loveburrow · 23 days
Posted! Let me know what you think 🖤
I know I ghosted you guys for like a year 😭 but I finally wrote something, is anyone still here to read it? 🥹
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loveburrow · 23 days
You’ve Got To Prove It To Me
Trigger Warnings: CNC (I guess?), pushing boundaries a little, throwing up, Joe being possessive/angry
Also just now realizing how long this is… sorry 😭
You and Joe had dated for four months before you decided to end things. His fame was just too much for you. The cameras any time you’d go out. The hate comments after he lost a game. Teenage girls judging your every move on tumblr and reddit. Joe was the love of your life, but you couldn’t be with him. He was a superstar and you were a regular girl who worked a regular job. The toll that those four months took on your mental health was something that would take you twice as long to recover from.
Joe loved you though. In fact, in those few short months he knew you were the love of his life too. You were the first girl he’d ever posted on social media. It was even his idea to hard launch you. He was so proud to be with you. You made him the happiest he had ever been. Joe’s not one to beg so when you told him you wanted to end things he let you go without a fight. He loved you so much that he ultimately wanted to see you be happy but he secretly felt so disrespected. So not good enough. So insecure. So embarrassed. He had everything: money, status, fame, an amazing NFL career, and everything that he had worked so hard for got in the way of the one thing he ever truly wanted. A girl like you to be with him. He would have traded it all for you and he hated that the fame ruined the best thing that had ever happened to him. He gave his full heart to you and you tore it apart. And he wasn’t happy about it.
But little did he know, you were heartbroken as well. So heartbroken that you reconnected with your ex just to feel something. And when all of those old feelings returned, a one night stand turned into a few nights of good old fashioned fucking no strings attached. Somewhere along the way you realized that you deserved more than a situationship. You missed Joe and you wanted him back but you knew he’d never take you. You decided to end things with your ex but not before your planned last night together.
Two months after the breakup when Joe got a random text from you, his heartbeat accelerated. Did you want him back? He sure hoped so but nothing could prepare him for what he saw when he opened the message. There were two photos. A sexy picture of you in beautiful lacy black lingerie and a mirror selfie of you topless. You looked stunning. And Joe was so hopeful until he read the message which said “Excited to see you tonight Hayes.” He blocked your number before throwing his phone at the wall. How dare you.
So a few weeks later when he ran into you at a mutual friend’s wedding, he was pissed. He never wanted to see you again if he couldn’t have you. When you saw that you were seated next to him at the wedding dinner, you couldn’t have been more elated. You planned to tell him how much you missed him, how you were sorry about the breakup, and how you wanted him back if he’d take you. When Joe saw that you were seated next to him at the wedding dinner, he was angry. He was so angry that his face was red as he sat down. Again, you looked stunning. You always did.
“Hey, Joe. How have you been? It’s so good to see you,” you smiled, trying to make a good impression. “I’ve been alright,” he replied, not making eye contact with you. He couldn’t. Your brown eyes had a way of melting him and he didn’t want you have that power over him. Not tonight. “Can we talk outside after this?” you asked kindly. His ears perked up. Did you want him back? “Sure,” he replied trying his best to keep it cool.
After a very awkward dinner, you two stepped outside for some air and a chat. “Joe, to be honest I’ve missed you so much these last few weeks. You’re the best thing that ever happened to me and I want to be your girl again. I’m so sorry for breaking up with you. You didn’t do anything wrong and you didn’t deserve that. You know that having all eyes on me was a lot but I’ll do it if that’s what it takes for us to be together,” you said.
“You know, I always thought you were way too good a girl to ever send nudes to someone. Let alone the first dude who asks,” he stated sternly. “Huh? What are you talking about? I didn’t send nudes to anyone,” you lied. You didn’t know what else to say and you felt embarrassed, realizing what you had done.
“You sent me nudes that were for Hayes after we broke up. So you’re the kind of girl who sends nudes to the first dude who asks. Did you fuck him?” he asked still trying to play it as cool as possible. “Yeah we had sex. I’m so sorry, Joe. It must have been an accident. I didn’t mean for you to ever see those,” you replied.
Joe leaned down closer to your ear and spoke softly but strongly. “(Y/N) I don’t share. You told me your pussy was mine and you gave it to someone else. He can have you,” Joe stated. “Joe, I’m sorry. I was just trying to rebound. You realize that ending things with you hurt me just as bad as it hurt you right?” you replied.
