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Pairing: I.N x fem!reader 
Trope/Genre: Fluff 
Warnings: Mentions of sexual things, MINORS DNI
I.N is not an idol in this fic. 
334 words 
Summary: You put makeup on your boyfriend out of boredom. 
You were sitting next to your boyfriend on the couch while you were scrolling on your phone. Suddenly, you came across a video of a girl doing her partner’s makeup and you obviously had to recreate that with Jeongin. 
“Do you know what this is called?” You held up a bottle of foundation and began squirting some of it out and dabbing it onto his face. “Is that foundation?” “Good! You’re learning.” 
“How do you have my shade?” “I got one that matches your skin tone just in case we ever needed it for some reason.” “Wow, you’re prepared.” “Yep.” You put liquid bronzer in little dots on his jawline. 
You pulled out another item from your makeup bag. “Okay, do you know what this is?” “Is that a dildo?!” You rolled your eyes. “No dumbass. Why would I keep one of those in my makeup bag, that's just unsanitary.” “I don’t know! You’re horny.” You smacked him lightly and blended out the bronzer. 
“Are you gonna use any concealer?” “There isn’t anything to conceal.” “Oh…” “Unless you want to look airbrushed.” 
You blended out some blush and applied some highlighter under his eyebrows. “Okay Innie, close your eyes.” 
He followed your instructions as you sprayed the setting spray onto his face in an ‘X’ motion. While you were in the middle of spraying him, he opened his mouth to speak and swallowed some of the spray. 
“Ew! What is that?” “You aren’t meant to eat it! It’s setting spray.” “Well, it doesn’t taste good.” “It’s not supposed to.” 
After adding some lipstick and lip gloss, you were finally on to his eyeliner. “Look up.” Once you had finally made it even, you held up a mirror and showed him how he looked. 
“This is so well done… You should do this for me more often.” You laughed and started playing with his hair. 
“We’re gonna have to remove all of that later tonight you know.” “But I want to keep it on forever!”
Author note: AH I just realised that I posted this on his birthday so happy birthday to Jeongin! Like always, constructive criticism is wanted! If you liked this, please follow me for more fanfics like this one <3 Thank you!
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ITZY Masterlist
Working on it💪😭
Working on it💪😭
Snowy: 💖
Working on it💪😭
Working on it💪😭
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Pairing: Ryujin x gn!reader 
Trope/Genre: Fluff, established relationship
Warnings: Pet names, usage of Y/N
712 words 
Summary: You and your girlfriend go for a walk through the snow to the store to buy some items. You come across some fun things along the way.
It was the middle of winter and there were piles of snow everywhere. Staying in your warm, cosy house was probably the best decision, which you were planning to make, but your girlfriend insisted that a movie night ”needed” microwaved popcorn and that you also “needed” some hot soup to warm up with.
So you and Ryujin embarked on a journey to the supermarket. After wrapping up warm, you both started walking down the street to get to the closest store. “Ooh! Y/N look!” Her gloved hand pointed at a fluffy, white puppy playing around in the snow with its owner.
”It’s so cute!” You laughed. Whenever there was an animal near, she would get so excited. “Do you want to ask if we can pet it?” “Nah, their owner looks scary.”
As soon as she had finished her sentence, the dog’s owner shot a glare towards both of you and you grabbed her hand and bolted towards the other direction. 
After you had both stopped to catch your breath, you continued calmly walking to the store. 
“If Jesus could walk on water…” “Please don’t finish that sentence.” you said with a sigh. “Could he swim on land?” 
“You’re such a dumbass. I mean I love you, but you’re a dumbass.” “Well don’t blame me, blame Bo Burnham.” “Who?” “I saw a TikTok of a guy playing the piano while saying that.”
“Your ‘for you page’ will never fail to terrify me. I mean, one second its a video of a cat with huge eyes walking around aimlessly, and then it’ll be a subway surfers video with a horrific true crime story playing in the background.” “Don’t judge me, judge the algorithm.” She shrugged. 
Ryujin was more of the ‘silly’ type, and compared to her, you were calmer. You would usually fix up her messes and make sure she doesn’t do something stupid and in return, she’d thank you constantly and show her appreciation in more ways than one. So you had to be protective of her.
You both had finally arrived at the shop. You went in, bought some popcorn and a few other veggies for a soup that Ryujin was planning to make for dinner, and then went out. On the walk back home, your girlfriend spotted a big unfinished snowman. She ran over to it and picked up some sticks to stab into the sides to create the illusion of arms. You picked up some small stones and placed them in a vertical line on its belly for buttons. “No!” She cried out. “Hm?” “We don’t have a carrot!” “Oh no…” Ryujin had a sad look on her face and she plopped down on the floor in defeat. “Get up, you’ll get wet.” “What’s the point? The snowman just looks like a body with a baseball for a head.” 
She sighed an exasperated sigh as you thought of what to use as a nose. 
“Ryujin.” “Yeah?” “How much do you want soup for dinner on a scale of one to ten.” “Uh, five?” “How much do you want to finish this snowman on a scale of one to ten?” “Ten definitely.” 
You took a leek out of your shopping bag, ripped the green top off it and stuck the leek in the area that a carrot would go. Ryujin stood up and beamed happily. “I love him!” She tightly embraced you. “Even though he looks diseased?” “Even though he looks diseased.”
Once you had both left your creation, you noticed two kids looking up at the snowman in amazement. They began to build a second one beside it. 
“Awe, cute.” You said, walking beside Ryujin. “Not as cute as you though.” “Huh?” “You basically wasted a leek that you had bought with your money for me!” “I didn’t want you to be sad.” “Oh my god, I love you so fucking much.” 
She grabbed your hand, and you could feel how much warmer her hands were compared to yours. Apparently, through her gloves, she could feel them too. “Your hands are freezing babe.” She grabbed both of them and breathed hot air onto them.
You could feel yourself blushing, and you hoped that she wouldn’t notice and that she would just think that it was just because of the cool air. She noticed.
Author note: Thank you so much for reading my first itzy fic! I seriously appreciate it. Like always, constructive criticism is wanted! I feel like there are a lot fewer wlw fics out there (as someone who reads wlw and straight works) than there are straight ones! Even though this one is gn, I'm hoping to make more wlw ones for the gays out there. If you liked this, please follow me for more fanfics like this one <3 Thank you!
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need you to [Lee] Know.
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SUMMARY: minho loves you: to him, it’s as clear as water. Its only after he finds out that you’re starting to doubt it—he needs you to know just how much.
REQUESTED! here by an anonnie. I hope you like it, pookie, ‘cause I had fun doing this! <3
CW: slight hurt/comfort if you squint, but it’s just fluffy fluffy lino being really down bad and not knowing how to grasp it tbh which just gives me my serotonin dosis for the rest of the month lol
WC: 1.2k
A/N: also omfg kats posting two requests on the same day? that’s right baby, look at me go! 🤩🤩🤩
Minho was not the type to show his affection.
He comes off more like a shy kitten that slowly gets used to you, your sweet smell and how soft your touch feels, and then slowly opens up.
“But, uh… can I be real with you for a sec?”
It’s a feminine voice with a strong accent. He can hear it comming from your room, and the slight glitchiness of it makes it obvious that it’s a phone call set on speaker.
“Sure.” He can almost see you shrug, but he just closes the main door as soft as he can, pleading for the cats to stay silent for a little bit longer.
Minho can’t exactly place together why he’s overhearing your phone call. He knows who you’re calling, he can recognize Chan’s sister by her tone. But still, he keeps quiet, gently placing his bag down and silently taking his shoes off.
“I just— and don’t get me wrong, but, your boyfriend kinda seems… bored of you.”
What? Minho has to hold back a scoff, remaining as still as a statue next to the front door. He’s waiting for you to deny it.
“You think so?”
And then, he frowns, because you didn’t. Instead, your tone sounded hesitant. Dubious.
As if you weren’t sure if Minho loved you.
“You say he keeps cancelling your plans together. He has stopped making time for you. Like, girl, you can’t remember when was the last time he told you he loved you.”
Hannah pauses, and that only makes it worse, because it lets every word sink in.
“I uh, well. I ain’t gonna say that he should throw flowers at you every single second, but, uh, you know.”
He can only hear you groan loudly, almost picturing that cute motion you usually did when he meaningly teased you, taking your hair and covering your face with it.
“Can’t say anything for sure with him,” Hannah adds. “But, just by what you’re saying…”
Minho’s heart clenches tightly in his chest. He doesn’t want to keep hearing this... this nonsense. God, he loves you. And you… can’t see it? Frowning, he starts walking to your room, but his movements end in a halt, his hand just above the doorknob, threatening to grasp it and fully open the door.
“Girl, it’s gotta be late down there. Sorry this whole call was about me.” Your chuckle comes off slightly dry. “I’ll talk to you later, ‘kay? Go get some good sleep.” Your tone just screams how bad you’re feeling, and it just makes his chest swell with guilt that slowly creeps up his body.
Maybe he had been taking you for granted?
He opens the door as soon as you press the red button, sighing loudly after ending the call. When you see him, you jump in your place, startled by his presence, and you stand up awkwardly.
“Minho!” You say in a squirm. He can’t help but cringe slightly.
“No.” His tone sounds childish, like a petty toddler who didn’t want to eat the carrots in their lunch.
You frown slowly, the slightly wary grimace melting on your face, allowing a soft confusion to step in.
“No what?” You mutter.
He walks to you slowly, and grabs your hand, taking it to his chest, pressing it flat against his clothed skin, over his heart. You can feel his heartbeat, a not-too-slow rhythm: thump, thump, thump.
“Call me by a pet name. Any pet name.” He says, his tone equally firm and soft. “Call me by a pet name and say you love me.”
He’s serious, but god, so fucking nervous. His brain is slowly melting away because he’s so bad with words and he isn’t sure any action could be enough. He’s already blushing.
“I, huh… I love you, jagi.” You mumble, still confused.
And even if you don’t say it as fondly as always, or if your smile isn’t beaming like how it usually did, you can feel his heartbeat quickening.
“You can feel it, right?” His eyes are soft and worried.
Oh, God. You just know you’ve gotta be pouting. It’s hard to react with words, and the only thing you can fathom doing is linking your arms behind his nape and sinking your face on the crook of his neck.
“Min, I’m so sorry.”
“N-no, kitten.” He mumbles, hugging you tightly too. “I am the one who’s sorry.”
He breathes in, drowning in your soft fragrance. Home. It’s you, it’s warm, and he loves it.
He loves you.
So, he says it. He has to say it. He can’t not say it.
“I love you.”
And it feels so good to let it out that he chuckles. He has to say it again. “I love you.” And again. “God, I love you.” Just once more. “I love you so much.” He’s giggling like a fool, but he’s a fool in love, and that makes him blush even more. “I can’t not love you. Not loving you would turn everyday into Mondays. Like, I can get it tattoed if you want me to. I just. I love you so much that ‘I love you’ can’t even—.”
You move from his shoulder, now facing him, and you cradle his face, pulling him in a kiss that’s so sweet that threatens to give both of you type 1 diabetes.
“Y-you’re crying.” Minho mumbles, softly brushing the stray tears away with his thumb.
“It’s your fault, silly.” You sniff, giggling too. “How can you say stuff like that?”
Your heart is beating like crazy, the butterflies in your stomach are multiplying by seconds and in your cheeks glistens a bright and deep shade of pink.
You want to say it too. But in his own way.
So, you take his hand and settle it on your chest. Right above your heart.
It’s a rapid thump thump thump that Minho feels right away. He can’t help but smile widely.
“I super-mega-love you.” He teases, picking you up in between his arms.
You’re laughing, squirming in his hold.
“Lee Minho! Put me down!”
But he just grips your body tighter to his, and walking as if you weighted nothing, heading towards your bed, plopping you down there.
“Good girl.” He snickers, and you blush even further. Minho takes your chin tenderly and pecks your lips. For a moment, certain kind of idea flashes through his head, but he just kissed you again, following his previous thought.
