lieutenantjadziadax · 9 years
Dax beamed at him, thrilled that he had found time for Worf. It would do them all good to get away for even a few days. "It looks beautiful," she said as she leaned in to look at the scenery. Thought the quality was poor, she could see how lush the area was. "You must have some of the best hunting lands on Qo'noS. I'll let Captain Sisko know that Worf and I are going to need some time off." She took another look at the pictures before going back to her drink. "Do you want to tell Worf?" she asked. "It'll make is week."
qorDu' Dochmey
"Hrmph," Martok nodded knowingly. "He has not been able to spend much time around his own people. That is regrettable." He thought about it for a few moments, then pounded the palm of his hand decisively on the table, rattling their mugs.
"I can open a small portion of time in my calender next week. Captain K’Vada can take command in my absence. He is a capable officer and he has been wishing to test his skills in any case. And I do need to go home anyway because there is paperwork there that I… have not got around to doing." In other words: been putting it off. “Here-” he took out a padd and called up some personal files, showing them to Jadzia. “Those are the lands of the House of Martok.” The low-quality, grey picture (typical for a Klingon padd; they were built for function, not for aesthetics) showed an overgrown wilderness of a forest, complete with trailing vines and ugly flowers that looked like they could bite one’s head off. “These plants have been deliberately left to grow wild for hunting and to deter invaders. Many wild beasts live in the forest,” he said proudly.
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lieutenantjadziadax · 9 years
Jadzia laughed openly at his remark. "Recycled air is just as stuffy as the air in the Academy," she replied goodnaturedly . "But it should be a nice change. Come on, I'll show you what our mission is," she said, climbing into the shuttle and speaking to him over the shoulder as she moved.
"I'm a scientist and I'm studying the debris in an asteroid belt. Problem is, what I'm looking for is small and hard for sensors to pick up. It requires a lot of instinct and programming the computer to do it for me would make it take a lot longer. What I need from you is expert navigation. You're going to have to keep the shuttle steady while I collect samples as well as avoiding debris. Think you can do it?" she asked.
First Mission || Closed rp with CaptainxProton
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lieutenantjadziadax · 9 years
//I've finally finished finals/gotten back into the swing of things/whatever so I'm ready to plot/write a bunch of starters for anyone who's interested.
Sorry for the random hiatus and not plotting with everyone--I wasn't sure I was going to keep my Jadzia blog around and so I didn't want to start a bunch of threads only to drop them a few weeks later after realizing I had no muse for Jadzia. Anyways, I think most of you know I'm also cmdrtpol/cmdrtroi? I can't remember who I told.
Anyways! I'm available for threads/plotting. Also I've been away for like two months so I have no idea who's active now or if I'm not following people I should be following...
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lieutenantjadziadax · 9 years
Jadzia turned at the sound of someone standing at attention and didn't bother hiding her smile. The cadet was freshfaced and out of breath and she suspected he was just as excited as she was about this mission. "At ease, Cadet," she said. "Lieutenant Jadzia Dax," she introduced with a cheerful grin. "Have you been briefed on our mission yet?" she asked.
First Mission || Closed rp with CaptainxProton
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lieutenantjadziadax · 9 years
"The cleaner found these strange objects in Worf's sleeping quarters. He CLAIMS to know nothing about it. I think they may be yours?"
Jadzia smothered a laugh. "This one," she said as she took a round object from Martok's hands, "is a container." She tapped the top of it twice and it slid dutifully open. "Snacks on the go," she explained. "High in protein, low in taste but enough to keep you going if you can't get to a replicator. But this one," she said with a wide smirk as she took the second thing from Martok, "is used for less... public activities. And he was supposed to put it away after we used it."