“Really, you had to delete our Instagram pictures after they had been up for weeks and a couple thousand people saw them on your private account. I had to delete them after millions of people saw them. Do you realize how embarrassing that was for me? Remind me never to post a girl on Instagram ever again. You left me lonely. You left me heartbroken. And then you gave your pussy to someone else. And you have the audacity to ask me to be with you again. I’m famous. Dating me comes with all of the things that you knew it would come with the first time so what do you think will be different now?” he asked.
“What’s different now is that I’ve lived life with you and I’ve lived life without you. Life is a beautiful and perfect chaos with you and it’s cloudy and calm and depressing without you. I’m so crazy in love with you, Joe. That never changed and after what went down between me and Hayes, I know it never will. I’ll do anything to be your girl again, Joe. What do you want me to do?” you asked.
No girl was going to embarrass Joe and leave him high and dry like you did and just win him back with a sexy red dress and a smile. He was going to make you earn it. He came closer to you and brushed your hair out of your face with his fingers. He cupped his hand under your chin forcing you to look up at him. “Are you still my good girl?” he asked. You looked him in the eyes and nodded. “Well if I’m going to take you back, you’re going to have to prove it to me okay?” he replied. You nodded again. “Meet me in room 617 at midnight. Wear something that shows me how much you love me.” he commanded before heading back inside.
At midnight on the dot, you knocked on his door wearing a lacy white lingerie set that Joe had bought you a while back. You had packed it hoping you’d end up in this situation. Joe opened the door and immediately took off the oversized t-shirt you were wearing along with your bra and panties and you two wanted no time getting started with a steamy make out session. His kisses were desperate and needy and aggressive. He’d been missing you and he thought he’d never get to kiss you again. But he also felt played by you. Since when does a girl think she can just break up with Joe Burrow? He had to show you who’s boss and he had to make sure you knew whose girl you were.
He sat down on the bed, his back against the headboard with you straddling his lap. You placed both hands on his cheeks and looked longingly into his baby blue eyes. You knew how possessive he was. You knew that if another guy looked in your direction for too long he had a problem. You knew that hooking up with another guy was like driving a knife right through Joe’s chest again and again and again. You never meant for him to find out but now that he knew, you felt awful. His eyes looked so hurt and betrayed.
“Your pussy isn’t mine anymore. You gave it away so you’re gonna have to give me something else that I can have,” Joe stated. “You can have any part of me, Joe. What part of me do you want? ” you replied. “You’re gonna have to give me your throat, okay?” he responded.
You were never the best at blowjobs and that’s something that you opened up to Joe about when you were together. Months ago, you told Joe how blowjobs always made you feel so vulnerable and used. It wasn’t your greatest strength as a girlfriend and one of your previous boyfriends wasn’t kind about it. You knew that Joe was testing you. He wanted to see how far you’d be willing to go for him. He had to make sure you’d do things for him that you wouldn’t do for any other guy. He’s possessive like that. He has to have a piece of you that no one else has. You could look in his eyes and listen to the tone of his voice and know that he was going to push you. But if that’s what it took to be Joe’s girl then he could push as far as he wanted. “It’s yours Joe,” you said.
“Has anyone ever been deep in your throat before?” he asked still holding eye contact with you. You looked so stunning in that set that he’d bought you. “I’ve blowed my boyfriends in the past. I told you that before,” you answered. “Has anyone been deep down your throat before? Have you even taken anyone’s cock all the way down?” he clarified. “No never,” you responded, starting to feel a bit anxious about what he wanted you to do.
“Okay that’s what you’re gonna have to do for me baby. You’re gonna have to give me your throat. You’re gonna have to take my cock all the way down, deeper than you’ve taken anyone else. I want the part of your throat that no one’s ever had and no one else will ever have but me if you run off again,” Joe explained. “Joe, I’m not going to run off again. I don’t know if I can do that. You know my gag reflex is so bad. I hate gagging,” you replied concerned about his request.
“If you want to be mine again you have to show me that you’re a good girl. And that you’re submissive like you’re supposed to be. And that you know who’s in control in this relationship,” he stated, clearly still hurt by you having the audacity to put on the pants in the relationship and break his heart.
“Joe, I don’t think it’s going to work. Like anatomically,” you said, the anxiety really starting to fill your chest. You were a very petite girl. 5’4 and thin. In fact, when you were together half of the comments you’d get were about you and Joey’s size difference. “If you’re my good girl, it’ll go down,” he replied. He could see the look of concern on your face. He knew what he was doing. He wanted you back but not before he punished you for leaving him. No one gets to treat Joe Burrow that way.
