Mostly old, something new.
Life really likes to live on repeat, or that’s how it seems anyway. Went to dinner wih some friends and yet again it leads to me not being listened to. Well, more that they didn’t understand rather than not listening, but apparently since their doctor told them one thing all of mine have to be wrong, and because I pick up a change of sleeping habits when I’m not working as much means I must…
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Of Health, Friends, and Advocates (...again)
Latest entry in my ongoing blog of what's up in my crazy life.
First off, Happy New Year everyone! Here’s to a 2018 that won’t kill us all! That’s a common enough wish for the year, right? I just want to start out with it’s great to hang out with friends and play board games while bringing in the new year. It’s an awesome time, but then as is normally the case with me, my health comes up. I know that they mean the best, but they just push more than try to…
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In Denial
Something that I’ve been afraid of happening finally has. While I’ve already dealt with my legs freaking out while driving, recently I had something a bit more scary; my arm/hand spasmed while I was driving. Thankfully it was just my right arm and all that really happened was me spilling some hot chocolate on me (it was cooled off by that point). While I was totally annoyed by my hot chocolate…
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Muscle Issues
So, something that I’m noticing more now as time goes on with me being unable to eat plants and all the supplements I have available (that I know of) is that the lack of those vitamins is starting to catch up to me. While we’re still waiting on the blood tests, it would appear that my muscles are starting to cramp and tense more frequently, probably due to a lack of potassium. This ranges from…
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Also doesn't help that so many of us have some kind of health issue that keeps us second guessing if we can even handle raising a human life. Like that takes A LOT and shouldn't just be a "well, we need to for the country" kind of decision.
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Catching Up
Right, so it’s been a bit, but between work and doctors appointments I’ve had zero energy for anything once I get home. It also turns out that once I am home, even with some energy to do things the last thing I want to do is hop on my laptop and write about this depressing matter. So, let’s see if the phone app for this helps any, eh? Now, to catch up on what’s going on. I’ve seen a GI in hopes…
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On Keeping Secrets
I have finally come to the conclusion that other people being involved make it weird. Alright, maybe I should specify on that a little. It’s when friends/family/friend-family get involved with someone’s health. It’s not a bad thing that they’re taking interest with what’s wrong, but sometimes it’s the pushing that can come from it when they don’t fully know everything behind why the person…
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