Maddy was right about Kat
Since she’s lost her virginity she’s been a real bitch. 
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McKay and Cassie’s baby
I think she should keep it. I don’t think she really wants to get an abortion and she shouldn’t. McKay might not want her to have the baby, but he’s not going anywhere. I’m not mad at him for feeling that way because he did make some valid points. However, I think that wants to keep her baby. Therefore, she should have her little bundle of cutest! 
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McKay loves that girl. He’s just being honest with her about having a baby. 
Wow, Cassie really can't have a single moment of support without someone blowing up and taking the focus off her first, huh
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The best way to recover from anything event or addiction is to find something you can use as motivation to help you overcome whatever issue you’re dealing with. Identify the things that that your issue is preventing you from doing. Then focus on just getting past the first day.
How do you start recovery? I have no idea where to start. I’m in over my head.
There are probably many many ways, but I started by going no contact with my abusive parents and reading the book Toxic Parents by Susan Forward. I would have also started therapy, but I was bedridden with an illness for many years and so did not have access that sort of thing, and could not have afforded it if I did. I would say if you can afford it and have access, find a therapist, but it is possible to do a lot of healing without one. I certainly have.
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Was this scene a declaration of love? It definitely seems like it to me. “I couldn’t imagine my life without you.” It is the closest thing to saying I love you. 
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I know more than a few gay girls who have fucked boys who they considered the right ones. I think Steve is Robin’s right one. 
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steve and robin + season 3
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Hope has a really affectionate relationship with Rafael. There is an obvious attraction between them. It was hinted at throughout season one. I can over each scene but I’m going to focus on just one scene for now. I’ll let you check it and then tell you what I think. 
This is a situation where it’s not about what Hope says, but it’s about what she doesn’t say. But before I get into that. Let's start at the very top. Hope asked Rafael why he didn’t come to her when he started having trouble. She already knew the answer. She’s not stupid. She sees how Rafael looks at her. He confessed his love for her on talent night. So what I found odd about this scene was that Hope would even ask the question. It seemed to me that she wanted him to tell her about his feelings. As I mentioned before, it’s not about what Hope says, it’s about what she doesn’t say. Her response to Raf was full of emotion, yet she never actually address the topic verbally. When you look in her eyes it’s filled with tenderness and affection. She doesn’t say, “I’m sorry Rafael, but I don’t have those type of feelings for you. I look at you as a good friend. I’m with Landon so it can’t happen.” This was the perfect time for her to define her relationship with Raf. If she didn’t have any romantic feelings for Rafael that was the time to tell him. I think that Hope has feelings for Rafael or at the very least she’s confused about how she feels about it. 
I was thinking about it, and I truly believe that the scene where Hopes make a shallow cut on Rafael's face while being infected is proof that her feelings for him are not strictly platonic. I mean why would she decide to make that cut on his face to begin with? The teacher was never specific about where the cut had to be made. She could have done it anywhere else like on his arm. She had to know that making a cut on his face would mean for her to get much closer to him, but she did it anyways.
You made several points, anon.
They mentioned how the slugs were in a way of a truth serum, so it affected their actions just as much as their words. Hope was strangely flirty with him, I don’t think anyone can deny that. I think she definitely takes more comfort in Rafael’s friendship than she does with her romantic relationship with Landon. She’s able to open up to Rafael in a way she never can with her own boyfriend because they lack trust and don’t have meaningful conversations with each other. And until that changes, I can’t ship them and if I’m being honest I don’t see myself ever shipping Handon but who knows.
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I want him to be in a relationship with Robin.
why do yall assume steve isn’t happy because he doesn’t have a girlfriend? he doesn’t need a girlfriend when he’s already got a lesbian best friend who makes him laugh
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Their relationship is so cute. I hope he gets the balls to stand up to his friends. And I hope they make up in the tonight. 
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‘’I love you’’
Cassie and Mckay
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I feel exactly where you are coming from. But I do have a preference. I want her to be with Culhane. They look so sexy together. Plus he’s been through so much for Fallon. I really hope she ends up with him. However, Liam is also an amazing guy. 
Both Culhane and Liam are amazing and IDK who I like Fallon with more. Steven and Sammy Jo on the other hand are relationship goals.
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I get what you’re saying but I love them. I love them together and when they are apart. Culhane does love Fallon He was in a secret relationship with Fallon for years. He knows her better than anyone. He understands her better than anyone. It’s just Fallon is a very complicated character. She makes their relationship complicated. It’s things about her and their history that tells him she should run away from her. But she’s still the girl he loves and he can’t let that go. In season 3 it’s going to be really interesting where they go with Fallon and Culhane’s relationship. Right now everyone has turned against him but Fallon. So let us see what happens. 
Fallon and Culhane
I don’t like Fallon and Culhane as a couple because he’s always saying that he’s going away or that he doesn’t want anything with her, that’s okay, it’s his choice if he really goes away !!! But NO, he keeps saying these things, but also says he loves her !!!! HE DOESN’T STAY WITH FALLON BUT DOESN’T LET HER MOVE ON
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These two are so sexy together. I love this back and forth between them. He breaks it off with her and comes back. She breaks all with him and the comeback. I know she’s with Liam right now but I have no doubts that she will eventually come back to Michael. I don’t know when or how but it is bound to happen. Fallon and Michael date other people. Yet those relationships always seem to be more about their story than the actual relationships their in. For example; Michael tried dating Kori. She was a good girl would have never put Michael through a small fraction of shit Fallon puts him through. Yet his heart was still with Fallon. He tried dating Monica. I knew that wasn’t going to last because deep down that relationship was more about not being with Fallon that it was about being with Monica. I know that Michael is attracted to Kirby, but he doesn’t love her, and never will. Fallon dated Jeff, but her heart was still with Michael. She went to Liam, then went back to Michael, just go back to Liam. But there is no doubt in mind when push comes to shove she’ll come back to Michael once again. 
Some of the cutest moments on the show are their little fights. Just as much as I love seeing them together. I also love seeing them go at each other's throat. I remember watching the movie Baby Boy (a great movie you all should watch it). It was a scene where the character Yevette told her boyfriend Jodie. “When I say I hate you what I really mean is I love you.” I firmly believe that applies here. I can’t wait for scene three. I need my Michael and Fallon scenes. 
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Her sexuality is not relevant. The writers can easily make her heterosexual or bisexual. 
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stranger things 3 — robin & steve icons !
please, like or reblog if you save.
cr.: @/curlypaladin on twitter. ❤️
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time’s up,  lonely girl.
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What are the democrats going to do about it? Trump is going to win because his economy is way better than Obama’s. The democrats are not reasonable anymore. They went so far left they are actually turning traditional democrats into republicans. Don’t get your hopes up about the democrats. They are going to lose. 
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This is how Democrats need to talk about the “good economy”.
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We can ship who the hell we want. We can wish for whatever the hell we want. Robin belongs to Steve. I don’t care if she’s a lesbain. Robin and Steve have chemistry and they are so amazing together. I think she has feelings for Steve. 
Stop trying to erase Robin’s sexuality
people are saying robin is bisexual cuz her “obsession” with steve. she was obsessed with him because she was jealous the girl she liked, liked steve. she never liked him romantically. ROBIN IS A LESBIAN. please let’s not erase her sexuality. Lesbians exist.
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I want them to be in a heterosexual relationship. 
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steve and robin + season 3
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