livwritesfics · 5 days
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oh mr. bushido, the things i would do for you
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livwritesfics · 5 days
Based on actual events....
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livwritesfics · 6 days
Law, Luffy, Chopper with a mother figure crewmate
I added some emo stuff too, specifically in Law’s cuz he was the one who gave me idea for this~
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Law had been his usual closed off self at first, but despite that she had been extremely loving and kind to him, always doting on him and looking after him
It was somethinng he hadn’t felt since Rosinante, and it made him feel strangely calm around her. The way she would make sure he eats and sleeps, how she would pull him away from his work when he was locked up in his office for too long
She would fix his hair and dust off his clothes whenever she saw the need to. The contact was actually the easiest part to accept for Law. The first time he had hugged her, was when he had gotten seperated and when she found him again she pulled him into her and started sobbing about losing him
He would never show it, but he loved to hear her say how proud she was of him, praising his powers and skills. It made him feel like he had accomplished something, and he started doing things with the goal of hearing her say she’s proud of him.
He felt warm and safe in her arms, like a protective hold. He grew accustomed to her touches and motherly attitude, even welcoming it.
What he found the most amusing was how she would get extremely protective on the battlefield, everytime someone threatened Law’s safety she would be on the attackers back slicing his throat with her sword
It was well known among the Heart Pirates Crew and the Strawhats that if they harmed a hair on Law’s head they would have to deal with his “mother”
Sometimes, Law would even call her mother seemingly as a joke, but deep down it was because he felt it a fitting name for her
Law couldn’t help but feel as if he had been sent another Cora-san, and everytime he thought this, he would hug his crewmate a little tighter, vowing to protect her like he would have Rosinante
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Luffy absolutely adores her, the way she looks after him day and night. She always cooks for him when he’s hungry, hitting Sanji when he scolds Luffy for wanting more meat
She’s always ready to follow Luffy to the most dangerous place without question, not just because she wants to look after him but because her personality and thrist for adventure matched his
In Luffy’s quieter and more sentimental moments, she would hold him in her lap while he talked about hs dreams and regrets. He loved to hear her stories of her adventures before joining the crew, and he would always look up at her with stars in his eyes as if he was looking at Gol D. Roger
When the fear or insecurities caught up with him, he would run to her arms for comfort, crying into her shirt about all his worries and concerns. She would sit with him and pet his hair until he fell asleep, then setting him down in bed and tucking him in.
He tried to protect her with his life, but she would never let him do that. Instead protecting him, threatening a painful death to anyone who harms him. Even Nami was scared to hit Luffy
Luffy would call her mom in front of anyone with no hint of embarrassment, instead his voice filled with joy at the thought of having an actual mother again, and one that would stay with him on his journey. Luffy loved the way she supported him and his dreams without question, instead promsing to help him reach them and farther. In return for her love and loyalty, Luffy stood by her side as if she was his captain, pledging his loyalty as her son.
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Chopper had such a feeling of love for her. He had only ever had a somewhat fatherly figure with Hiriluk, so he was definitely unaccustomed to the actions of his crewmate. He had been skeptical of her doting on him and watching over him everyday, acting annoyed or scared.
But as she continued her actions, cooking for him, making sure he went to sleep, bringing food when he was working, carrying him and protecting him on the islands they landed on, Chopper grew very fond of her
Now it was almost routine for her to find him in the mornings to find him and carry him around with her. He would ask her to sit with him while he worked, and he would trail after her as she did her duties. On islands she would always help him off the ship and he would take his place in her arms or on her shoulders. 
Chopper would tell her stories of how he learned all the things he knows, and when the nightmares or memories would return he would sleep in her bed while she sang him to sleep. 
When he was scared he would jump behind her, but when there was a threat to her safety as well, Chopper would jump in front of her and use his different forms to protect her. Though this didn’t usually work out because she would drage Chopper back and scold him for putting himself in danger for her, claiming that she would give her life before he would give his.
