littlebluentebook · 3 months
Blitzø X Reader Pt2!
TW: Vomiting
Blitzø woke up to the wonderful smell of food. He would have appreciated the gesture more if he didn’t have a pounding headache and nausea building up.
Sitting up in the bed to reach for the medicine you had previously placed for him, he lost the battle with his stomach. You rushed into the room with a cold damp rag to clean him up.
“Are you feeling okay?” you asked Blitzø. His forehead was resting against your stomach as you stood above him.
“Y/N, does it look like I’m okay?” He didn’t but you still wanted to check on your friend.
“No but-” you were interrupted by him heaving into his bowl again.
Eventually the vomiting had subsided and you both were sat in the kitchen.
“Blitzø,” you caught his attention as he was sipping his water and poking at breakfast, “you really have to stop blacking out Everytime we go out. I like being able to share memories with you.”
“Are you calling me an alcoholic? You bitch!”
“No! I-”
“Plus, who ever said I was blacked out?”
The room turned so quiet you could almost hear both of your faces contort into the realization at what Blitzø had just said.
Neither of you wanted to mention what Blitzø had told you last night in case of making the already awkward tension worse.
You two continued breakfast, making small talk about work before getting ready to face the day there.
Moxie was the first to notice the tension between you both.
“Uhhh sir. Are you alright?” Blitzø didn’t even acknowledge Moxie and instead grabbed a cup of coffee before heading to his office to do paperwork.
“He’s just hungover” you tried as damage control. In actuality you wanted to tell moxie what had happened. He was really good at emotional issues but you wanted to keep the moment between you and Blitzø private for a bit longer.
As the day went on, Blitzø went out of his way to avoid you. You desperately wanted to talk, even ordering lunch in hopes of talking to your friend. When you both had a meeting with a potential client he let you take the lead which was unusual. He was occupied in his own headspace hardly interacting with the world around him.
After the workday had completed you sat in front of Blitzø’s home in silence waiting for him to get out of the car.
“Is everything okay? I can turn off the car if you want me to” you began to ramble trying to fill the quiet that had been bothering you all day.
“I don’t want you to go please” he responded meekly.
You smiled and reached for his hand, “let’s go on inside then.”
Once inside you and Blitzø continued your awkward silence. You were watching TV as he finished putting dinner in the oven.
He joined you on the couch and put his head in your lap. It was a normal position for you both. You loved your hands and started gently massaging where his horns met his head. One time he had told you that he got a lot of pressure headaches there.
All of a sudden you could feel Blitzø tense underneath you.
“Y/N” he started, “Thank you”
“Of course” you hummed gently
“I love you.”
“I love you too Blitzø.”
You felt his breath as he released a sigh of relief, his body sinking further into your lap.
“Am I, um, allowed to, uh, kiss you now?”
You leaned down and smiled against his lips.
“I was waiting to hear you say those words all day my love”
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littlebluentebook · 3 months
Alastor x Reader pt.6
A/N Oh my goodness! I didn't expect the story to get this much attention! Im going to do some sort of second story where Alastor and the reader are in hell. If theres no objections I'll also feature some helluva boss characters (just to advance the plot!)
I am very sorry for not updating! I went out of town, nearly broke my hip, got sick, and started a new job all in the last 2 weeks. I should be able to post once every three days now :)
Thank you to everyone reading the story! I love sharing my ideas and feel free to reach out if there are any stories you want to see!
TW-Animal Blood(?)
Chapter 7
You woke up in Alastor's arms. It wasn't on purpose! You both had agreed to split the bed, pride getting in the others way. Apparently, somewhere in the night you each reached for the other. Not minding the extra warmth, you fell back asleep. There was no point in moving away; you liked him, he was comfy, and kept you warm. The second time you woke up, the sun was bright and the bed was empty. Worried you checked the clock to make sure you hadn't overslept to open the shop. You had forty five minutes to get the store open. Not as much time as you would have liked, but also not anything too out of your range.
"Ah! My sleeping beauty, glad you're now awake!" a voice said from the doorway. Alastor? You thought he had left. "Come now! I have made us breakfast."
Alastor could cook. Breakfast tasted like it was picked up from a five star restaurant on the more expensive side of town. Over breakfast he told you that he was unable to leave such a beautiful person alone and you needed the rest from the previous night. He actually didn't leave you at all that day.
