i was at the devil's sacrament you'll have to explain why you were at the devil's sacrament"
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I'm gonna cry about the sheer amount of flowers in Lancelot's funeral boat Merlin must have spent hours gathering and arranging them for Lancelot good lord there's so many flowers that Merlin put in that boat 😭😭😭
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hugging a framed photo of lancelot bbc merlin whyd they have to do you so dirty king
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hey i’m compiling a list of particularly queer coded Merlin scenes/moments, do u have any favorites u can think of to add?
im so glad you asked me YES my favourites are as follows:
-Gwaine and Merlin's goodbye where both of them look like they have so much more to say and feels like they both know it's a goodbye charged with forever
-Almost every interaction Arthur has with Lancelot. That man was googling "what is bisexual help me" the second Merlin introduced him. Quality (obviously this doesn't include 4x09 we do Not talk about that)
-Whatever tf Elyan and Percival have going on for most of s4
-Gwen bringing Morgana flowers in s1 makes me cry
-Merlin and Gwaine's "i never stay in one place for very long. People get sick of me too quickly." "I didn't."
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I AGREE. LET GWEN SAY FUCK. Let her yell it, even.
i would willingly give most of my vital organs away to hear gwen wearily say fuck when someone asks her how it's going and i'd give the rest of them for her to scream it
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merlin (the show) kills me so much because. there is such a disparity in how it’s written. the actual plots, the decisions, circumstance. they’re so goddamn wonky. like none of it really makes sense under scrutiny.
but the dialogue and the character interactions and relationships. That shit. it slaps. idk what the writers were on. “i cannot stand by and watch this happen!” “then look away”. The Drama, the Banter, everything abt it is perfect. how is it so good and so bad all at the same time.
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Scrolling back through my notes page of stuff to put in fics I never wrote so here’s highlights part 1/?
Elyan: So what actually was your plan for if Arthur ever caught you doing magic?
Merlin, very drunk: Well. You see. I would point out the window behind him and shout LOOK ARTHUR IT’S YOUR FATHER’S APPROVAL!! and he would be like WHAT WHERE and go chase it and in the meeeeeantime (pauses to hiccup but doesn’t) I make my dashing and sexy escape
Lancelot: That’s so mean
Merlin, holding out a finger and swaying a bit: But it would work, yes? Yes?
Lancelot, quietly, while raising his beer to his mouth and nodding along like he hates it: Yes
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this is dumb as hell but that's what we do here at cursedmerlinedits
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Lancelot is canonically protective of Merlin thank you and goodnight
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