“How about we start with just my fingers? Would that be okay?” he asked. Joe loved you and even though he loves to act hard, he didn’t really want to hurt you. He just wanted to push your limits a bit and make you think about what you had done. “Yeah we can do that,” you hesitantly replied. “Before we do this, you know how much I love you right?” he asked tucking your hair behind your ears, your legs still on either side of this body, your breasts still dangerously close to his face. “I know, Joe,” you responded. “Good. You know how much I respect you right?” he asked. You nodded. “Good. So before we get started I need you to promise me that you won’t let me cross any boundaries that you have okay? Don’t let me hurt you. If it gets to be too much or you’re too uncomfortable you have to let me know. I don’t want to hurt you. I just want to have a little fun,” he explained.
“Okay I’ll let you know,” you said, your responses to his questions becoming shorter the more nervous you were feeling. “If it gets to be too much just flick me twice and I’ll stop whatever I’m doing right then and there okay? Promise me you won’t be scared to tap out,” he said. “I promise, Joe,” you replied.
With that, he had you turn around so you were sitting on his lap with your back against his chest, his back still against the headboard of the bed. “Go ahead and rest your head back on my shoulder baby. Just relax,” he instructed and you did as you were told.
“I’m just going to start with two fingers okay? If that’s too much let me know,” he said before giving you a tender loving kiss on the cheek. “Go ahead and open your mouth up for me. Stick out your tongue. Good girl,” he said as you followed his commands. He slowly ran two long fingers down the back of your mouth. You gagged. You hated gagging so your natural reflex was to grab Joe’s hand and pull it out of your mouth.
“You’ve got to let me in there baby. You’re gonna gag. It’s okay. It’s just your body’s natural reaction but you’re safe. I’m not going to let you choke. Do you trust me?” he asked. You trusted him so you nodded your head.
“Open up your mouth for me baby. Just relax. It’s okay if you gag,” he reassured. You did as you were told and Joe slid his two fingers toward the back of your mouth again. You gagged and Joe said “good girl,” before sliding his fingers deeper. You gagged again and Joe said “good girl” again before sliding his fingers in even further. This time your gags were mixed with coughing as your body tried to expel him. To your body, his fingers weren’t where they were supposed to be. Joe’s dick was getting harder with every sign of your discomfort. He held his fingers right where they were as you continued to cough and gag. “That’s it baby. I know baby. That’s pretty intense huh. Atta girl. Atta girl,” he praised you as you started to writhe in his lap, his fingers still pressing on a horrible spot in your throat. Finally you grabbed his hand again, pulling his fingers out of your mouth. He responded by giving you another kiss on the cheek. “Good job baby. Are you alright?” he checked in. You nodded but were feeling worried. How were you supposed to do this with something as big as Joe’s penis? You just knew that he was going to break you.
“Are you okay to keep going?” he asked. You said yes even though you were scared of what was to come. “That’s my good girl. Now we’re going to do what we just did but I’m going to push my cock down instead of my fingers. Is that okay?” he asked, making sure he had your consent. You said yes and his face lit up. He was so excited to get to use your throat. Partially because he’d always fantasized about you deepthroating him and partially because he knew you wouldn’t enjoy it. “Alright so I’m going to give you a little bit of control and let you pick the position since you’re being so good. Do you want to sit on your knees against the wall over there or do you want to lay on your back on the edge of the bed?” he offered. You had never tried to deepthroat before so you really didn’t know what to decide. You chose to play it safe and stick to the position that you give blows in. “I’ll get on my knees for you daddy,” you replied before kneeling down on the floor with your back to the wall. “Daddy? You’re really trying to get back on my good side huh,” he laughed. He loved to be called daddy back when you two were together.
“I’m going to put my hand back here behind your head to give you some support okay? You’re gonna have to open up as big as you can for me baby. Stick your tongue out. Just relax. Good girl,” Joe said as he placed one hand on the back of your head and used the other hand to guide his penis into your mouth. He went devastatingly slow, wanting you to feel the anticipation of how deep he was getting. Around four inches in, you started to gag. “Atta girl,” Joe praised continuing to push deeper until he hit a point where he couldn’t push down anymore. Your throat was too tight and your body wouldn’t let him down any further. Your body really wasn’t happy and you were gagging pretty badly. Instead of removing his penis from your mouth, he watched you gag and choke from above, loving the sound. You placed your hands on his thighs and pushed away from him but you were against a wall so there was really nowhere to escape. “That’s not the safeword baby,” Joe responded with a devious smirk on his face. He tried again to push deeper but your body wouldn’t let him and you couldn’t breathe. You continued to gag and choke. You felt scared so you started hitting his thighs. He only laughed. “Do you remember the safeword angel?” he asked starting to get only a little bit concerned.