He opens your closet with a toothy grin, and halfly eyes the window before picking up a random shirt, a grey hoodie that used to be his, a dark skirt and your thigh-high socks, going as far as to the suspenders for you.
He then turns to face you, his eyes glowing. He can’t wait to see you all dolled up. Minho feels like a teenager, and he loves it.
“You have twenty minutes.”
You blink at him, and you can’t help but smile, confused.
“I’m taking your cute ass to a date.”
It may not be an instant fix to the struggles to your relationship, but as you two walk down the beach, looking for colourful rocks that match each other’s eye colour, you know that he’s worth fighting for.
Regarding Minho, he happily hums to himself, eyes glued to your figure as you cackle and run in the beach, as you look behind you and giggle at the prints your boots leave in the humid sand.
He smiles, running towards you, tackling you and holding you in his arms.
He’s not letting go anytime soon.
~Kats, who always struggles to choose a picture for the fics because istg lino looks good in every single moment!!
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Open Window (Part 2)
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Part 1 here
Pairing: Barely threatening thief!Hyunjin x fem!reader 
Trope/Genre: Non idol au, fluff
Summary: You’re nearing the end of your gap year, and you decided to spend your last month of it at your aunts house. Unfortunately, a very stupid criminal has struck your house many times and you need to figure out who they are and why they did it.
 1112 words 
Warnings: Hyunjin LITERALLY ROBS YOU. DO NOT DO WHAT Y/N DOES SHE IS A DUMBASS. Usage of pet names, swearing. 
It had been two days since you’d seen the robber. He had come through the window while you were asleep a couple of times and stolen a few small items that you had to look for when you woke up. You had so many questions.
‘Why is this guy stealing dumb shit?’ ‘Why is this guy stealing from me?’ and most importantly, ‘What is his name?’ All you were hoping for was for him to come back through your window (While you were awake) and explain everything. 
After another boring day, it was finally night again. There was one problem though, it was freezing. Although it had been warm the weeks prior, the temperature had randomly dropped. You weren't expecting him, but just in case, you left a note taped to the window that said “Knock on the window and I’ll open it for you so you can steal all of our prized possessions :)” 
Surprisingly, at midnight you were awoken by a knock at the window. Navigating your way through the dark, you managed to open the window and let the man in. “Hi again!” he said happily as he sat down on the windowsill. “What do you want to steal this time? Because I have a few things that I’d rather keep.” “Well, this time I’d like to talk for a bit, because I feel like you’re a little confused.” 
You were taken by surprise, but touched by the fact that he was willing to help you understand what was going on. “Oh, thanks!” 
“I’m not an asshole, darling, I’m not gonna leave you in the dark… Figuratively, it’s the middle of the night I can't make the sun come up again.” You laughed and began to speak. 
“Why are you stealing from me?” “I can’t answer that.” “Okay? Why are you stealing useless stuff?” “I can’t answer that.” 
“What can you answer then?” “You should start smaller. Let me ask you one. What’s your name?” “I thought I was supposed to be asking questions!” “You’re shit at asking questions.” You rolled your eyes. 
“Y/N. What’s yours?” “I can’t answer that.” “Seriously?!” “I’m kidding. My name’s Hyunjin.” “Hyunjin? That’s a really pretty name.” “Thank you. So is yours, it suits you.” 
“Well, Hyunjin, what do you like to do for fun? Other than stealing weird garden gnomes.” You could see a dimly lit face smile across the room. “I draw and paint and read, so basic stuff.” “I wouldn’t call that basic, especially for a criminal.” “Don’t judge a book by its cover Y/N.” “You stole an empty soda bottle from me, I think my anger is valid.” He laughed. 
“You’re definitely the most interesting person I've ever robbed.” “You’re definitely the most interesting person who’s ever robbed me.” “How many people have robbed you?” “Let me count. One.” “I’m honoured to be your first.” 
“How many other robbers do you know?” “Out of the ones I know? Six.” “That’s more than I thought would be around here.” “Yep, we all rob around this neighbourhood because we’re honestly not bothered enough to go anywhere else.” 
“Well, I’m all out of questions. Is there anything you wanna say or ask?” “Oh yeah! Are you single?” “Oh, um, That was very forward.” “I’m just asking!” Despite how far away he was, you could see him smirking in the darkness. 
“Yeah, I’m single.” “Okay good to know.” “What about you?” “I’m single. Painfully single to be honest.” “Really? I didn’t think that you’d be a romantic type.” “I’m such a hopeless romantic it’s insane.” 
“How many other robbers out there are like this?” “I don’t really know…” 
“Do you want me to turn the lights on? It might help you see what you’re stealing from me.” “Nope, then you’d see me and it would ruin my threatening mysterious persona.” “I hope that was sarcasm.” “No, but seriously, you can't see me with the lights on.” “Sure, but I’m not gonna look for you and report you to the police or anything, I probably should though.” 
“I promise, my stealing isn’t just for fun.” “I believe you, for some reason I trust you a lot. It’s weird.” “I’m just so charming aren’t I?” “I take it back.” “Aw, why?” “You’re too cringy to trust.” “What do you mean?! I’m not cringy at all.” You threw a pillow at him and you could see him dramatically collapse on the floor. “You deserved that.” “No, I didn’t.” “Find something to steal and get the fuck out before I throw something bigger.” “Fine.” 
He scanned the room. “What’s that?” He said, pointing at a new item on your bedside table. “Oh, I was gonna give that to you.” He walked over to pick it up. 
He was a lot closer than he’d ever been before and you could see his face in more detail. He was absolutely stunning. He had an incredible jawline and the prettiest lips you had ever seen. 
“Wow.” You said. He tilted his head in confusion. “You’re so beautiful.” He looked down shyly. “So are you.” 
He held the item and squinted at it. “Is it a torch?” “Yeah! I thought it would be useful to have something that could help you see what you’re trying to steal.” “Thank you so much!” He pointed it towards the corner and turned it on. 
“Why do you have a box of paper clips in the corner of your room?” “I don’t even know. I thought it would be useful but it really isn’t.” “I think I’ll take that.” 
He was about to grab the box when you grabbed his arm. “Wait. Don’t go yet. I’ve barely seen you and I have to leave in two weeks.” “You’ll see me again soon love.” You felt your face heat up slightly. “But,” 
He cut you off as he kissed you softly. Butterflies erupted in your stomach. Your hand was still on his arm and his hand had moved up to hold the back of your head. When he pulled away, he moved his hand and tilted your chin up to look at him. He smiled for a moment but the smile had quickly transitioned into a look of concern. 
“Was that okay? If you weren’t fine with that I’m so sorry.” You laughed. “No that was okay. More than okay actually.” “Okay good.” 
You let go of him and he walked to the corner of your room to pick up the paperclips. He opened the window and prepared to jump out. 
“I’ll see you tomorrow Y/N.” 
With that, he was gone and you couldn’t stop smiling, replaying the moment in your head as you fell asleep.
Author note: Thank you so much for reading! I seriously appreciate it. Like always, constructive criticism is wanted! I'm planning to make a part three to this so if you found it interesting stay tuned! If you liked this, please follow me for more fanfics like this one <3 Thank you!
@catiuskaa thanks for the stickynote idea!!! :D
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yo is it okay if i use your idea for a p2?
Open Window (Part 1)
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Pairing: (non threatening) thief!Hyunjin x fem!reader 
Trope/Genre: Non idol au, fluff
Summary: You’re nearing the end of your gap year, and you decided to spend your last month of it at your aunts house. Unfortunately, a very stupid criminal has struck your house many times and you need to figure out who they are and why they did it.
854 words 
Warnings: Hyunjin LITERALLY ROBS YOU. DO NOT DO WHAT Y/N DOES SHE IS A DUMBASS. Usage of pet names, swearing. 
Lee know is mentioned
You were so bored. So extremely bored. You had completed your third walk around the block, which you normally would be too tired to do, but you had to do something that didn’t include death-scrolling on your phone and making small talk with your aunt. 
You thought that taking a gap year would include traveling and spending time with your close friends, but it was really just a whole lot of nothing. 
When you were preparing to unlock the door to get into the home that you were staying at for a month, you noticed the weird gnome on your doorstep was missing. ‘Eh, whatever’ you thought to yourself. The next day, while going on another walk around the block, half of the garden decorations were gone. You just brushed it off, because who the fuck would steal garden decorations. 
A few hours later, you had gotten ready for bed because ‘if you can’t entertain yourself it's better to just sleep’ you thought, but you had left the window open. It was extremely hot and you were lying on top of your bed sheets, trying to get to sleep when you heard a noise. You looked up to see a person, halfway inside of your room. 
As soon as you realised what was going on, your hand flung to your bedside table to turn the light on. But the shadow of a man was gone. Thinking it was just a dream, you slept peacefully.
“Did you hear anything last night Y/N?” your aunt asked, while washing dishes by the sink. “No, I don’t think so. I think I went to sleep immediately after getting upstairs.” “Oh, I must have been imagining things then.”
The nights were uneventful for a while, until you slept with your window open again. 
Tossing and turning, you couldn’t sleep. It was around 3 am when you heard a noise again. This time, you were sceptical and terrified. The fear was so intense that you felt like you couldn’t move your hand to turn on the light. 
“Who are you?” You said. It came out quieter than intended, but it was audible. “Uh, a ghost. This is all a dream.” You could see a silhouette of a man wiggling strangely and you couldn’t help but laugh. He looked about 5’11 and his voice was strangely attractive. 
“Okay, what the fuck is going on? Because I’m weirded out at this point.” He shrugged. “Yeah, that’s fair enough.” You could hear someone take a deep breath and then blurt out. “I’m robbing you.” “Sorry, what?” “I’m robbing you, well, attempting to.” 
Your fear was slowly melting away as you realised how stupid the criminal was. “What do you want me to do with that information?” “Whatever you do, please don’t tell the police, Minho will kill me.” “Who?” “The guy who organises this shit, whenever I fuck up, he stuffs tissues in my mouth.” 
“That seems pretty civil for a robber.” “Well, we don’t usually hurt people. Unless they want us to.” “Was that meant to be a threat, or an attempt at flirting?” “Flirting, but it obviously didn’t work since you didn’t even realise I was trying to flirt.” He said, sounding slightly embarrassed. “Well, maybe you should try harder.” “We can save that for another day angel.” You felt your face flush a little after hearing that.
“Another day?” “Well you’ve left your window open these past few nights, so your house is the easiest to rob.” 
“Oh this isn’t my house, I’m just staying here for a bit.” “Are you sure you should be telling me that?” “Honestly, you don’t seem that much of a threat so I don’t really care.” “You don’t seem like much of a threat either.” “What do you mean?” “You haven’t attempted to kill me yet. I mean, someone has chased me down a road with a guitar before, so compared to that…” You cut him off with a giggle and sat up a little bit. 
“You also haven’t called the police yet, unless you’re planning to.” You thought to yourself for a second then looked back at the robber. “I’m actually enjoying this.” “Damn, you must be really bored.” “Yep.” He rocked back and forth awkwardly for a bit and then finally spoke up. 
“Well, I’ll just take this.” He held up an item. “What are you taking?” “I genuinely don’t even know, I can barely see.” “I think-” You squint trying to figure out what the object is. “that’s an empty bottle of Mountain Dew?” “Ah. Valuable!” He picked it up and started climbing out of the window. 
“Wait! Are you gonna tell me your name?” “I’ll tell you next time, as long as you leave your window open again.” 
And with that, he was gone. You began to berate yourself for the absolute stupidity of what you just did. 
‘You let a burglar into your aunt's house!’ ‘What would she think!’ ‘What if he comes back and gets violent?!’ 
But with all of that, you couldn’t help but feel excited for the next time you leave your window open.
Author note: Thank you so much for reading! I seriously appreciate it. This was actually based off of a dream I had! (which was a lot more chaotic but whatever)Like always, constructive criticism is wanted! I'm planning to make a part two to this so if you found it interesting stay tuned! If you liked this, please follow me for more fanfics like this one <3 Thank you!