He sat talking with you in your shop keeping well mannered company. Alastor would never admit it, but he absolutely loved listening to you talk. He spent so much time talking on the radio it was nice to finally be listening to others. He never really cared for sewing but asked you questions about how you did certain things and complimenting your stitch work. He also would assist you while you worked; measuring, flipping things right side outing grabbing fabric as needed. He liked feeling useful to you and watching you work on something you were passionate about.
:Thank you so much for your help today Allie."
"Allie?" He tilted his head like a puppy hearing 'no' for the first time.
"Yeah! Like a nickname," you beamed at him. Alastor mulled the name over in his head before deciding it was okay when it rolled off your tongue and into his ears. No one else could ever be allowed to call him Allie aside from you.
"Hmmmm. Alright" He was at a loss for a nickname truly just wanting to call you his. "Why don't we go and fetch ourselves dinner. I know the most exquisite place!"
"that would be lovely!" Your demeanor was much calmer than your racing thoughts. First, Alastor had stayed the night and made breakfast. Secondly he spent the entire day with you. And now he wanted to take you to dinner! You felt like a romance character from the books you had read and heard stories of.
He had helped you close the shop, took your arm in his (it was the only way you two ever walked together) and he led the way to the restaurant.
It was a nice place with candles and flowers on the table. There was a live band playing softly to entertain guests as they dined.
Alastor was sweet and kind with you, he made excellent recommendations about what drinks to try and meals to order. You both split a cake together for dessert. The night was wonderful, absolutely perfect! The only thing that there you off was the way in which Alastor ordered his steak.
"Alastor!" you had whisper-yelled "that cow is so undercooked I can still hear it moo-ing in the fields. Do we need to have the waiter take it back for just a moment longer?"
"Haha oh no darling! I just enjoy my cut of meat like this. It holds so much more flavor!" You gave him a quizzical look swearing you had just seen blood dark as your wine pool on the plate.
When your night had come to an end, Alastor had walked you home and kissed your cheek. It had left you red and blushing thinking about it as you slept.
The next morning you had awoken ready to start your chores. You folded the blanket and pajamas that Alastor had borrowed and cleared a drawer for the items to reside in. Today you had a new activity you hadn't done in years.
You walked down the stairs leading to your shop and to the circular display table at the center of your shop. Grabbing the wilted flowers and vase you got to work and put them in your oven to dry them out. You loved keeping gifts, flowers were beautiful but difficult to keep but you made it work.
The entire day you were all that was on Alastor mind. He simply could not get enough of you despite spending the entire day together before. He was talking to his mother about the feeling and how he had never experienced it, unsure of what to do he was searching for advice. His mother was not helping the situation, she merely laughed at him. "Oh Al, why don't'cha go onna date together and court the poor thing!" What if you didn't like him back? What if he made a total fool of himself. His mother could sense his worries, "well whoever can put up with ya for a full day definelty doesn't not like you." She pinched his cheeks and went back to cooking for the both of them
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littlebluentebook · 3 months
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I’m trying to make something like this for my little brother! It’s like a hundred dollars to preorder😭😭 he loves husk so much and I want to make a matching angel dust one that says loser too!!! I’ll post the results if they look okay enough<3
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littlebluentebook · 3 months
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so memeable indeed
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littlebluentebook · 3 months
Alastor x Sewing!Reader Pt.5
Chapter 6
"Alastor were you alright?" you asked The night was still awfully early compared to the last week you were there.
"I am alright darling, just feeling a little under the weather is all." Alastor was quick on his feet to come up with an excuse.
You were very shaken up after the dance and he wanted to get you away as soon as possible. In addition, many other men were looking a you.He felt protective of you in a way. Anyone who looked at you lustfully had a reserved daydream in Alastor's mind of being torn to shreds. Alastor wanted you to be all his. It was a silly thought and a foreign concept to him. He liked how kind you were and how you acted towards him.The pleasant conversations were an added bonus. He felt as though everything between you two was so natural and he could slightly let his guard down near you. Of course, he wouldn't utter a word about his jealousy being the reason the night ended short in case it upset you.
"oh goodness! When we get to my home I'll have to give you some medicine and tea!"
