mabermaple · 2 days
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mabermaple · 9 months
thinking about how when i used to date men i was all ‘wow i'm so chill and cool and nonchalant when it comes to dating😹’ and as soon as i realised i was a lesbian i also realised i am the biggest loser lesbian on planet earth like i am a loser with a capital L it was a very humbling change
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mabermaple · 10 months
request: Dina and JJ playing with a puppy
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ok this is kinda far off the request.. buttt here you go! i hope it didn’t disappoint 🙏💕💕
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mabermaple · 10 months
waiit so like im getting an influx of followers and like i just wanna say.. my god am i stressing over pt 2 😭 im so busy i keep putting it aside im so sorry to my 1 commenter who said they we're excited for pt2 😔💓
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mabermaple · 10 months
"people keep writing about ellie/abby being in a band, like its so unoriginal"
yeah well people wanna have fun and create their own ideas based on that?? so??
to me its like saying "no we dont need movies about magic and wizards, hp already did that"
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mabermaple · 10 months
hateful writers when someone on tumblr wants to have fun and write smaus 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
like. the quality of fics HAS NOT GONE DOWN. YOU'RE JUST SEEING ONES THAT YOU AREN'T EVEN INTERESTED IN?? people have different writing styles, writing interests etc..
y'all are so fucking miserable, people on here just wanna have fun and post simple things but apparently it's not deemed good enough lmaooo
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mabermaple · 10 months
"ahoy, I'm gay"
Cascina!! You may know them as Dina's face model, today they came out as pansexual! 💓
They're Non-Binary, and use They/Them pronouns!
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mabermaple · 10 months
your texting fic was so nice bby
thank you 🥺😭 I'll try to get pt2 out as soon as i can !! 🩷
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mabermaple · 10 months
i hate being late bro. im an hour late to the fucking get together. fucking bullshit
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mabermaple · 10 months
me when i have to post pt2 for a fic i worked on (i do have ideas, just no energy)
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mabermaple · 10 months
Pawsitively Persistent 🧶(1/2)
pairing: ellie williams x reader
synopsis: ellie so desperately wants to adopt a cat, even with you saying no to her multiple times, she stays persistent in asking for one. with her birthday coming up, you decide it's the perfect time to get her one!
warnings: sfw!, reader is more of the desicion maker in their relationship! ellie being cutesy n all.
a/n: hi! this is part one of two. this is my first ever fic so pls be nice or i'll cry <3 shout out to all those amazing writers, you've given me so much inspiration and help on how to format! this is my own idea but idk if anyone has done it before, so if it seems familiar pls lmk, i dont want trouble 🥲
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Those were just the very few conversations you and Ellie would have. Her being persistent as ever, and never taking no for an answer.
Of course there were times where you felt bad turning her down, you both always got each other what you want! But having an animal in the house was a different conversation.
Ellie specifically wanted a kitten, she said "It's so that the kitten gets used to us! What if we get a middle aged cat and it hates our guts, then what?" ...By middle aged, she probably meant like a three or four year old cat, but you cant really bring yourself to disagree with her, neither of you've owned a cat before anyways..
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a couple days later
It was your day-off from work today! After watching endless tiktoks for whoever knows how long, you get up from you and Ellie's shared bed and head towards your door to get a snack in the kitchen. As your hand meets the bedroom door handle, your eyes catch sight of your calendar, which hung right behind your door. There, written in pink ink, Ellie's Birthday! "Oh right! only a week left" you say. With that, you head on over to the kitchen as you make a mental note to yourself to come up with gift ideas for the girl.
As you sip cold water from your tumbler, you scroll through pinterest for gift ideas. Somehow, none of the gifts seem to spark an interest within you. They were nice, but they all felt a little bit too simple, or too extravagant. Ellie would appreciate anything you gave her, hell, you could literally just present yourself and she'd be happy! But no, you wanted to give her something.
Almost thirty minutes of scrolling has passed, still nothing. You tried tiktok, still nothing. You decide to just give up, and text Ellie in hopes of finding out what she wants for her birthday. As you click on her contact, your conversation from a couple days ago suddenly pops up in your head. Ellie really wants a cat..
Finally, you get the perfect gift idea! You wait till her break time to text her.
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Oh shit, I did not think my replies through
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She has no idea for what's about to come..
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After getting dressed and picking up Ellie from her workplace, you were finally here! "Ready to go inside?" you ask. "You have no idea how excited I am right now!" Ellie says. And she looks so giddy, like a child whose father finally gave in and allowed them to buy what they want after saying no multiple times. You cant help but chuckle. You were definitely gonna be like that father, but not today, she'll have to wait!
You were greeted by the shelter attendant once you came in. "Hello! Welcome! I'm Clara, the shelter attendant, may I know if you have a specific appointment? Or if you're here to just look around?"
"Hello! Just to look around! Specifically the cats though." You say. Clara smiles warmly at the both of you and ushers you to another employee. "This is Julie, she supervises the cat kennel, she'll lead you two inside." You both nod and say thank you, and head inside with Julie.
As you and Ellie step inside, you're both met with the sounds of cats meowing and the sight of cute kittens, which were secluded in a different area as to not get trampled by the many cats zooming around. Your girlfriend can hardly contain her excitement, as she pulls you away with her and rushes over to sit down. She's immediately stormed by cats, some literally just running over her and some crawling in to her lap. You giggle at her eagerness. Her hands going crazy petting every cat in sight.
