linhmiu201 · 9 months
I think the moth you posted is a type of hawk moth! Which is part of the inspiration behind Oberon’s 2nd ascension cloak ! So you may have had a visit from both bugs 🐛
Oh yeah, I thought the moth looked preeeety familiar too when I looked at her, er, I mean, it! I immediately named it "Blanca" haha (*/▽\*) I wanted to take more pictures but seemed like my cough enthusiasm scared it. Tbh my hands were trembling when I reached for my phone to take that picture.
Since I got him in JP 2 years ago too, my friend said that I'm favored by Oberon. ( ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ
Btw thanks for sending an ask! ☆ ~('▽^人) I don't use SNS apps much so sorry for the later reply! (๑˃ᴗ˂)ﻭ Feel free to reach out to me anytime!
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linhmiu201 · 10 months
OMG! Blanca just flew into my room...! And the biggest I've ever seen too... about a finger of mine or so. My mind went blank seeing a big Blanca and I just mechanically took a picture so it's kinda blurry. No, more like, a small Blanca...? If you have entomophobia don't expand.
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Oberon came to me a few days ago and he was such a troll. I thought with the 4-star CEs in that roll - hell, there are 4 of it! - then there wasn't any hope left, so I looked elsewhere for a moment, and BAM! He came at the very last.
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linhmiu201 · 10 months
I laugh while reading this too. I don't understand why it's humorous to you though... ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
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linhmiu201 · 1 year
Ray's route report since I can't hold my rage back
*Ray regains consciousness and remembers what Saeran did to MC (y'know, constant verbal / mental / physical abuse, sexual harassment does it count?)*
*Ray is overwhelmed with regret*
*Ray repeatedly apologizes*
MC (me): If you're sorry how about...
*Ray runs out of the room*
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MC (me): ...giving me food......?
*Ray calls to express regrets and apologies*
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MC (me): *on a brink of death* Where's my food....... It reminds me of Adele's Hello: "I must have called a thousand times, to tell you I'm sorry"
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Bitch says that as if I haven't played V's route yet. =.=
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Me (not MC): Are you happy? Cuz I am happy lol
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linhmiu201 · 1 year
I have no idea if this has been pointed out before, but I find it such a cute little detail how Arthur and Artoria's ahoges mirror the direction they swing their respective Excaliburs.
Artoria's ahoge is pointing down, and she swings her Excalibur down.
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Arthur's, on the other hand, is pointing up, and he swings his Excalibur the same way!
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linhmiu201 · 1 year
Different people, same vibes. I can't help but fall for them, they're so soft and kind and cute ugh. (/▽\*)。o○♡
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linhmiu201 · 1 year
Replaying Ray's route. Aside from all of the bullshits we have to go through (like verbal abuse, imprisonment, starvation, V going back to Rika... I hate it T-T I should do some analysis about this later when I'm done with RAE), there are some good laughs.
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Jumin did you just suggest disposing of Rika? lol Look how speechless your friend is!
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Good boy Zenny, unlike V a certain someone. :)
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Is this why we have this option at the first day's chat? lolol
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linhmiu201 · 1 year
I made Romani speechless I'm a genius lmao (although it's only an AI).
I want to say that to his face so bad.
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linhmiu201 · 1 year
I saw this! ⊙⁠﹏⁠⊙ My friend sent it to me months ago. I was busy playing other games at that time, I just laughed it off, like, 'no biggie'! But now? Going back to MM after playing The Ssum makes me feel sooooo guilty lmao.
Reblog so that no one would forget this masterpiece!
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linhmiu201 · 1 year
Romani-lookalike Chaldean man appears in LB7 and
Keep reading
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linhmiu201 · 1 year
Happy Lunar New Year everyone! 🎇🎆
[Mystic Messenger] 2023 MM event for Lunar New Year
Happy New Year! This is Cheritz.
How is your beginning of 2023 so far? We wish you all the luck on your journey.
< ① 2023 Lunar New Year Event : RFA’s New Year’s Resolution >
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Lots of people make new year’s resolutions every year. Did you make yours this year? If you did, what is on your list?
Share them with the members of RFA using the hashtag #MM_RFA_NewYearsResolution on social networks like Twitter or Instagram and receive 300 hourglasses as a reward!
Also, a discount event for RFA VIP package and Special Believer Package. So don’t miss your chance to get the merchandise you have been deliberating to purchase★!
Discount period : January 18th 2 pm ~ January 25th 2 pm (KST)
< ② In-Game Access Event>
Don’t miss your in-game access reward in celebration of Lunar New Year!
In-Game Access Reward: January 21st ~ January 24th (KST)
That’s all for our January event!
