lurlia · 1 year
synopsis: places where they love to kiss you, and places they love you to kiss.
characters: ayaka, kazuha, yoimiya ( bonus ayato )
cw: jus sweet kisses, fluff, check out part one
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ayaka is very sweet, she often gives soft kisses or short ones. when she’s on the run, a nice peck on the lips is the way! or a kiss on the cheek. she’ll wrap her arms around your head for a quick ( but it feels like it’s so long ) warm kiss. she loves it when you give her forehead a kiss or a hand kiss. she gets so flustered even when you’ve done this so many times, she can’t get enough
early morning kisses is when kazuha’s more often to share love, a full on long sensual kiss wrapping his hands around your waist in pulling you closer, engulfing in your warmth. a neck kiss always following. he loves it when you sit on top of him n’ jus share eyes, giving him a cheek kiss then pecking his shoulder. he says your kisses are as sweet as any fruit he’s ever tasted. so poetic.
she’s all in for playful ones, yoimiya will indulge you in with some butterfly kisses, or a sloppy kiss on the cheek. she says they’re “the only way i can show you my looovee!!” she always giggles when you do them in return, or nuzzling noses. forhead kisses all the way. she’s so playful ugh. watching the fireworks, she’ll lay her head on your shoulder and admire you. giving you a fat kiss on the cheek then scurrying away.
ayato will kiss u really everywhere, depends where you’re at of course. he’ll kiss u on the forehead, cheek, nose, but his favorite! your lips. he loves intimacy despite having to keep a status. you guys share kisses every two seconds in private, he loves when you roughly kiss him on the mouth. leading to something that’ll make ayaka want to leave.
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lurlia · 1 year
i most likely will start writing again, expect something later in the night 😭🙏🏽
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lurlia · 2 years
synopsis: places where they love to kiss you, and places they love you to kiss.
characters: ganyu, xiao, shenhe.
cw: jus sweet kisses, fluff
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she rarely, and i mean rarely kisses you. not because she can’t — or doesn’t like to, it’s jus that she’s nervous if she’ll kiss you right. she gives those shy pecks on the cheek or the shoulder, somewhere you can’t see her face. she loves it when you kiss her slowly and passionately, arms around her waist then giggling with her like a cheesy romance movie.
xiao is like ganyu, except he doesn’t know how. he’s a yaksha who had no time for a “relationship” or any long term talks with humans. even though he may not look like it, he stares at your lips and contemplates on whether he should give it a shot. he kisses you on your neck or a forehead kiss, nothing big for the small one. another one who likes slow sensually kisses, it takes his mind away from his duty which in his opinion is a “bad thing”. he enjoys it.
she knows how to kiss and yet it gets her flushed easily. she kisses you on the mouth or a generous hand kiss, simple and sweet for her. she likes it when you curl her hair back to the back of her ear and peck her nose, nuzzling into it. morning kisses are the best for her it starts her day off with a tired lazy kiss, leaning into you with warmth.
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lurlia · 2 years
i have been waiting since like 2021 waiting for a switch where reader is the yandere 😭😭 it would be so interesting
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lurlia · 2 years
another imagine ugh tartaglia literally has me hooked on his birthday art .. imagine him actually being able to produce milk and you guys having a child, he’s embarrassed you have to watch him but aroused. but your poor baby got tired early, and childe was still leaking!!! he blushes as he watches you lay him down and start sucking on his puffy nipple, his milk is sweet yet bitter. but so good !!!!
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lurlia · 2 years
i know childe loves being caressed and treated like a pearl that could break easily. he loves being on your lap or a head on your chest, probably fast asleep from work. caress his head and tell him how much he matters to you 😭😭😭
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lurlia · 2 years
might change theme to the new fatui trailer..
childe so pretty..
