laurenlovesimagines · 6 years
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“(Y/N), I must say, it is nice to be able to part take in the human dating experience with someone who shares my lack of romantic interest.”
“I agree. I always wanted to date, but I’ve never found anyone willing to date someone with no romantic feelings for them. Dinner on the holodeck at 8?”
“Of course.”
GIF Credit: (x)
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laurenlovesimagines · 6 years
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“A trip to the most romantic city in the world? My bionics are finally /helping/ me with a relationship instead of ruining it!”
“Yeah, I don’t think it was your bionics that ruined all your past relationships. I think it was your being a lesbian.”
“Shut up, Chase.”
GIF Credit: (x) (x) (x)
requested by @gap24​ (who wanted gay Bree, and since yesterday’s post wasn’t necessarily gay today will have three posts.)
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laurenlovesimagines · 6 years
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“I know it’s a lot to ask but-”
“I’m in, what do you need me to do?”
GIF Credit: (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x)
requested by @gap24​ (who wanted gay Bree)
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laurenlovesimagines · 6 years
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“Please tell me you didn’t see that.”
“Of course I saw it. That’s so cool, how come you never told me?”
GIF Credit: (x) (x)
requested by @gap24 (who wanted gay Bree)
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laurenlovesimagines · 6 years
Narnia Preference: Winter
Did anyone ask for cute winter activity preferences? No? Well here they are anyway.
Narnia’s flora is as magic as its fauna, so Caspian decided to take you to see the flowers that bloomed in winter. He’d bring one of the professors old notebooks to identify them and help you collect some of the non-dangerous ones. Neither of you could believe the other could looking even more stunning, but with crowns of glowing flowers you both looked ethereal.
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Being in charge of a Kingdom was stressful and often kept the two of you inside the walls of Cair Paravel. The two of you decided that you would put your duties aside for a bit while you adventured to a less inhabited part of Narnia. Waking up in a warm tent next to Peter and seeing the beautiful Narnian landscape was the perfect way to de-stress.
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Snuggling up by the fire with a good book is a staple winter activity, and it was Susan’s favorite to do with you. Sometimes, it was reading in silence just enjoying each others presence. Other times, you would take turns reading to one another and falling asleep to the sound of the others voice and the cracking fire.
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Understandably, Edmund did not like winter. Jadis was everywhere he looked.  So instead of going outside in the snow, the two of you would make hot chocolate and cuddle under a mountain of blankets. Seeing who could catch the most marshmallows in their mouth was a competition that could rival the Winter Olympics.
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What is winter without holiday themed treats? During winter, you and Lucy would spend hours in the kitchen baking sweets. By the time they were in the oven, you were both covered in flour and giggling at one another. Lucy goaded you into dancing with her while waiting for them to bake. Sadly, you couldn’t eat them all, so you would pass them out to the other inhabitants in the castle.
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laurenlovesimagines · 6 years
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“You don’t kiss my sister in front of me, and you don’t kiss my best friend in front of me.”
GIF Credit: (x) (x) (x)
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laurenlovesimagines · 6 years
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“How did Hyde get two girls to agree to date him?”
“Honestly, Jackie dating two people isn’t surprising. Jackie SHARING two people on the other hand...”
GIF Credit: (x)
requested by anonymous
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laurenlovesimagines · 6 years
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“Evie are you just going keep making heart-eyes at (Y/N) or are you going to tell her you love her?” “Mal, I am not in love with her. I just think she’s pretty, and nice, and I want to kiss her... Oh god, I am in love with her.”
GIF Credit: (x) (x)
requested by @veganwonderment
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laurenlovesimagines · 6 years
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“I can’t believe I dated an idiot like Eric when you were right here.”
“I can’t believe you dated an idiot like Eric at all.”
GIF Credit: (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x)
requested by anon
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laurenlovesimagines · 6 years
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“And ze hufflepuff house is about?”
“Hard work, dedication, patience, loyalty, and fair play.”