Chopper would shield his eyes as she tpre through groups of enemies, clearing a path so he wouldn’t have to get hurt. The way she fiercely defended him reminded him of a lion and it’s cubs. The rest of the crew would jokes about this, making comparisons between Choppers “adoptive mother” and a lioness. She would refer to Chopper as her son, making Chopper flustered and do his little dance. He wouldn’t always refer to her as mother, but in private it was the only name he used. 
He looked at her with stars in his eyes, admiring her maternal personality and finding safety in her actions. Staying by her side made him feel safe and strong, he knew that she would watch over him wherever they went, whether it be together or apart she would always be ready to embrace him and put her life on the line if it meant he could continue to achieve his dreams.
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livwritesfics · 9 days
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Imagine being Johnny’s teacher and asking where all his bruises came from…
The bell tolled, signalling the end of the day, but you had other things on your mind.
“Johnny Cade, can you please stay back after class?” You asked, smiling at all the students that passed you. As all the kid’s emptied the room like swarms of bees, you shut the door behind them. 
“I know I haven’t handed the assignment in I-” 
“It’s not that Johnny” You said with a shake of your head. “Johnny, in class I’ve noticed some things. You have bruises everywhere, almost every inch of your body. How did you get them?” 
“Oh- I uh- I… Um…” He stumbled over his words, refusing to look you in the eye, “I tripped, down the stairs. I- I’m just clumsy is all.” 
“Johnny, honey, I know that you’re lying to me. You’re the most coordinated person I have met, now tell me the truth. How did you really get all of those bruises? Is someone hurting you?” 
“No.” He whispered, but you could see the tears welling up in his eyes as he began to leave the classroom. 
“Wait Johnny, talk to me, please” You grabbed his hand gently, squeezing it, hoping to give him some much needed comfort. 
“Please, Miss Y/N, just leave it.” He begged, looking up at you with big, black eyes. And you could tell, just by looking into them, that this boy has been through some hell. There was so much pain and anguish behind his eyes. 
“Johnny, sweetheart, if someone is hurting you, you need to be far away from them, you deserve much better then that. No one has the right to abuse you like that. Who is hurting you, Johnny?” 
“My dad” He mumbled, reaching up to wipe his tears away. “And sometimes my mother. I guess it all just depends on when they feel like it.” 
“Okay” You said, rubbing his shoulders. “Tonight, you can come home with me. And tomorrow, we will notify the school and see what we can do to stop this.” 
“What, no, Miss, please. My dad will kill me”  
“No Johnny, he won’t. Don’t you see, he is killing you. What if one day he hits you too hard? What if one day he beats you so badly that you die? You are made for better things. You can be anything that you want to be. A professor, a teacher, a writer, a footballer, a lawyer. You can do anything you wan’t to. But being in that environment is toxic. One day, I’m afraid that he will go to far and he will end your life. So please, come with me tonight. I’ll keep you safe.” 
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livwritesfics · 9 days
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Johnny stays the night with Dally… 
A knock at the door sounded, erupting through the room and making Dally groan…he’d just gotten comfortable. He sighed as he pulled on a pair of shorts, covering his nakedness. 
“Yeah, what is it, man?” He mutters, opening the door, expecting to find Buck - probably yelling at him about something he didn’t care about… but no, Johnny Cade was behind the door with wide eyes and goose bumped skin. 
The wind was howling tonight, the promise of snow prickled the air. 
“Hey Dal” He says softly, apologetic almost. “I didn’t have anywhere else to go-” 
Dally cuts him off, opening the door and nodding his head for him to come through. 
“I’m real sorry, Dal” Johnny looks frightened, heck, the kid always looked that way these days. 
“Don’t apologise kid. I’d rather you be in here than out there.” Dally just wanted to know that he was safe. And boy, there was no safer place than in Dal’s bed. 
