lynn1819summers · 2 months
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"But I..." starts Obito. "Zip it," Kakashi wills Obito's mouth to shut. "Now go." I love how the fandom has gotten excited about Kakashi edo-tenseing Obito! ❤️ While everybody's discussing the possible sick angst of it (and a bit of fun, too), my brain has supplied some outright crack..... I'm incorrigible xD Thank you @malifiquemakes @hairybeardtongue @cool-thymus and @badninken for the new brainrot 🤭
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lynn1819summers · 2 months
Okay but how do we feel about Eddie the Eagle/ Into the Grizzly Maze crossover? Where a trauma stricken Rowan travels to a bear-free ski resort in Europe in order to get over his new found agoraphobia?
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(Can we take a moment to appreciate these gifs even existing 🙌🐻🦅 thank youuu)
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lynn1819summers · 3 months
Oh my. This story deserves next chapters! Please!
Itachi x Kisame Modern AU Story Idea!
This is my first attempt at a homosexual pairing, so please let me know if I've done something incorrectly, if you have pointers, or if you like it! Thanks!
It was Shisui's fault. All of it. If only he hadn't hit on the Akatsuki gang's woman, we wouldn't be running through the dark streets while being chased by numerous lackeys armed with guns and knives and ready to teach us a lesson. I wasn't even involved, damn it. If it wasn't for my idiot cousin, I'd be at home studying right now, maybe treating myself to a few beers since it's Friday night.
"Quit running, you crow!"
What I really wanted to do was yell back at those thugs that I didn't even like women, so there was no way I was involved in disrespecting Pein's fiancee. They'd never believe me, though. In truth, I'd never said those words aloud and probably wouldn't have the courage even if there was a chance they'd consider the confession genuine.
Homosexuality wasn't illegal or nearly as publically ridiculed as it used to be, but for someone from a notable family like mine, the Uchihas, came out of the closet, it'd surely make headlines. My father would probably disown me. He was much too traditional. If it wasn't for the expectation of continuing the bloodline, Fugaku might not care. It was biologically impossible to reproduce with a man, so I'd kept my secret hidden under lock and key.
One of the benefits of being sexually subdued was that my performance in school had always been top-notch. For example, I was only nineteen and had already been in college for three years. Next year, I'd graduate and begin job shadowing to take over the military training facility run by the Uchiha family.
Black hair was rare in Amegakure, where Shisui and I were going to school. Us, and others who shared the trait, were often called "crows" by locals. It was meant to be a derogatory term, I was sure, but it didn't bother me much. I like birds, especially intelligent ones like crows, ravens, and parrots.
A loud bang made me focus on my escape once more. The sound of a bullet whizzing past me, barely missing my running form, met my ears, and I skidded to slow down enough to turn into a nearby, connecting alleyway.
"Wait 'til we catch you, Crow!"
The moon was high in the sky, but it was also cloudy, so visibility was low.
I glanced behind me to see if the pursuers would follow, only to run into something hard and nearly fall onto the ground. I stepped back, panting for breath, and looked up to see a physically imposing man's turned back. My head barely reached his broad shoulders, and his massive arms were thicker than each of my thighs.
It was too dark to see much detail, but it'd be impossible to miss the dangerous glint in his eyes when he turned to look down at me, a cigarette bouncing amidst the corner of his lips as he spoke in a gravely voice, "You gotta problem, kid?"
There was no time to explain, so I shook my head and bowed before glancing behind me again, "I'm sorry. Please excuse me."
"He went this way!" The familiar voice chasing me came from down the alleyway, making my pulse quicken again.
With one last bow, I moved to step around the tall man, only for him to grab my arm, "You in trouble?" A tiny bit more of his features were comprehensible since he'd fully turned to face me. His jaw was prominent and strong, as were his cheekbones and nose. His gray-colored eyes were slanted downward a bit, but it somehow suited his masculine features. If one word had to be used to summarize his appearance, it'd be intimidating.
I couldn't figure out how to speak under his intense gaze. That seemed to amuse him because he grinned wolfishly, showing hints of sharp teeth behind his lips, "Cat got your tongue? Don't be shy. I'm not gonna eat you. …Well, I can't promise that, but I don't plan to at the moment, anyway."
Those chasing me's quick footsteps met our ears. I acted on impulse. In one swift motion, I grabbed the stranger's arms and pulled him as I pressed my back to the brick wall of the alley so his larger frame would hide me from view. My fingers held onto him as firmly as possible, eyes searching his in a silent plea to not throw me under the bus.
The stranger's grin fell for a moment before he spat his cigarette onto the ground nearby and loomed over me. The scent of nicotine and the ocean washed over me, somehow coming off as pleasant. His lips tugged into a smirk before he stole my breath by roughly kissing me. The back of my head met the wall so I couldn't pull away, a quiet sound of surprise getting caught between our tongues.
My brow furrowed as I searched his eyes, only for an amused hum to vibrate his chest. An unfamiliar heat met my lower abdomen when rough, calloused fingers gripped my jaw to tilt it upwards and deepen the kiss. I squeezed my eyes closed, then, and kissed the man back because it was obvious he wouldn't give up until I did.
He was everywhere. There was nowhere to go because he wouldn't allow it. For some reason, that didn't terrify me like it should've.
In the back of my mind, I realized those chasing me were now passing by, ignoring us completely since we probably looked like a random drunken couple hooking up. A large hand grasped my hip, pulling it against his. The friction was arousing, as was the force. Was this something I liked? How was I to know my own preferences when this was my first kiss, much less my first makeout session, and with a stranger, at that!?