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lieutenantjadziadax · 9 years
First Mission || closed rp with CaptainxProton
There was something about first solo missions. She had fond memories of a whole collection of firsts from Dax's previous hosts and she was looking forward to her own first mission. This body was new and young, full of plenty of firsts to come. Unfortunately, this mission wasn't going to be done solo. There was the small fact that it would be impossible for her to boy pilot the ship and monitor the data. Initially, she had planned to have the computer collect the data for her while she piloted the ship but it would be faster if she manually directed the scanners.
The downside of this meant she needed a skilled pilot; the trip would be through an asteroid belt around a planet a few lightyears from Earth. In order to collect accurate data, she would need a pilot who could hone in on one asteroid at a time while still avoiding other debris in the belt. She sent the request to Starfleet for a pilot who would be able to meet the requirements in the hopes that they could spare someone. They had replied that, while they didn't have any official pilots available, she was free to use someone still at the Academy.
By the time she reached Earth and the shuttle she would be using for the research, the position had been filled by a Cadet who, she was assured, would be more than capable of piloting the ship for the mission.
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lieutenantjadziadax · 9 years
chIrgh leng || Closed RP with KangTheDaharMaster
It was rare that Jadzia took enough time off to leave the station but, lately, she'd felt the pull of her Curzon roots and the desire to visit Qo'noS again had led her to arrange a visit. Though Curzon's interests in Klingons was mostly political, Jadzia found herself eager to explore the planet's rich history. There were countless historical sites to visit even as a tourist and she planned on visiting as many as she could before returning to her duties on DS9.
Dax checked the map on her PADD once more before turning the final corner towards the temple she was intent on seeing. The temple itself wasn't popular but its proximity to her previous destination, the larger chIrgh within the town, had encouraged her to at least stop by. Besides, she had little information on the history of the building and she was always eager to learn more about the planet's rich history.
As the chIrgh came into view, she smiled. Despite the fact that the building had been weathered with age, she could see that it had once been beautiful, a true testament to Klingon architecture.
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lieutenantjadziadax · 10 years
She didn't bother hiding her amusement this time. "A bureaucrat's duty is never done," she said solemnly, teasing him. 
Jadzia nodded eagerly, knowing that a good hunt would make for a memorable trip. "I think that would be a great way to spend time with my new family," she said with a grin. "And I know Worf would enjoy spending more time with you. You wouldn't believe how much time he spends growling about not having enough free time." 
qorDu' Dochmey
Martok looked at Dax as though she’d just suggested he sprout an extra pair of arms and legs.
"I am delegating!” he replied, grumbling. “Even with delegation, it seems there are still endless things to do!” Spotting a waitor hurrying by, he managed to catch his attention and order a ra’taj of his own, then returned his attention back to Jadzia.
"It will be good for Worf to be on his home planet again," Martok agreed, brightening. "Perhaps if I can find some free time, I can organize a hunting expedition." Finding free time was not easy with a war on, but surely he could manage to slot at least one day in, he thought.
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lieutenantjadziadax · 10 years
Greetings my dear, you are looking very lovely today! Allow me to extend an invitation. Come to my chambers tonight, and I'll let you touch my wrinkles. See how deeply you can wedge those delicate fingers of yours into the crevices between the bulges of my meaty body. If you find a nugget of latinum buried in there, I might even let you keep it! Regards~ Grand Nagus
Jadzia stared at the message for several long seconds before cackling. Though the message was obscene, she had to admit that she was at least amused by it. Still, it wouldn't do to encourage the Nagus.
I don't know how you got into my private messaging system but the only way I'm going to be taking latinum off of you is in a game of Tongo. 
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lieutenantjadziadax · 10 years
She hid her smile behind her ra'taj, doing her best to look serious. "Have you tried delegation?" she suggested, amused by his plight and only half teasing. "Have someone else fill it out, check it over, and then sign off on it. It wouldn't do for a great warrior to die of boredom." 