Dally crawls into bed, leaving enough space for Johnny to crawl in beside him.
“You’re a real pal” Johnny says gratefully, sliding in beside Dally. 
The bed is warm - not what Johnny is used to. As he lays there beside Dally he can’t help but feel safe, secure… he can’t help but feel like he’s come home. 
“You cold, Johnny?” Dally asks Johnny as his body shakes beside him, he turns around to wrap an arm around him, his lips mere inches away from his. Johnny can feel his breath tickling his nose. 
“Thank’s Dal” 
“You know you’re always welcome here, right?” Dally says firmly. “I don’t care what time it is or how often.” 
Johnny doesn’t say a word - because he knows all of this. He just doesn’t want to be a burden. 
“Goodnight, Kid.” Dallas presses his lips to the greasers forehead, because for even two moments he wants this kid to feel loved and wanted. Because Dallas Winston knew what it was like to not feel wanted. 
“Goodnight Dal” Johnny says in reply.
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livwritesfics · 9 days
Cold Floors And Back Aches
The Outsiders
Pairing: N/A
Word Count: 622
Warning: None
Summary: Requested: Couldddd you write a fic about Ponyboy where he has to always sleep on the floor for some reason and is super sore and achy but Soda realizes and helps him with a massage? Love your work ❤️
Keep reading
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livwritesfics · 9 days
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Ponyboy has a nightmare…
It was all so real. 
The screaming. The running. 
The gun. 
Sounds of gunfire reverberating throughout the empty, dark streets.
Darry’s dead body strewn lifelessly across the pavement. 
It was all so goddamn real that Ponyboy woke up with a start, beads of sweat gathering on his forehead, his shirt clinging to his damp skin. 
Sodapop hadn’t stirred beside him, he was dead to the world - no clue that his baby brother was beside him, frightened out his mind… and Ponyboy wanted to keep it that way, Soda had a double shift tomorrow and he needed all the rest he could get. 
But Ponyboy had to get one glimpse of Darry - reassurance that his big brother was in his bed, safe and sound - breathing… alive. Ponyboy slithered out from underneath the arm that was slung over him lazily and he exited the room, his bare feet padding across the wooden floor boards. 
He just needed to know that Darry was okay. 
Every inch of his sanity was telling him it was nothing but a stupid dream… a kids dream, not worth getting out of bed for; but the fear of losing Darry was to much for the young greaser. Losing his mum and dad was one thing - but losing his big brother, Superman - that was another thing all together. 
Sure, Darry could be mean, he was too rough without meaning to be and he yelled way too much for a young man of 20… but Darry was his hero… and the thought of losing his hero was something Ponyboy didn’t ever want to have to go through. 
Ponyboy reached the door and pushed it open, careful not to make a sound. He didn’t want to wake his big brother up - and to be quite honest, he also didn’t want to embarrass himself by telling Darry that he came all this way because of a nightmare. Darry wouldn’t understand. He’d huff at him and call him a kid. 
Sure enough, Darry was there. His chest rising and falling as he exhaled into the night. Ponyboy released the breath he hadn’t even realised he had been holding.
His big brother was okay. And that was all that mattered. 
He turned on his heel, ready to exit the room. 
The floor boards groaned underneath his weight, coaxing Darry from out of his slumber. 
“Ponyboy?” He grumbled, sleep thick in his voice as his back arched from the bed. “Is that you?” 
“Yeah it’s me.” His voice was so child like - innocent, just like it had been when he was younger… just like it had when he was 8 years old and scuttling into his oldest brother’s room during a thunderstorm. 
When Ponyboy was a kid, during a nightmare, or through the harsh weather - Darry was always the one he felt safest with. Not his mum and dad, or Soda - it was always his Superman. 
“What’s wrong? Are you and Soda okay?” He asked hurriedly, getting ready to get out of bed and investigate whatever the problem was.