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Thank you!!! Thats honestly so real tho💀
Open Window (Part 1)
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Pairing: (non threatening) thief!Hyunjin x fem!reader 
Trope/Genre: Non idol au, fluff
Summary: You’re nearing the end of your gap year, and you decided to spend your last month of it at your aunts house. Unfortunately, a very stupid criminal has struck your house many times and you need to figure out who they are and why they did it.
854 words 
Warnings: Hyunjin LITERALLY ROBS YOU. DO NOT DO WHAT Y/N DOES SHE IS A DUMBASS. Usage of pet names, swearing. 
Lee know is mentioned
You were so bored. So extremely bored. You had completed your third walk around the block, which you normally would be too tired to do, but you had to do something that didn’t include death-scrolling on your phone and making small talk with your aunt. 
You thought that taking a gap year would include traveling and spending time with your close friends, but it was really just a whole lot of nothing. 
When you were preparing to unlock the door to get into the home that you were staying at for a month, you noticed the weird gnome on your doorstep was missing. ‘Eh, whatever’ you thought to yourself. The next day, while going on another walk around the block, half of the garden decorations were gone. You just brushed it off, because who the fuck would steal garden decorations. 
A few hours later, you had gotten ready for bed because ‘if you can’t entertain yourself it's better to just sleep’ you thought, but you had left the window open. It was extremely hot and you were lying on top of your bed sheets, trying to get to sleep when you heard a noise. You looked up to see a person, halfway inside of your room. 
As soon as you realised what was going on, your hand flung to your bedside table to turn the light on. But the shadow of a man was gone. Thinking it was just a dream, you slept peacefully.
“Did you hear anything last night Y/N?” your aunt asked, while washing dishes by the sink. “No, I don’t think so. I think I went to sleep immediately after getting upstairs.” “Oh, I must have been imagining things then.”
The nights were uneventful for a while, until you slept with your window open again. 
Tossing and turning, you couldn’t sleep. It was around 3 am when you heard a noise again. This time, you were sceptical and terrified. The fear was so intense that you felt like you couldn’t move your hand to turn on the light. 
“Who are you?” You said. It came out quieter than intended, but it was audible. “Uh, a ghost. This is all a dream.” You could see a silhouette of a man wiggling strangely and you couldn’t help but laugh. He looked about 5’11 and his voice was strangely attractive. 
“Okay, what the fuck is going on? Because I’m weirded out at this point.” He shrugged. “Yeah, that’s fair enough.” You could hear someone take a deep breath and then blurt out. “I’m robbing you.” “Sorry, what?” “I’m robbing you, well, attempting to.” 
Your fear was slowly melting away as you realised how stupid the criminal was. “What do you want me to do with that information?” “Whatever you do, please don’t tell the police, Minho will kill me.” “Who?” “The guy who organises this shit, whenever I fuck up, he stuffs tissues in my mouth.” 
“That seems pretty civil for a robber.” “Well, we don’t usually hurt people. Unless they want us to.” “Was that meant to be a threat, or an attempt at flirting?” “Flirting, but it obviously didn’t work since you didn’t even realise I was trying to flirt.” He said, sounding slightly embarrassed. “Well, maybe you should try harder.” “We can save that for another day angel.” You felt your face flush a little after hearing that.
“Another day?” “Well you’ve left your window open these past few nights, so your house is the easiest to rob.” 
“Oh this isn’t my house, I’m just staying here for a bit.” “Are you sure you should be telling me that?” “Honestly, you don’t seem that much of a threat so I don’t really care.” “You don’t seem like much of a threat either.” “What do you mean?” “You haven’t attempted to kill me yet. I mean, someone has chased me down a road with a guitar before, so compared to that…” You cut him off with a giggle and sat up a little bit. 
“You also haven’t called the police yet, unless you’re planning to.” You thought to yourself for a second then looked back at the robber. “I’m actually enjoying this.” “Damn, you must be really bored.” “Yep.” He rocked back and forth awkwardly for a bit and then finally spoke up. 
“Well, I’ll just take this.” He held up an item. “What are you taking?” “I genuinely don’t even know, I can barely see.” “I think-” You squint trying to figure out what the object is. “that’s an empty bottle of Mountain Dew?” “Ah. Valuable!” He picked it up and started climbing out of the window. 
“Wait! Are you gonna tell me your name?” “I’ll tell you next time, as long as you leave your window open again.” 
And with that, he was gone. You began to berate yourself for the absolute stupidity of what you just did. 
‘You let a burglar into your aunt's house!’ ‘What would she think!’ ‘What if he comes back and gets violent?!’ 
But with all of that, you couldn’t help but feel excited for the next time you leave your window open.
Author note: Thank you so much for reading! I seriously appreciate it. This was actually based off of a dream I had! (which was a lot more chaotic but whatever)Like always, constructive criticism is wanted! I'm planning to make a part two to this so if you found it interesting stay tuned! If you liked this, please follow me for more fanfics like this one <3 Thank you!
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The first part of Open Window was so cute and funny 😂 I’m intrigued…can’t wait to read more 🤍
I cant wait to write more! Stay tuned <3
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Open Window (Part 1)
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Pairing: (non threatening) thief!Hyunjin x fem!reader 
Trope/Genre: Non idol au, fluff
Summary: You’re nearing the end of your gap year, and you decided to spend your last month of it at your aunts house. Unfortunately, a very stupid criminal has struck your house many times and you need to figure out who they are and why they did it.
854 words 
Warnings: Hyunjin LITERALLY ROBS YOU. DO NOT DO WHAT Y/N DOES SHE IS A DUMBASS. Usage of pet names, swearing. 
Lee know is mentioned
You were so bored. So extremely bored. You had completed your third walk around the block, which you normally would be too tired to do, but you had to do something that didn’t include death-scrolling on your phone and making small talk with your aunt. 
You thought that taking a gap year would include traveling and spending time with your close friends, but it was really just a whole lot of nothing. 
When you were preparing to unlock the door to get into the home that you were staying at for a month, you noticed the weird gnome on your doorstep was missing. ‘Eh, whatever’ you thought to yourself. The next day, while going on another walk around the block, half of the garden decorations were gone. You just brushed it off, because who the fuck would steal garden decorations. 
A few hours later, you had gotten ready for bed because ‘if you can’t entertain yourself it's better to just sleep’ you thought, but you had left the window open. It was extremely hot and you were lying on top of your bed sheets, trying to get to sleep when you heard a noise. You looked up to see a person, halfway inside of your room. 
As soon as you realised what was going on, your hand flung to your bedside table to turn the light on. But the shadow of a man was gone. Thinking it was just a dream, you slept peacefully.
“Did you hear anything last night Y/N?” your aunt asked, while washing dishes by the sink. “No, I don’t think so. I think I went to sleep immediately after getting upstairs.” “Oh, I must have been imagining things then.”
The nights were uneventful for a while, until you slept with your window open again. 
Tossing and turning, you couldn’t sleep. It was around 3 am when you heard a noise again. This time, you were sceptical and terrified. The fear was so intense that you felt like you couldn’t move your hand to turn on the light. 
“Who are you?” You said. It came out quieter than intended, but it was audible. “Uh, a ghost. This is all a dream.” You could see a silhouette of a man wiggling strangely and you couldn’t help but laugh. He looked about 5’11 and his voice was strangely attractive. 
“Okay, what the fuck is going on? Because I’m weirded out at this point.” He shrugged. “Yeah, that’s fair enough.” You could hear someone take a deep breath and then blurt out. “I’m robbing you.” “Sorry, what?” “I’m robbing you, well, attempting to.” 
Your fear was slowly melting away as you realised how stupid the criminal was. “What do you want me to do with that information?” “Whatever you do, please don’t tell the police, Minho will kill me.” “Who?” “The guy who organises this shit, whenever I fuck up, he stuffs tissues in my mouth.” 
“That seems pretty civil for a robber.” “Well, we don’t usually hurt people. Unless they want us to.” “Was that meant to be a threat, or an attempt at flirting?” “Flirting, but it obviously didn’t work since you didn’t even realise I was trying to flirt.” He said, sounding slightly embarrassed. “Well, maybe you should try harder.” “We can save that for another day angel.” You felt your face flush a little after hearing that.
“Another day?” “Well you’ve left your window open these past few nights, so your house is the easiest to rob.” 
“Oh this isn’t my house, I’m just staying here for a bit.” “Are you sure you should be telling me that?” “Honestly, you don’t seem that much of a threat so I don’t really care.” “You don’t seem like much of a threat either.” “What do you mean?” “You haven’t attempted to kill me yet. I mean, someone has chased me down a road with a guitar before, so compared to that…” You cut him off with a giggle and sat up a little bit. 
“You also haven’t called the police yet, unless you’re planning to.” You thought to yourself for a second then looked back at the robber. “I’m actually enjoying this.” “Damn, you must be really bored.” “Yep.” He rocked back and forth awkwardly for a bit and then finally spoke up. 
“Well, I’ll just take this.” He held up an item. “What are you taking?” “I genuinely don’t even know, I can barely see.” “I think-” You squint trying to figure out what the object is. “that’s an empty bottle of Mountain Dew?” “Ah. Valuable!” He picked it up and started climbing out of the window. 
“Wait! Are you gonna tell me your name?” “I’ll tell you next time, as long as you leave your window open again.” 
And with that, he was gone. You began to berate yourself for the absolute stupidity of what you just did. 
‘You let a burglar into your aunt's house!’ ‘What would she think!’ ‘What if he comes back and gets violent?!’ 
But with all of that, you couldn’t help but feel excited for the next time you leave your window open.
Author note: Thank you so much for reading! I seriously appreciate it. This was actually based off of a dream I had! (which was a lot more chaotic but whatever)Like always, constructive criticism is wanted! I'm planning to make a part two to this so if you found it interesting stay tuned! If you liked this, please follow me for more fanfics like this one <3 Thank you!
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“At this point, Y/N should get her own reality TV show… we watch that all the time. Like Too Hot Too Handle and all of us are the other candidates… let’s see how long she’ll last,” Hyunjin says with a giggle.
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💻 One and a half months ago: The infamous Halloween party. Or how insiders call it—the night when Red Lights was born.
❗️You, Y/N, are part of this year’s season of Red Lights, starring as the main character, surrounded by eight very different men that you have all met before. In order to decide how the story unfolds and what happens in following episodes, select an option for the poll after reading a chapter.
🛷 CONTENT INFO: skz ot8 x afab reader [not at the same time], pls refer to masterlist for more info, reality/dating show AU, minors do not interact since it includes topics only suitable for adults, content warning under the cut
🥀 CONTENT WARNING: slut shaming, (excessive) alcohol consumption, weed comsumption, mention of drug selling, friends being… anything but friends, men™️
The characters do not portray any of the skz members in real life, the names are just used for fiction. Minors do not interact, this post contains mature topics. By reading you consent to nsfw content and agree that you have read all the warnings above carefully.
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— One and a half months ago —
The bass is echoing through your little apartment, reminding you it was a good idea to leave a note in the hallway for your neighbours, telling them the volume could get a little higher tonight. It’s Halloween, after all.
You’re dressed as Little Red Riding Hood, for some reason being in a couple costume with Chan, who is a wolf tonight. Big surprise. Your skirt is a little shorter than planned but you don’t mind. You’re staying inside the flat anyway, so the high knee socks will keep you warm.
Although, you’re a little scared about the guests noticing how obviously your roommate is drooling over you. Hyunjin—the pirate—can’t keep his hands to himself. Not that you mind at all, you crave having his hands all over you at all times but you don’t need any observerers that come with that. Especially not your other friends.
This is a friends with benefits agreement and no one should know about it. After all, you’ve had your experiences with all of the men of your closer circle and confusing anyone is the last thing you want. It’s enough that you're already confusing yourself with the feelings you have for your roommate.
“This… stays a secret, right?” you whisper, when mixing another drink and feeling Hyunjin’s chest pressed against your back. He uses any excuse he gets to be close to you.
“Sure, baby. I’m not gonna tell anyone,” he promises.