You were worried about your friend. What if he had gotten a cold from walking you home last week? The least you could do was ward it off a slight bit. Tonight you had learned your lesson and brought your own jacket so Alastor wouldn't freeze for you.
"Alastor, please come inside and join me for a cup of tea, at least enough to keep you warn on your walk home." You both were standing in the shops entrance. The truth was after your encounter you didn't want to be left alone.
"Hm, just one and I'll be on my way."
Inside the shop Alastor made a note of the flowers on your center table in the middle of the store. You made all the surrounding garments to match. Smiling at this he promised himself he wouldn't forget to give you new flowers at the beginning of the week.
You both walked further into the store to a door Alastor didn't notice before.
"Sorry if it's messy at all, I have had a very busy week and not much time to clean." You knew your home wasn't messy one bit but wanted to break the silence. There wasn't enough time spent there for it to be messy
"You are an awfully busy person Y/N, I think I can excuse it just this once."
You sat Alastor in your small living room, joining him after the kettle was on the stove.
He took notice of your home while you were away. It was neat in its own way. Your home definitely reflected that you were a busy person. Random sheets of numbers and sketches sat in a neat pile on the coffee table. There were books sorted by author and series but stacked haphazardly on a book shelf. The room had three windows with a nice view of the city below. He could even see the radio tower from one window.
"Do you have a tea preference?" you asked unsure.
"What do you have?" Alastor had certain tastes but wanted make sure he wasn't asking too much of you. He wanted to revel in your kindness, for it to be all his. Yet, he didn't want to take advantage of you. It was odd because typically he doesn't mind using others for his own gain.
"Green, chai, black, earl..." you rattled off.
"Chai sounds delightful"
"Perfect! Its my favorite."
It worked well for the evening to wind you both down.
"Y/N?" Alastor asked catching your attention, "how do you stay warm? You have no furnace."
"Oh!" the question caught you by surprise. Sometimes you forget that most homes have fireplaces. Your building wasn't originally meant to be a home and therefore didn't have one. "I have plenty of quilts that I stack. Plus, the oven typically warms this whole place up!"
The kettle went off and you got up to steep yours and Alastor's tea. On the way back you brought the tea, honey, sugar and two quilts. You assumed Alastor was cold and that was why he asked about a non existent furnace.
Alastor had asked the question so maybe you would think he was cold and sit close er to him. He absolutely enjoyed the feeling of you on his arm while walking.
You sat the tea, honey, and sugar on the coffee table then handed him one of the quilts you had made. It was a simple pastel blue with hints of floral fabric.
Instead if grabbing the quilt, Alastor reached underneath to grab your hand and gently led you to sit on the loveseat next to him. You both settled under your respective blankets. You reached for you tea, adding 2 cubes of sugar and a spoonful of honey. Alastor however reached for your stationary hand. He held it without a word, acknowledging nothing.
You didn't say anything either. He was such a gentleman to you! There was no point in ruining a friendship with nonsensical words.
Even after your tea was finished you and Alastor continued to talk about the world around you. He appreciated your ability to find beauty in the world and you appreciated how he could hold a meaningful intelligent conversation.
The entire time you both continued to hold hands. No words were mentioned but Alastor would casually make sure you wouldn't forget your hands were intertwined with his. He grabbed your second hand as soon has the tea was finished. He later then rubbed his thumb across your knuckles every once in a while while you were talking. Whenever you got passionate about a topic he would hold them both close together and bring them towards his lips for a light kiss.
By the time the two of you noticed the time, it was far too late for Alastor to walk home. You insisted he spend the night to which he reluctantly agreed. In all honesty he was excited to be spending all the time he could with you.
You ran down the stairs and into your spare room and grabbed a set of pajamas you hadn't sold for him to put on. They were dark red a fleece lined.
"These are the most comfortable clothes I have ever put on Y/N" he was astonished with the quality and comfort.
"Keep them darling!"
You and Alastor played the game of who would sleep where. He was willing to take your love seat but he was a guest, you wouldn't allow it. Additionally, neither of you fit on that seat comfortably.
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littlebluentebook · 3 months
Alastor x Sewing!Reader pt.4
Chapter 5
You tried to stay open 7-7 on weekdays so that way customers could come in both before and after work. This is why you were not surprised to hear the door jingle at half past five.