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lurlia · 2 years
i swear i put zhongli in here ?? it jus disappeared ??? i’m gonna rewrite it again ..
synopsis: do they like ass tits or thighs more ?
characters: dickz ( diluc, itto, childe, kaeya, zhongli )
cw: body talk, suggestive (everyone’s except for diluc), s’ really for big girls like ussss, check out pt 1
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diluc loves ass, he’ll squeeze it in private and stare at it hard in public. he fingers literally itch to touch it, he also, while blushing, asked if he could lay on it. it jus looked so soft ???? one thing he’ll never tell you tho is that he watches your put on your pants, he finds it amusing to see you struggling. when you wear swim suits he literally gets so red, how why does it bounce like that ?? he rarely does it, but he slaps your ass jus to see it recoil.
same with diluc, itto is definitely an ass man !!! he is confident n’ slapping your ass when guys are around and he knows they’re staring at it. he’ll kiss you doing it to. he loves squeezing it, it could be for no reason at all! he jus wants to do it, they’re like soft bread in between his fingers. you know both diluc love doing doggy style jus to see your ass jiggle as they pump their dick out of you.
childe loves everything, he can’t get enough of your body n’ that’s that. first he’s laying on your chest getting well rest n the second he’s groping your ass smirking at you. loves when you wear tight jeans or tight shirts, jus know they’ll get ripped off later on.. but don’t worry!! he’ll buy you another set bc he loves you ! he asked if he could put his face in between your thighs while he watched something on his phone, n’ boy it went from a movie to a sex scene. yes he ended up fucking your thighs n’ your tits.
kaeya is a thigh man, he has the tit part! definitely lays his head in your lap while he rambles about how much work jean gives him, and falls asleep! you’ll have to wake him tho, he’ll complain but once you get home he’s already back with his head in your lap. he’s so.. smart and sneaky ?? he proclaimed his hands were cold, and put his hands in between your thighs. slowly making his hand up..
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lurlia · 2 years
synopsis: your lover had turn into a baby.. he’s the cutest he’s ever been !!
characters: diluc
cw: ragbros <333, short little oneshot
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diluc was chatting away happily with his brother for the first time in years (he’ll never tell kaeya that though), when he felt nauseous. before kaeya knew it diluc had fell on the floor, kaeya worried, he immediately jumped over the counter and found a toddler in his brother’s clothing..
diluc had started whining, then whining turned into crying. it was a matter of seconds before he started clawing at kaeya’s rat tail, kaeya had grabbed his now younger brother’s juice box and held it towards his mouth. diluc had calmed down a little, a tiny fingers were twirling kaeya’s hair as it seemed to calm him. the bell had rung alerting kaeya that you had walked inside the tavern.
“hello kaeya, where’s dilu..” you froze in place as you saw your lover a baby?? you face went to shock to confusion, “kaeya how did this happen?” you sat down on a chair next to him. “he jus’ got nauseous, i don’t know what from but after that all i saw was a child.” kaeya sighed, looking at his baby brother seeing he was dozing off. he made grabby hands to you, showing that he wanted to be held by you.
you awed at him, taking him out of kaeya’s hands and played with his fat cheeks. “kaeya, i have this little one now, go rest.” you pat him on his back and waved him bye, no questioning him stealing a few bottles wines and heading off. you too held baby diluc softly and made your way back to dawn winery.
once you arrived diluc started whining again, punching your chest with his little baby hands. “you hungry luc?” you cooed at him walking into the kitchen n’ whipping up some crushed grapes. even though he was hungry, he was still tired. you fed him a bit of the grapes then stopped when you saw him close his eyes for a little too long. you smiled at him and picked him up, carrying him to your shared bedroom changing him into old clothes from the past. he snuggled into your chest and went to sleep peacefully.
it was morning time all you felt was warmth on your chest when you woke up, rubbing your eyes and adjusting to the bright natural light. you looked down to see not baby diluc, but a naked grown one, you immediately laughed and poked his sides waking him up. “y/n, why am i naked?” diluc groaned and saw the shredded clothing underneath him. “you were a baby, luc!”
