likelyamused · 2 minutes
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Chapter Seven Adie (Fate pt 1) - Previous // Next // Beginning // Werewolf Lore
Transcript Coming Soon
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likelyamused · 25 minutes
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my roman empire tbh
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likelyamused · 43 minutes
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◁ || ▷ Is an apology an apology if it’s only meant to save face?
[ knocks ]
Violet: Hey, I wasn’t expecting you.
Icarus: Can I come inside? 
Violet: Sure. Is everything alright?
Icarus: I wanted to talk about us.
Violet: Nothing bad I hope?
Icarus: Violet, I want to end this, for good.
Violet: I’m sorry, what?
Icarus: I don’t want things to get messy-
Violet: Is this because of the girl?
Icarus: Huh? No. Vi, this is about us, about the core of our relationship and it’s rotten.
Violet: But we can fix it!
Icarus: No, I’m sorry. I think we need to ask ourselves some serious questions. 
Violet: Icarus, please, you’re just saying that because-
Icarus: I can’t love you. I can’t.
Violet: So what? You were planning on discarding me the entire time?
Icarus: That wasn’t the end goal, I understand where I fucked up.
Violet: You can’t lead people on!
Icarus: And you can’t cheat on people. The day my dad died, all you could think about was yourself.
Violet: That is a lie and you know it-
Icarus: You felt alone and you went to the first person that had been dying to cop a feel.
Violet: I apologized! It was one kiss.
Icarus: Oh don’t downplay it now! You forget the messages and phone calls-
Violet: You pretended like I didn’t exist, Icarus! You shoved me aside and I didn’t feel alone, I was alone.
Icarus: So infidelity makes things okay?
Violet: I can’t believe you’re still upset. I’ve tried everything to earn your trust. If anything, I should be angry at you! You have never once acknowledged me as your girlfriend because you’re so ashamed of me! But it’s my fault right? I should have known better.
Icarus: I guess we both have things we need to work on.
Violet: That’s all you have to say?
Icarus: I think so, yeah.
Violet: So you’re gonna check out, like you always do. Typical. God, Icarus, say something!
Icarus: [ silence ]
Violet: For what it’s worth, I’m sorry.
Icarus: Goodbye, Violet.
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likelyamused · 1 hour
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Edgewave 2024: Simmy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars
Edgewave 2023: The Necromantiks
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likelyamused · 1 day
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likelyamused · 1 day
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Today is a teacher work day, which means no school for Dom and Mila!
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Today is also the day their dad comes to visit. Dom can't help but wait up on the front porch. She misses her mom and dad and it does suck that they're not together anymore. Sucks even more that their mom is so far away chasing a dream. Hopefully things can start feeling normal again.
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Much like Kira, Julio also can't seem to let go of the glory days. He used to be the hearthrob drummer to a popular band in the early 2000s and now he's a bit of a has-been also looking for his big break.
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Alonso is certainly not Julio's number one fan. He didn't appreciate some punk kid whisking away his daughter and turning her into some punk rock delinquent or their on again off again relationship that resulted in a kid during the on again part. Why can't he get a real job so he can take care of his kids, Alonso thinks out loud.
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Julio and the girls arrive downtown where he takes them to a totally appropriate family friendly restaurant.
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Julio catches up with Dom and asks about her band. He's proud she's following in his footsteps and taking up the drums. He'd always hope he was raising little rock stars.
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When their food never showed up and 6 in game hours went by (thanks alot Dine Out....) the gang decided to wrap up the evening with some midnight bowling.
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Operation Parent Trap was now in motion. Time to get the band back together!
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Before Julio took the girl's home (and returned Alonso's car with half a tank of gas), Dom thought it'd be nice if they could mail mom some pictures of them. Just pictures. Nothing suspicious.
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And now we wait.
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Lot Credit - Hooters Build by Simkoos
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likelyamused · 1 day
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likelyamused · 1 day
okay i've spent all week making decosims and i think 60 is enough sdkjsdjk
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likelyamused · 1 day
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Promt: Wolf Eel 🌕〰️ ⚓ Forgotten Grotto
@incandescentsims MerMay challenge 🦪
-ˋˏ✄ ━━━━━━━━━━━━ ⊱🌕⊰ ━━━━━━━━━ 「 cc ↓ 」 ━━
Genetics Hair |  Skintone + blush + Highlight 1 + 2 | Eyes | Ears | Teeth 1 + 2 | Nails Mermaid Top | Tail | Gills | Hand Fins | Arm Fins | Scales 1 + 2 + 3 Werewolf Eyes | Eyeliner | Lipstick | Nose Shine | Feet Clothes Top | Pants | Bikini | Sandals Accessories Earrings | Piercings | Hand Pearls | Waist Pearls | Dirt 1 + 2
Genetics @khadijah551 @lamatisse @pyxiidis @obscurus-sims @evoxyr
@sewersims @remussims @frenchiesimgirl
Mermaid @pyxiidis @dissiasims @dansimsfantasy @xy-a @shandir
Werewolf @remussims @alexaarr
Clothes @babyetears @idsims
Accessories @bradfordsims @pralinesims @wastelandwhisperer @valhallansim
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likelyamused · 1 day
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Dina: I heard that grandparents with a key might visit and autonomously take care of their grandchildren (wink-wink nudge-nudge)
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likelyamused · 2 days
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And they meet for the second time...
Beginning / Previous / Next
Transcript below
Celia: Max?
Max: Oh... Hi! Celia, right?