He loved being in control like this. He wanted to push your limits and that’s exactly what he was doing. He looked down at you gagging and choking with tears streaming down your face and snot running from your nose. What a mess you were for him. What a mess you were for him and only for him. He pulled out a little but still kept his penis in your mouth, giving you a bit of a break but still causing you to gag. “Look at me baby. Do you remember the safeword?” he asked again. You looked up at him and made eye contact and shook your head no. He immediately pulled out and you gasped for air, heaving.
“My good girl never did have a good memory huh,” he joked still standing over you as you sat on the floor on your hands and knees, eyes watering and breathing heavily. He knelt down in front of you and tried to make eye contact with you, but you couldn’t stop looking at the ground. “Are you okay?” he asked. You didn’t respond. You just felt shitty. You wanted so badly to be Joe’s girl again but at what cost. You knew him so you knew that he wanted to get back at you for leaving him but this was a lot. This was really ínstense. When you didn’t respond, he quickly embraced you, pulling you tightly to his chest as you started to cry. “Shhh. Shhh. It’s okay my girl. It’s okay. You did so good for me baby. You did so good,” he praised you, holding you tightly and stroking his fingers through your hair. “Just breathe. Just breathe. Deep breaths. Deep breaths. Good girl,” he calmed you. This was the Joe you were in love with. The Joe who was a safe place for you. The Joe who was always there to comfort you.
“Did I push you too far?” he asked. “Joe, I can’t do what you want me to do. It won’t go down,” you sniffled as he wiped the tears from your eyes. “It’ll go down baby. You just have to be a good girl and open up your pretty throat for me okay? You just have to relax and let me down there,” he reassured. “When you’ve caught your breath we can try again but you have to be a good girl for it to go down,” he stated. You wanted nothing more than to please him. You wanted nothing more than to be Joey’s good girl again. So you wiped your tears, got back on your knees, and said “I’m ready. Let’s try again.”
“That’s my girl. Sit up tall and proud for me baby. You have a beautiful chest. You should be so proud of it,” he instructed. You straightened your back and looked up at him. “There’s my girl. You should always be so proud of how sexy you are,” he complimented causing you to smile softly. It is pretty cool that the actual sexiest man on earth thinks that you’re sexy too. “Alright open your mouth, stick out your tongue, relax your throat. We’re gonna get it down this time but you’ve got to work with me,” he said before you did as you were told. He slid his cock into your mouth very slowly, paying close attention to your body language. He didn’t want to upset you. He only wanted to push you to a place that only he could push. It was an ego thing. Again, around four inches in you started to gag and you placed your hands on his thighs again, pushing hard. “Remember the safeword is flicking my leg two times baby. What you’re doing isn’t the safeword so I’m going to keep going,” he said, pushing down again on the spot that he couldn’t get past the first time. “Open your throat up baby. You have to let me down there if you want to me by girl,” he reminded as he attempted to push down your throat again.
You just couldn’t relax. And you didn’t understand how to “open your throat up.” All you could do was continue to push hard on his thighs and choke as he continued to push against the spot that was giving him trouble again and again and again. He had no remorse. He was getting off on the way you were struggling with him in your throat. His dick was so big that you physically couldn’t take it all. He was causing your body so much stress. And he loved every second of it. He continued to fuck your throat harder as you pushed against him with all of your strength. “Stop fighting with me. You’re only making it worse for yourself,” he said as he fucked your throat harder and faster. You continued to gag and started to feel your dinner coming up. You looked up at him in distress and moaned “mmm” with your hand on your stomach, trying to communicate that you were going to be sick. “Is that upsetting your stomach baby?” he asked smirking down at you. You looked up at him and nodded in between strokes and gags. “It’s okay baby. That’s just your body’s reaction,” he replied unconcerned. You couldn’t breathe again and started to cry. He was going to make you throw up wasn’t he. He wanted to punish you that badly. When he saw you start to cry and shake below him he pulled out. “Joe, I’m gonna be sick,” you exclaimed getting up to go to the bathroom.
