latine-showdown · 3 months
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Juanin Juan Harry propaganda
Miss Piggy propaganda
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latine-showdown · 4 months
In Ecuador we don't have president, we have a clown.
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latine-showdown · 4 months
Im begging (once again) for the US to stay out Latin America's business. They never help and only leave us more fucked
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latine-showdown · 4 months
there Is something you guys can do aside from like. spreading info. and it's that if you see a single asshole from the united states or europe using this shit to further the "latam people are violent and narcs" agenda tell them to fucking kill themselves.
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latine-showdown · 4 months
Does anyone understand what it means that Ecuador, which used to be the second safest country in South America, is in a state of emergency, am I going insane is it just me???
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latine-showdown · 4 months
may we one day see the usa collapse and be held accountable for all the damage they've done to latin america. amén.
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latine-showdown · 4 months
Ecuador, 🇪🇨 país multicultural, de hermosos colores. Me vio nacer, crecer, enamorarme, y quiero envejecer en el. Es mi hogar. Y sé que no influenciaremos a muchos pero mandamos este mensaje los ecuatorianos para que llegue a alguien de la comunidad internacional y alcen voz y brinden ayuda a Ecuador. Siempre hemos sido un país pacífico, es verdad, jamás perfecto y q veces con política corrupta, pero siempre orgullosos de decir en el consuelo que éramos tranquilos, que nuestra gente no era cruel. Éramos buenos y aún creo que hay muchos de nosotros que seguimos siendo buenos. Por favor pidan por nosotros para que los narcoterroristas que azotan mi hogar se vayan y vuelva La Paz a mi hogar. Lamentablemente no podemos solos. Necesitamos que internacionalmente nos vean y nos ayuden, necesitamos fuerza.
Te extraño, Ecuador. Te extraño, Guayaquil, mi gente jocosa pero buena.
Ecuador, multicultural country, with beautiful colors. It saw me born, grow up, fall in love, and I want to grow old here. It's my home. And I know that we will not influence many but we Ecuadorians send this message so that it reaches someone in the international community and raises their voice and provides help to Ecuador. We have always been a peaceful country, it is true, never perfect and sometimes with corrupt politics, but always proud to say in comfort that we were calm, that our people were not cruel. We were good and I still think there are many of us who are still good. Please pray for us so that the narcoterrorists who plague my home leave and peace returns to my home. Unfortunately we cannot do it alone. We need people to see us internationally and help us, we need strength.
I miss you, Ecuador. I miss you, Guayaquil, my funny but good people.
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latine-showdown · 4 months
no soy persona con muchos mutuals, menos alguien con el ancho de banda para que lo que digo llegue a todo el mundo, pero si hay algún ecuatoriano que lea esto.. fuerzas. no quiero ni puedo decir que estaremos mejor, me muero del miedo y se me hace puñete el corazón de pensar en mí familia, en amigos y en todos los que son en este momento víctimas del narcoterrorismo.
y si este post llega a otras personas, por favor infórmense del estado de mi país, no tengo alientos ya para explicar la situación, pero al menos la visibilidad ayudará a saber que no estamos solos.
Más que el sol contemplamos lucir.
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latine-showdown · 5 months
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latine-showdown · 5 months
Please reblog for a larger sample size!
If you know history and curiosities of Ecuador, please tell us and I'll share!
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latine-showdown · 6 months
✨ Please reblog the polls to make them reach out to as many people as possible, but KEEP IT SPOILER-FREE to make people listen to the music with an open mind 💖 Artists and titles will be revealed after the poll's conclusion ✨
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latine-showdown · 6 months
i cant belive i didnt log on tumblr for a couple of months and missed the sonic latine torunament
I’m so sorry about that </3 at least Brazil won again
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latine-showdown · 6 months
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latine-showdown · 6 months
un español con acceso a internet: están listos para oir la peor opinión en la historia de las opiniones?
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latine-showdown · 6 months
‼️Don’t vote if you’re not latine‼️
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latine-showdown · 6 months
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(Also knitted sweaters are Irish, dirtbikes are British, sparklers are Chinese/German, neon signs are French, and jeans are Italian/French. And small talk, small towns, fireflies? Really?)
anyways (I say this as someone who is deeply critical of the united states government, military, unchecked capitalism, police, etc) I am SICK of people treating america as if it has no cultural value or positives so….. I love u 85 million acres (bigger than italy) of national parks. I love u harlem renaissance. I love u groundhogs day. I love u sweet tea and fried chicken and jambalaya. I love u apple cider donuts and maizes on crisp autumn days. I love u 95k miles of coastlines and new england fisherman and hand knitted sweaters. I love u halloween where millions of people dress up and give candy to strangers and carve jack o’lanterns. I love u small talk and small towns and potlucks and bringing over casseroles to your struggling neighbors. I love u cowboys and ranch hands and arizonian cactus. I love u appalachian trail and dirtbikes and divebars. I love u sparklers and fireflies. I love u mark twain and toni morrison and emily dickinson and henry david thoreau. I love u rock n roll i love u bluegrass and hippies i love u jimi hendrix and nirvana and CCR and janis joplin. I love u victorian houses and jonny appleseed and john henry and mothman and bigfoot. I love u foggy days in the pacific northwest and neon signs and roadside attractions. I love u baseball and 1950s diners and soft serve. I love u native american art and pop art and poptarts. I love u blue jeans and barbecues and jazz musicians 
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latine-showdown · 6 months
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482 notes · View notes