“No, we’re fine… honest. Goodnight Darry.” Pony muttered awkwardly - cursing himself for getting caught as he stepped out into the hallway, getting ready to go back to bed. 
“Ponyboy” Darry called after him as quietly as he could, not wanting to risk waking Soda. 
“Yeah?” Ponyboy asked, looking over his shoulder at Darry who had moved over, creating just enough space for his youngest brother. 
“Do you want to sleep with me tonight?” He asked gently, knowing full well the youngest Curtis had another nightmare tonight; he always sounded the same after a nightmare - desperate, innocent - scared and small. 
Ponyboy’s eyebrows knitted together, confusedly… Why wasn’t he been yelled at to go back to bed? 
He wordlessly slid in beside Darry, the warmth from his body radiated like a crackling fireplace. 
“Do you want to talk about it?” Darry asked. 
“No.” Ponyboy said simply… knowing full well he was likely to bawl if he had to replay the events of the dream. 
“You’re safe now, Pone. I love you kid.” Darry tried not to say it awkwardly - he hadn’t said it to his brothers since before his parent’s died… but it needed to be said, he didn’t want them to think otherwise. 
“I know Darry. I love you too”
Ponyboy curled into his brothers side… he was safe. 
Darry smiled to himself and for a second he could pretend that he was just a big brother looking after his baby brother - that his parent’s were sleeping in the next room and that he didn’t have all these responsibilities hanging over his head. 
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livwritesfics · 9 days
Family Reunion - Ponyboy Curtis x Reader
Family Reunion - Ponyboy Curtis x Reader
Summary: Pony is dating you, and you have a six year old from a previous relationship. The father is long gone. He has been around the child so much that the child deems him Dad and Pony is telling his brothers and friends about your relationship. They are all so confused as to why there’s a small human there.
A/N: So this was requested and it’s gonna be two stories, same storyline but one for Pony and one for Soda. @matthew-destin I hope you like this one!
Pony pulled into the driveway of his childhood home, turning around to see your son, Ronnie, asleep in the back. He smiled, getting out of the car and hoisting him out of his booster seat. The six year old boy snuggled into Pony’s shoulder, and Pony locked the car, walking up the front porch steps.
He could already hear all of his old friends screaming, laughing probably at something Two-Bit had said. He winced at how the sleeping boy in his arms shifted, knowing he was about to wake up if they all didn’t quiet down. He pulled open the screen door and everyone in the house erupted in cheers. He was quick to cover Ronnie’s ears but it was to late. The child awoke, blinking owlishly to try to figure out where the actual hell he was. He knew he was in Pony’s arms, but he didn’t know who everyone else was and why they were looking at him like he was some foreign creature.
Pony smiled at Ronnie, ruffling his hair and slowly placing him on the ground by his feet. Ronnie was not happy with this. He turned right around again, and motioned for Pony to pick him up, not liking the silence from the strangers. Pony smiled at the young boy, kneeling down next to him instead of picking him up and introducing everyone.
Starting with his brothers, the child was told who everyone was, ending with Dallas who looked extremely murderous in the corner.
“I don’t like kids Ponyboy, you know that”
“And I don’t like the way you treat girls. Now shut your trap and get your feet off the table”
“Excuse me?”
“You will not act this way in front of my girlfriend’s son”
“Don’t talk to me like that kid!”
“Daddy, why is he yelling?”
Ponyboy looked down at the child now planted between his legs and finally gave into Ronnie’s pleading, scooping him up into his arms.
“Dallas, if you don’t stop I’m forcing you to leave”
Dallas grumbled, but didn’t say anything, instead electing to pout about the current situation while everyone else got to know the child. Sodapop had taken a cookie out of their stockpile and presented the boy with it, instantly earning his affections. Darry had awkwardly sat down next to Ronnie and asked if he liked mickey mouse. Ronnie had nodded vigorously, and Darry, smiling, had switched on the tv.