Celia: Right.
Max: Yeah... I knew that.
Celia: To be honest, I wasn‘t sure I would recognize you. I was pretty out of it when we met.
Max: Yeah. I-Were you okay afterwards?
Celia: Not that great, as you can imagine, but much better than I would’ve been if you hadn’t shown up.
Max: I’m glad I could help.
Celia: Thank you. Really. I was lucky enough that you were the one to find me and that you kept me safe.
Max: ...
Celia: Can I get you something to drink?
Max: Yeah... That sounds good.
Celia: What would you like? Beer, juice, soda, something stronger thrown in there...?
Max: Let me join you. Kitchen?
Celia: Yup!
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likelyamused · 2 days
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Dina and Pace got married in their bedroom, in their pajamas and surrounded by floating lights from the sized-down wedding arch hiding at their feet. Best wedding ever!
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likelyamused · 2 days
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likelyamused · 2 days
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Chapter Seven Adie (The Fight pt 2) - Previous // Next // Beginning // Werewolf Lore
Transcript - Coming Soon
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likelyamused · 3 days
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I lean against the window in order to steady myself, force myself to look away from Asher and focus on Kiyoshi, and try with everything I have to keep my expression calm as my heart pounds in my chest.
It’s a quick meeting, ten minutes at most, but it feels like it drags on for hours before he finally dismisses us.
I curse myself for always standing in the back as I wait for everyone else to walk slowly out the doors. Though, it ends up being for the best because no one notices when I break off from the group and race toward the bathroom.
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I burst through the door, lock it behind me, and run to the sink. I turn on the cold water and splash it onto my face, shocking my system, then grab a towel and cover my eyes.
I breathe into the darkness and focus on the monotonous hum of the fan above me. Slowly, I feel my heart rate return to normal, my muscles relax, and the world around me becomes solid again.
I splash my face once more, and as I’m patting it dry, a small laugh escapes me. The whole thing is absurd, isn’t it? It was just a dream. I’ve known Lex for almost three years, and Asher is her best friend. How do I know this? Because certainly she’s talked about him before, and I’ve probably seen photos too.
So, I dreamt about him, so what? Sure, it’s weird and random, but aren’t most dreams weird and random?
I shake my head, feeling a bit ridiculous as I leave the bathroom.
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Before I sit at my desk, I pick up my mug and decide to try again to fill it.  
As I turn the corner to the kitchenette for the second time that morning, I see him, standing there at the coffee machine with his back to me. I hesitate, tempted to give up and walk away, but my feet step forward, almost of their own accord, and before I know it, I’ve reached the counter.
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“Hi,” Asher says with a smile as I approach him. He has such an easy way about him. I watch as he fills his mug and reaches for the sugar packets, sliding to one side to make room for me. He glances up at me and I’m struck with the realization that I didn’t respond to him, and if I don’t say something soon, I’m bound to make things weird.
“Asher, right?” I say, finally.
“That’s right.”
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“I thought Evan was supposed to be giving you a tour or something.”
“They abandoned me already; can you believe it?”
“What?” I ask, confused. I can’t imagine Evan doing something like that.
My expression must amuse him because he lets out a laugh. “I’m kidding. They stopped to talk to someone, so I took the opportunity to grab a coffee before they show me around.”
“Oh. You’re funny.” I regret it as soon as I say it, my stomach twisting. It probably came out sarcastic even though I didn’t mean it to. He doesn’t seem to mind though.
“Sometimes,” he says with a smirk. “What’s your name?”
“Atlas,” he repeats my name and I like the way he says it. The way he pronounces each letter clearly. I want to hear him say it again.
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As if he can hear my thoughts, he says, “Atlas. Yeah, Lex has told me about you.”
“Really? Good or bad?”
“Oh terrible, awful things. She says I should stay away from you.”
I crack a smile, “You’re trying to be funny again, aren’t you?”
“Is it working?”
“Keep at it. You’ll get there.”
“I appreciate the encouragement,” he says with a laugh. And for a brief moment I forget the intense panic I felt only minutes before.
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He takes a sip from his mug and grimaces, “Well, Atlas, this coffee is terrible.”
I can’t help but laugh. I don’t mind it, but it’s too bitter for most. Lex used to make me walk with her to a bakery down the street every morning so she could get a giant cup of milk and sugar with a shot or two of espresso mixed in. I will never understand the appeal of that, but they do have good coffee there.
Without thinking I say, “Yeah, it takes some getting used to. But there’s a bakery nearby that has great coffee if you’re interested.” As it comes out of my mouth, I realize it sounds like an invitation, and I’m suddenly aware of how close we are to each other. I don’t know when the space between us shrank, but I find myself fighting the urge to reach out and touch him.
When I look up and meet his eyes, he gives me a smile, “I have to get back to Evan, but I’d love to check it out tomorrow with you.”
The way he adds “with you” at the end causes my cheeks to burn, and before I can talk myself out of it, I say, “Sure.”
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The Past 💛 Atlas Prev // Next
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likelyamused · 3 days
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"I chose this life and would do it all over again if I could". (Theodora for @acuar-io's Outlaw OC Challenge)
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likelyamused · 3 days
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◁ || ▷ now playing
Violet: We really shouldn’t. I mean he’s your best friend.
Daniel: Vi, you said it yourself, he hasn’t touched you in weeks. You know I could give you everything he lacks.
Violet: God, I feel awful even thinking about it.
Daniel: Then don’t.
Violet: Icarus? Icarus, wait!
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