Jadzia smiled brilliantly at the offer. "I would love that. I can't remember the last time I went to Qo'noS. And I'm sure Worf would love it. He's been talking about how much he'd enjoy going back there for a visit. I would be honored," she said. 
qorDu' Dochmey
"Grrr," Martok growled for an answer. "Darok has me buried under paperwork!!” He said this word as though it were a swear word. “I do not think my ancestors ever had to deal with so much reading, and writing, and signing and fingerprinting!” he ranted on, glad for the opportunity to have a good grumble. “At this rate, I shall be bored to death before I even get the chance to go into battle at all!” 
Realising then that he had probably rambled on too much, Martok stopped himself before he could end up boring Jadzia to death along with him. “Well, enough about that,” he said. “I hope that you are finding married life to your liking. Now that you’re a member of my house, you must visit us sometime. Work schedules permitting, of course.”
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lieutenantjadziadax · 10 years
Tumblr media
-LAYER ONE : THE OUTSIDE · Name: Jadzia Dax · Eye Color: Blue · Hair Style/Color: Dark brown, nearly black, slightly wavy. Ranges from about collarbone length to waist length. · Height: 6’ · Clothing Style: Starfleet Uniform while on duty. Off duty, comfortable clothing, usually in purples/blues. For workouts, she dresses in soft black clothing that won't get in the way. · Best Physical Feature: Everything? Idk, I'm biased.
LAYER TWO: THE INSIDE · Fears: Losing her Symbiont, being unworthy of her symbiont, not measuring up to past hosts (Which fades as time passes), losing her loved ones. · Guilty Pleasure: She doesn't believe in being guilty about pleasures. Maybe flirting. But even then, she doesn't believe that you should feel guilty for living life to its fullest. · Biggest Pet Peeve: Close mindedness. · Ambition for the Future: To live, to love, to spend time with the people she loves. She's pretty content to be a Science Officer and she loves working on DS9. Once she marries, Worf, her future is more family-oriented.
· First Thoughts Waking Up: Depends on what day it is! Some days she bounds out of bed ready to start her day and other days she just wants a few more hours to sleep. · What They Think About the Most: Her friends and family, her job, how she's going to fuck with the next person (specifically Odo. There's something utterly delightful about the way his mouth stretches in annoyance). · What They Think About Before Bed: Again, depends. If she's sharing her bed, then it's whoever's sharing it with her. If she's on her own, probably work or her plans for the next day/week/month. · They Think Their Best Quality Is: She's quick-witted and smart and she's adaptable. She knows that she's capable of great things, most of the time. 
LAYER FOUR: WHAT’S BETTER? · Single or Group Dates: Both! She loves spending time with people she cares about.  · To be Loved or Respected: Respected. · Beauty or Brains: Brains! She loves pretty people but a pretty face is just a pretty face at the end of the day. And she needs someone who can keep up with her.  · Dogs or Cats: Hmm, probably cats. They're more independent and wouldn't mind if she was out late. 
LAYER FIVE: DO THEY? · Lie: ...not really? She isn't one to flat out lie but sometimes duty demands it.  · Believe in themself: Yes and no. She didn't believe in herself when she was first Joined but now she does.  · Believe in Love: Absolutely!  · Want Someone: Yes
LAYER SIX: EVER? · Been on Stage: Not really? I mean, Lela Dax and Curzon Dax were politicians and Emony Dax was a gymnast so I suppose that would count? But Jadzia herself, not really.  · Done Drugs: Alcohol. Not that she would NEVER do recreational drugs but the balance between Host and Symbiont is waaaaay too delicate to risk drugs.  · Changed Who They Were to Fit In: She's pretty adaptable but she wouldn't compromise herself just to "fit in" 
LAYER SEVEN: FAVORITES · Favorite Color: Purple  · Favorite Animal: None 
LAYER EIGHT: AGE · Day Your Next Birthday Will Be: Trill uses a different calendar  · How Old Will You Be: This blog has a flexible time period so between like 27-early 30s  · Age You Lost Your Virginity: I'd guess sometime in her early 20s?  · Does Age Matter: Not really. Dax is over 300 years old so basically everyone 's going to be "younger" than her. 