You nod, before the two of you get back to the living room, sinking down on the couch together. You were just in the middle of a little round of Truth or Dare, when Hyunjin’s glass and your own one suddenly got empty.
“Is there a sex story you feel ashamed of, Jisung?” Ryujin asks, taking a sip from her drink. Your other friend group—Ryujin, Yuna and Sooji—are here too and you are impressed that the latter and your enemy haven’t gotten into a serious fight yet.
“Not necessarily ashamed but… I had sex with my weed dealer… he’s cute, though. I kind of had a crush on him, you know,” Jisung confesses.
This doesn’t surprise you. Jisung is pretty known for sleeping with many different people, after all.
“Did you…do that to pay for the weed?” Chan asks with a giggle.
“No! Now that I think about it, he gave me a discount for it, though…” Jisung replies, blinking hastily when the realisation kicks in—just like the weed from the brownies he brought with him, probably from the guy he just told everyone about.
“I wasn’t aware that Bbokari already bakes the brownies for you, but they’re good, I can’t get enough of them,” Yuna says, taking another bite. Bbokari is the name of Jisung’s weed dealer but none of you knows him. It’s rumoured he owns a pretty popular café in Seoul.
“I guess I’m special,” Jisung laughs.
Hyunjin is suddenly grabbing you by the waist, pulling you a little closer. It’s nothing new or odd for your roommate and you to cuddle, it’s even normal to do it in front of your friends but with the conversation drifting to sexual topics, you feel yourself getting a little flustered. Maybe it's because you lost count of how many drinks and brownies you had. Your head is spinning, while getting filled with unholy thoughts about the man next to you.
“You know,” you start, whispering into his ear, “we can always disappear in your room or mine… Little Red Riding Hood and a pirate like you would make a hot couple.”
Hyunjin chuckles, “Yeah? Want me to take you in one of our bedrooms while all our friends are here? Turn you into a moaning mess for me, hm?”
You feel yourself getting wetter, as you catch your lower lip between your teeth, “Please, Jinnie.”
Your roommate gets closer, aligning his mouth with your ear, “Sorry, pretty. But I’m not gonna fuck you when you’re wasted. We agreed on something.”
Sending him a pout—deep down knowing he's right—you cross your arms in front of your chest, bringing your attention back to the current situation.
“Y/N, your turn,” Yuna says, “truth or dare?”
“Truth,” you answer, hesitating a little. God. You’re drunk. Shitfaced. Wasted. Whatever you wanna call it. The same counts for your friends, too. A little rational voice inside your head tells you that you won’t remember this night anyway and for now you don't know yet that you’re right about that.
“What are your thoughts on threesomes? Which… setting would you prefer?” Yuna asks.
You chuckle, “Not gonna lie, I’d love to be in the middle between two men… being manhandled and all… uhm… used for their pleasure, you know.”
That many details wouldn’t have been revealed by sober Y/N, but you don’t care anymore.
Ryujin and Yuna giggle, silently agreeing with you. You wonder if the latter asked that question on purpose—not that you mind. But after all, your female friend group knows about your entire sex life. The threesome with your ex and his best friend. Those one night stands with your colleague and the mysterious guy from that dating app. What happened in Vegas, although that was supposed to stay there. As well as the little ongoing fling with your roommate.
“You just love sex, right?” Sooji says, a weird tone in her voice that you can’t quite interpret.
“Uhm… I mean, yeah, of course.”
The conversation dies down. You’re a little insecure now. Although you saw how Ryujin and Seungmin gave you an empathetic look and how Jisung and Yuna shot glances in Sooji’s direction that could kill, it’s of all things Hyunjin scooting a little away from you, that makes you feel all small somehow.
You don’t know that he did that because he became insecure too—on quite a few levels. That he can’t live up to your expectations (which is almost unbelievable, yes). That he can’t handle the idea of someone else touching you. That you don’t want anything serious although Hyunjin feels himself developing feelings for you.
You decide to drown your feelings in more alcohol. Of course, a big mistake. Your roommate does the same.
Yuna and Ryujin went home a few minutes ago, Sooji is still here, since you offered her a place to sleep. Her apartment is at the other side of the city but with how annoyingly she’s been provoking you through the night, you might regret that now.
“Y/N, your turn,” she wakes you up from being all zoned out.
“Truth or dare?”
You sigh, not really in the mood anymore to play that stupid game, “Truth.”
You’re not gonna choose dare and do anything that you might regret later. You might be absolutely drunk but you’re desperately holding onto that last piece of sanity.
“What’s your body count and how many of them happened this year?”
What a bitch. What the fuck has gotten into your friend?
“Uhm…” you start, feeling your head spin.
“You can always have a shot of vodka, in order to not answer.”
You are not gonna drink even a single drop of alcohol anymore, that you are sure of.
“N-No… well… it’s… uhm… eight. F-Four of them happened this year, yup.”
Sooji gasps, pretending she didn’t know that. Chan shakes his head, telling you that he must be somewhat offended, as it seems.
Hyunjin laughs along, while Sooji adds, “I wanna say I’m surprised… but I’m not.”
“Shut the fuck up.”
Out of all the people to defend you, you didn’t expect Jisung to be the first one.
“Come on,” Seungmin says, as he suddenly gets up from his seat and walks towards you. He softly reaches for your hand, as he helps you stand upright and guides you out of the room. He sends Jisung a quick look and, hesitantly, his friend follows the two of you, before you enter your room. Chan is heading towards you, too, but your childhood friend tells him to wait, he’ll take care of this.
“Are you okay, Y/N?”
Your childhood friend sees the tears on your lower lash line but you don’t allow them to be set free, rather pressing your eyes close, as you hastily nod.
“God, clearly she isn’t,” Jisung says, before he hands you the water bottle that is sitting on your desk. “Drink all of that.”
All you do is let out a small ‘okay’ while you do as you’re told. The cold liquid feels good when it’s running down your throat and so does the presence of these two—even Jisung’s.
“Don’t listen to anything that she says, okay?” Seungmin tells you.
“It’s just… Sooji is supposed to be my friend, right? Why would she do that to me?”
Jisung clears his throat but you don’t notice. So, instead he opts to search for makeup wipes in your room. Once he finds them, he hands them to Seungmin. Your childhood friend takes off the remaining lipstick and eyeliner then, before he discards the fabric in your little trash can that looks like a strawberry.
It’s an odd scene—the drunk Little Red Riding Hood getting ready for bed with the gentle help of a vampire and a witch—yes, Jisung is even wearing a skirt and you can’t keep your eyes off him. They are both almost as wasted as you, but you’re their number one priority right now.
“Thank y-you,” you let out, while Seungmin is helping you into your pyjama pants. It’s nothing new for him to see you like this, not just because of what happened back then in college but he is your oldest friend, so undressing in front of him feels totally normal.
“Don’t thank us for that,” you hear Jisung say in the distance, since he is currently turned away from you out of respect.
“He’s right, honey.”
Once everything is done, Seungmin tugs you under your blanket, placing a soft kiss on your forehead. “Sleep on the side. There’s a bucket next to your bed, just in case, yeah?”
“Okay. Goodnight Minnie, goodnight Sungie,” you say right before dozing off into sleep.
When Seungmin and Jisung get back to the living room, Chan and Hyunjin are the first ones to approach them.
“Is she okay?” the oldest says, looking pretty worried. You didn’t see it, but Chan got up, too, when Seungmin brought you out of the living room. However, they realised that too many people around you won’t help you in any way.
“Is she asleep?” Hyunjin asks, panic decorating his face. He got up, as well. But when he saw Jisung declining Chan’s help, too, he decided that he doesn’t need to ask, either. Despite that, he’s had as many drinks and brownies as you, which causes him trouble trying to sit on the sofa.
“Sooji?” Seungmin calls, turning towards her.
“How about you go home, yeah?”
“Oh, I am sleeping here. Y/N offered it, you know that I live pretty far away,” Sooji says.
“I can call an Uber for you and even bring you home, if you don’t want to go alone,” Chan offers.
“No need for that, really,” she replies with a fake smile.
“You can sleep in my room. You already look tired,” Hyunjin says, an annoyed look on his face. God. Why can’t this woman read the room? Or, perhaps, she doesn’t want to.
“I’m gonna go grab some snacks, yeah?”
Luckily, she gives the guys some space, then. They all sink down back to their assigned seats, getting into a conversation. Seungmin manages to calm his older friends down, when he tells them you just were very tired and wasted. Whenever someone of the four goes to the bathroom, they do a little checkup to your room to make sure you’re okay. But you’re sleeping so peacefully.
The conversation stays at one topic—you. All of them reminisce about the memories they share with you, Jisung staying as quiet as possible in situations like this. He wishes you’d give him a chance. After what happened on his birthday, he truly hoped that you could at least become friends.
“Y/N and I have been m-messing around with each other for some weeks now,” Hyunjin suddenly says, when he was asked if he’s currently seeing anyone. He realises a little too late that he just said that out loud. Oh, God. He’s drunk. He’s high. He’s absolutely wasted.
But it’s the truth—since the two of you have gotten a little closer than roommates are supposed to, Hyunjin hasn’t been with anyone else. Which isn’t very typical for him. But with you, he doesn’t need anyone else to satisfy him.
This is why Hyunjin felt a little… uneasy when you confessed some of your fantasies earlier. God, he’s such a hypocrite. But in his opinion, you should belong to him. 
“What… Do you mean by that?” Chan says, tilting his head and feeling his heart pounding out of his chest. Are your roommate and you a thing? Something serious?
“We fuck. A lot. Rough and hard,” his friend chuckles. 
He saw Chan’s and Seungmin’s jealous expressions on their faces—he is aware that they have a crush on you, too, so he’ll share anything at this point to remind them that you’re Hyunjin’s. Although you’re not.
“Oh… well that plays right into what she said earlier,” the oldest mumbles, downing the rest of his beer. When he places the empty bottle aside, he fears he might fall from the chair for a second but still manages to keep his balance.
“What did she say earlier, Chan?” Seungmin questions, not quite liking the tone in his friend’s voice.
“Basically, that she’s a slut,” Hyunjin snickers, clicking his tongue. He doesn’t necessarily mean this in an offending way—your roommate uses this word to describe himself, too, which is why he doesn’t grasp how hurtful it is. He’s a man, he gets praised for having an open sex life. But you’re not. You don’t receive the same reactions.
“Who sits in a glasshouse…” Jisung starts, downing the rest of his drink. God. He’s so drunk. They all are.
“This is not what I wanted to say,” Chan slurs, closing his eyes out of exhaustion.
“What’s going on?”
Ugh, out of all people, Sooji has to come back now, a few bags of crisps and sweets in her hands, that she lets drop down to the couch table.
“Hyunjin told us he and Y/N are fucking,” Chan lets out.
Sooji takes a seat on the sofa, grabbing some chocolate, as she says, “Why are you so surprised? She had sex with basically all of you at this point.”
“What?” Seungmin’s face falls, when he listens to those accusations.
Wait—have they not known? So, you slept with most guys of your friend group this year or at some point and they don’t know?
“Yeah. She has some type of history with almost all of you– fuck, I thought you knew?”
Sooji sincerely wasn’t aware that your little encounters were all secrets. She might have acted like a total bitch earlier, mostly driven by her jealousy when she saw how Jisung looked at you—and she doesn’t even know about that storage room incident. But this wasn’t on purpose.
“Well… let’s hope we all have severe memory loss tomorrow because I am sure I was not supposed to tell that. I-I’m gonna go to the bathroom and get ready for bed,” she stutters, basically running out of the room a second later.
“God, I hate Sooji,” Hyunjin says and all of his friends agree.
A little while later, unfortunately yet another beer into the night, Chan admits, “Sooji might have a point though… when Y/N and I went to Vegas for Hongjoong’s and Seonghwa’s pre-wedding party, uhm… she sucked my dick and… yup.”
“What happened then?” Hyunjin asks.
“What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, you know. She wanted to remain friends and not start anything serious after what happened with Minho and all.”
The others nod, before Seungmin adds, “We had sex, too. But she asked to remain friends right after it, as well.”