Darry and Sodapop had gotten up, ushering Pony into the other room and looked at him concernedly.
“When were you going to tell us that you had a kid?”
“He’s not mine”
“He calls you dad”
“Y/N had him in a previous relationship, the dad up and left, then we got together. He only calls me that because he doesn’t remember his real dad.”
The three boys were then plunged into an uncomfortable silence, the two eldest not liking the fact that their baby brother had to grow up so fast.
“Why didn’t you tell us? We would have helped.”
“I wanted to prove that I could handle a kid on my own”
“Well you could have just told us, we wouldn’t have helped if you didn’t want us to”
“It was too risky”
“So are you gonna marry her and adopt him?”
“I don’t know. If she says yes, then yeah I think I will.”
Soda smiled, moving to pull Ponyboy into a hug, Darry joining eventually.
“We’re here if you need us Pony”
“Thanks guys”
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livwritesfics · 9 days
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Ponyboy x Reader
When he had first come over to your house it had been full of noise; your mom baking in the kitchen, your siblings watching TV in the living room, your dad mowing the lawn, but it all eventually died down. Only music softly played from your record player - regrettably a Beatles song but you refused to change it.
Paul McCarthy’s voice flowed through the room and you mouth the words to ‘Ticket to Ride’. Your pencil bounces up and down as you peer at the algebraic equation.
Was math really needed in the real world?
“Hey, Pony,” you roll over to where he’s perched on the side of the bed, his legs sprawling out with his history textbook ontop. “What did you get for number three?”
“Eleven point three,” he murmurs, eyes flitting up to meet yours briefly before focusing on something else.
You groan and toss your math textbook and notebook aside, hands covering your face. “Ponyboy, I’m never going to pass this test.”
Ponyboy pushes his school stuff off his lap, sitting up straight to look at you. “I came over to help you and that’s what I’m going to do,” he has a soft a smile on his face, “what part are you stuck on?”
“Well, Ms. Wallace started talking about the factors and that’s all I remember…” you confessed, hands fiddling with your cardigan.
“Why weren’t you paying attention?” He drops to his elbow, hand supporting his head as he stares at you with mirth.
“Like you can talk,“ you turn to face him, hair sprawling out on your bed.
He smirks at that, settling in closer to you. His finger twirls your hair, letting it loop around before letting it fall in a cascade.
“I need to leave soon,” his arm wraps around your waist, “before Darry gets mad.”
You hum in acknowledgment, knowing full well the eldest Curtis brother will in fact be upset if Ponyboy is out late again - but with Ponyboy pressing a soft kiss to your lips you can’t bring yourself to care.
@80smen (here is the Ponyboy fic/aesthetic I was talking about!)
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livwritesfics · 9 days
can you do a ponyboy x reader where the reader is TERRIFIED of darry but ponyboy wants her to meet his brothers (it’s mostly soda keeps asking to meet her) and ponyboy convinces her to have dinner with them and how it goes can be up to you? thank you!!
Ofc! So sorry this took so long it was sitting in my drafts for like two days
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Meeting the family (pony x reader)
You meet Soda and Darry for the first time. 
“Are you sure I look alright?” you asked nervously, looking at your shoes.  
“Yeah, you look great,” smiled Pony, opening the gate in front of his house.  “Why are you so nervous? It’s just my brothers.”
“Well- you’re oldest brother seems a little scary,” you said, making your way up the stairs of the front porch. 
“Awe c’mon, they’ll love you,” grinned Pony, planting a kiss on your cheek.  “Soda’s been asking to meet you for months now.”
“Whatever,” you muttered. Pony elbowed you in the ribs as he swung the front door open and walked in.  
“We’re here!” called out Pony.  
In the kitchen, Pony’s brother Sodapop was stirring something over the stove and his oldest brother Darry was setting the table.  Darry looked up; his glace went from Pony, to you, then back to Pony.  