We would like to thank you in advance for taking part in Lunar New Year Event. We hope you have a happy January, as always!
Thank you! Cheritz
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linhmiu201 · 1 year
The Ssum brief review
Uh so I was playing Mystic Messenger, to be exact, farming HGs with Christmas DLC, and since I only need to repeat the chat at 19:18, having a whole day with nothing to do I thought I could kill some time with other games. Which is, The Ssum. I immediately remember why 4 years ago I dropped the beta version of this game after only one day. lol
Like, I finally got free time to chat (read: play the game) for a while but Teo just had to leave me hanging for 5 or even 20 minutes? TvT I'd rather you spamming me with texts thank you.
I completely lost memory of that until today when I decided to come back... just to leave the game after a few hours, again, feeling disappointed. Some reasons why:
First, like everyone pointed out, because of so many ads and subscriptions, obviously. Then, an overwhelming amount of new features compared to the beta version. I wouldn't mind if it was just call and chat honestly... Cheritz bold of you to assume I need an in-game community where I get to interact with other players when I come to this game just to meet my virtual boyfriend. It's a nice feature to have but I like playing my games alone, thank you very much. :(
Also, I like the old Teo better than the new and young one, and the beta prologue too. With the old prologue, you get to experience first-hand his tendency to ramble and treating the chatroom as his own journal. Then it wouldn't take players as surprise when they had to read his online diary. The moment MC came to the chatroom, he switched from rambling by himself to rambling with a listener. I love that when he was blah blah talking to himself, you suddenly came crashing in and he thought you were an AI lol, since it feels more natural to start a conversation that way. But I appreciate that the old prologue has this "prototype" vibes to it, where Teo told you he didn't know the developers released the app on the app store, while in the new prologue it's a given that the app is released.
Not sure if it was my internet connection or something but at first the game repeatedly told me to check my internet, and I couldn't even pass Harry's prologue after 30 mins cuz not only he took time to reply but it also lagged a lot.
Oh, and, when I used guest account, I accidentally tapped the button for opening a website, and when I came back, I was baffled seeing my profile gone. Magically. Completely. Without a trace. It's just gone, so I had to start over again.
Luckily I haven't paid for anything or progressed much aside from watching 5 ads and I also wanted to start over. I also started Mystic Messenger with a guest account and only registered when I was hooked on the game later, so while I knew game data could be lost, somehow I totally didn't see it coming...? O.o Like, I just stepped out for a bit why has it gone?
I wanted to review without comparing The Ssum with MM but I couldn't help it... Although I spent too little time to give a proper review, I can say this: it's pretty confusing at first and the ads might piss you out, however, the game is worth a try if you're not a fan of MM xD. As for me, I guess I'll just go back to MM then. after I play Ssum one last time... I can't resist when I know that MM characters appear here and there in this game smh.
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linhmiu201 · 1 year
Playing April Fools DLC for the first time and I found a gem lol Jumin's so cute.
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linhmiu201 · 1 year
Press F to pay respect to our Vanderwood, he never ceases to amuse us. :) He's basically promoted as Seven's nanny now. Give him some spotlight please Cheritz. 🙏🙏
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Finally, I read the Judge End. It's sad how the RFA basically torn apart (I did agree that there should be a name change but throwing away the name and breaking apart ain't the same thing... *insert sad V emoji*) And it's absurb how harsh you would need to act in order to unlock it. At least now I totally understand why it only took a few 'soft' choices to lead you to the other ending, and why Cheritz seems to push us into getting Forgive End. They feel the need to sink us with lessons about forgiveness and keep saying that's the right thing to do because of Korean culture, I suppose. Be warned, this is just my own speculation.
When I was in junior high school, a certain Korean TV series was aired at noon. It was unfortunate that I had to go to school every afternoon so I didn't get to watch all of it, but that series left such a big impression on me. Its name is Phantom, an SBS series about hacking and cyber crimes. I remember this detail the most: a girl was cyber bullied to the point that she committed suicide. At that time it was so unfamiliar to me that I remember it even now. If you guys read Chinese web novels then you'd know that the netizens there don't really care if news posted online is truthful or not. If it is said that this celebrity or that idol had an addiction, committed adultery,... then they'll just assume it's true, and swarm said celebrity's Weibo with hate speech. And do you know about a case where an actor in Japan was revealed to have a girlfriend, his fans felt so angry and 'betrayed' that they pressured a production he was starring in to cancel his role? In the end, he got removed from his role for real. Does this feel familiar? That's right, it's Zen's route in a nutshell right there, where Jaehee was so worried about MC and Zen dating, because she knew fans would turn hostile to Zen once they found out he had a girlfriend "who weren't themselves". I don't know what's it like in other countries, but here, in Asian countries, many of the netizens are just so... uncultured, if I dare say. It's not only these 3 countries, but probably all over the world, cases of cyber bullying are still happening. How convenient it is for people to just hide behind the screen and spit cruelty at others or play god. They curse and sneer at prople who they think that were in the wrong, while maintaining a high sense of moral for themselves.