“No (y/n). Get back on your knees. You’re not going to throw up,” he stated. “Yes I am, Joe,” you replied looking at him with concern. “My good girl isn’t going to throw up right now. She’s going to get back on her knees and we’re going to try this one last time. We’re going to try to get it to go down and if it doesn’t go then I’ll just have to take your sexy ass. How’s that sound?” he asked. He knew that you hated anal even more than you hated blowjobs. You felt trapped. You didn’t want him in your throat again and you didn’t want to leave his hotel room single. You just wanted Joe. You didn’t want what he wanted to do to you. You started to break down. You got on the floor on your knees again and cried. This was just too intense.
“I can’t do it, Joe. It won’t go down. I don’t know how to open up for you. I’m trying so hard,” you cried on the floor as he kneeled down to hold you to his chest again. “I know that you can do it baby. I believe in you. You’ve just got to relax,” he said. “We’re only going to try one last time okay? You know the safeword. Don’t be scared to use it if you need to,” he reminded you.
Again, you wiped your tears and kneeled down in front of Joe in all of his height and glory. He was so beautiful. You opened your mouth up for him and Joe entered you yet again, reaching the spot that he couldn’t get past causing you to gag. “Just relax baby. Just relax. Open up big for me. Big. Big. Big. As big as you can. There you go. There you go. That’s my good girl. That’s my good girl. A little more to go. A little more to go. You’ve got to take this last inch. You’re almost done baby. You’re almost done. That’s my girl. That’s my girl. That’s my good girl. Just stay there baby. Hold it down right there,” he talked you through as he was finally able to push himself all the way down your throat, your lips against his pelvis and balls. He watched you from above as you gagged and choked and cried the whole way down, pushing against him with your hands on his thighs yet again. He made you hold that position, his cock all the way down your throat for what felt like an eternity as you continued to choke and try to cough him up. He loved watching you struggle and writhe below him. He loved that he had the power to do that to your body. Only he had the power to do that to your body.
You placed a hand on your stomach and looked up at him your eyes pleading for him to release you as you could feel the vomit coming up. “Throw up all over my cock baby. I’m all yours and you’re all mine,” he instructed as he gently pumped his cock in and out of the deepest part of your throat. You hated every second of it. It was the worst feeling you had ever felt. Your body hated him being that deep in you. Your body wanted nothing more than to get him out. And it was so hard to fight your body’s natural responses to what he was doing. You had no choice but to vomit on him while he held his cock at the deepest part of your throat. “That’s a good girl. Make a mess on me baby. Good. Go ahead and empty your stomach on me baby. Good girl. Get it all out. You have me baby. You would do anything for me huh. I love you,” he said as you emptied your dinner all over his cock and the floor. You felt embarrassed and ashamed. He wanted to punish you and he had done it. You flicked his thigh twice and he immediately pulled out, knelt down in front of you and gave you sweet kisses all over your head. “I knew you could do it baby. I don’t ever want to hear you say you can’t do something again. You did so good for me. Your throat was good to me. So warm and tight. That’s my good girl,” he spoke, trying to comfort you. You had done it. You had won Joey back. You were his girl again… so you thought.
“Now you just have to do that one more time with no hands. Don’t touch me. Keep your hands off of me and just fully submit to me okay? And then we’ll be all done,” Joe explained. You wanted to cry again. You already did what he wanted and now he wanted more. He had already made a mess of you and he wanted to do it again. But you wanted nothing more than to be his girl so you replied, “Joe do you promise this is the last one that I have to do?” “Yes, baby if you do this one really well with no hands then we’ll be all done,” he reassured. “Okay Joe. I love you,” you said before kneeling in front of him yet again and opening up your mouth.
“You’ve got to open up as wide as you can baby. Good girl. Relax. Relax. Relax. Relax. Take it down. Take it down. All the way. More. More. More. A little bit more. Let me push the rest down baby, you’re so close to being done. Relax. Be a good girl for me. You’re so close baby. Almost done. Almost done. Good girl. Atta girl. I knew you could do it. Stay right there. Hold it. Hold it. Hold it. Hold it. Hold it. We’re gonna hold it down there until I feel like you’ve learned your lesson,” he narrated. He pushed down with even less ease this time as your body was so tense at this point in the night. Once he got to that troublesome spot he had to push hard and of course it triggered your gag reflex again. It was so uncomfortable and your body tried to cough him up but there was no use. He fought against you and pushed himself all the way down again despite you clearly suffering below him. You just wanted to be finished so you didn’t fight him. You focused really hard on holding your hands behind your back and submitting to whatever he wanted to do to your body. You coughed and choked and gagged but you didn’t touch him and at that point you had earned him back. You proved to him that you would do anything for him and he could have any and every part of you that he wanted. You were Joey’s good girl.