“She said the same to you? That she doesn’t want anything serious?” Chan questions, his eyes widening.
Seungmin titls his head, “Well… not exactly. She thanked me for being such a good friend.”
All of them let out a noise that indicates pure pity for their shared friend.
“Oh, God, I’m sorry, bro,” Hyunjin says, patting the shoulder of his younger friend. “But this still means she kinda pulled the same move on us, right? Why’s she always saying she’s such a relationship type of person when all she does is whore around?”
“Hyun…” Chan says, sending him a scolding glare.
“Hyunjin, what the fuck?” Seungmin lets out.
“Are you dense?” Even Jisung adds now.
“But—It’s not as if I’m lying. And, yes, I know what you’re gonna say. Hyunjin, you fuck anything that has a pulse. I do, I’m a slut, a whore, whatever. But I don’t fuck my whole friend group and especially not if like half of them have feelings for me. That’s what’s the main issue here,” Hyunjin explains.
He might be right about that part. However, this doesn’t excuse him slutshaming you openly and calling you names behind your back for the second time of the night. Or—since he has a similar open sex life, he should be allowed to use this vulgar language, right? Shouldn’t he?
“She probably used us to get over Minho, that prick,” Chan wonders, rolling his eyes at the thought of your ex boyfriend.
“Not with me,” Seungmin intervenes now.
“Seungmin, we know you’re undyingly in love with her but… stop being delusional,” Jisung giggles.
Your childhood friend corrects his posture, shaking his head, “No, because when we had sex she didn’t even know that Minho exists.”
“Wait—so that was… before her relationship?” Chan asks.
“Yes,” Seungmin pauses, “she had her first time with me.”
“Woah, Seungmin, you player,” Hyunjin says with a giggle again. “At this point, Y/N should get her own reality TV show… some Bachelorette style shit… we watch that all the time. Or Too Hot Too Handle and all of us are the other candidates… let’s see how long she’ll last.”
Seungmin downs the rest of his drink, ready to head home. He can’t listen to this drunk bullshit anymore. Or how Chan agrees with what Hyunjin said.
“What about Jisung, though? Are you the only one whose dick she hasn’t had yet?” Hyunjin questions now.
Well, technically, that is correct. However, Jisung knows what Hyunjin is actually referring to although the choice of his words makes him feel… uncomfortable.
“There was some… encounter at my last birthday party. In my storage room.”
“God, even Jisung?” Chan asks, shaking his head.
“And you guys are mad I’m calling her a slut? She can’t even resist her enemy’s di–“
“You had sex with her?!”
Sooji’s voice echoes through the room, making Jisung jump out of his seat. She’s been standing there for a few minutes but no one noticed. God. Jisung can’t handle her fucking attitude right now. This whole evening has been too much. How Hyunjin talks about you, when he’s completely gone because of mixing substances together. How Chan doesn’t really say anything against it. How sad you had looked when Jisung and Seungmin brought you to bed.
So, he can’t see another way than escaping her. But just when Jisung is about to disappear inside the bathroom, Sooji places her foot between the door and the frame and slips inside as well.
“Han Jisung, you and Y/N had sex? Did I hear that correctly?”
Why the fuck does she even care?
“We… yeah… some months ago. B-But that’s none of your business, Sooji,” he confesses, feeling his heartbeat increasing. Fuck. His ex always managed to make him feel so small and guilty for something he shouldn’t be ashamed of.
“Oh, it clearly is. You’re my ex boyfriend. You don’t go around and fuck my friends,” she explains, tears pricking at her lower lash line.
“We’re adults and it was all consensual, what the fuck do you want?”
He turns around towards the sink then. A splash of cold water on his face makes him forget about the current scene for a moment.
“For you to wake up, Han Jisung. Y/N is never gonna like you back. Even if you were to participate in a stupid dating show with her, she’d kick you out faster than you’re able to say her name,” Sooji hisses.
“Why do you even care?”
“You cheated on me,” she suddenly lets out.
Jisung scoffs, “I didn’t cheat on you.”
“There’s emotional cheating, too. How long have you had a crush on her when we were together?” Her ex doesn’t reply but there’s guilt washing all over his face. “Answer me, Jisung.”
“I fell in love with her before we even got together,” Jisung confesses.”I… just dated you t-to… make her jealous and get closer to her.”
She giggles hysterically, not believing what he just admitted, “You’re a fucking asshole.”
“Ditto,” Jisung shoots back. “I’m sorry that I did that to you and I don’t even care about all the horror you caused in my life with making up this stupid rumour when we both know you took my virginity. But, Sooji, it was never at any point Y/N’s fault. She has nothing to do with this.”
He’s already on his way to the door, when something in the atmosphere shifts.
“You’re right.”
Sooji is different now and Jisung can’t interpret it at all. But he’s tired. He’s drunk. All he wants is to go home.
“Get a fucking therapist, Jesus Christ,” is what he says before disappearing.
That’s when hyperventilating kicks in for Sooji. She washes her face first, trying to push away those thoughts of how she’s done you wrong all those years. Of course, Jisung getting into a relationship with her when he was actually interested in you all this time is something he can’t excuse.
But what if he’s right? What if Sooji has been shooting towards you all these years? You seriously didn’t do anything. You’ve always been on her side, started distancing yourself from him since the breakup.
God. Sooji feels ashamed. The tears are sprinting down her cheeks. She knows she can’t make up for this. She’s pretty sure that when you wake up tomorrow and still remember tonight, you won’t speak a word with her anymore.
And all these guys—they genuinely seem to like you. You like them back, she knows that.
Sooji thinks back to what Hyunjin said about a reality show, although he rather mentioned that to mock the whole situation. But—what if there was an actual wholesome concept of it? You going on dates with all those guys that you adore so much and at the end you could choose, like a real life princess?
She doesn’t like those shows, and thinks they are way too toxic—something that Ryujin and you always say as well—but maybe with the right script, this could be turned into something beautiful.
However, it doesn’t really matter. The only person that has some connection to a company that produces movies and shows like these just stormed out of the bathroom.
Sooji turns towards the sink once more, checking her puffy face in the mirror. It’s pretty obvious that she cried but the red eyes could be blamed on the brownies as well. God. She’s so drunk. So high. Just horribly wasted.
She notices something in the reflection, turning around and catching a glimpse of the shelf.
Someone left their phone inside and when she checks it, she realises it’s Jisung’s.
Should she…?
No. That’s probably not okay. But maybe proposing the idea of the reality TV show might make up for what she did. You’ll be the star of the show. All the guys will admire you and at the end you’ll leave your castle with the true prince, probably Jisung.
Since the phone wasn’t locked, she opens the contact list and chooses the number she’s looking for.
“Hi… here’s Choi Sooji,” she says, when someone picks up.
“Oh, it’s been some time since we talked, my dear,” a male voice says.
“Mr. Han, how are you?”
“Fine, fine… what about you?”
“Y-Yeah. I’m alright. Listen, I have an idea for a show concept,” she stutters
“Tell me,” Jisung’s father says.
Sooji explains the concept then, providing all the contact details to the CEO of Han Productions.
“Under any circumstance, Jisung must be part of the finale and Y/N should choose him in the end. They belong together. They’ve belonged together, all this time,” she says.
Jisung’s father is a little confused why his son’s ex-girlfriend wants to play cupid for Jisung and a friend of hers, but doesn’t question it. He already knows this is gonna be one of the best show concepts ever. “Sure. And the other candidates? How will we convince them?”
She explains some details and secrets then.
“Lee Felix? What about him? How do we get him there? Ah—he sells weed. Yeah, we can do this,” Mr. Han adds.
“N-No, please no blackmailing,” Sooji begs.
“Darling, this is the entertainment industry. This is the main part of its success,” Jisung’s father says with a chuckle.
“I’m—I didn’t want it like this… I wanted to make up for what I-I did to your son and Y/N…”
“I don’t care what your intentions are, I am just interested in how well I can sell this concept and it's amazing.” He takes a pause, typing something into his computer. “We can therefore woke-wash the whole genre, make it look as if it’s not problematic at all when, God, this is the sickest idea we’ve ever had. Thank you lots, Sooji. Have a good night.”
That’s when the call ends.
This wasn’t her intention, at all.
Sooji panics, taking a look at her reflection in the mirror again.
“What the fuck have I done?” 
Shit. This all makes sense now.
Jisung looks anxious, when he stops with explaining. As if you will be mad at him when it’s nothing that he caused. This is so sick. But you guess that’s what the entertainment industry is about. Ryujin was right all along—although you didn’t suspect something like this behind it.
“And then of course my father told me about all that, also, how it was Sooji’s idea to… I don’t know, apologise for all that… weird way to do that, if you ask me, but I guess I understand her intentions. She didn’t tell you or anything about it because of course Han Productions had something to blackmail her, too,” Jisung adds.
“H-How do you remember all this and how did all of us forget about most details of the night?”
It’s weird that as a whole group you collectively forgot at least eighty percent of what happened on Halloween but Jisung could provide a whole story of that evening.
“Well… as a stoner with a lot of experience, I can handle a lot more weed. But despite that, I didn’t have that much that night. Both alcohol and brownies, since my stomach was acting up. Maybe it was because of something I ate but could have also been because of Sooji being there,” he explains.
Okay. That makes sense.
“Are you… are you mad at me, Y/N?”
Your eyes widen, “What? No. Thank you for telling me. This is so fucked up.”
“You’re not even mad that I didn’t… stop this show?”
You tilt your head, “Would you have been able to stop it?”
Jisung shakes his head no.
“I can’t hold you accountable for something you can’t control,” you say then with a smile, placing a soft kiss on his cheek.
You then fall into a deep slumber, while Jisung holds you close throughout the whole night. It’s good to forget about this absolute mess for at least a few hours.
“Welcome to the semi-finale, Y/N,” Soyeon greets you.
You went outside the mansion for once. Today, you will be going to different stores with the men, finding a possible outfit for the finale. This is the last chance you get to talk to all of them alone. Well, not all of them.
“But before we start with it… you unfortunately have to say goodbye to three of our candidates.”
Right. Your heart feels heavy. The decision wasn’t an easy one. But the week is coming to an end after all.
“You will meet them one after another, take your time and then we will go on with the task for today with the remaining five candidates.”
You nod, ready to get it over with. The first one to meet you in a small room attached to the first store you’re in is Jeongin. Your heart aches when you see him. The three of them don’t know yet that their journey ends here, so your former colleague still believes he’s inside the little boutique to search for an outfit for you. God, Jeongin would have probably picked the prettiest. But you can’t change things now, you’ve already made a decision. One that you don’t feel entirely satisfied with.
“Hi, Innie,” you greet him with a hug.
“Hey, babe.”
You put on an empathetic smile, feeling sadness wash all over your body, “I have bad news for you.”
He looks at you with a questioning expression on his face.
“The show ends for you today. You didn’t make it to the semi-finale, I’m so sorry.”
There’s shock all over him, while he hastily nods, trying to process what’s happening.
“I-I understand. What a pity. But thank you for the time spent together. Text me, whenever you feel like it, yeah?”
“I will, I promise,” you say, before letting go of him.
God. This is so exhausting and horrible. You don’t want to say goodbye to any of them. But it’s inevitable in this mess of a show. After Jisung told you the story behind Red Lights you were once again ready to quit, but you won’t give up now. There are only two days left. You can do this and then probably find a lawyer—at least considering the blackmailing that was done to the other candidates and the horrors you’ve been put through.
You’re on your way to the next room a minute later, greeting your ex’s best friend. Changbin hugs you, too, before you decide to just tell him the news, straight out, quickly and painlessly like ripping off a bandaid.
“I’m sorry, Binnie, but you didn’t make it to the semi-finale. You have to leave Red Lights today.”
Oh. Changbin didn’t expect this at all. He had an idea already—a black glittering dress to put you into that he saw in one of the shops here. Fuck. He really thought he had a chance this time. He wonders if you throw Minho out of the show, too, after all he can’t imagine you’d give him another chance.