“Hey guys,” said Darry warmly.  “Come on in.”
You gulped as you stepped into the Curtis house.  
“What’s for dinner?” asked Ponyboy cheerfully, walking into the kitchen.  “Oh no you didn’t-“
“I did!” exclaimed Soda.
“You... what?” you asked nervously, peaking into the kitchen.
“He made the mashed potatoes blue again,” sighed Ponyboy.
“Don’t worry, they still taste good,” said Darry. “Here, take a seat.”
You took a seat as Soda started dishing up the food.
“Thanks for coming over, y/n,” said Soda Ofer his shoulder.
“Yeah of course, thanks for having me,” you replied.
“So,” said Dar sitting down.
Oh shit you thought to yourself.
“What grade are you in?” finished Darry.
“Same grade as Pony,” you said.
Soda set down the plates on the table. “We’ve heard a lot about you, y/n.”
“Yeah?” you glanced over at Pony.
“Yeah,” grinned Soda. “Only good things.”
“Oh well that’s good,” you replied, half relieved.
Dar laughed at you a little, and you sighed with relief before laughing with him. Maybe he wasn’t as scary as you thought.
Im so sorry im brain dead someone finish writing this for me plz this is so shitty ugh
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livwritesfics · 9 days
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Imagine Darry comforting his little sister after she gets bullied at school for her red hair.
You wiped away your tears as you opened up the bottle of peroxide… you were just so damn tired of all the comments your so called “friends” were calling you- you were done, you just wanted it to be gone. 
“Queenie, honey, can I talk to you for a moment, please?” Darry called from behind the door. “Sodapop told me that you came home from school upset.” 
“Just go away, Dar.” You sighed as you began to towel dry your soaking wet hair. 
“Queenie, this is important, if you don’t open this door I’m coming in.” 
You went to hide the peroxide, only to knock it over in the process, causing it to spill all over the bathroom tiles. 
“Shit” You cursed, picking up a dirty towel to mop it up… and then the door opened. 
“What’re you doing?” He questioned, raising an eyebrow as he stared you down. “Is that peroxide?” 
“Yeah, I’m dying my hair.” 
“Why?” He squatted down beside you, taking the ruined towel off of you. “Your hair is beautiful, why would you want to dye it?” 
“Because.” You wiped away your tears, refusing to look him in the eye. “My friends- they tease me… they call me carrots and say that I haven’t got a soul- they call me a devil, so maybe if I dye it they’ll stop.”
“Oh sweetheart.” Darry said softly, bundling you up in his arms. “Don’t cry, baby. They’re not worth it, and besides that, if they were your true friends they wouldn’t be teasing you over something as trivial as your hair colour. “
“Am I ugly?” Your voice shook as you looked into your big brother’s eyes desperately. “Or evil? Do I look-” 
“Beautiful, that’s what you are.” He kissed your forehead gently, giving you a kind smile. “You are beautiful, you’re not evil. You’re my angel, and if those idiots at your school cannot see how beautiful you are inside and out, then they’re not worth hanging out with. Find new friends, ones that’ll appreciate who you are for you.” 
“I guess.” 
“Do you really want to dye your hair, Queenie?” 
“No… I just want them to stop it.” 
“Then don’t dye it, if you’re going to dye your hair colour, do it because it’s what you want to do. Do it because it makes you happy, not because people at school are bullying you. Defend yourself, don’t change yourself, you hear?”
“Thank’s Darry.” You wrapped your arms around your big brother, thankful that he was here.
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livwritesfics · 11 days
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He just really loves his crew ♥️
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livwritesfics · 11 days
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it’s that time of year again
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livwritesfics · 18 days
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livwritesfics · 19 days
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Don’t feel bad if you have to leave an environment that wasn’t good for you! It takes courage and strength to choose your health and search for a better life.
Chibird store | Positive pin club | Instagram
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livwritesfics · 19 days
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livwritesfics · 19 days
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