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lurlia · 2 years
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are they a ass, tits, or thighs guy? | pt 2 — 5wirl and dickz
so kind.. — bennett and diluc
baby fever — diluc
kisses — ganyu, xiao, shenhe | pt 2
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childe childe
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lurlia · 2 years
synopsis: do they like ass tits or thighs more ?
characters: dickz ( diluc, itto, childe, kaeya, zhongli )
cw: body talk, suggestive (everyone’s except for diluc), s’ really for big girls like ussss, kinda went all out for zhongli n’ childe | check out pt 1
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diluc loves ass, he’ll squeeze it in private and stare at it hard in public. he fingers literally itch to touch it, he also, while blushing, asked if he could lay on it. it jus looked so soft ???? one thing he’ll never tell you tho is that he watches your put on your pants, he finds it amusing to see you struggling. when you wear swim suits he literally gets so red, how why does it bounce like that ?? he rarely does it, but he slaps your ass jus to see it recoil.
same with diluc, itto is definitely an ass man !!! he is confident n’ slapping your ass when guys are around and he knows they’re staring at it. he’ll kiss you doing it to. he loves squeezing it, it could be for no reason at all! he jus wants to do it, they’re like soft bread in between his fingers. you know both diluc love doing doggy style jus to see your ass jiggle as they pump their dick out of you.
childe loves everything, he can’t get enough of your body n’ that’s that. first he’s laying on your chest getting well rest n the second he’s groping your ass smirking at you. loves when you wear tight jeans or tight shirts, jus know they’ll get ripped off later on.. but don’t worry!! he’ll buy you another set bc he loves you ! he asked if he could put his face in between your thighs while he watched something on his phone, n’ boy it went from a movie to a sex scene. yes he ended up fucking your thighs n’ your tits. he’s so addicted to his body he buys you so much of pretty lingerie, custom made and everything. even one’s wit holes jus in the right spots.
kaeya is a thigh man, he has the tit part! definitely lays his head in your lap while he rambles about how much work jean gives him, and falls asleep! you’ll have to wake him tho, he’ll complain but once you get home he’s already back with his head in your lap. he’s so.. smart and sneaky ?? he proclaimed his hands were cold, and put his hands in between your thighs. slowly making his hand up..
zhongli is a tit man, he rants on n’ on about your lovely tits to venti, even though he shouldn’t. venti gets jealous, s’ not fair! how come he gets someone like you and he doesn’t ? besides that, zhongli once saw you doing a task with a cup on your chest ?? he immediately asked you about that n’ you said it was because “why lean over to get my drink when i can have it right here ??”. if you were a god and were with him during that time he would fuck the living shit out of your tits, and i mean he probably came more than twice jus from those pretty tits of yours. but those were way back when.. he’s gentle on you now, he holds back from reliving the past. when you’re riding him his immediate thought is to lick and bite on your nipple.
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lurlia · 2 years
synopsis: do they like ass tits or thighs more ? pt 2.
characters: 5wirl ( venti, aether, kazuha, xiao, heizou )
cw: body talk duh, slightly suggestive, s’ really for big girls like usss
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venti is definitely a boob guy. he jus’ loves the way they jiggle when you where like a v neck shirt, or a bra when you two are cuddling. whenever he gets done on stage he comes to back stage and jus rubs his nasty sweat on your tits mumbling out “ mmm.. my comfort pillows.. ” with a smug look on his face knowing how annoying he is. but seriously he loves rubbing his face against them even when he isn’t sweaty. he goes in to kiss, bite, suck on, lick, or even a hug jus to stuff his face in.
aether is probably a thigh guy but overall he doesn’t care, but if he had to pick he would say thighs. he loves seeing you in knee high socks n’ looking at how chunky they are in em 😭😭. he’ll jus squeeze em n’ and play wit them like his toy when he’s bored. aether once he’s done onstage he rubs his sweat off wit a towel ( like anyone would when they’re sweaty ) and make himself at home in your lap, dozing off, probably. he would def rub your thigh while driving.
kazuha is a boob guy, i mean did you see tomo’s chest ?? he compares them to the softest things he has encountered i his journeys, like anemo slimes, n’ leaves! he can’t keep his mind off of them when writing any of his haikus. like venti, he loves sleeping next to them he’d rather sleep on them then actually pillows. and you know he writes about them, but he won’t tell you about them. yet atleast.
xiao.. hmm.. boob and thighs, jus so he can rest, although he still doesn’t understand why mortals’ way of resting is so calming.. he also asks you why they’re so soft and round, like tofu. he doesn’t mean it in a rude way ofc but he’s a curious little adeptus, so you grab his hand a guide it to your chest. feeling him instinctively grope it, you giggled. he likes sucking on your nipple but he swears that he tastes something, maybe he does! he also — when hu tao got him drunk, asked if he could take a bite of your thighs..