"Just a moment please!" you said cheerfully, attempting to finish threading your needle in full focus. "How can I help you today?" only then noticing Alastor in front of you. He was sporting his new coat and a bouquet of flowers.
"I just wanted to come visit you and say thank you for fixing my coat darling," he reached out to give you the flowers, "you will have to teach me how to make your treats as well. They were quite delicious." Alastor ate a bunch between his broadcasts spoiling his lunch but saving a few for his mother.
You smiled at that, " I am quite glad you enjoyed them! I will however be keeping that recipe to myself- its for special occasions only."
"Well then, I feel mighty special to be gifted them" Alastor quipped back at you. "How much do I owe you for the coat?"
"Not a pretty penny of yours doll! It was a favor for walking me home and letting me borrow your coat" you explained to him.
"Only if you're sure Y/N. I have got to be getting back home now, can't keep my mother waiting." he turned to the door.
"Of course! Don't worry her. Feel free to come back if you need anything else Alastor!"
"I may take you up on that my dear." With that, he walked out the door. Nothing but the flowers to signify he was ever there.
The flowers Alasor gave you were absolutely stunning. There were dark orange flowers that looked like an attempt to match the replacement lining and thread in his coat. To compliment there were soft pink and white flowers sporadically place in the bouquet. You went upstairs to your kitchen and brought down a vase for the flowers. Wanting to show off their beauty, you placed them on the center table of your shop. Here, you regularly cycled items such as tops, socks, mittens, scarves and other small items. You went around the shop and into your storage to find other colors that matched the flowers. On the table the flowers stood tall above the garments, all table colors matching.
The week went by quickly, Alastor's voice and memories both accompanying you while you sewed. You created lots of lace for the dresses Mimzy ordered. Next week you were supposed to stop by and take all of her performers measurements to actually start putting pieces together. Countless hours were also spent pre-beading and cutting fabric so all that had to be done was cutting and sewing to match sizes.
By the time Friday rolled around you were excited to leave the shop and go to Mimzy's. The nervous feeling was no longer there. You had Anne, Mimzy, and now Alastor to keep you company while enjoying the night.
"Y/N dear! Alastor and I were just talking about you!" Mimzy said with enthusiasm.
"Good things I can only hope?"
"Of course! He was just showing me how you fixed his tacky coat. I have been telling for ages he just needs a new one. He has appearances to up keep! It looks better now than when he first bought it."
You didn't know what to do with all the praise but it warmed your hear to know that people recognized your talents and were impressed with them.
"I just did what I saw fit, I do appreciate it!"
"Good evening mon cheri" Alastor said kissing your hand.
You two changed pleasantries about your week as Mimzy went to mingle with more customers. As you finished your conversation about to ask where Mimzy went, Anne stepped on stage about to start singing.
"Would you grace me with a dance?" Alastor asked reaching his hand out towards you.
"Absolutely doll" you said gently placing your hand in his outstretched one. He helped you up and out of your seat where you were previously conversing. As Alastor led you to the dance floor a man bumped into you tearing your grasp from him.
"Oh, I'm so sorry sir, please ex-"
"I know what you did." He cut you off. "You will suffer just as he did."
You turned as white as a ghost. No no no you migrated to New Orleans to get away from your old life. How did anyone find you?
"My dear! Are you alright?" Alastor asked finding you and reaching for your hand.
"Of course, just had a little scare and lost my footing is all."
Alastor gave you an eyebrow raise but didn't pry anymore.
All things considered the dance was wonderful. You both moved in sync, eyes focused on one another. He loved to spin you around and away from him only to pull you back in close. As the song ended you found yourself in a dip, a mere breath away from Alastor.
Mimzy cleared her throat "Lovely performance from the both of you, incredibly charming."
Alastor used his hand on your lower back to pick you up and steady you on the floor. He noticed you were still shaky and looking around the room from your encounter with the strange man earlier.
"Thank you Mimzy" he answered for the both of you. "We should get heading out soon shouldn't we darling?"
The night was still young but what the man had said to you made you want to leave as soon as possible. Plus, remembering last weeks sleep hangover you agreed. Finishing goodbyes again and talking with Mimzy setting up a time for instead her performers to visit you at your shop, you and Alastor were arm in arm walking out of the door. You turned around and took one last look and there you saw the man drag his thumb across his throat. What you didn't notice was that Alastor saw the man doing the exact same thing.