“Perfect for you, ma chérie.”
GIF Credit: (x) (x) (x)
requested by @fleurhermione
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laurenlovesimagines · 6 years
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“I can’t believe she didn’t notice it,” “I’m pretty sure we’ve kissed in front of her before,”
GIF Credit: (x) (x) (x) (x)
requested by anonymous
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laurenlovesimagines · 6 years
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“... Absolutely yes,”
GIF Credit: (x) (x)
requested by anon
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laurenlovesimagines · 6 years
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GIF Credit: (x) (x)
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laurenlovesimagines · 6 years
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“Hey sailors.”
GIF Credit: (x) (x) (x) (x)
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laurenlovesimagines · 7 years
Dream Girl
(Alternatively titled Holy Shit)
Summary: Ben’s sister is under a sleeping curse, and Uma is the only person that can help her.
Uma x fem!Reader
Leaves fell from the trees of Auradon Prep as the new transfers listened to King Ben welcome them to the school. Uma tried not to roll her eyes at him and his speech. She had almost taken over all of Auradon a few weeks prior, and he was smiling as if he was talking to Auradonian nobles instead of three pirates and a little girl.
Her attention returned to the scene before her when she heard Dizzy speak. “Where is Princess (Y/N)? Is she still under the sleeping curse?” Uma could see how much the girl wanted to meet, who Uma and many others on the Isle deemed, the only somewhat interesting person in Auradon.
The princess had a bit of a rebellious streak. Dying her hair , swearing, playing tourney, and wearing suits instead of dresses. She didn’t fit the mold of perfect princess very well. Hell, even Uma was hoping to meet her. But the princess had been found in Fairy Godmother’s museum next to the cursed spinning wheel a few months prior. The news broadcast claimed that whoever had done it had yet to be caught, but that the crowns best detectives where looking into it.
Ben’s face fell at the mention of his sister. “Unfortunately yes. (Y/N) is still asleep and is unable to be here, but I know she would have loved to meet you all and she believes all of us can get along with  and learn from each other.” He tried to regain his previous enthusiasm as he led the four into the school.
After a few days the pirate trio was integrating into Auradon Prep  surprisingly well. Ben had been doing his best to help them, and they managed to make friends with Lonnie and a few other Auradon kids.
Lonnie and the Pirates sat on the grass in a far part of the quad, away from most of the other students. 
“So what happened to Princess (Y/N)? How did she get put under that curse?” Gil asked Lonnie innocently. One of the best things about Gil was that he never meant any harm when he said something that could upset someone. Uma also couldn’t help but thank him for asking questions everyone else wanted to, but knew better.
“No one knows,” Lonnie said in a hushed voice. “They just found her there, on the ground with a needle prick on her finger.” Uma could tell there was something Lonnie was holding back, but decided not to push it. “Fairy Godmother can’t do anything to reverse it. The only way to wake her is true loves kiss. All Fairy Godmother could do to help was put a spell on her that would make her visit the dreams of her true love.” she paused for a moment before gasping. “Come with me.” She stood and made her way towards the entrance to the school.
The pirates followed her to a room farther into the castle than they had ever been, or even knew existed. They stopped in front of a room with the door blocked by royal guards.
“No one is allowed to enter without the Kings permission,” one of the guards said.
“I know, but Ben said we had to do anything to bring his sister back. Right now, this is the best we’ve got,” Lonnie argued. The guards thought for a second before stepping aside and allowing them to enter.
“They moved her out of her room in the dorms because no one could stand to walk by her door knowing she could stay- she was there and there was nothing they could do to help.”
Uma looked around the room, it was the same blue and yellow theme as the rest of the school, a large canopy bed took up a significant portion of the room.
“How are we the best you’ve got to bring ‘er back?” Harry asked.
“I'm hoping maybe one of you is her true love,” Lonnie said. “Just grab her hand for a few seconds to allow FGs spell to work. Please, we’ve already had every Auradonian our age try, and we haven’t had anybody report seeing her in their dreams.”