With VAE, you can see such behaviors reflected in the 'wrong' choices, for example:
Rika: My thoughts are evil. No, it's all because of my head. This head of mine can think of nothing but dark things.
Rika: I wish this head of mine would stop working... So that I won't do anything. So that I can't do anything.
The players then have to choose from 2 options, including:
Maybe you've been too obsessed with saving others that you forgot how to save yourself.
You know, that'd be the way you can be the least of help for others.
To reach the Judge End, we need to choose the second choice (alongside a series of fixed choices before that of course). Honestly, that choice is way too cruel for me, we're basically telling her to shut down her brain and stop functioning here (which she did, she fell into a coma), but in order to reach Judge, I can't help but choosing it, since I knew even 1 'wrong' choice could possibly lead to Forgive and that sweet free talk would remain unlocked forevah. If judgement goes too far, it's no longer judgement but pure cruelty... is what I think Cheritz is trying to tell us here. They're telling us to be more understanding even only a little bit, and don't take malicious pleasure in judging other people, even if they are wrong, because you never know whether a life would be lost due to such malice. For me, sometimes it's hard to tell whether I was pleased to see Rika brought to jail since I felt bad for those she hurted, or because of pure pleasure in playing justice defender where you get to curse the bad person all you want. If it's the latter, then it's bad - said Cheritz, probably.
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Oopsie, I nearly forgot I took this picture. The wording is harsh, but I laughed for that savage line of Jumin. xD This is the Judge End where RFA members were utterly disgusted by Rika and shooed her away from their lives. It was all fun and games I honestly think their reaction was understandable given how badly hurted they were when suddenly we were introduced to a "Rika's Circus"... How could something be both hilarious and cruel at the same time?? Seven being the narrator, Jaehee's and Yoosung's exaggeration, Zen talking in monotone, especially Jumin's high-pitched voice and Vanderwood's "why the hell am I here again?" confusion, they were so hilarious I couldn't stop chuckling. ......Sorry that I laughed, what's the password for Wi-Fi in hell?
Entertaining as it is, the "Rika's Circus" thing is still something Cheritz made to guilt trip us. It wasn't real, it was only a dream MC had, but after laughing, we started to feel guilty. Brilliant, I must admit.
Anyway, although I did feel bad for her since V's route actually I still consider what she did is wrong, and no excuse for her actions. You and I, we can understand her, like her, but should never justify her crimes by blaming her past and mental illness. Likewise, V haters could hate him all they/you want, he kinda sorta deserves it with what he did wrong, but don't point fingers at him for the crimes Rika did. Oh yeah, now that I think about it, Saeran is a combination of both V and Rika, don't you think? He was a mentally unstable innocent like V who was exploited and suffered by Rika's hands, then became an abuser himself like Rika. Remember who locked and chained? MC in her room, starved her, verbally abused and kinda sexually harassed her? And then guess who had to sneak in to give MC food to eat hm?
My point is, these 3 characters are flawed as hell and they did so many annoying wrongdoings, but instead of purely hating them, how about trying to understand them? - was probably what Cheritz wanted to convey. Not my words since I have love-hate relationship with them where sometimes I hate them and sometimes I don't. And I still can't like Rika one bit if you ask me, never was, never will.
If you guys read this till the end and agreed with me, then you'd probably love this underrated masterpiece too. It's a parody that whichever fandom you go, you'd still see people using it... the ultimate scene we don't understand but can still enjoy... xD
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linhmiu201 · 1 year
Okay so I decided to screw it, just be a bitch if you have to, and so I got the Judge Ending... But why is the last episode Forgive?! I chose one wrong choice, only one!! OTL
My brain tells me 'reset' to make it perfect, but my heart says 'no'. I love hoarding HGs, I'm really reluctant to spend some more... Do I truly, absolutely need to waste another 100 HGs sniff? TvT
I'll go reading it and make a comparison post between the 2 endings after farming to get back the sacrificed 280 HGs...
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I took a peak at the end of the route though, and see that the CG lying in the bed(?) with V is more appealing to my eyes? I get to see V's face up close so it's all good. At least I don't need to be a mama at my 20s. :)
And I find a need to comment about this. ↓
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No, Rika, it's not what I wanted. I want you to go to jail, and a mental hospital, not go into a vegetative state or have this sudden enlightenment and become a good person. Because you are excused from criminal responsibility either way. I kind of understand you but never in my wildest dream will I love you.