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littlebluentebook · 3 months
Alastor x Sewing! Reader pt.3
A/N Thank you everyone so much for reading! I am so happy to know people are enjoying the story- it makes me kick my feet and giggle out of excitement!!
Chapter 4
Saturday was an incredibly busy day for you. Lots of new orders and clients. New dresses to make with matching ties, suits to alter and dresses to hem. There were a few quilt orders, even with spring on the horizon people needed blankets to ward off the cold. As for the formal attire, the city was having a popular band play and hosting a dance. You didn't really know the details but going to Mimzy's was more than enough for you. You weren't sure how much of your comfort zone you wanted to reach out.
Alastor's coat turned out wonderfully. You used a crimson red lining trying your best to match it to the vest he was wearing from memory. The outside of the suit had the matching red thread to discreetly tie his uniform together. It turned out wonderfully! There was even enough leftover material for you to make an inner pocket.
Today was Sunday. That meant absolutely no touching any of your work. This is the one boundary you had set with yourself. If not for it, you would completely burn out. Burning out was not an option, your job was your craft. Instead, you spent the day tidying up and running to the store to prepare your meals for the week. Living alone made your weekly resets easier and also gave you plenty of time to work on your sewing when necessary.
The day went by smoothly from cooking, to cleaning, to reading and pampering yourself you were ready to fall asleep as soon as it became dark. Plus, you had a sweet plan for in the morning.
Getting up extra early, you set towards the kitchen. Last night while falling asleep you had the idea to bake him something while delivering his coat. Unsure of what he enjoyed, you made a family recipe. Brie and raspberry preserve rolls were always a hit no matter what occasion you made them for. They were incredibly simple to make and you were done as the sun finished rising.
Getting ready to go, you packaged the rolls in a wicker basket. There were plenty of them littered around your home and the shop. Every Sunday when you went to receive produce for your weekly grocery run you always came back with one or two to carry all of you belongings.
You beat Alastor to work, slightly disappointed hoping to say thank you again. You left his items at the front desk and made your way back to your shop ready to start another busy day of sewing.
'My sincerest apologies for keeping your coat, I hope it is okay that I went ahead and matched your kindness. Thank you generously from the bottom of my heart.'
Alastor read the letter with a smile of his face. How lovely! He didn't expect you to fix his coat. Undoubtedly you felt his attempt at making it fit properly. It fit him better than his own work. He was impressed with both the fact you tailored his suit that well without as much as a measurement as a guide but the new upgrades you gave the suit as well. He would admit that it was much more comfortable now with the nicer material and lack of pins.
Today, Alastor was the happiest broadcaster in the world, his smile sounded through the radio. He would have to stop to thank you on his way home after work and compliment you on your skills.
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littlebluentebook · 3 months
Blitzo x Reader
Blitzo was drunk as a skunk.
You and him went out together to celebrate his fastest assassination attempt yet. You only had one drink knowing Blitzo would have more than yourself and someone still needed to drive.
"Blitzo," you said gently, "we've gotta get going. We still need to make it to the office in the morning."
"I knew you were going to make me leave the party you buzzkill bitch!" Blitzo was slurring his words and pointing over your right shoulder. The party consisted of you two, the last in the bar and and the cat man bartender who was glaring at your friend waiting for you both to leave, clearly impatient. "Plus Y/N, I knew you were going to make me leave early so I didn't even bring my house keys." At this point, he had a smirk on his face thinking he got out of having to go home early.
"Ugh you motherfucker," you sighed. This meant that Blitzo would be staying with you and you wouldn't be getting your bed to yourself tonight. You dragged a protesting Blitzo out of the bar and into the I.M.P van. 'Wow we really need a daytime car' you thought.
"AHHHHH Y/N NOOOOO!!!!" Bliss was yelling as you started the drive home. "YOURE KIDNAPPING ME LET ME OUT!" He was pulling on the car door handle but you were blasting down the highway and wouldn't let him out.
"Is it kidnapping if its my apartment that you have your own room at?" You and Blitzo had been best friends for a long time and he was over at your home constantly. He didn't actually have his own room in your studio apartment, but lots of his stuff was in your home as was yours in his.
Blitzo mulled the question over. "Hmmm I guess not. Can I have the horsie blanket?"
"Of course you can," you told him glancing at the right mirror before changing lanes and turning.
