laudofthedeep · 12 hours
Let's purposefully get traffic so bad that everyone in the city votes in favor of building a light rail even after the oil lobby gets involved
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laudofthedeep · 20 hours
Okay okay I wanna play
Spin the wheel for a Shakespeare character!
Reblog for sample size, etc. Would love to hear what you got + reasoning in the tags!
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laudofthedeep · 1 day
are people still reading YA fiction at the same rate they did when i was a child? i feel like we haven’t seen a hunger games or squire’s tale in a while and i just need to know that that ecosystem is still thriving
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laudofthedeep · 1 day
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Sturgeon keychain attempt one: lumpy, not enough scutes, kind of looks like an alligator. Will update with attempt two
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laudofthedeep · 2 days
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laudofthedeep · 2 days
I cannot stand the parodies of modern major general, they're overdone and simply not as good as the original. They've done them about everything, whatever topic, big or small.
And when i notice one of them my eyes will always start to roll.
The diction's always slurry when they rush the complicated words, and adding many fricatives will turn it so cacophonous. The slanted rhymes are silly and they keep just making more and more, please someone stop the parodies of modern major general.
The scanning of the lyrics in the meter is unbearable, they emphazise the syllables in ways that are untenable, in short in matters musical, prosodic and ephemeral, i cannot stand the parodies of modern major general!
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laudofthedeep · 2 days
it's fun trying to consult the vast, exciting field of "medicine" for stuff to the effect of "wait, so is salt good for you or bad for you, did we ever come to a consensus on that"
b/c the median doctor is just going to parrot back whatever the party line was when they went to med school 20 years ago
and then you may stumble onto some rando on the internet who's making a convincing *contrarian* argument to the effect of "actually the party line is {completely wrong, vastly overstated, vastly more complicated than your doctors are telling you}, etc"
but also 80% of convincing contrarian randos on the internet are cranks, so you sigh and go look through their sources yourself, and thank god for sci-hub, but now you've read like eighteen different studies and you don't *really* have the background to evaluate them, but you're developing the strong hunch that the only obviously correct conclusion is "dear god why do all these studies suck ass"
and at that point your options are either "develop a weirdly intense relationship with a naturopath/nutritionist/opinionated-guy-at-the-gym and become Really Into Blood Test Metrics As A Hobby" or "shrug and assume shit is probably fine." and if the latter, well, damn, you coulda just skipped to the end and saved yourself some trouble!
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laudofthedeep · 3 days
have Anadyne and Knock had a threesome?
No way, they're cousins and besties. Female friendship rep is really important to me so I don't mind saying they both are straight, and do not have romantic feelings for each other.
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laudofthedeep · 3 days
"There's no thought crimes and no thought heroisms" is honestly such a good piece of life advice.
You could be having the most fucked up problematic thoughts 24/7 but if you treat people with kindness, the good you do is the only thing that matters. But if you have only the purest thoughts and all the correct beliefs, it doesn't matter one bit if you spend most of your time being an asshole to people.
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laudofthedeep · 3 days
I think a lot about how, if the glorious violent revolution happens, every kid with significant medical needs in a hospital where power gets cut will die.
You can decide you're willing to sacrifice your own life, but you don't get to tell everybody else on the planet that they're acceptable collateral damage.
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laudofthedeep · 6 days
I love the "came back wrong" trope but from the opposite side.
Imagine you are dead. And then you are RIPPED from the embrace of decay into the world of the living again. Your memories are hazy and you don't recognize any of these people, but they act like they're close to you? Like they love you? So you try to get your memories back, to act like you belong here, but everybody tries to forget you died. And you can't. It is omnipresent. And just trying to grapple with that fact pushes the people who "love" you away, and they're incapable of understanding, and they're so confused, what's wrong N̶̄̀O̶͛͗T̷̉́ ̷͋͝Y̴̎̌Ȍ̴̈U̸̓R NÄM̴̃͑E̵̾̇? And you just need them to understand, you aren't that person! You aren't! You don't know who that person is! You don't know why any of this is happening, but they're unwilling to bend, they keep insisting you are that person, your memories will come back, everything will be normal again, and you want to scream and cry and claw yourself open to show them you're different. Your existence as a being wholly separate from whoever you "used to be" is a sin unto itself. All you can do is scrabble for life and to them, you're killing whoever they loved to do it.
just. lots of fun in that concept, you know?
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laudofthedeep · 6 days
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laudofthedeep · 7 days
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Art by Anthony Brault
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laudofthedeep · 7 days
what base? the bepis hierarchy of needs does not include shelter
there really are limits to how much you should be accounting for ‘he would not fucking say that’ and related sentiments. for instance i will sometimes see a fanart and unironically think thoughts such as ‘he would NOT have that much external shoulder rotation’ which frankly isn’t something i expect or even want other artists to be worrying about. draw or write your favorite little guys however you feel like doing it. the insufferable nerds will live
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laudofthedeep · 8 days
I think it’s probably in fact both Poe and Ranpo. I haven’t watched BSD to the point where Poe shows up but I know he’s there and I’d be deeply unsurprised if people ship Ranpo and his namesake
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something something breaching containment
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laudofthedeep · 9 days
Obsessed with the x files episodes where like someone will go missing and they’ll go to the victim’s last known location and see like a normal ant crawling around and mulder will go “I think the victim was kidnapped by two hundred ants disguised as a human being who took the victim because they need to digest organic matter in order to have the strength to build a giant anthill” and scully will go “that’s insane” but mulder will literally be right beat for beat
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laudofthedeep · 9 days
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“If The X-Files was a 90s anime.”
credit: MabooCraboo on imgur
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