heizou is an thighs n’ ass guy, he likes using his strength to his advantage. his normal attacks are so aggressive ????? he’s the type of guy to slap your ass, hard in public and even has the nerve to squeeze it after. literally made the most earth quaking sound ever n’ he’s next to you laughing. plzz don’t distract him by wearing any skirts or tight pants while he’s doing detective work, he’ll blame you for having “ the greatest ass he has seen. ” when he’s not doing detective work he likes to jus chill wit you and take a nap on your lap.
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lurlia · 2 years
people who shouldn’t interact w me. read carrd for byf
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please do not interact — if you’re an dark blog who writes rape, incest and romanticizes it. PLEASE dni if you think rape is hot .. do not interact if you’re a pro shipper who is into / participates in pedophillia n’ calling kids lolis. do not interact if you’re racist, anti black, mock any races language, culture etc for any reason. do not interact if you’re homophobic, transphobic, fatphobic or any of the sorts. do not interact if you ship kaeluc or any sibling x sibling. do not interact if you put minors dni n’ you write nsfw of minors. doesn’t make sense ? do not interact if you’re above the age of 20 and interact with me in my dms, requests are fine jus’ plz don’t interact with me directly.
@childe4lyfe . @lurlia
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lurlia · 2 years
synopsis: bennett comes over to diluc’s house, extremely injured from a fight with hillichurl as a bounty and sees a kind woman.
characters: bennett (platonic), diluc (romantic)
cw: blood, injuries, hardcore fluff!!!!, diluc loving his wife, nice little family, bennett’s luck not being affected to y/n, bennett doesn’t talk much.. short!
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it was raining terribly, jus’ his luck, thunder rattling over him as the lightning struck dangerously close. he was nearing his destination as the boy cling onto his stinging bloody arm, controlling his breathing.
his feet dragged against the cobblestone ground and weakly knocked on the door, his eyes almost daring to close. the moment he heard footsteps was the best part, the door clicked open to see a unfamiliar face staring down at him. “oh my goodness, please come in!” the woman placed her hand on the boy’s shoulder careful not to cause any more pain.
“diluc, do you know this poor boy?” the woman carefully sat bennett down and walked up to her husband, worry all over her face. diluc looked behind her and saw the white headed boy, looking back at diluc with a closed eye smile. “i do, his name his bennett.” y/n smiled, “oh so this is the boy you’ve been training with kaeya!” she smiled, hurrying over to another room getting medical supplies.
after that she sat next to bennett and used her vision to heal the boys less major wounds, bringing out the alcohol. “alright, bennett, this is going to hurt so hold onto me, okay?” y/n smiled at him, putting the alcohol on a napkin. she quickly dabbed it on his scar on his arm as he held back from making noise.
she had took care of his other wounds and placed the medical supplies back in the room, looking forward to getting to know bennett. “so bennett, has diluc been treating you well?” y/n asked with a beautiful smile plastered on her face. bennett nodded, “y-yes! he teaches me well, even though my bad luck can get in the way sometimes..”
y/n squealed and hugged the boy, picking him up and practically squeezing his lungs out. “alright dear, i think that’s enough.” diluc pitched in and sighed, muttering a small sorry to bennett. “diluc why didn’t you take me to come see him, he’s so adorable!” y/n said, jabbing her elbow into diluc’s side. “you’d probably distract him.” she rolled her eyes “bennett would you like to stay for the night?, it’s raining buckets out there!” bennett nodded his head, drowsiness coming over him.
“well don’t fall asleep on me, c’mon let’s go upstairs so you can rest.” y/n held the boy’s hand and took him up stairs, borrowing diluc’s younger clothes and setting up bennett a room. “sleep well bennett.” diluc whispered and closed the door.
“diluc you sure are a great father!” y/n said, stirring up some tea. diluc choked on his spit and blushed lightly at the fact that you all could be a family — “stop uttering out random words..”
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lurlia · 2 years
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dni + ml
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