The horse blanket was a gift you got Blitzo for one of his birthdays. It was a particularly bad one for him. It was pouring rain, there was no one to kill, and nobody gave him a birthday wish. Not even Millie. You had knocked on the door drenched from the walk over in the rain. In your hands was a melted home made happy birthday cake, a horse stuffed animal and a matching blanket. The horse was at his house because he slept with it whenever he was there. But with you, he got the large comfortable blanket.
"Yay!" He cheered gently fighting sleep.
As soon as his eyes closed and breathing slowed you arrived at your apartment complex. You and Blitzo made your way up the building. He stumbled against you, it took time but you both eventually made it. As soon as you unlocked the front door Blitzo made a beeline for your bed.
"Horsie" he said making a grabbing motion with his hands. You moved to one of the drawers under the bed that held the blanket and his comfortable clothes to sleep in. You went to the bathroom to change and then to the kitchen to get water, medicine and the designated Blitzo Bowl for when he was hungover.
As soon as you placed all the items you laid in bed next ti Blitzo.
"Took you long enough"
"Yeah yeah whatever, you don't need me to fall asleep"
"yes I do" he murmured getting closer. "I love you." Your heart rate picked up and all you heard was blood pumping in your ears. You didn't notice Blitzo lean over and kiss you until his lips were on yours.
"Oh Blitzo," he looked so hurt you moved him off, you felt bad. "How about you tell me that in the morning and we try again?"
"mmmm okay" he sighed curling up into your side and laying his head onto you.
"I love you too." At that he flicked his tail and sighed contently into you.
Hopefully he would remember this in the morning.
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littlebluentebook · 3 months
Hi everyone! My requests are open I will write for
-Hazbin Hotel
-Helluva Boss
-The Illuminae Files
-The Maze Runner
-The Little Prince
As I get more comfortable writing I will add more fandoms!
I will NOT write smut for any sort of minors or any non consent!!!!
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littlebluentebook · 3 months
Alastor x Sewing!Reader pt.2
Chapter 3
You and Alastor crossed the threshold of the door and as soon as the blanket of darkness took you both over, you shivered.
"You must be freezing Y/N!" Alastor said pulling away.
"Huh? Oh no I am quite alright. It is just a couple of blocks to my place." You countered to the best of your abilities but your actions put no truth into your words. You brought your arms around you in a hug as an involuntary shiver spread throughout your body.
"Well," Alastor chuckled, "if it is just a couple of blocks my dear then I suppose I will be 'quite alright' as well." Alastor reached over his shoulders bending down slightly to wrap you in his coat.
"Thank you," you said going back to his arm.
"Anything for you" he said with a satisfied grin on his face.
You two walked back to your shop in a comfortable silence. You owned the building on top of your shop and lived there. It worked well because you saved time from the commute and were not paying for two separate areas in town. Walking together, you took notice of Alastor's coat around you. Different seams were tearing and there were plenty of holes in the lining. Safety pins that proved the illusion of a well fitting jacket poked at you with each step. 'How on earth is this comfortable' you thought to yourself. The shoulder pads shifted slightly with each step as they weren't stitched down.
"I broadcast at the end of this road." Alastor broke the silence recognizing where you both were as the sewing store came into view. Why didn't he ever take notice of your shop?
"Do you now? Who would have guessed we worked so close to one another and have never crossed paths" you chimed knowing its because you liked the comfort of your home.
"Thank you for walking me home Alastor" you continued incredibly grateful for the gesture.
"Of course darling. Do you need anything else from me tonight?"
"Just for you to get home safe"
"I will. Only because you were pleasant company tonight and I look forward to seeing you again." He ended the night the way it began, a simple gentle kiss to the back of your hand.
"Why thank you doll, you're just as charming as your voice on the broadcast. Safe travels- I'll see you again." With that you waved him goodbye, a smile plastered on your face. He was just the sweetest thing to you!
Alastor made it halfway home realizing you still had his coat. 'No worries' he thought. He would just pick it up Monday on his way home from work. He was content with the night, happy a nice person such as yourself was home safe and likely tucked away sleeping.