“Screw it, lets just do it,” Uma said to her boys.
As they all took turns grabbing the princesses hand Uma examined the sleeping girl. She was taken back by how pretty you were in person. She’d be lying if she said she never thought you were attractive whenever she watched you on television back on the isle. Telling the press to mind their own damn business when it came to your personal life definitely made you more attractive. She thought you’d gotten especially gorgeous when Evie started designing your outfits with inspiration from the Isle. The mix of royalty and rebellion in both you and the outfits made Uma, grudgingly, want to get to know you.
“What now?” Gil asked.
“Now we wait to see if she can visit your dreams,” Lonnie led the pirates out of the room as lunch ended.
Panic registered in Uma’s mind as she woke up and realized she wasn’t in her dorm, or her bed.
“Hi,” a soft voice said beside her causing her to jump.
“What the fuck,” she looked down at the girl who had been laying beside her.
“Good question,” you said sitting up.
“What's going on?”
“Your guess is as good as mine,” you stretched your arms over your head as you stood. You turned back towards Uma who was looking around the room. “I’m (Y/N),” you smiled at her.
Uma realized what had happened. She was asleep, and dreaming, and you were in her dream, and she was your true love.
“Holy shit,” she said sitting on the bed. She looked around the room again and noticed something odd, It was the same room you had been asleep in earlier, but in different colors.
She looked up at you, “Uma, daughter of Ursula.” She looked at your kind features looking down at her. Fuck, you’re so pretty. Uma thought.
“Did Ben finally bring more Isle kids over, took him long enough. I mean four months is more than enough time for people to get used to Carlos, Evie, Jay, and Mal. Especially since Mal is doing pretty well with becoming who the citizens of Auradon want from the King's girlfriend.”
“Wow, you’ve been asleep for awhile.”
“What do you mean?” You looked at her confused.
Uma explained what happened while you were asleep.
“Holy shit,” you said as you tried to take in everything she said. “Wait, why can I talk to you?”
Uma’s mind went blank of any explanation. She didn’t think you’d take kindly to a strange girl telling you she was your true love.
“Never mind, it doesn’t really matter,” you said. The room around Uma started to fade. “I think you're waking up. I hope I can see you again soon, Daughter of Ursula.”
Uma didn’t tell anyone, aside from Harry and Gil, about you vising her dream that night, or the next few nights. She loved getting to talk to you without hiding any part of her, even the parts of her you brought out that she didn't know about. She almost started to think that you were just a dream. A really good dream.
The two of you laid side by side on the large, soft bed. Uma turned to take in your features as you rambled on about the time you convinced one of your fathers noblemen to jump into a pool fully clothed with you. “How did you prick your finger on the spinning wheel?” Uma asked when you finished your story. She regretted it immediately when she saw your smile drop. Part of her hated how comfortable she had become around you, the other part of her reveled in not needing to think about what she said in front of someone. “You don’t have to tell me, I-”
“No, it's fine.” You took a deep, shaky breath before turning to face her. You had both looked into each others eyes before but never this intensely. Her heart broke at the tears welling up in your eyes.
“I did it myself, I wanted to be asleep.” Silence filled the room. “It was selfish but- I just needed time away from being the Princess of Auradon, and normally I can handle it and I don’t care about what the press says about me. I always had Ben to talk to, to be my self around, but he got so busy after he became king. And I thought maybe I could talk to Jay or Evie since I know their parents always tried to force them to be their idea of perfect, but they adjusted so eagerly to Auradon after the Coronation. I thought maybe something was wrong with me.”
“Nothings wrong with you, they only pretended to adjust perfectly, just like Mal did.” Uma said holding your hand firmly. You sniffled and pulled her into a warm embrace. When you pulled away you stared into her eyes. Her breath caught in her throat at how close your face was to hers. You noticed her gaze flicker to your lips and decided to take a chance. You leaned forward and pressed you lips gently against hers. The kiss lasted a few seconds before everything around you faded black.