“It’s okay, Y/N. Remember what I said that day last year, yeah? If you find the right guy, don’t let him go.”
The tears in your eyes are threatening to roll down, as Changbin places a soft kiss on your forehead, before he leaves the room.
Onto the last person. Shit. This is worse than you would have thought. You once again wonder if you made the wrong decision. The last man and you had so much potential, but there wasn’t a stable base compared to the others. He would have been your prince in another setting. If you had given him a chance back in February and allowed the two of you to get to know each other better.
“Lix,” you greet him, eyes still red from crying.
“Y/N. Are you alright?”
It breaks your heart that he sees you like this. You’re not the one who’s supposed to be sad about this now.
“I have bad news… y-you didn’t make it to the semi-finale.”
Felix’s mouth falls agape, “Oh. Okay.”
“I’m really sorry… really sorry.”
He pulls you into a hug, “Don’t apologise, it’s just a game, right?”
You look up at him, a questioning look on your face.
“I know what Jisung told you last night. If you are up to it, we can get back at them after all this. But it’s fine if you don’t want to. Thank you for the time together, yeah?”
Nodding, you say, “Thank you, too. I… I will reach out to you, yeah?”
Felix leaves with one eye smiling, the other one crying. His heart feels heavy, but he knows this doesn’t have to be the end.
“Are you ready for the semi-finale?” Soyeon asks, after you took some time in the bathroom, adjusting your makeup and hair. You feel a little better now, especially after what Felix said. It’s just a game. This isn’t real. Although all those feelings are.
“So, just for explanation—the semi-finale won’t take up too much time. The men will each find a possible outfit for a Christmas ball for you. The ball itself will be tomorrow. You’ll spend some time together with them, trying on dresses or whatever they picked.”
You nod, before Soyeon adjusts your microphone and sends you to the first of the five men.
Seungmin is the first one who meets you. He chose a pretty little store, one in which you two are the only customers. He knows that you value a quiet atmosphere a lot. Your childhood friend hands you a piece of fabric—the pastel pink material is shimmering under the fairy lights inside the small shop.
“How about you try on the dress and I wait for you, hm?”
You nod, before you disappear behind the curtains of the little booth. God. The dress is amazing. You pull off your current clothes and slip inside the rose coloured outfit.
“Yeah, honey?” he calls back, indicating he’s not far away from you.
“Can you… help me with the zipper on the back? I can’t reach it.”
It sounds like the cheapest pickup line but you seriously aren’t able to properly put the dress on.
“Sure,” Seungmin says before stepping inside. His mouth falls agape, when he sees you in that outfit for the first time. He thought about picking a red one, similar to the dress you were wearing on college prom night, but opted for a pastel version instead.
“You look… God, I am speechless.”
You giggle, while you turn around and throw your hands around his neck, “Thank you. I absolutely love it.”
In the blink of an eye, your lips are softly pressed against his. You stay like this for a little while, before Seungmin pulls away again, sending you the sweetest smile.
Jisung is next, already waiting for you in a store close to the first one. He greets you, before he reaches for an emerald coloured one piece, that he hands you. He follows you to the dressing rooms, waiting outside as you put on the outfit he chose. Green has always been one of your favourite colours, so you knew it’d look gorgeous on you.
You step outside the little room, presenting the finished look to Jisung.
“Oh… fuck. Excuse my words but you look absolutely hot.”
You start laughing, walking towards him, doing a little twirl for him.
“I also picked shoes for you,” he says then. Jisung grabs out a paper box, revealing black heels to you. He tells you to sit down on one of the stools, as he guides them towards your feet. He slips on one after another, making you feel like a real life Cinderella.
“Stunning. Just perfect,” he says, when he admires the finished look.
“Thank you for this, Sungie,” you reply, placing a little kiss on his cheek. He instantly starts blushing, trying to hide his shyness.
You get changed again, before saying goodbye to him and heading towards the next store where your ex boyfriend is waiting for you. Fuck. It’s been a few days since you have been together with him alone. The awkward conversation with Changbin and him is still lingering in the back of your mind but you try to push it aside.
“Hey, Min,” you greet him. Your ex is standing there, unsure how to act around you, so you pull him into a quick hug. “Great to have you here.”
“I… I’m surprised that I made it to the semi-finale,” Minho confesses. “I… I honestly thought that the date was a goodbye.”
Shit. Yeah, you realise now how confusing this whole situation must be for him. But although you thought you can’t hold onto him, a few days later you can’t leave him either. At least not for now.
“I don’t want to play with you, Min, but I’m afraid I’m not ready yet to let go,” you admit.
“I wanted to tell you that… I am working on myself. No matter who you choose in the end, I will try going to therapy again and this time it’ll help me, I am sure,” he explais then.
You genuinely believe him and there are sparks appearing inside your eyes, Minho notices them. Maybe, once the circumstances are better, you could try again. Perhaps, at least become friends.
“I’m very glad to hear that and also incredibly proud of you, yeah?”
He smiles at you, “Thank you, princess.”
Minho hands you an azurite coloured dress, before you head towards the dressing room. Once the outfit is hugging your curves oh so delightfully, you step outside again. God. Your ex is close to tears but he knows he has to hold them back. Why on earth did he choose a dress in the same blue shade as the engagement ring he bought for you one and a half years ago?
He brushes the memories and the single little tear away, while he walks closer to you, “You look perfect, Y/N.”
When you’re back in your everyday outfit, you say goodbye to Minho and he walks you towards the store where Hyunjin is waiting. When your roommate sees you with your ex, he suspects the worst. He’s been wondering if you were gonna kick him out the show but apparently this hasn’t happened yet.
You say goodbye to your ex, giving him a quick hug, before you approach Hyunjin. Your stomach does a weird little twist, when you think back to what Jisung told you—what Hyunjin said behind your back and all. Once the time is right, you will confront him.
But it all stays rather harmonious. He picked a dark red dress for you, knowing it’s a colour you love to wear. The velvety dress fits perfectly and you have to admit that it’s the best for a Christmas themed party.
“Do a little twirl for me, pretty,” Hyunjin says, when you step out of the dressing room. You do as you’re told, turning around on your feet as he watches you.
“Fucking perfect. Probably won’t stay on you for too long,” he chuckles.
You ask Hyunjin to help you out of the dress and he follows you to the little booth. It’s not some excuse to seduce him but with all the people overcrowding the store, you need a quiet place to approach him regarding that Halloween night.
Hyunjin is fast to pull the zipper down, helping you back into your normal clothes. He admires your figure but stays neutral. Your roommate senses that something is up, that something must be going on in your head. He hates seeing you like this—vulnerable, confused, insecure—which is why he continues showering you with compliments.
You thank him, however you need to address what’s been harassing your mind instead.
“Yeah, baby?” he replies, as he adjusts your hair a little.
“Can I ask you something?”
“Sure,” Hyunjin says with a smile.
“I was thinking back to the Halloween party and I don’t remember much but… something felt off between us that night. I know, we were both horribly wasted.” You take a pause and a deep breath. “But you said a few… not so nice things that night. Someone else told me, it must have happened when I was already sleeping. But they said that you said… that I’m a s-slut for sleeping with so many men.”
“Fuck… Did I really say that? Shit, I was so shitfaced that night… wait—this doesn’t excuse it, of course. I’m deeply sorry that I spoke about you like this. I really am,” he panics, starting to ramble. Fuck. Hyunjin doesn’t remember any of this but if you say so then it must be true. He feels disgusted with himself.
“Did you mean it though? Do you think that I am slut?” you question, voice dropping quiet.
“N-No, not at all, I swear,” he immediately answers. “I know it’s dumb but I thought I had a free pass since I call myself a slut and a whore and all.”
“But you’re a man, Hyunjin. When someone calls you that it’s either a compliment or just some lighthearted joke,” you explain.
He didn’t think about it like this but he realises that you’re right. Hyunjin leaves out that he also acted like this to make the other guys jealous and show them that you belong to him—although you don’t.
“Fuck. You’re totally right, I apologise for my behaviour. It wasn’t my intention to hurt you. I also don’t think you’re easy. I just like the idea that you’re easy… but only for me,” Hyunjin says.
“Yes. Anything else about that night you want to discuss?
There’s something else that has confused you a little for some months now. Not in a bad way at all.
“I woke up with a fresh glass of sparkling water next to me and some painkillers. As well as blankets scattered all over the floor. Where did all the stuff come from?”
“Hm, I put them there,” your friend starts. “All four of us were keeping an eye on you throughout the party, when you were already asleep. But I was a little worried when all the guests were gone… so, I grabbed some blankets and slept next to you on the floor.”
“Why didn’t you come to bed with me?”
“We… we’ve never slept in a bed together and I didn’t know if you’d be okay with it,” he explains with a small voice.
Oh, that actually makes sense. The worry inside your belly subsides a little. You know that you can always count on Hyunjin but what he said behind your back was still very painful.
“Yeah, I get it. I would have been okay with it, just so you know.”
Your friend wants to say more, wants to tell you that it’s all been rather serious for him since the beginning of your agreement. But he’s been a coward since the beginning. However, now that you know a little more about the Halloween party, which definitely must have caused your trust for him to shrink, Hyunjin knows that he has to fight.
“You don’t have to reply or anything… I am not good with feelings and words but… I like you. More than a friend. But I’m so scared of messing things up…”
You don’t know how to react so you decide that a kiss feels just right. Hyunjin kisses you back, pulling you closer by the waist. You stay like this for a little while, until you both pull away and say your goodbyes.
Chan—of course—decides to go to a store with you that sells mainly darker pieces, similar to the one Changbin would have chosen. But you like it, it fits together quite well with your own style and you’re sure your best friend has just the right idea of an outfit for you.
He, to your surprise, hands you a purple dress and not a black one. But it’s stunning. Just like all the others you’ve put on today. You wonder if you have to choose one of them in the end and if that determines who you leave the mansion with.
“Oh, it’s so absolutely stunning,” your best friend says when he watches you walk around in the beautiful fabric.
You’ve already cleared things with Hyunjin but regarding what Jisung told you, Chan had some weird reactions at the Halloween party, too. So, you decide to just ask him about it, wanting to close that whole chapter.
“Chan? Can I ask you something?”
“If… if I did something that differs from your moral point of view, would you judge me?”
He looks at you confused, “What are you referring to? Lying? Drugs? Money laundering? Murder?”
You both start laughing. It was not as severe as this.
“God, nothing like that, but good to know that this is the first thing that comes to your mind, Mr mafia boss,” you joke.
“I’m just messing with you,” he continues. “It obviously depends on if it hurts something that I value a lot but people can have different coexisting opinions on certain topics.”
Well. That also differs from how he behaved that night. The looks he gave you, how he didn’t talk back as much as you’d expected him when a hurtful comment dropped.
“Okay. I am talking about the Halloween party this year. Because as far as I remember… whenever something about me being open was brought up… when it comes to the sexual stuff that was mentioned, I had the feeling that you were judging me,” you say.
“Judging you? How come?”
“I’m not sure if you remember but when I dropped my body count you looked disappointed… almost disgusted.”
Chan smiles, feeling a little embarrassed, “I’m sorry, Y/N. I’m mainly sorry how I wasn’t there for you that night—both regarding how drunk we all were but also whenever someone made a comment. I remember this quite well. I was… jealous… that’s why I reacted that way. And also insecure… ever since we shared that night in Vegas I just fell more in love with you than I already was.”
Are they all gonna confess their feelings for you today? But it’s the same for Chan—he’s so afraid that he won’t get another chance. So, better safe than sorry. He’s surprised how you weren’t able to tell sooner. He was ready to marry you that night. For him, it’s been more than friendship for some time now.
He doesn’t expect you to reply to anything regarding that confession, so he continues instead, “But I’m sorry that I made you feel this way. I should be backing you up at all times. I don’t have a problem with any of this, it just kind of… broke my heart a little.”
“I understand,” you say.
To change the topic, Chan grabs out a little bag out of his backpack. It’s filled with different kinds of makeup supplies.
“Can I… finish the look?”