You sat there with your lips on his pelvis and his cock stretching your throat out for what felt like forever. You became desperate for him to pull out but you didn’t want him to ask you to do this again. You wanted to fully satisfy him this time. “That’s my good girl you’re taking that Iike a champ. My strong girl. Keep holding it. Keep holding it. Keep holding it. Keep holding it,” he spoke, loving the sound of you choking. You began to cry and shake still holding your hands behind your back. “I’m gonna count down from ten okay and then I’ll pull out. 10…9…8…,” you started to hit his thighs, trying to tap out but forgetting your safe word again. He was counting so incredibly slowly. “7…6…,” he started to pump in and out of the deepest part of your throat again, making sure to enjoy the last of what he was getting you to do. “5…4… don’t touch me or we’ll have to start over” he reminded causing you to stop hitting him and to hold your hands behind your back again as you choked. “3…2…,” he began to face fuck you hard. You let out a soft scream (since you had a cock down your throat there wasn’t much else you could do to cope with the stress that Joey was putting your body through). He spent about a minute face fucking you until he was satisfied and felt like you had learned that no one breaks up with Joe Burrow. “1,” he ended the countdown and pulled out.
He picked you up and placed you on the bed before grabbing a towel from the bathroom to clean you up with. He gently wiped away all of the fluids that had come out of you (the tears, the snot, the saliva, the vomit) and gave you sweet kisses all over your body before climbing into bed to cuddle with you. “That’s my good girl. I love you so much. I didn’t push too far did I?” he asked. “No, Joey. I would do anything for you,” you replied. “A few paparazzi pictures and hate comments on instagram are gonna be a breeze now huh?” he chucked. You laughed as well. “I would do anything for you Joey,” you replied, smiling. “That’s my girl. I’m so proud that you’re my girl,” he said giving you soft kisses on the cheek and gently rubbing your stomach. “So will you put me back on your instagram?” you giggled. “Hell no,” he laughed.
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loveburrow · 23 days
I know I ghosted you guys for like a year 😭 but I finally wrote something, is anyone still here to read it? 🥹
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loveburrow · 2 years
Oh shit when he said “you like that?” Daddy
Exactly 🥵😭🖤
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loveburrow · 2 years
Head injuries are so scary. I really hope he’s ok
Yeah me too 🥺🖤
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loveburrow · 2 years
UGH. I’ve always loved tua and was so excited to see him playing so well this year! Manifesting that he is not seriously injured
Yeah I hope he’s okay but that injury looked really bad 😔🖤
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loveburrow · 2 years
Are y’all watching the game? Go Bengals obviously but prayers up for Tua 🥺🖤
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loveburrow · 2 years
I’m excited to see the white uniforms this Thursday!
Me too! Joe’s gonna look so sexy 🥵🖤
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loveburrow · 2 years
I’m seeing so many comments from men on the whole situation that are absolutely fucking vile and infuriating I can’t right now
Ugh same. People are really sick out here 🤢🤢🖤
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loveburrow · 2 years
I hope the district attorney decides to file criminal charges against his ass 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮
Sameeee he’s so gross 🤢🤢🤢🖤
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loveburrow · 2 years
💀💀💀💀💀💀💀 idk if you heard about this Matt dude but him and deshaun Watson belong together (I know this is a fake post)
Ugh yeah I heard about Matt he’s awful 🤢 So many horrible men in this world 😔🖤
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loveburrow · 2 years
do u hv any unseen photos of Joe and Olivia??
No I don’t 🖤
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loveburrow · 2 years
when will u post another fic 😭😭
I don’t have anything else drafted as of now so I truly have no idea lol 🖤
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loveburrow · 2 years
LMAO joe got a parking ticket 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Omggggggg how rude 😂😭😭
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loveburrow · 2 years
Anon pretty sure there's alot of stuff Joe wouldn't do in real life as he does in fanfiction they're called FANFICS for a reason 🙄
Thank you 🖤
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loveburrow · 2 years
They should turn joe into a Mario kart character and add that little cart as a vehicle you can choose
Lmaooo definitely 😂🖤
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loveburrow · 2 years
This man 😂😂😂
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