LAYER NINE: IN A BOY OR GIRL · Best Personality: She loves intelligence. She likes a mind that can challenge her own. · Best Eye Color: It's not really relevant to her  · Best Hair Color: She's flexible  · Best thing to do With a Partner: Everything. Exercise, sleeping, sex, dinner, work, bathing. She just loves spending time with the people she loves. 
"Layers" Character Meme
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lieutenantjadziadax · 10 years
Though Dax was fond of both the Replimat and Quark's there was a certain... atmosphere that the Klingon Deli had that always put her at ease. Maybe it was the smell of gagh or muttered Klingon that made the place seem much more inviting than other restaurants. Besides, she was unlikely to run into too many colleagues while she was here and, after her latest shift, she didn't want to.
She was nursing a ra'taj and studying a PADD when she heard the familiar sound of Martok's voice. She smiled as he sat, pleased with his company; it wasn't often that they spent time together alone. "Martok, nuqneH!" she said. "I've been well! Though between work and Worf, I've been busy. And you?"
qorDu' Dochmey
Wandering across the Promenade, Martok was pleased to get a short break from his duties. He enjoyed his job as an officer, for the most part. But as General… there was so much paperwork involved. Nothing bored him like paperwork.
Thankfully he’d managed to give Darok the slip. Sneaking out of the office whilst his assistant was busy rummaging through a pile of padds, and thus had his back turned, Martok now made his way down to the Klingon Deli— probably the only place on Deep Space Nine where they actually prepared food and drink properly, he thought.
He entered and cast a quick look around, before spying a friend sitting at one of the tables. Grinning, Martok invited himself to join her, pulling up one of the chairs and easing himself into it. “Ahh!” he said, “jupwI’! I might have guessed I’d encounter you here eventually! Tell me, how is my sister-in-law today?”
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lieutenantjadziadax · 10 years
Jadzia lifts an eyebrow in amusement. "You should've seen what we used to wear. The current uniforms are a huge improvement." She leans on the table, edging slightly closer with a smirk, enjoying the game. Part of her thinks she shouldn't get this much enjoyment out of teasing him but he plays along so well. "And what would you suggest instead?" she asks coyly, her own thoughts turning to what the Cardassian would like to see them in.
Garak & Jadzia ✻ Distrust ✻ lieutenantjadziadax
She smiles brightly at him. “I meant it as a compliment,” she says, smothering her giggles. “You have to admit that you’re surprisingly proficient at making uniforms. Just look at what you did for Kira during her pregnancy! Starfleet could use a tailor like you.” 
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lieutenantjadziadax · 10 years
She smiles brightly at him. "I meant it as a compliment," she says, smothering her giggles. "You have to admit that you're surprisingly proficient at making uniforms. Just look at what you did for Kira during her pregnancy! Starfleet could use a tailor like you." 
Garak & Jadzia ✻ Distrust ✻ lieutenantjadziadax
lieutenantjadziadax started following you
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lieutenantjadziadax · 10 years
"I think he's locked himself in our quarters. He got a new recording of his favorite opera and I'm pretty sure he won't be able to hear his comm badge over the speakers. He bribed Chief O'Brien to wire some new sound system for it with a bottle of good scotch." 
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lieutenantjadziadax · 10 years
Open starter | Replimat
"Raktajino," she ordered, relieved when its scent hit her nose. She was practically aching for something caffeinated after her latest endevor. Despite what Benjamin might think, spending her day pouring over soil reports on a potential Federation Colony was not the most stimulating way to spend her day. 
Unfortunately, the Replimat was crowded and she had to glance around for an empty seat. Spotting a friendly face, she smiled and approached. "Mind if I sit here?" she asked. 
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lieutenantjadziadax · 10 years
//Hey I'm finally ready to get this blog going! Anyone want a starter/want to plot? 
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