You woke up confused. You could have sworn you were just kissing Uma. Cautiously, you slid out of bed and made your way to the door. When you opened it, you came face to face with two of the royal guards.
“Princess (Y/N)? You're awake!” one of the guards said. “I will go alert the king.”
“Who’s in there with you?” the other guard asked. “It’s the middle of the night. We haven't let anyone in.”
You stayed silent, dazed as you realized what had happened.
The spell on the spinning wheel could only be broken by true loves kiss. Uma was your true love.
That explained why you became so close so quickly. You had only met her a week ago, but you felt like you had known her forever. You felt like you could trust her with anything. It's how your parents described how they fell in love. It's how Ben said he felt about Mal, even before she gave him that love potion, and especially after it was broken.
“Holy shit.”
You rushed down the corridor towards the girls dorms. From the far end of the hall you could see someone running in your direction.
“(Y/N)!” It was Ben, dressed in dorky crown themed pajamas. If you weren’t on a mission to find Uma you would have made fun of him.
“Ben,” you hugged him as he reached you.
“Holy shit, you're awake!” he smiled as his eyes welled with tears of happiness. You held him tightly as people started to exit their dorms to see who was running around and yelling in the middle of the night.
“(Y/N) is awake!” Someone shouted. The boys started to file in to see why the girls were loud enough to wake them up. You tried to focus on hugging and greeting your friends, but your eyes scanned the crowd for someone specific.
“Who broke the spell?” someone asked. You couldn't remember who had said it, because at that moment you saw her. Uma was standing away from the loud, growing crowd. You pushed through the mass of bodies without breaking eye contact. After an eternity you finally reached her. The crowd had quieted down, or your brain blocked them out. Either way, when you pulled her close to you and kissed her again, nothing around you mattered. This time the kiss lasted until you both broke apart to breathe.
“Holy shit,” you both whispered, your foreheads pressed against each other. You giggled as you leaned in again and gave her lips a few more pecks. “Is this why I could see you in my dreams?” you asked in a low voice, caressing her face. She nodded. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Didn’t want to scare you princess. You grew up in Auradon, I didn’t want you fainting on me,” she teased.
“You don’t scare me. You’re my dream girl,” you said before pulling her in for another kiss. You were drawn back to reality as cheers roared from the crowd you had forgotten was watching you. Their princess was back and had found her true love. Everyone had to agree the you and Uma made an adorable and bad ass couple.
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laurenlovesimagines · 7 years
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“Is dating people who kidnap you a family tradition?”
“Yeah, kinda.”
GIF Credit: (x)
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laurenlovesimagines · 7 years
Raising The Bar
Summary: You and Jane are undoubtedly the cutest couple at Auradon and raise the bar for everyone else.
"You're the worst (Y/N). Did you know that?" Lonnie's S/O said as you walked into the room.
"Yeah, you and Jane make the rest of us look bad." Audrey's S/O teased.
"I can't send my girlfriend flowers?" you joked, knowing exactly why it upset them. "Not even as a thank you for the amazing date she set up last Friday?"
"You sent her a dozen-dozen bouquets!"
"It was a /really/ good date," you shrugged.
"It must have been, our room is filled with flowers!" Lonnie said as she walked into the room. She sat next to her S/O and said half-jokingly, "How come you've never given me that many flowers?"
"Do you see what you've done?"
"Its not my fault were perfect."
Your phone vibrated in your pocket. A smile lit up your face as you read the text.
'WHY?!?!? what’
'You know what. Why is my room so full of flowers I can't even walk from my bed to the door?'
'just a small thank you for our amazing date last week '
"Oh God, I can tell you're flirting with her." Lonnie's S/O groaned. Before you could give a sarcastic remark, your phone buzzed again.
'I will get you back for this <3'
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