However, as soon as Alastor was out of your view, you got to work. Sure you had the next two days to get the coat returned to Alastor but you were excited for the project. Immediately you went to your sewing tables and flipped the blazer inside out. This made it easier to see what you were working with. There was a large tear in the lining in the back middle seam. The waist was pinched by bent safety pins on both the left and right sides as well as the back to create a tailored appearance. There were rips in the armpits causing the lining to tear away and multiple inner seams were torn.
It must have been difficult for Alastor to find properly fitting clothes with how tall and lean he was. If he sized down things would be too short on his long body so sizing up and altering the appearance was his only option.
The best way to fix his coat would be to tear out and replace the lining. It needed to be taken in at the waist and armpits and the sleeves needed to be hemmed a slight amount. Getting to work, you took your supply of old flour bags and started to trace a pattern. Cheap fabric could be difficult to come by so you offered discounts to anyone who would bring you the fabric for flour bags.
The new lining was made out of a heavier duty material rather than the cheap fabric already in the suit that could hardly hold a stitch without ripping. It took a while between all the cutting and stitching but you had the lining fit and sewed into the suit. Getting ready to hem and tailor the the coat, the sun started to peer through your blinds clearly curious about your work. Being focused in your work wasn't anything new, often times you were unable to sleep when you got a new project idea in your head.
Deciding to take a break, you headed upstairs. While getting ready; changing your clothes and washing your face, just doing the daily fixings you put a cup of coffee on the burner and set some breakfast in the oven to warm up. Once finished you headed down the stairs to open your shop and get started for the day.
You had Alastor's coat to finish- which now would take half an hour at most now that the hard part was out of the way. The blanket needed to be done this weekend and a few pants and dresses to hem. Next week you would start preparing for Mimzy's dress order.
A/N Hi everyone! Sorry this is short. I have been writing out all the parts to this story and then typing them all! I intend for this story to get pretty long and will be asking for some opinions soon! Thank you for reading!!
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littlebluentebook · 3 months
Alastor x Sewing!Reader
Hi everyone! This is my first ever fic but I have read far more than anyone should in a lifetime! Please let me know if theres any criticism. Im open to other ideas and fandoms (that I will eventually make a list for.) I'm merging some chapters I have just because they're short or make better sense that way and tried tot keep things gender neutral. If I slipped let me know and I will go back and edit! This is probably super out of character but I did my best! Hope you all enjoy :)
Chapter 1 <3
You and your husband had always gotten along like a house on fire.
Every other week a client would come in asking for costumes and repairs for a speakeasy she sung and danced at.
"-just say Anne invited you love n' they'll be bound ta let you in!" she exclaimed while picking up her newest order for the night ahead.
"Well darling I'll just have to see if I've got any sort of plans." You said knowing full well you were going to come up with new patterns until eventually falling asleep.
"Come on Y/N, Ive been coming to you for months! Don't you want to see where all your heard work goes to?" Anne was definitely pulling your strings taking advantage of your curiosity. She had a point.
"I suppose you've gotta point Anne. What time are you starting tonight?"
"Nine!" She was bouncing up and down in excitement. " I've got to get going now doll! See you tonight!"
The jingle of the bells on the door signified she was gone. You started to realize what you agreed to and panicking.
"Oh my goodness gracious!" you stressed out loud, "what even am I going to wear! Im going to look ridiculous- I don't know a single soul there! What if I make a fool of myself?!"
Your thoughts battles for longer than you would like them to eventually grabbing a paper riddled with measurements no longer needed and started writing pros and cons of visiting Anne.
Pros: Cons:
Meeting new people! Showing up alone
Can make friends Looking like a buffoon!
New possible clients
Deducting that embarrassment is temporary, your cons list could easily be eradicated by breaking out of your shell and talking to others. Plus, Anne would be there and she was your friend... kinda? You considered her a friend but was unsure if she felt the same way. Well, she did invite you to visit her tonight, at the very least she will introduce you to her friends! There shouldn't be a worry.
With your mind finally set you heard the clock strikes four. Ashamed of how long you let your thoughts get the better of you, you got back to work. The task was to complete a keepsake blanket from a wedding. You created the dress for the newlywed, sitting for hours with her finding the perfect materials and creating patterns and designs for her. In the family, it was a tradition to create a quilt from the dress of the bride using the grooms suit as a border. All the pieces were cut and you could not wait to sew them together and create a stunning memento.
Chapter 2 <3
you knocked on a door two streets over from your shop. A short lady opened the door raising an eyebrow.