Together you spend time interacting with the several cats up for adoption, and as Ellie busies herself, you carefully go up to Julie. "How exactly do the adoption processes go? I told her we aren't getting one at all because I'm saving the surprise for next week, her birthday" You tell her. Julie explains everything, and afterwards secretly hands you the adoption papers which you're now keeping hidden in your bag. You thank her and head on over back to Ellie, who's playing with just one cat now. Looks like she found the one, huh.
Ellie looks over to you as you crouch down beside her. "Baby look, isn't he so cute?" You take your phone out and snap a picture of her and the cat. "He does look so cute!" You eye his collar, engraved on it is his name, Biscuit. You pet him, running you fingertips on his soft fur and he gives a purr at your actions. Now that just makes you feel extra guilty– darn cat.
Your girlfriend's heart is melting at the sight of Biscuit. You can see the connection between Ellie and Biscuit growing stronger by the minute, and it warms your heart to witness their bond. You have to leave eventually and it pains you to do so. Seeing the solemn look on Ellie's face makes your heart crumble. As you leave the shelter, Ellie can't stop talking about how much she adored Biscuit and how she wishes she could bring him home.
You talk as you walk hand in hand towards the car.
"D'you have fun Els?" you ask.
"Yeah," she says with a sigh. "Reallyy wish we could've brought him with us y'know.."
You notice the defeated look on her face and it makes your heart ache. "I know baby, I'm sorry." You give her a kiss on her cheek as you say so.
You both arrive home. Kicking off your shoes as Ellie walks to the bedroom to grab a fresh set of clothes. "I'm gonna go take a shower!" Ellie yells from the bedroom. "Alright, go freshen up! I'll make us dinner!" You reply. You opt for Mac N Cheese. Homemade of course. You reheated it on the stove and air-fryed some extra bacon and chicken tenders.
After thirty minutes, you started setting the table and you called out Ellie. "El! Dinner's ready!" She was brushing her hair out when you called her. Walking in to the kitchen, the smell of bacon hitting her straight in the face. "Smells so good babe" She says, as she walks towards you and hugs you from behind. "C'mon let's sit an' eat now"
You sat beside each other, comfortable silence surrounding you both as you ate. Ellie kept moving closer to you, she keeps looking like she has something to say but is hesitant. Having enough of it, you pull her closer to you by her waist. "What's going on inside my baby's head, huh?" you ask her as you look in to her eyes. Your actions slightly catching her off guard, making her blush and shake her head signaling nothing. You drink water, still holding her close to you, "Ellie." you call. She looks at you replies timidly with a "yes?". You ask her, "Are you upset? Over Biscuit?". Her eyes moved away from your face and she looks down, she definitely isn't hiding this well.
"No?" she says.
"Are you asking me or are you telling me?"
"Okay fine– I am. I am upset over him. He was just so cute babe! I really wanted him for us.."
"Oh baby.. You know I couldn't say yes because we're both always busy with work. Who's gonna take care of your cat if I allow him, huh?" You were gonna take care of him too of course, your work schedules would allow it! You're just saying this so she loses hope.
"My cat? He's gonna be ours, not just mine." She says as she rolls her eyes. She's getting mad cause she didn't get what she wanted.
"Okay, whatever– hey! don't roll your eyes at me. Like I said, no. I'm sorry baby but no. I know you really like him but now is not the time. Maybe next year, alright?" you say as you rub her side affectionately.
Next year?! That'll take forever, but if it means surely getting a cat then she'll wait. "I'll hold on to that 'next year promise!'"
You both clean up the kitchen, you offer to wash the dishes and you tell Ellie to get some rest upstairs.
"You sure sure you don't want help?"
"Yes Ellie, now go get some rest. You've been up all day!" She hugs and kisses you before heading upstairs to your shared bedroom.
Now that Ellie's gone, you pull out the adoption paperwork from your bag and fill up all the details needed. You and Ellie were cleared to adopt already, but neither of you actually chose one to bring home, so this was gonna be a smooth process. After fifteen minutes, the paper was complete! Now all's left is to hide it, go to the shelter on Ellie's work day, and wait till her birthday.
You glanced at the clock, 12:45am it read. You kept the papers and checked the house one more time before shutting the lights and heading upstairs. Finally, you can lay in bed with Ellie and go to sleep. She was already passed out when you came inside, rough day probably. You placed your phone on the night stand and scooted closer to Ellie, you were facing her, moving to hug her in her sleep. She looked so pretty, so at peace in her slumber that you couldn't help but smile as you closed your eyes and nuzzled in to her.
Oh you couldn't wait for her birthday.
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mabermaple · 10 months
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mabermaple · 10 months
had a misunderstanding, i hope people aren't posting about me 🥹 lowkey terrified right now
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mabermaple · 10 months
i have a fic in the works right now but it'll take me a while 🥲 just felt the need to explain myself to my 28 followers cause i gained them suddenly 💓 thanks for the support! let's hope i actually commit to this like– fuck, man.
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mabermaple · 10 months
tlou show is so devastating i ain't buying the game im a depressed homosexual right now
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mabermaple · 11 months
texts with gf ellie! 02.
a/n: thank you very much for the support on my first text fic work! here's another 🩷 based yet again on another chat i saw. i hope u guys like it!
no warnings
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mabermaple · 11 months
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