Edit: Okey I read Forgive Ending again and it's implied that she's in jail now. They should just show us, idk, the result of her trial on the news or something. (But that would give us a scene where Jumin's heart the heart that Jumin doesn't know whether or not it exists is broken hearing the news cuz apparently only Jumin has a TV in his home lol)
P/s: In V's route and his AE Cheritz taught us not to see things as just black and white, there are also gray and other colors too, but why do they force us to either be super bitchy or really nice almost like a saintess to Rika? Cuz V the Saint is eliminated so now MC is the new Saintess?
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linhmiu201 · 1 year
I played V's After Ending again... Don't know how many times I've come back to Mystic Messenger just for more suffering. I can never escape from this angst hell, sigh. OTL
People weren't kidding when they said the Forgive End is really easy to get. 3 years ago I got it without relying on guide, 3 years later I still get stuck in it... Gosh I tried to be hostile to Rika as much as possible but I messed up JUST because I chose the choices that express concern for the Choi twins. I hate that in order to get the Judge End, you'll need to be a bitch with V (burn his letters, suspect V of rescuing Rika, talk about burning his possessions one by one if he doesn't come back in a year...), ignore the members' mental health, i.e. don't ask about Saeran, don't worry for Saeyoung, don't comfort Yoosung... In other words, don't be a freaking normal human being and just seething with anger. This is no difference from Rika, and that's not what I wanted. Why is it so hard to throw her to jail?
What funny is that I remembered choosing a lot of "harsh" options about Rika in my first playthrough, such as: interrupting her self-pity party, expressing the desire to bring her to court, i.e. refusing to be guilt tripped, which should lead to Jugde End, but the game still decided I would forgive her...? Wth I never knew I was such an angel to Rika? :) And this time in the first episode, I only got 6 or 7 choices 'wrong'. Why am I still end up forgiving her? OTL I know that each episode is short, it's not a whole day so every choice counts, but isn't this proves how much Cheritz wants us to forgive Rika? Some of the choices that lead to Judge End - which is treated as bad end - was like: 'She’s not wandering about our sight to make us feel sorry for her and forgive her, is she? '; 'That’s right. Some people need stop doing wrong things unless they’re properly judged.'; 'That’s nothing compared to what she’s done.'; 'All of those bad things happened because of Rika.'; 'I wish we could get rid of her quickly and return to our happy lives.'; 'Couldn’t you tell us sooner? ' (About Saeran might be alive); 'Don’t stand there crying. This is all because of you.'; 'You’ve already chosen to be a parent. You have no excuse to make up excuses.'; 'Wherever he is, he’ll never get to see you again.' Cheritz please reminds me why are they bad again? =.= These options speak nothing but the truth in my eyes.
And I notice even though sometimes there are more than 2 options, but according to the guide I read, the third option (or even fourth?) is lean towards either judge or forgive (with more than half of it goes to 'forgive'), it's not truly neutral. I would have love a third ending where you get to yell at Rika for being a bitch like she is, then have the option to forgive her and she still gets her redemption arc in jail heh. _(:3」∠)_ Cuz rather than Judge and Forgive, it's more like Cheritz wants to slap us with the label "Blame or Forget". =.=
Anyway, I think I gotta farm some HGs and reset this After Ending, cause I'm starting to like the Judge End more and can't stand having this Episode 1 remain as 'forgive'. I already gave up the idea of romancing V after his route, only wanted to stay friends with him, so I can't be bothered even if MC and V don't get married in Judge End. Not to mention the child that came out of nowhere, I didn't even turn 20 when his AE came out, for crying out loud! Even if there's a 5 years time skip, MC having a child is still a bit too much for me.
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linhmiu201 · 4 years
I’m resharing the DVD version of the stage Touken Ranbu ~ Jiden: hibi no ya yo chiruran
I shared this last year, and then it was only on request, but recently I got a lot of new messages asking for the links, so I decided to share it again. We’re currently going through a difficult situation, so I hope people can enjoy this stage and forget about that for a moment.
The link has the four versions of the stage (Kasen, Sayo, Fudou and Honebami.) with their curtain calls. If you want the backstages then message me (preferably a message and not an ask.)
** Don’t upload this to other sites, specially streaming sites, and if someone asks please refer them to this post. Making gifs or sharing short clips is allowed though.**
Also, the actors and other productions members are also going through difficult times so please when/if you’re able to, consider buying the stages too. It’s definitely worth it.
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