lavender-tragedies · 2 months
You know when something is so accepted as a fact in a fandom and fanfiction that you genuinely thought it was cannon?
Yeah, that happened to me. I just spent the last 30 minutes trying to find the scene where Hannibal calls Will "mylimasis" only to find out that it's not cannon???
There is also no video of Mads Mikkelsen saying it and I honestly can't tell if that's a good thing. Because the Hannibal fandom lost their shit at him smoking, who knows how much it will blow up if he calls Hugh Dancy "mylimasis" in an interview. And let's be honest, he probably would.
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lavender-tragedies · 5 months
A doctor who reaction fic where Gallifrey (either before/during the time war or after the 12th Doctor returns from the confession dial) react to all of the Doctor's adventures after they disappeared (aka new who).
Any or all versions of the Doctor, Master, and companions can be present.
Can either react to the episodes (most impact full or likely to create dramatic reactions) or compilation videos or scenes (like the famous speeches).
Bonus points for including Old Who characters that especially knew the Doctor like Brax, Ramona, Any of their families or professors from the academy, etc.
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lavender-tragedies · 1 year
When a 2000s emo looks at your playlist and tells you that you have the music taste of an emo... but you didn't know!
Loading existential crisis....
Just what??? 😂🫠
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lavender-tragedies · 1 year
Dumbledore essentially sentenced Harry to the same fate that his sister suffered from. The Dursleys said they would "stamp out that nonsense" which could have turned him into an obscurus or have him block his magic like Ariana did. Dumbledore knew this and still did it. Maybe it's exactly why he did it, cause Ariana was dependant on him, so Harry would be too.
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lavender-tragedies · 1 year
You're a 'comically incompetent' supervillain for a group of C-List heroes. They are no real threat to you, so you endure their childish speeches. However, when the heroes raid the civilian business you run on the side and injure your employees, you decide to take yourself seriously for once.
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lavender-tragedies · 1 year
You're a 'comically incompetent' supervillain for a group of C-List heroes. They are no real threat to you, so you endure their childish speeches. However, when the heroes raid the civilian business you run on the side and injure your employees, you decide to take yourself seriously for once.
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lavender-tragedies · 1 year
You're a 'comically incompetent' supervillain for a group of C-List heroes. They are no real threat to you, so you endure their childish speeches. However, when the heroes raid the civilian business you run on the side and injure your employees, you decide to take yourself seriously for once.
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lavender-tragedies · 1 year
People assume a kingdom ruled by a Necromancer as being hell, actually it's a pretty sweet gig where you sell years of work in death to live super comftorble lives, now if only heros would stop trying to spoil it for everyone else…
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lavender-tragedies · 1 year
"War? You do not yet know war. You are a child who has tasted their first autumn frost and called it winter."
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lavender-tragedies · 1 year
"War? You do not yet know war. You are a child who has tasted their first autumn frost and called it winter."
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lavender-tragedies · 1 year
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The work of Ed Fairburn
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lavender-tragedies · 1 year
Need a sequel!!!
You're a 'comically incompetent' supervillain for a group of C-List heroes. They are no real threat to you, so you endure their childish speeches. However, when the heroes raid the civilian business you run on the side and injure your employees, you decide to take yourself seriously for once.
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lavender-tragedies · 1 year
You're a 'comically incompetent' supervillain for a group of C-List heroes. They are no real threat to you, so you endure their childish speeches. However, when the heroes raid the civilian business you run on the side and injure your employees, you decide to take yourself seriously for once.
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lavender-tragedies · 1 year
Would totally read this
You're a 'comically incompetent' supervillain for a group of C-List heroes. They are no real threat to you, so you endure their childish speeches. However, when the heroes raid the civilian business you run on the side and injure your employees, you decide to take yourself seriously for once.
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lavender-tragedies · 1 year
You're a 'comically incompetent' supervillain for a group of C-List heroes. They are no real threat to you, so you endure their childish speeches. However, when the heroes raid the civilian business you run on the side and injure your employees, you decide to take yourself seriously for once.
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lavender-tragedies · 1 year
Humanity has finally reached the stars and found out why no one had contacted us. The universe is in a sad state. As such, Doctors without Borders, Red Cross, and many othe charities go intergalactic.
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lavender-tragedies · 1 year
The Hero is secretly gay. Unfortunately, the Villain doesn't know this and keeps kidnapping the Hero's best female friend, thinking that she's the love interest. Even more unfortunate, she's finally had enough.
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