"And who might you be?"
"Im Annes... friend," you tried. "She comes to me for her outfits and graciously offered me the opportunity to come a view her performance tonight."
The lady's gaze hardened, staring at you intensely.
"It looks like I have got the wrong place then, I am so sorry to waste your time," you stammered taking a step back away from the door.
"Oh Mimzy! You mustn't be giving anyone trying to see me a hard time now!" Anne's bubbly voice spoke from behind the short lady who must be Mimzy. "Y/N is a good friend of mine! Works far too hard for me and deserves a break, plenty of time to relax!"
Mimzy bursted into a smile and reached for a hug. "of course! Welcome! Sorry for being all prude- just had to makee sure you weren't anyone coming tottery and ruin what I've got going for me here" she drawled.
"No ma'am of course not! Im just here to watch my friends performance then I'll be outta your hair, away from your 'do," you explained to Mimzy while she dragged you from the door to the bar.
"Nonsense my dear! Please have a drink and stay awhile!" you sat at the bar with Mimzy talking about how difficult it was to be a female business owner. No one takes you lot seriously!
The lights dimming and shinning on stage caught the room's attention effectively hushing all conversation. Anne sauntered to the center of the stage, dress shimmering. You recognized it as the most recent dress that you crafted for Anne. It was stunning on her.
"My oh my! Look at the handiwork that went into making that dress. Must of taken days!" a familiar voice chipped. You were unable to put a name to the voice but luckily Mimzy did it for you.
"Alastor," Goodness! The radio broadcaster! You had always loved his voice, you would have his station playing while sewing- waiting patiently for songs to end just to hear him speak. "Our dear friend Y/N made that specifically for our lovely Anne!" Mimzy exclaimed.
She admired your work while Anne sung and waltzed around the stage. You were incredibly proud of your work. Every detail of that dress took so much time and effort and turned out beautifully. The fringe was all hand cut, the lace took countless hours of stitching for the perfect design and finally the beads. Each bead had to be placed individually in the right spot on the dress to shimmer. It was a fine dress indeed.
"Y/N, how would you like to make dresses and suits for the rest of those who preform for me?" As soon as the song ended Mimzy had dropped the question, ensuring she wouldn't tale any attention away from Anne.
"Oh my! Why I would be honored and ecstatic to! Thank you so much for the opportunity Mimzy!" You were so excited! Sure the flapper dresses were hard work and time consuming, but now, seeing how they looked on a stage, in front of an audience, made you realize you didn't mind all the time and effort it took into making them.
Mimzy left her seat in an excited hurry to go get paperwork for you.
"You know," the broadcaster- Alastor leaned over Mimzy's now empty seat, "she goes on and on about how beautiful Annes dresses on stage are." The comment caused you to blush but he continued, grabbing your hand gently. "I must agree with her, although the lady behind the creation of this wonderful attire is much more beautiful than what she creates."
With that Alastor kissed the back of your hand with his lips. You were speechless.
Mimzy came back with paperwork and Alastor smiled at you. The three of you spent hours conversing, telling both jokes and stories.
"Oh my!" You glanced at the nearest clock- almost one in the morning. "I have got to get going! I have to open the shop in the morning."
"Do you ever take days off darling?" Alastor asked softly.
"Only Sundays. No one is out on Sundays!"
"Goodness! -at least let me walk you home. You know its not safe for a lovely person such as yourself to be out alone this late."
"Are you sure? I don't want to inconvenience you at all Alastor."
"Of course I'm sure dear, its not an inconvenience if its you." The words were rolling off his tongue and you blushed so hard it could have matched his vest.
"Your performance was amazing Anne! You are so talented, I have definitely been missing out, I am going to come back to watch you! " Enthusiasm and pride towards your friend took over. You wanted to let her know what you thought before you suddenly ran off.
"Thank you for coming out tonight for me. Sure was nice seeing a friend in the crowd!" A jittery wave of happiness washed through you at her last statement.
"Im so glad to hear you enjoyed yourself!" Mimzy gushed to you giving a farewell hug. "Blessed to know you'll be coming back doll."
"Of course! You have an amazing place Mimzy. This is a pleasant change of scenery compared to what I'm used to!"
With your goodbyes concluded you walked out the door arm in arm with Alastor.
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