You nod, allowing him to put on some eyeliner and mascara. His movements are gentle and careful, when he applies the colours to your skin. Your heart is beating out of your chest, while he’s so close to you. It’s the same for him and Chan dearly prays you can’t hear it pounding out of his chest.
“I wasn’t aware that you were so good at doing makeup,” you say, when you take a look in the mirror once he’s done.
“Hannah might have taught me,” he confesses. “Which lipstick do you think would fit the most?”
You chuckle, “How about this one?”
Despite this probably being the cheesiest move you’ve ever made, you decide to place your lips on Chan's, sealing them in a passionate kiss. He instantly gives him, as you feel him smirk against you.
It feels good to finally kiss you like this—without some stupid blindfold, without anyone around you. It’s just you and him. Nothing else matters. You allow him to slip his tongue inside, as he pulls you closer by the waist. Making out with him just feels so… comfortable. As if you’ve kissed him a thousand times before.
You disconnect your lips from his, as you both start giggling a little.
“I’ve liked you for some time, too, Channie,” you admit.
It just felt right to tell him. You don’t want to waste any time anymore, either. There’s a bright smile all over his face, eyes turning into crescent, before he places a little kiss on your forehead.
The finale will be a rollercoaster of emotions. After all, you feel like this for all the remaining men. 
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Results of poll 23 from BITE ME [previous chapter]:
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[ngl… I am so sad that Felix isn’t part of the show anymore 😭 he was amongst the faves of lot of readers as far as i could tell so what a pity ☹️ the 3 with the least votes had to leave Red Lights]
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❤️‍🔥 AUTHOR’S NOTE: I'm sorry again for the long wait! I hope yoou still enjoyed this chapter and are looking forward to the finale soon!! I love you all so much and take care, yeah? ❤️
© j-0ne25 2023 | copying, translating or stealing my work is prohibited
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hey pookie
can u do smth abt Minho pleaseuuuuu
like tbh I'd love some Minho fluff :3
If not, make it extreme smut :D
Ily and ur works <33
Bye byeee
Title: Beautiful (Just like you😻)
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Ofc pookie! I kinda suck at writing smut so I’m gonna do fluff!
Pairing: Lee Know x genderneutral!reader 
Trope/Genre: Fluff, Established relationship
I took a couple phrases from this fluff prompt masterlist! Check it out for some good prompts
Warnings: A teeny tiny suggestive comment at the end, use of pet names
622 words 
Summary: You, like the dumbass you are decides to say that you never get flustered, so in an attempt to prove you wrong, Minho showers you with compliments and praise.
Minho had just finished brushing his teeth when he came into your room and lay next to you. He cuddled up under the covers while you gazed at him. The moonlight perfectly shone on his face and he looked heavenly.
“I could just stare at you forever.” You said looking into his beautiful brown eyes. “Creep.” He rolled over so you couldn’t see his face anymore. 
“You suck.” “I love you too.” He replied. “I want to keep looking at you!” “No!” “Why!” “It makes me feel weird!” “Weird good or weird bad?” “Wouldn’t you like to know?” “Yes, that's why I asked.” He turned over to look at you.
“Whenever you try complimenting me it never works.” “What never works?” You questioned. “You can’t fluster me.” “I’m not trying to!” He glared at you. “Most of the time, I’m not trying to.” “Mhm, sure. More like you’re trying all the time.” “It doesn’t matter anyway because it never works…” “I know. It’s amusing seeing you try though.”
 “Why is it so hard to make you blush? It’s insane!” “You know what’s even more insane?” “What?” “The fact that you get flustered so easily. It’s cute.” You felt butterflies in your stomach at his words and he had an amused look on his face.
“See, you get flustered easily.” “Yeah, I guess…” “You guess? I could just compliment you and your face would heat up.” “You’re exaggerating a bit.” “Oh, I’m really not.” “You literally aren’t even that good at flirting.” He seemed a little offended by your words. 
“Okay let's do a little experiment. I’m going to try to flirt with you, and you have to try your best to stay composed, which apparently, you do constantly.” “Alright sure, we have nothing better to do anyway.” He stared at you like you did when he first came into bed and said nothing.
“You're so creepy.” “What? I’m just giving you a taste of your own medicine.” “Please stop.” He moved his face closer to yours. “Make me.” “I’m too tired to do that, just keep staring.”
You sat there in silence until Minho spoke up. “I don’t tell you how stunning you are enough.” “Huh?” “I don’t think any amount of my compliments could ever represent the amount of beauty you have.” “It’s giving Shakespeare.” He rolled his eyes and grabbed your hand and interlaced it with his.
“You’re breathtaking. Honestly, you’re the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen.” “I feel like you’re just saying this to prove you’re right.” You joked.
“No, I’m not. These are all things that constantly cross my mind. I never knew how much I could miss someone before I met you. I never knew how much I could enjoy being around someone before I met you.” He took a short pause and kissed you. “I never knew how much I could love someone before I met you.”
Your face was getting redder with every single word he said. Unlike most of the other flirting attempts he’s used in the past, this time you could feel the sincerity seeping through every sentence. “I can’t imagine my life without you, and I’m so proud of you.” He looked down and then back at you. 
“You okay honey? You’re acting a little strange.” “Yup! couldn’t be better. Just a little hot. Are you hot or is it just me?” He laughed. “Yeah, it’s just you. I’ve never seen you this flustered.” “I was expecting a lot more innuendos to be honest.” “I can be sweet when I want to be.” You sighed. “That was a lot to take in.” He smiled.
“You’re so pretty when you blush.” “I’m not blushing what do you mean?” “Whatever you say beautiful.”
Author note: Thank you so much for the request! I loved writing this so much! Like always, constructive criticism is wanted! If you liked this, please follow me for more fanfics like this one <3 Thank you!
129 notes · View notes
"tell me all about it..."
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PAIRING: bangchan x fem!reader WARNINGS: fluffy smut, fingering WORD COUNT: 1.2K SUMMARY: You wake up in the middle of the night to a work email but Chris doesn't let you focus on that for very long...
You rolled your eyes from behind your eyelids as soon as you heard your phone vibrate for the third time. It was early. Way too early for work emails, but if you knew your coworkers, that's exactly what you just received three of. At first you thought there was no way you were going to check your phone, but the more you weighed the potential catastrophes that could be unfolding at your place of work the harder it was to go back to sleep. If they had disclosed in the interview that you’d be getting emails at all hours of the day, you wouldn’t have taken the job but that was water under the bridge now. 
Before you knew it you were sitting up in bed, scrolling through old emails on your phone looking for a phone number in order to call in a favor for another department. It’ll be just a few minutes, you thought. A few more minutes and I’ll get right back to sleep.
The groggy voice of your boyfriend came from the dark beside you. Your eyes had adjusted to your phone’s bright screen so you couldn’t see him in the darkness of your bedroom, but you could imagine how tired he probably looked.
“Sorry baby, I just- I want to clear something up real quick.” You whispered, bringing your attention right back to your phone. 
“Baby, you’re off.” he groaned as he scooted closer to you.
“No I’m not, I am definitely scheduled today.”
“No, I mean right now. You’re not at work right now. Right now is bedtime.” he scolded sleepily, laying his cheek on your bed sheet covered thigh and his arm over your lap.
“I know, I know… its just that a lot of this stuff is time sensitive you know?”
“I know.” he sits up rubbing the sleep from his eyes. 
“Is the issue you're dealing with going to shut down the company?”
“Will it cost you your job?”
“Then it can wait until tomorrow morning. They’re not paying you to stress about this right now.” 
He’s right. You know deep down that whatever issue has come up will most likely still be an issue in the morning but knowing there is something that can be done right now makes you uneasy. 
“But it's going to be hard for me to get to sleep now anyway.” He perked up at that, getting off of you enough to meet your eyes in the dark. 
“I mean… I can help you sleep..” he whispered, making a quick glance to the space between your legs. “If you want.” 
You’d be lying if you said that didn’t make you shiver. 
“I don’t know if it’ll work.” you whispered back, making him scoff.
“Are you doubting me, baby?” he asked with playful confusion. Your eyes were adjusting to the darkness again just in time to see the mischievous grin tugging at his lips. That along with his very cute mess of curls on his head and the fact he was only in his boxers was making out to be an offer you couldn’t refuse. You didn’t doubt him totally, but you did have some concerns that your mind would be too far away to fully be consumed by him as you usually were.
“No I’m just.. I don’t know.” you huffed honestly.
He sat up, caressing your cheek as he pressed his lips to the spot under your ear where your neck meets your jaw. 
“Go ahead baby, tell me aaaaall about it.” he cooed as he rubbed your cheek with his thumb and continued kissing up and down your neck.
You were a bit distracted but began explaining the issue at work. The company selling your company the parts needed for a machine had forgotten a very important piece. You were going into how you were going to fix it when the kisses Chris was leaving started to become wet and open mouthed. You sucked in a breath mid-sentence interrupting yourself.
“Mhm.. then what?” he asked as if he was paying extra close attention to every word of your story as his hand slowly slid from your cheek, to your neck and then over to your shoulder, dragging down the strap of your tank top. “What happened next baby?”
Shakily you continued to go over who you would have to call to get this sorted and what purchase order you’d be referencing when he slowly pulled the left side of your tank top down exposing your breast and taking your nipple into his mouth. After flicking your bud in his mouth for a bit he pulled away. “And what will you tell them?” he asked when you had taken a second too long to take a deep breath. 
“I-I’ll tell them.. about .. aah” you struggled to remain on topic when he switched to the other nipple. You crossed your legs to get some much needed friction but he caught you.
���Uh uh, you have to finish telling me about work.” he moved his attention away from your chest to make eye contact while he scolded you. He put his hand between your thighs guiding them apart before he brought his hand up to his mouth to slowly lick the digits while maintaining eye contact in the most sinful way possible. 
“What will you tell them, huh sweetie?” He must have gathered a lot of saliva into his mouth because when he slowly licked his fingers they were wet before he slid them down the front of your shorts and panties. You were losing your place in the story and the fact that his body heat felt like it was all around you wasn’t helping. His skin felt hot against yours and everywhere you touched felt wet with the sheen of your sweat. At this point you were soaked, but the added wetness of his spit on his fingers made you clench around air. 
“C’mon tell me what you’re going to tell them baby..” He whispered into the skin of your neck as he rubbed slow circles over your clit before pressing two fingers into your opening. “I wanna know so bad baby.. please.”
Work forgotten, you rock your hips up into his hand fucking his fingers back with a desperation so strong you were sure he could taste it. You hadn’t even noticed how riled up you were until you were far gone. His mouth was probably leaving marks you’d have to cover up in the morning but the feeling of his lips and teeth was bringing you closer and closer to the edge. 
“Fuuuuck baby mmmmmm fuuuck.” you whimper when he thumbs at your clit while curling the digits inside you making you feel as if you’re going to short circuit. 
“I don’t think you should say that honey.. that voice is just for me.” he presses a gentle kiss to your cheek and that's what does it. You throw your head back feeling your whole body shake with the force of your high. 
“There you go baby.. feel good?” You nod whimpering and whining as you feel your pussy flutter around his fingers. Your eyes close and they suddenly feel heavier than they’ve ever felt in your life. You feel Chris slip his fingers out of you and if you were any less tired you would’ve opened your eyes to watch him suck your juices off of them but you’re suddenly exhausted. 
The last thing you feel before you fall asleep is chris gently pulling you over to lean against his chest followed by a soft kiss to your head.
The last thing you hear is “Told you so haha.. Goodnight baby”
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a/n: I started this weeks ago, only had like 100 words written when I found it this morning and finished it in like 40 minutes lol. This concept fucking possessed me. Hope you like it <3
TAG-LIST: @kpopsstuffs
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We support pansexuality on this blog
Have fun y'all <3
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hi friend pls complete my request huehuehuehuehuehuehuehuehuehuehuehuehuehuehuehuehuehuehuehuehuehue
so you're alpha bangchan's mate and u are happily married with 2 kids but he accidentally hurts u when he's out hunting :D
I wish I never showed you my account
Previous asks, I am working on your stuff in a Google doc and I'm trying to make it good. This is just a joke because I think 8coupsstar is gonna kill me if I don't try and do this.