With the danger having passed, my body unconsciously relaxed into the man's. His tongue slid from my mouth, and he roughly turned my jaw to lightly kiss and bite my neck. The hot breath tickled my skin as he growled low words, "What'd you do?"
I didn't know what came over me, but one of my hands found its way into his hair, the other holding a handful of his shirt in an attempt to retain my sanity. I looked up at the cloudy night sky with hazy eyes, panting heavily and thoroughly enjoying the sensations he was giving me, "Nothing. I was seen with someone who did."
"Guilty by association."
The man chuckled into my damp skin before coming to a stand before me, the same amused expression on his face as before.
A bit of warmth met my face as he stared, but I frowned and ran a hand through my hair to soothe it from being touseled, "Thank you for the help."
Not knowing how else to show my appreciation, I reached into my back pocket for my wallet, only for him to snort, "I'm not a fuckin' prostitute."
"Then how can I…?" I trailed off, glaring down the alleyway to ensure none of the pursuers from before had turned around to double-check if they'd missed me.
"Tell me your name."
Surprised, I looked into his eyes again, "My name?"
"Give me your name, and I'll consider the debt paid, pretty little crow."
To say I was bewildered would be putting it lightly. Somewhat flabbergasted, I obliged, "Itachi."
He waited, obviously expecting my family name, as well, but I didn't give it. I couldn't. Even here, so far away from Konoha, it was likely to be recognized. He sighed, that shark-like grin meeting his mouth again as he pulled a pack of cigarettes out of his back pocket, obtained one, lit it, and then took a puff while looking me over, "Well, Itachi, you gonna hang out here all night?"
A negative sound left me and an understanding aura washed over us both. This would probably be our first and only encounter. A bittersweet feeling left a bad taste on my tongue. This man was the only person who knew my secret. He had to know because of how I responded to his actions. I'd only known him for minutes, didn't know his name, and had an inkling he was a dangerous person, yet he knew me better than my own family. I could tell just by the look on his face when I hesitantly stepped around him.
Before leaving, I bowed again, sparing him one last glance before rushing down the alleyway in the direction I'd come. As I searched for my cousin, I couldn't help but wonder what kind of changes I'd have made if I'd chosen to stay in the alleyway with that intimidating man.
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lynn1819summers · 7 months
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King Alfred in every episode | 1x06 - Episode 6
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lynn1819summers · 7 months
Classic 🤣
have you ever noticed how in the Lord of the Rings films...
Throughout the Fellowship of the Ring, Boromir wears unique leather bracers (forearm-guards) adorned with the symbol of the White Tower and the Seven Stars…
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After Boromir’s death, Aragorn takes up his bracers. He takes them as a reminder that Boromir’s kingdom is now his kingdom, that Boromir’s burden now falls on his shoulders….or just as something to remember his friend by…
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 Aragorn wears them throughout the Two Towers…
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And Return of the King….
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And when we’re shown a “flash-forward” to Aragorn’s death, many long decades after The War of the Ring, he isn’t laid to rest in a king’s priceless silver armor. Instead, we find out…
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...Aragorn keeps Boromir’s bracers all his life, and is buried in them
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lynn1819summers · 10 months
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He must not witness me sickly.
For @kingslionheart and @jeynepoole
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lynn1819summers · 10 months
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Hugh Jackman & James Marsden Behind the Scenes of the Making of X-Men (2000) 
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lynn1819summers · 10 months
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Hugh Jackman & James Marsden Behind the Scenes of the Making of X-Men (2000) 
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lynn1819summers · 10 months
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Scott/Logan AU // Logan finds a powerless Scott who is self destructive and he tries to convince him to come back to the X-men
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lynn1819summers · 10 months
*Clark finds out Lois has a fiancé in Superman Returns*:
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Me too, Clark. Me too.
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lynn1819summers · 10 months
There’s actually another favourite scene that I haven’t had the time to draw. It’s in the marsh episode, and it is hilarious to watch.
So basically, in the boat scene, Uhtred told Alfred he’s a king of nothing:
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Then later when Uhtred went looking for him, he suddenly said this:
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Lmao Alfred somehow still remembered that argument! And he really wanted to have the last say on that matter. That is so petty of him xD
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lynn1819summers · 10 months
Man I'm really starting to see what the folks over at Uhtred x Alfred dot com are on about. This scene where they're meeting for what could have been the last time, Alfred dying, Uhtred an outlaw. Both of them angry, but they can't wholly turn their backs on one another. There's layers to this scene I'm sure other people can put into words much better but. It's beautiful.
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lynn1819summers · 10 months
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So, uh, I might have a new hyperfixation. Mostly are redraws of my fav scenes because I'm tying to get a hang on their faces.
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lynn1819summers · 10 months
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sometimes you just need some floor time w/ your sibling ya know
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lynn1819summers · 10 months
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the urge to protect is TOO strong
// Wolverine Epic Collection: Tooth and Claw
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lynn1819summers · 10 months
These two sets of photoshoots are extraordinary, aren't they? Stunning and strangely compatible. I cannot stop thinking about them.
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So, I did something with some of these beautiful photos. They are perfect!
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original photos of David Dawson: ZEB DAEMEN's instagram
photographs of Alexander Dreymon by Dennis Tejero from Alexander Dreymon's instagram
I wish you guys would be inspired by these pictures as much as I am and consider writing a fiction or two.
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lynn1819summers · 10 months
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Prince Edward from Disenchanted
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