For future reference, I don't do omegaverse stuff.
Paring: Husband!Bangchan x Afab!fem!reader
Warnings: Minors DNI as there is smut, this is meant to be shitty please don't bully me😭 Unprotected sex, breeding kink, No hate to people that enjoy the omegaverse! It's just not for me personally
Words: 544
Summary: Weird omegaverse shit with smut and fluff.
Your husband Bangchan, whom you've been married to for many years and with whom you've borne children, has been missing you recently. Unlike other alphas, he doesn't just date you for sex or to get you through your heats, he has self-control.
Since he's been wanting to spend more time with you, he asked if you wanted to go hunting with him. Leaving your kids under the guidance of your friend at their house, you went out with him to hunt for food (I'm going to hunt for you). As he was stalking around trying to find something to kill, you wandered off looking around the forest that he took you to.
Suddenly you felt something pounce on you, pinning you to the floor. You felt a twinge of pain as you fell back and saw something on top of you. You screamed and scrambled to your feet as you backed away slowly. You were cornered. Tears began to fall. Just as it was about to bite you, the strange creature stopped and stepped back. 
It was Bangchan. As you dried your eyes with your sleeve, he cupped your face. “Baby I’m so sorry. I thought you were an animal.” “I’m sorry” “No, you aren’t sorry, you did nothing wrong.” “I was scared that you were gonna kill me.” “I know honey, I’m so sorry. I genuinely didn’t know.” “I know Chan.”
You could feel yourself getting faint and you realised only one thing could be happening. You were in heat. ‘Perfect timing’ you thought. As Bang Chan sniffed the air and you could see a bulge forming in his pants, he grabbed your hand and pulled you back to the car. “We’re going home,” he said. “It’s not safe.” “But I thought you wanted to go hunting?” “You’re more important.” 
When you got home, he ran you a bath and made you a snack. “Has your heat gone away?” You looked up at him while sweating, curled up on the couch. “Isn’t it obvious?” “Mhm.” He sat next to you and held your hand. “I’m so sorry baby, I just wanted to spend time with you and it went badly. I’m sorry for scaring you. I love you so much.” “I love you too.” You could see his boner reforming. “Can I make it up to you?” “How?” “I guess I can help you with your heat?” “Yes please.”
His dick was thrusting in and out of your aching cunt as you screamed his name. “Do you want me to fill you up baby?” “Yes Chan” You moaned in pleasure as his thrusts became sloppier and faster. “Cum for me.” You could feel your walls getting tighter as you reached your climax. “Are you going to cum in me Channie? Please?” “Of course baby girl.” He thrusted into you one final time and he shot his load deep inside of you. He groaned and carefully pulled out of you. 
“Was that good enough honey?” “It was perfect, I’m sorry about crying before and making you worry.” “It wasn’t your fault, it was mine.” “You shouldn’t feel bad, I really don’t care that much.” He hugged you tightly.
 “What did I do to deserve you?” “Everything.” “I love you.” “I love you too.”
Author note: I am so sorry that was the worst thing I have ever written I hate that so much It’s gonna haunt me for eternity. Like always, constructive criticism is wanted! If you liked this, please follow me for more fanfics that aren't like this one because I promise not all of my writing is like this. Also please send me some requests! <3 Thank you!
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She is so hot and incredible and pretty and perfect she is so icon.
posted by tozakisaana_tt on insta
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Give me some fanfic requests please I have no ideas 😭 They can be sfw or nsfw!!!
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sorry i think fake dating for felix not arranged marriage
Title: "Boyfriend"
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This is a great request TYSM😻😻😻
I’m hoping that you’re a girl because I’m better at writing for fem readers
If you're not I'm so sorry💀
Pairing: Felix x fem!reader 
Trope/Genre: Fake dating, fluff
Warnings: They make fun of each other a lot, Felix is a bit of an ass for shits and giggles, its fine though because he can do no wrong, bad flirting, some suggestive comments at the end so MINORS DNI, Ignore my non-american English (It’s because I’m not from america🙀)
Felix is not an idol in this fic. 
1,634 words 
Summary: Your Mum assumes that you have a boyfriend. Since you are desperate for approval, you invite a friend to the family reunion to pose as your boyfriend. Shit gets wild. Turns out it was for the better.
For years, you’ve never been able to find a relationship anywhere. Guys weren’t interested, girls weren’t interested, absolutely no one has ever been interested in you romantically. Growing up, this wasn’t a problem, since your parents didn’t want their “Sweet little girl” to be dating. But you were getting older, and your house was slowly getting lonelier.
One day, your parents called you to organize a family gathering. “Oh and also!” Your Mum stated. “You can bring a date. I’m sure you’ve found someone by now! Hasn’t your best friend gotten a partner?” You sighed. “Yes Mum, all of my friends are in relationships now.” “So, when are we gonna meet him?” “Meet who?” “Your boyfriend, I’m sure you’re just hiding him from us because you’re scared of our reaction. I’ll assure you, we aren’t judgemental at all!” You rolled your eyes as your Mum kept talking. “Bring him to the family reunion! It’ll be fun!” As you were about to interrupt, your Mum continued. “Oh no! I have to go pick up something from the shops before it gets dark! I love you! Bye!” 
You pressed the hangup button. Your brain started to spiral. ‘How am I gonna do this? There’s no way I’m going to be able to find a boyfriend in time.’ Your eyes lit up. ‘What if I don’t need an actual partner? I just need someone to pretend to be my actual partner!’ You thought about all of your friends, trying to think of one that was single. Your brain instantly went to Felix, a friend who you didn’t know extremely well, but you knew him well enough that you’d be able to ask him for this favour without it being super weird. 
Both of you met at a bus stop. It was raining heavily. Sadly, the stop didn’t have a shelter so you stood there under your little umbrella. Felix was in the same situation as you, except he didn’t have an umbrella. He was getting drenched. When he let out a small “achoo” you decided that you had to work up all of the courage in your body and ask if he wanted to share an umbrella. His eyes lit up and he smiled. You thought it was the brightest smile in the world. His eyes looked like two perfect crescent moons. He stood under your umbrella and you started talking. The bus was 30 minutes away and you were both taking the same bus. Conversations between you two flowed easily. When he got to his stop, you exchanged numbers.
 You’ve hung out alone and in groups a couple of times with him and he at least knows what your family dynamic is like and how expecting your parents are. That is the reason why he wasn’t surprised when he was told to come to your house because of an emergency and he was told that he was now your fake ‘boyfriend’. 
“So when’s the family reunion?” “October 6th” “Oh I can totally come to that! This is gonna be fun.” “Fun? You know that we’re gonna have to make up stories and kiss and cuddle and shit right?” “I’m not totally opposed to that.” “Well that’s because you’re super cuddly, I’m not like that.” “Well, you’re gonna have to pretend now!” “This is annoying, thanks for helping though. You’re like, an insanely good friend.” “I’m not just a friend anymore” He made kissy faces at you and you felt your face heat up. “You suck.”
When you arrived, Felix grabbed your hand. You felt butterflies flutter around your stomach. He rang the doorbell. “You’re blushing.” “What?” “Never mind!” Your Mum swung open the door with a fake smile plastered on her face, her smile quickly became genuine when she saw your hand interlaced with Felix’s. “Oh my gosh! Hello! Come in! What’s your name?” “My name is Felix! Nice to meet you.” He and your Mum hugged as she led you into the kitch(ive😨)en where you and your other family members sat around plates of food.
You and Felix were being bombarded with questions at the speed of light. He was mainly the one answering them, since he was better at making up answers. You just sat there and wondered how this fever dream happened. “Felix?” One of your Aunts spoke up. “Hmm?” “How long have you and Y/N been dating?” He looked at you with a smirk and you realised he was gonna say something that would fuck up the rest of the conversation. 
“A year.” He replied. Gasps could be heard from around the room. “And you aren’t living together yet?!” Your grandma asked with a horrified look on her face. “We’re actually moving in together soon, she’s packing right now.” “Are you moving into her house or is she moving into yours?” “She’s moving into mine since mine is bigger.” “You need to tell us your address once Y/N moves in! We would love to visit. We can also help you pack!” Your Dad said. Felix’s hand was sitting comfortably on your thigh as he looked at you evilly. ‘This is gonna go badly’ You thought.
Once you and Felix got into his car he immediately bursted out laughing. “Oh my god, they actually believed it!” You spoke up. “Why did you say I’m moving into your house?” “For fun.” “You suck. I’m actually gonna have to move in with you now because my parents want to visit.” “I’ve been wanting a roommate.” 
When you got home, he asked if he could stay over and discuss everything further. You hesitated, but you realised that you really needed to set some ground rules, so you let him stay. “You’re so scared of PDA it’s funny, it’s like you think you’re gonna fall in love with me if you hug me.” He said. “I’m not afraid of hugs, you’re just annoying.” “You are so mean.” “Says the guy who purposely screwed me over in front of my family” “Are you actually mad at me? I’m so sorry we can stage a fake break-up if that would make you comfortable! I didn’t mean to annoy you-” “Felix, it’s fine! Chill. I can move in with you and we can stay in separate rooms. Even though it’s a huge fucking process just for my parents to think that I can get bitches.” “There’s one problem with that.” “Oh no, what is it this time?” “There’s only one bedroom.”
4 weeks later
You were sitting in the living room while Felix brought you some hot chocolate. Living with him wasn’t as bad as expected. Some days he slept on the couch and some days you slept on the couch. Felix’s shitty flirting wasn’t ever too much of a problem, because he made up for it with his sweet personality. You had spent one night playing board games with him, and you looked at him and he looked perfect. Like everything you ever wanted, until he made you pick up eight cards in UNO flip. Your parents had come over a couple of times to check on you and spend time with Felix. They liked him more than they liked you honestly. He was kind and charismatic which made his parents fall in love with him. 
“You know what we should do?” Felix said. You put down your phone and took a sip of your hot chocolate. “What? “We should practice kissing.” You choked on your hot chocolate as Felix affectionately rubbed your back. “What?!” You yelled. “You seem too scared to kiss me, and I don’t want to break any boundaries. So I thought we could practice for the first time in the privacy of our own home.” “Oh.” “Are you okay? Do you not like kissing? It’s obviously fine if you don’t, I just think it would be a good way to sell our relationship” As Felix took a sip of his own hot chocolate, you said, “I’ve never kissed anyone before.”
It was his turn to choke. You laughed at him and he looked at you with wide eyes. “You’ve never kissed anyone?!” “What do you mean by that?” “I mean, someone who looks like you has never even kissed someone?! You’ve got to be kidding! I mean you’re super hot, cute, pretty, and stunning. How has no one kissed you?!” You blushed at his words, earning a smile from him. 
“I don’t know, I guess I just haven’t found the right person.” “What if I’m the right person?” He moved closer to you and his pinky interlaced with yours. “Can I kiss you Y/N?” You nodded. 
Your eyes closed as you felt soft lips meet yours. You could feel his heart beating in his chest, which was comforting because you could tell he was as nervous as you. He brought one of his hands up to your head and started to play with your hair. It was so cute. He was so cute. Everything about him was cute. The kiss was gentle and short, but you didn’t want it to end. He pulled away, and his face was flushed. “You’re so fucking cute.” You said. “I was gonna say the same to you.” There was a pause in the conversation until you spoke up. 
“You have really tiny hands.” You held his palm next to yours and laughed at the difference. “That’s true, but that doesn't mean I don't know how to use them.” He smirked at you and the tips of your ears turned red. “Stop flirting with me or I’m gonna start thinking that you actually want to be my real boyfriend.” “Maybe I do.” 
That night, when you complained about how uncomfortable the couch was, Felix offered to let you sleep in his bed with him.
 You took the opportunity immediately.
Author note: Thank you so much for the request! I loved writing this so much! Like always, constructive criticism is wanted! If you liked this, please follow me for more fanfics like this one <3 Thank you!
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